The track of dawn in the world of American manga

Chapter 425 40. When the great Brainiac came to the end, he deserved this 1 bullet

Chapter 425 40. The great Brainiac deserved this bullet when he came to the end

The sentinel whose soul was ignited fell to the ground.

His eyeballs have turned into weird sandy soil under the flames that burn his soul, and the void power of the dark side that was born in a weak heart has no movement.

Perhaps it has returned to the place where it was born.

There are certain rumors about the origin of the sentinel, saying that the sudden birth of this powerful guy disturbed the balance of the universe, so the will of the universe gave birth to a dark force to correspond to it as a balance supplement.

This rumor is a bit bizarre.

But seeing the sentinel's cowardly soul being burned, and the nothingness that was strong enough to tear apart the solar system disappeared in an instant, which seemed to prove that although the rumor was outrageous, it also had a certain degree of credibility.

In any case, Mason should probably thank the swordsman for his failed deception and trapping and the warlock for his cunning and insidiousness, for sending him Johnny Skeleton, a "good helper" when he needed it most.

That is to say, this guy has the BUG skill that can bypass all obstacles of reality and directly judge the soul. Otherwise, just like the sentinel who was insane just now, it would not be good to let other people come.

Mason stepped forward and took out a special biological cabin to store the sentinel's body in it, then looked back at the battlefield on the other side.

Brainiac was still vigorously beating Hulk and the kind-hearted version of Thanos. Fury sensed that something was wrong here and sent King Hulk over.

But at this time, the combination of the two good and evil Hulks still can't stop the raging of Brainiac's super power armor. At the same time, because Bate Moss pulled his own data program from the exile spaceship, Lao Bu can control part of the exile spaceship again. arming module.

The thick mechanical tentacles under the spaceships tore through the ground like a dragon breaking through the ground, entangled the two Hulks and made it difficult for them to approach themselves.

Facing this brute-force opponent, Brainiac chose the most suitable "flying a kite" tactic, and remotely manipulated the tentacles probe like a mechanical magician to wrap the bruised and swollen Thanos around his neck and hang him in the air.

"I have traveled through so many universes, and it is really strange to meet a kind Thanos who has not yet fallen into a distorted ideal!"

Unscathed by the siege of the mightiest heroes in the entire world, Brainiac brought Thanos up to his eyes with two probing tentacles.

A mechanical tentacle popped out from the shoulder of the Power Armor of the Universe, and sharp probes pierced from the tip of the flexible tentacles, shaking and shooting out weird beams of light in front of Thanos' eyes.

Thanos, who was beaten and unable to resist, yelled in pain, Purple Sweet Potato Jing's body twitched and even rolled his eyes.

Even though he was still in the fierce battle at this time, Brainiac had already begun to extract Thanos' memory to check in front of his eyes, which represented another outbreak of Old Bu's hopeless "desire to collect".

He glanced at the memory of the rare "whitewashed version of Thanos" in front of him, and whispered:

"You were still born as an outcast of the Titan clan, but you were not rejected by your parents, and you were extremely lucky to escape the Goddess of Death's call to you, and you maintained a pretty good relationship with your cunning brother.

He was given love since he was a child, so he knows how to give love. When he became an adult, he did not choose the path of destruction but embarked on a space roaming
Tsk tsk tsk, do you know how low the probability of you getting to this point is?

I'm wrong.

You are the rare treasure and collection, the crystallization and gift of fate from this abnormal world that has undergone too many changes in the timeline. My anger has been washed away a lot because of your appearance.

Perhaps, I should give this world a more straightforward death because of this? "

"Let him go!"

The roar from the rear represented the source of the other heroes. The round shield flew over and hit Old Bu's head, but the mechanical tentacles extending from the exile spaceship danced flexibly and knocked out the attacking object.

Captain Carter received his shield from the air and turned around and landed. Behind her, the storm girl gathered thunder from the sky and hit Lao Bu to cover the charge of others.

But it didn't work at all.

Cyclops was blasted out by Brainiac's shoulder cannon as soon as he met his face. Logan advanced further but was pierced into the back by the tentacles that popped out from his feet and lifted into the air. As a result, the space conqueror punched him in the chest and tore his "steel body" apart.

Hawkeye's explosive arrows couldn't break through the defense, and Human Torch tried to burn it with flames, but Lao Bu absorbed the energy and shot a laser from his eyes to knock it down in the air.

Carter dodged the mechanical tentacles flying all over the sky and approached Brainiac, intending to have a wave of "[-]-[-]", but was kicked by the old Bu who didn't speak martial arts, and the round shield was smashed, and her whole body was blown away like a cannonball go out.

The young phantom cat intends to travel there and grab Old Bu's heart.

But her time-travel ability couldn't pierce Old Bu's invincible armor at all. If the Iceman didn't save her quickly, the little girl would have her head crushed by the ruthless Brainiac.

Farther away, the Star Lord Black Panther has opened the supreme arsenal again.

He took out various artifacts from it to arm the heroes, but the threat of these artifacts to Brainiac, a twelfth-level intelligent creature, was also very limited.

Big kill special kill!

There are heroes constantly rushing up and being knocked to the ground by Brainiac.

Most of them will be instantly killed by Lao Bu, because the weaknesses of these guys have been mastered by the God of Wisdom.

In addition, his power armor made of Origin X metal is too buggy. Magic immunity and energy absorption alone are enough to make energy heroes no longer threaten him.

Even Hei Qi, who had been hiding in the dark field and peeking at the battlefield, felt it was tricky. This gloomy guy had been waiting for Mason to take the initiative to ask him for support, so that he could negotiate terms with Mason.

Unexpectedly, Mason was determined to solve it by himself because he was a bastard, and he has never had a chance to make a move until now.

And after really seeing Brainiac's strength, Hei Qiyi carefully compared and found that if he wins, the chances of winning are not great?He also had no way of breaking through the origin armor that Old Bu had obtained from a cosmic melting pot of unknown plane.

"Quick! Quickly!"

The scene in front of her made Harry see it in her eyes and was anxious in her heart. She urged Dr. Reed and Dr. Doom who were busy beside the equipment, and shouted in a sharp voice:

"They are about to be wiped out, use your invincible wisdom to find a way!"

"Don't rush!"

Dum said in a gloomy tone:

"Already trying to interfere with his armor. That thing is connected to Brainiac's data core. We have to fight him at the data level."

"Neither of us can break through the firewall faster than that guy can rewrite the defense with data thinking."

Dr. Reed wiped his sweat and complained:
"It's almost like two toddlers trying to outwit a fully armed adult."

"He's coming this way!"

Harry exclaimed.

Mason suddenly turned around and saw Brainiac wrapping the unconscious Thanos into the exile spaceship with mechanical tentacles, and then charged towards them.

Apparently, Lao Bu realized that his Power Armor system was being hacked.

He wants to solve this last trouble with his own hands.


Fenrir's battle armor was released, and Mason jumped into it without saying a word and greeted him. After meeting him, Lao Bu removed the BFG energy cannon component of his left arm.

The so-called indestructible vibranium is like paper in front of Brainiac's more advanced neuro-powered armor.

"There is an ultrasonic device on his gauntlet, which can deflect the constant molecular structure inside the vibranium and change the physical properties of the vibranium! Don't touch it directly, and adopt a dogfighting strategy."

The calm voice of the female Ultron sounded in the cockpit, providing Mason with a more effective way of fighting.

The captain manipulated the power armor to retreat, and then bounced off the shoulder cannon, blasting the high-energy particle beam at Old Bu's face.

But the opponent was unharmed, instead he charged towards Mason, and a strange magnetic field erupted in an instant, causing the shell of Mason's Vibrating Power Armor, which had spent a lot of effort to build, to be completely "disassembled".

"Simulate Magneto's magnetic field control?"

Mason recognized the move immediately, and then realized that Fenrir's power armor couldn't stop this guy.

He had to admit.

There is still a certain gap between him and Brainiac in terms of rational use of hero abilities, and this guy must have a lot of "super tactics" stored in his power armor.

"Mason Cooper! I'm going to take your head off and send it to old A to express my dissatisfaction!"

While manipulating the magnetic field, Brainiac "disassembled" Fenrir's armor on the battlefield, and threatened incomparably with the flying parts:
"Your activity cost me Ultron Perfection, you shamed me and suffered a terrible loss, but that's no big deal. I've captured the phase coordinates on you, and I know where you came from.

The superman who is about to grow to perfection in your world can still be my other body.

I will keep your consciousness.

I will let you see your world burn to ashes before your eyes! "

"You'd better escape from here first, the habit of not making yourself a helmet will kill you one day."

Mason snapped off the life-binding rat charm on the console, stopping the action of Fenrir's armor in an instant, and he reorganized himself with water and activated the self-explosive module the moment he left the battlefield.

Then there was a loud noise that pierced the sky, and the miniature mushroom cloud exploded on the spot.

The mechanical crown on Brainiac's head used to connect to the Exile spaceship was blown away, and Lao Bu himself was covered in black and ash from the close-range physical bombing.

He was still not injured, but at the next moment he felt that the water in his body began to become abnormally active.

The biological fluid used to maintain the operation of the cyborg body began to reverse, and when he opened his mouth, he sprayed out a mouthful of engine oil. Obviously, as an intelligent life, he didn't have such a thing as blood that Mason could use as a weapon to attack him.

"Get out!"

The active power armor of the universe burst out a burst of energy oppression on Brainiac's body, breaking Mason's plan to integrate into his body as water molecules, and at the same time forcing Mason out of the body to make him reappear in a pool of blood not far away. body.

"Bartmoss! Are you fucking alright?"

Mason, who was almost out of cards, pulled out a new disposable BFG9000 electromagnetic gun and aimed it at Brainiac. The latter was caught by the arm of King Hulk who rushed from behind and smashed to the back. He was frustrated by his desire to die Hulk took it in his hand and said "Hold a pig in his arms to kill".

After breaking free with three fists and two feet, he was suppressed by the last sound wave of Black Bolt King, and then the shock team and Thor dragged their bodies forward to block them with fists and feet. This was the final counterattack.

All the fallen earth heroes are everywhere, and even Captain Carter, who has always been unyielding, can't stand up now.

Facing Mason's scolding, the God of Data finally responded after a few seconds:
"Finished! The system restart program that can break through the active power armor of the universe is sent! The countdown to take effect is 15 seconds"

"Wait! Can you stop his data transfer?"

Mason relieved the pressure in his heart, and asked Buttermos again:
"When Brainiac realizes that failure is inevitable, he will definitely transfer his huge consciousness outside the plane. Can you seal it with a method similar to a data sandbox?

Can't let it run away!

Otherwise, it would not be a perfect victory for us to pay so much. "

"You really dare to think! And you still have a perfect victory?"

The God of Hackers complained:
"No wonder Ott commented that you are a man with a powerful and unconstrained style, but do you know how big Brainiac's data awareness is? You really casually said a terrible plan, which reminded me of what I encountered when I was still a person. Those unscrupulous parties"

"Just tell me if you can do it?"

Mason asked with rare irascibility:

"The man who has been called the God of Data can't say he can't do it?"

"I can."

Butmoss thought for a few seconds and replied:
"But the execution conditions are very extreme. The first problem is that you have to find a data sandbox that can accommodate Brainiac's huge consciousness. The redundant area must be at least five times larger than the database you prepared for me.
But this thing is basically impossible to do with the technological power of the current world, so I will advise you to give up.

Weakening him and injuring him is the best solution.

After losing the Exile spaceship and the active power armor of the universe, Brainiac's power will be greatly weakened, which will affect his position in the Council of Hope and make him increasingly marginalized.

This is already a great victory for you. "

"I worked so hard to smuggle you here not for such a small gain."

Mason was clearly dissatisfied with this second-best solution, but right now there was no better way.

When Batemos counted down to three seconds, Mason suddenly got up, and a water jump made him rush to the old Bu who was pressing Thor to snatch Thor's Hammer, and raised the electromagnetic gun in his hand to aim.

In the next instant, the system restart procedure takes effect.

Brainiac's complexion changed drastically, and his X-metal origin power armor completely stopped at this moment, and he, the operator, was ejected from the cockpit with a crackling sound.

The pressure brought by the huge consciousness made Lao Bu unable to act at all under normal circumstances. This throw turned him from an overwhelming cosmic overlord to a green-skinned intelligent idiot with a very good brain but no ability to move.

He lay in a pool of blood on the ground in embarrassment, and when he looked up, he saw Mason's gun pointed at his head.

Brainiac realized that his failure was inevitable, and he didn't express too much anger or madness, but just accepted the result calmly.

With the start of the transfer program of the internal data core of its cyborg body, the bionic body No. N in the Brainiac base hidden in a certain remote plane has already started the activation process.

He will suffer a humiliating defeat here.

But he won't die.

He will recuperate in his own field, lick his wounds while accumulating strength, and make a comeback at an appropriate time.

He's not without failure.

But he can afford to lose!
Just when Brainiac was about to shift his consciousness, Mason had already put his finger on the trigger and was about to shoot but stopped suddenly. He looked up and saw the big bald head of Frog Figure quietly appearing above the battlefield, like The rhythm with which observers record events.

However, beside Frog Picture at this time, there was another guy floating.

Perfect Ultron!

It stood beside Frog just like a newborn child.

The big bald head whispered something to it, and then Ultron's figure disappeared in place, and when he reappeared, he had already lifted the old Bu who had closed his eyes waiting to die from the ground.

As Brainiac finally showed a horrified expression, the mechanical left hand shining with infinite light pierced through his body with a puff, and when he took it out, he had already held the data core of Old Bu.

For intelligent creatures, this is the equivalent of a heart.

"what should I do?"

Perfect Ultron raised his head, and heard its voice under the closed mechanical helmet. With a trace of doubt, Mason immediately reacted and shouted at Bate Moss:

"Teach it to block this bastard! The perfect god body that Brainiac created for himself is his final cage, and the will he wanted to kill will become the eternal jailer of the conqueror of the universe.

For a life that claims to have conquered the universe, it's an ironic enough ending. "

After speaking, Mason strode forward and stood next to Brainiac's cyborg body from which the data core had been taken out, aiming the disposable electromagnetic cannon at his head.

Lao Bu, who was pinched by the data core and forcibly terminated the transfer program, was still alive, and could only watch helplessly as Mason held the gun on his forehead.

"I'm sorry, I lied to you, Director Brainiac. All this has nothing to do with old A, that coward would not dare to oppose a powerful person like you.

This is all my idea.

I am the one who failed you, and I am the one who sent you back to the west, a mere ant in your eyes. "

Mason looked down at this godlike guy.

He shrugged and said:

"Sorry, you can't ruin my world, we're here to say goodbye, no, goodbye, Your Excellency the Director!"


(End of this chapter)

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