The track of dawn in the world of American manga

Chapter 426 41. This self-proclaimed "King of the World", what do you mean by putting your

Chapter 426 41. This self-proclaimed "King of the World", what do you mean by putting your hand on my spaceship?
The Falke gun, which can only be used once, was fully charged in an instant, and then it was fired precisely, and the green burst beam completely engulfed Brainiac's upper body.

The twelfth-level intelligent creature's modification of its cyborg body is absolutely first-class, so after the face-lifting gun gun was destroyed, the bionic skin was only burned off, and a hole was opened in the head by the way, and its body was still intact. Basically intact.

Then it twisted and stood up in a very strange posture under Mason's weird gaze.

This scene made the exhausted heroes look at each other, and they thought it was Brainiac activating some damn "dead corpse" program.

The disheartened Thor was about to strike forward with his warhammer, but was blocked by Mason.

He threw away the scrapped electromagnetic gun angrily, and said:
"Not so scary! Does the legendary data god still like horror movies?"

"I just wanted to try what it felt like to have a body again"

This distorted mechanical body issued Brainiac's voice, but the weird tone in it was obviously not owned by the old Bu who remained indifferent all the time.

Butmoss activated the wreckage and jumped on the spot, then turned the burnt unrecognizable head, clasped the mechanical skull that was still emitting high temperature with both hands, and took off his "head" with a click.

The god of data handed Brainiac's head to Mason with both hands like a headless horseman, and said with some respect and emotion:
"This is your trophy, something that makes a data life like me feel majestic. Salute to you, Mason Cooper! You have accomplished a miracle today.

Although 80% of the work is done by me, this does not prevent you from enjoying the glory. "

"If you want to recover Brainiac's data, you should do so generously. You don't have to do such a poor performance."

Mason reached out to take the mechanical head, lowered his voice and said:
"Anyway, no one here can stop you from taking away the secrets hidden in the brain of the old cloth machine, and go to teach Perfect Ultron how to seal Brainiac.

I don't want to see this unlucky guy again on any occasion in the future. "

"As you wish, Master Mason."

Batemos took a step back, leaned over in an exaggerated salute, and then pulled his data consciousness away to let the headless corpse fall to the ground again with a bang, which completely relieved the exhausted heroes around him.

Now they are completely defeated, but there is no way to face another high-intensity battle.

Batemos no longer used the form of hacking, but used data interaction to teach Perfect Ultron to put Brainiac's data core into its body supported by six infinity gems, and programmed it in an extremely complicated way. Let's create an inescapable data sandbox for Lao Bu, a level [-] intelligent creature.

"Can't it be completely destroyed?"

Captain Marvel, whose hair was burned off, sat down on the ground, and she complained while wiping the blood from her nostrils:

"The seal... sounds unreliable."

"You don't seem to have any idea of ​​the existence of twelfth-level intelligent creatures, Captain."

Dr. Reed came over to help his unconscious wife, and explained to the shocking team:
"Brainiac's wisdom has reached the highest level in the universe, and the entire parallel world system has almost no secrets in his eyes. He has made a lot of preparations to ensure that his existence will not perish.

With our current technological means, it is impossible to guarantee that he will be destroyed without leaving hidden dangers. In this case, it is the best choice for him to be guarded and sealed by a powerful machine designed by himself.

We were really lucky to win."

"Brainiac has acquired too much knowledge in the organization called 'Hope Council', which made him extremely powerful in a short period of time, but at the same time, he also entered a dilemma where his body could not keep up with the progress of his mind.

This forces him to rely on a flawed set of foreign objects to fight. "

Doom's explanation is decidedly more succinct.

The gloomy king tore off his tattered king's cloak and threw it aside. He looked at the Power Armor of the Power of the Universe docked under the Outcaster spaceship. A trace of greed flashed in his eyes under the armor, but soon he disappeared. replaced by calm.

他 说:

"If Brainiac can move freely, if he is not at the disadvantage of being paralyzed, if he completes the consciousness transfer and has a perfect Ultron body, then we will have no chance of winning."

"But we won!"

Nick Fury, with a gloomy face, felt a headache when he saw the defeated soldier sleeping all over the floor.

The battle is over, but there are still many troublesome things, all of which need to be resolved by SHIELD.

Braised Egg shook his head and said:
"We defeated the evil that came and protected the world we own. Leave those worries for tomorrow, at least enjoy this victory today."

Those words made those who could still move nod their heads.

They began rounding up the wounded under Fury's direction, with Harley and Jagger distributing the medication.

Lao Bu's fighting style advocates simplicity and effectiveness, and does not pursue fatal massacres. He probably wants to make these heroes into his own machine servants. Therefore, although everyone is dying in a big battle, miraculously, there are not many die.

This is probably luck among misfortunes.

Mason did not participate in the post-disaster rescue. He was looking at the main power armor of the universe left by Brainiac. This set of shining silver armor with ruby ​​energy-gathering rings on each joint undoubtedly belonged to his booty.

Even Ciri didn't disagree with this.

"Your power armor has been dismantled again."

The hunter held a cup of coffee that he didn't know where to come from, and joked to Mason:

"I've heard Harley complain about it a long time ago, but if the armor you used can't survive a pioneering mission, the members of your team call you a vehicle killer.

I saw it today, it is really strong, even the power armor made by Zhenjin can't withstand your misfortune. "

"Don't listen to their nonsense!"

Mason forcefully explained in pale language:
"What exploded just now was only the internal frame of Fenrir's armor, and its outer armor and modules were removed by Brainiac using a magnetic field. In theory, the armor was not damaged.

It's a complete shell and everything, just make a new frame and it can be reassembled. Well, well, I admit that there may be some misunderstandings.

But lo and behold, I now have better ones! "

He reached out and knocked on the silver armor in front of him, and when his fingers touched, an information label bounced in front of Mason's eyes:

Lord of the Multiverse Neuromanipulation Power Armor
Quality: Engineering/Forging Artifact·Immortal Craftsmanship

Traits: Origin X Metal Crafting · Never Wear · Magic Immunity · Energy Absorption · Multiple Tactical Modules · Tactical Prediction · Lightning Response
Special effects:

[-]. Mechanical brood consciousness:

The armor Brainiac created for himself embodies the space conqueror's understanding of warfare, including several sets of completely different smart weapon modules to choose from.

When the manipulator's engineering skills reach Lv9, he will be able to activate the [Brood] module, freely manipulate the mechanical arms hidden in the power armor and activate all the functions of the Brainiac Legion drone.


This power armor adopts ultra-advanced technology, and when the engineering skill is lower than Lv8, it will not be able to complete basic operations and suffer unpredictable and dangerous damage.

[-]. Mysterious insulator:
This armor is made of extremely precious origin X metal, which is enough to withstand huge impact without damage and has various magical effects, but X metal has a constant effect of [Magic Immunity], so when the operator enters the armor, he will be immune While being attacked by all the mysterious side abilities, he was also temporarily suppressed all the mysterious side abilities of himself.

[-]. Unlimited transformation:
Brainiac considered subsequent upgrades when making the armor, so he reserved enough redundant space for transformation. When the engineering skill reaches Lv10 and the forging technique reaches Lv10, the follow-up transformation of the armor can be opened .

Producer: Brainiac

Item description: Congratulations on owning your first artifact, but unfortunately it belongs to the technology side of the weapon, listen to my advice, boy, magic is much cooler than technology!I think my first set of armor back then was the original artifact bestowed by the goddess.

The blueprint of the Lord of the Multiverse armor is included, but engineering Lv8 is required to understand and study it. Modifying the armor size requires engineering Lv8, forging Lv7 and the use of special raw materials (pure X metal).

"Are you sure you can use it now?"

Shirley was also very envious when she saw this set of power armor, but she knew that it was impossible for her to understand the working principle of this thing as a magician, so she could only give up, and asked Mason when she looked at Mason's frown.

The latter shook his head.

While putting this set of silver armor into the armor storage tank, he looked at the engineering of Lv6+1 on his character card, sighed and said:

"It won't work for the time being, but it should be almost enough if we work harder. Let's go around the spaceship. I need to find engineering instruments that match this set of armor."

Mason pointed to the exile spaceship that fell like a mountain of metal not far away.

Now that Brainiac is being sealed in the body by the perfect Ultron, this metal skeleton spaceship is completely lying down. Considering its super advanced technology, no one in this world can start it again.

But after a few seconds, Mason realized that what he said seemed to be too deadly.

Just as he and Ciri approached the metal spaceship, the latter suddenly shook.

Like a fake corpse, under Mason's stunned gaze, several thick metal tentacles hanging on the ground trembled and rose again, and the huge hook claws at the top of the tentacles began to shine with a dangerous red light.

Someone restarted it!

And those mechanical tentacles were tremblingly searching for the target, and finally landed on the heroes of the earth who were lying around and healing their wounds.


Attack again!
"Ha, ha, I finally got this opportunity! Finally! Always on the side of the winner! Hahaha, I won!"

In the messy main control room of the exile spaceship, the disgraced green goblin Osborn is fixing himself on Brainiac's mechanical throne.

He is very embarrassed.

The left arm is twisted abnormally, and the Iron Patriot battle armor made by the imitation mark series on his body is also torn, with scratches cut by cold weapons still remaining on it.

This is the "farewell memorial" left to Brainiac, the leader of the previous four [-]-year-olds of the Sinister Six when they were instigated to turn against him.

But a Goblin is always a Goblin.

His evil wisdom made him always be prepared for unexpected situations. When his armor was cut off by Ares, he realized that something was wrong, so he fled in embarrassment and gave himself first aid treatment.

He didn't show up in the melee that broke out just now, but waited patiently until all the dust settled before showing up and getting into the spaceship.

At this time, with trembling bloody fingers, he inserted the mechanical connector that Dum gave him before into the interface of the Mechanical Throne.

Under normal circumstances, it is impossible for this kind of data hacking thing to hide from Brainiac's detection, but now that Lao Bu himself is in trouble, how can he have extra energy to manage these things?

The Green Goblin stared at the optical projection projected on the armrest of the Mechanical Throne. There was a cracking progress bar on it, and every step forward would make the desire in Osborn's eyes more intense.

He knew that no one could stop him from taking control of this Space Conqueror battleship now.

After a few minutes of patient waiting, the hacking process was completed, and six mechanical tentacles extended from above the throne, covering the Green Goblin's forehead.

There is a special interface in Brainiac's head that allows him to control his spaceship with will. There is no interface in the Green Goblin's head, but it doesn't matter. Such advanced technology can naturally complete the reading of biological consciousness.

It just takes the Goblin a little bit of pain.


The throbbing blue current gushed out from the probe at the top of the tentacles, and it hit Norman's head so painfully that he grinned his teeth, but as a qualified villain, he was not afraid of pain. It felt like my will was finally connected to the Wanderer ship.

He could feel that this unowned spaceship was like a giant without a brain, and now, he was able to complete the "parasite" to manipulate his own "divine power".

"I will be the king of the world! No, the king of the universe! The conqueror of the infinite planes!"

A strange green color emerged from the depths of Osborn's pupils.

He lay on the mechanical throne and raised his head, his eyes lost focus, as if his consciousness had merged into this super spaceship.

He still can't analyze the huge database and weapon system of this spaceship, but it doesn't matter, he will have a lot of time to take his time in the future, and the most important thing now is to clear the last obstacle for his enthronement as king.

He used his consciousness to mobilize the mechanical tentacles of the exile spaceship, and manipulated them one by one to pull out from under the ground like waving his fingers.

Like a cobra catching a target.

The heroes lying in disorder on the surrounding battlefield were locked and aimed one by one, and their bad situation at this time of their repeated battles could not withstand the fatal blow from advanced technology.

The weapon module is charging, and the dangerous laser beam is ready to go.

Some people have already noticed that something is wrong here, and Zhang Parker swung towards this side immediately to stop the Green Goblin's trick, but Osborn laughed and waved his tentacles, and knocked Zhang Zong into the air like a baseball go out.

"Earth doesn't need so many heroes! You are just a source of chaos in the world! You are worthless, but maybe I need some super slaves?"

The Green Goblin grinned and pushed the attack mode to the final step. He shouted from the Mechanical Throne:

"Now, surrender to your master."


Just when the weapon was about to be activated to kill the remaining heroes, the huge error mark suddenly jumped into the consciousness of the proud Norman Osborn.

As if the program suddenly crashed, all activated weapons went offline at this instant.

The Green Goblin, who transferred his consciousness to the spacecraft database through the mechanical tentacles, stared at this scene dumbfounded.

He couldn't understand what was wrong.

Then, in the dizzying light of the data interface and reality alternating in front of his eyes, a middle-aged man with black-rimmed glasses and messy hair wearing a black T-shirt that programmers love suddenly appeared.

It was as if the stream of data had reconstructed his image and existence, and this guy even had an old mug in his hand.


Butmoss stared at the arrogant guy in front of him trying to pick up the leak.

He pushed his black-rimmed glasses speechlessly, and said to Norman Osborn who was staring at him in the data's field of vision:
"This spaceship belonged to me before, this is an agreement between me and Mason, why are you trying to steal my property so rudely?
What on earth gave you such crazy courage to think you could steal my victory after such a world war? "

"No, I can explain!"

Norman Osborn didn't know who the guy in front of him was, but from the perspective of data at this time, he could fully understand how powerful the guy in front of him was.

Even the computing power of just one thread of the latter is enough to make the Green Goblin terrified.

This guy may not be as good as Brainiac, but he is definitely not an existence that he can deal with, so the Green Goblin's survival instinct broke out at this moment.

He yelled:

"I can serve you!"

"Well, I do need some smart people to serve me."

The split program of Batemoss took a sip of the "water of data" in the mug, and with a smile, he stretched out his finger and touched his forehead lightly under the horrified gaze of the Green Goblin, saying:
"But I have to give you a test. Unlock this 'prosthetic body overheating' program within ten seconds, and I will admit that your wisdom can be used by me."

The Green Goblin felt his brain start to heat up rapidly.

Batemos implanted a virus used to subdue prosthetics into his brain through unknown means, and he frantically tried to understand the program and counter it.

There is also a huge countdown in front of the eyes, beating like a life-threatening ghost.



After ten breaths, something plump like a watermelon exploded on the Mechanical Throne, spilling dirty things everywhere.

Bate Moss in the data world watched this scene with a blank face. He raised his mug and said softly with regret:
"This headshot is really good, but unfortunately, you don't seem to be the kind of talent I want. I forgive your stupid behavior. Be careful in your next life, pathetic schemer."

(End of this chapter)

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