The track of dawn in the world of American manga

Chapter 430 45. The man finally decided to call his secret weapon "Miao Miao House"

Chapter 430 45. The man finally decided to call his secret weapon "Miao Miao House"

Odin's speech is not insane, although there may be performance elements based on the arrogant self-esteem of the god king, but as he said, he in this world did not adopt Loki, and the only natural heir to the throne is Thor.

Now the silly son has made it clear that he wants to stand with Mason, a foreigner. In order not to cause an incident that endangers the foundation of the Nine Realms, it is understandable that the God King chooses to be tough to the end.

And to be honest, the thinking of this old man who has lived for hundreds of thousands of years is also very clear.

He has already felt the dark tremor of the universe without experiencing the shock, which shows that the shock event caused by the epoch change of the old universe is just a appearance.

The final destruction will definitely come, so even if the earth is sacrificed, it will only be exchanged for a peaceful sleep. If there is no way out before the end of the era, it will be turned into fly ash. It is better to fight than to wait for death so slowly.

At least Mason has methods and plans at hand.

This is much more secure than Asgard starting now to study how to survive the end.

The God King didn't discuss any more with Mason. After all, the shock event still happened on the earth, and Asgard can give very limited help. At most, it can help Mason and others resist the coming from the depths of the universe when the next shock occurs. Those "big shots" who don't want to gamble.

With Odin's guarantee, Mason's heart still surged.

The plan he came up with for the next attack is destined to only cover a few parallel worlds that are connected to him. It is an experiment that blocks everything.

The winner does not necessarily take all, but the loser must lose everything.

In this case, it is still good to have one less worry.

Moreover, the truth about Lord Destiny, Mephisto, learned from Odin is more valuable. According to Odin, the godhead devil may be in a certain stage of preparation before "detachment", just like Blaney There is a reason for Yake to find the perfect divine body for himself to carry out the great journey.

If Mason can successfully ambush Brainiac in this world, it means that he may also copy his tactics to deal with Mephisto.

At present, the difficulty of the latter is obviously much greater than that of the former.

"How on earth did you convince my father to open his God King's treasure house to you?"

Thor has already brought Harley back to the Golden Palace, and the two of them walked around the main city of Asgard, allowing Harley to see the prosperity of the people of God's Domain, and bought a lot of oddballs for his teammates by the way. Weird "local products".

Of course, all this is paid for by the stupid and rich, hospitable Mr. Fu Ge Torto.

It's all on my own territory, how can you still let the distinguished guests pay with Mr. Tuo's character?
I can't!

The three talked and talked, and then they approached the treasure room under the palace under the leadership of the guards of the Golden Palace.

Facing Thor's inquiry, Mason shrugged and said:

"I actually just asked politely, but your father is not bragging that he can see everything in the world. He said that it may bring substantial help to my career, so he generously allowed me to taste his favorites.

I am deeply grateful for that. "

"Little sweetheart is collecting blueprints for legendary artifacts."

Harley, who was wearing a small Asgardian-style crown slantingly on her forehead, debunked Mason's plan. She took her two colorfully dressed and exchanged them with 99K pure Uru, the Asgardian bulldog. The dog with the gold collar, dancing forward, said to Thor again:

"Mr. K wants to make his own supreme arsenal, but he doesn't have enough knowledge right now. That shit needs 99 blueprints of legendary artifacts to make.

For a little sweetheart who scratches her head and suffers all day without doing something, this is intolerable. "

"Well, that's the truth."

Mason nodded solemnly, but Thor was not interested in it. The Supreme Arsenal, he had seen the real thing at the Star Lord Black Panther when he beat Brainiac before.

For a thunderbolt like him, those artifacts simulated by distorted reality are fake no matter how real they are. He prefers real things, such as the God King wine cellar that belonged to his father just passing by.

Mason looked around, and quietly slipped an engineering lock pick to Thor.

It's a fool's operation, you only need to insert it into the keyhole to automatically unlock the lock. It will definitely not open Brainiac's treasure house, but the lock used to kill a wine cellar is not a big problem.

Thor's eyes lit up, he secretly gestured his thumbs to Mason, then coughed a few times, turned around and whistled and left.

"This Thor is so stupid."

After watching Mr. Tuo, who was addicted to alcohol, leave, Harley leaned into Mason's ear and whispered:
"It's like a dude, but he is very popular. People in the whole city like him very much, and some people call him the future king."

"Of course, in this world, he doesn't need to experience his brother's rebellion, and he doesn't need to worry about Loki playing tricks on him. The biggest trouble in his life is being deceived by the Skrulls and falling out with his friends, but now it's over. Relationships are repaired.

His life was too chic and smooth. "

Mason shook his head and concluded:
"Thor in my hometown is probably about to burst into tears. Let him drink and enjoy his last peaceful time. After Odin told him about the fourth impact, he didn't have such a leisurely mood."


The gate of Odin's treasure house ahead was pushed open by two stout giant guards.

If Mason read it correctly, it should be the Frost Giant. In the Golden Palace of this world, there are even Frost Giants from Jotunheim serving as Odin's guards.

It seems that Thor is not the only one who is having a good time in this world, his father Odin is also going smoothly, no wonder he is upright.

"Wow, so many babies!"

Harry's eyes suddenly turned into jewels, and the treasure house in front of him was indeed a jewel. All kinds of artifacts from Norse mythology were placed here, and pieces of black marble were covered with legends.

However, Mason, who has already unlocked the blueprints of the Isu artifacts, does not have much demand for these weapons and armor. Apart from whether they contain divine power, the weapons of the two races are not much different in essence and destructive power.

In Mason's eyes, the divinity above all things is obviously a "negative state". He dare not attach divinity to his items, lest he be wiped out overnight by the greedy black death sword fragments.

As Harry said, all he needed were the blueprints and the formula itself.


With a sharp hissing sound and the flames galloping forward, Phoenix Fox, who didn't know where to go, suddenly appeared on Mason's shoulder.

I haven't seen him for a few days, but the physique of this wild phoenix has grown a lot, and it looks more gorgeous than before.

At this time, its eyes were fixed on the golden brazier erected at the front of Odin's treasury. The flame that was still burning without any fuel on it was like the most delicious food, attracting Fox's attention.

"O eternal fire."

Mason noticed the abnormality of Phoenix. He put down the Twilight Crown belonging to Surtur, the Lord of Flames, and comforted the restless Fox, saying:

"It's someone else's treasure. You can't eat it, or there will be diplomatic disputes. Although the King of God looks very gentle, I can't afford to provoke him."

"Choo Choo Choo!"

Fox neighed a few times in displeasure, expressing his dissatisfaction with the waste owner. It was too uncomfortable for him to eat the delicious flame in front of him.

But a turning point soon appeared.

Thor, who was smelling of alcohol, appeared in the treasury holding a bottle of wine in a crystal bottle. While hiccupping, he said to Mason:
"Am I dazzled? Why is there a phoenix on your shoulder? This thing is extinct in the Nine Realms, especially after the power of the phoenix came to the earth and was crushed by the fist of the dragon thousands of years ago. There is no more phoenix in the territory of the world tree." was born.

This is a rarity. "

"This is my pet"

Mason was about to introduce Fox, but suddenly felt Phoenix's cold eyes staring at him, so he hurriedly changed his words:
"This is my partner, Fox, the last phoenix from the magical world. As a noble thing, he is plotting the eternal fire of your house. Can you find a way to change it for a snack, so that my hair will not be burned by it tonight?" burnt out.

This little thing is very cunning. "

"The Eternal Flame? That's Dad's treasure. My old sister Hela's death army is driven by it. However, there is also the eternal fire in Heim's Underworld, which she usually doesn't use.

It’s not impossible to give at all, anyway, this thing basically shows its preciousness and beauty in peacetime. "

Thor rubbed his drunken eyes, and the moment he rolled his eyes, he made a request.

"This time I sneaked out to the earth to fight and almost died there. I angered my mother and fiancee. It is not easy to appease their anger. I mean, if there is a precious phoenix feather as a gift for Amy Ladies, it is easy to negotiate if they make them the absolute protagonists of the next Golden Palace banquet.

My father listened to my mother the most."

Hey, Mr. Tuo in this world is still an expert in female psychology research, a master at picking up girls, even after drinking like this, he still doesn't forget to do something for the two most important women in his life.

While Harry watched with a suppressed smile, this difficult problem was placed in front of the cunning and greedy Fox.

Either the wild phoenix regarded himself as a treasure and took off two flame tail feathers that Mason was not allowed to touch as "meal money", or he could only watch the rare and good things in front of his eyes but was about to return empty-handed.

Apparently, Fox didn't want to choose either of them, and even chirped around the drunk Thor to pretend to be pitiful, but Mr. Tuo didn't like that.

This fox is a male phoenix, not a female
Taking advantage of Fox's lack of trouble, Mason seized the time to search through the weapons, armor and legendary items in Odin's treasure house, and even got Thor's help to find the Destroyer armor hidden in the treasure house. some.

Combined with the various blueprints in my mind, I finally came up with 99 recipes of legendary items. In this way, the downgraded version of the supreme arsenal can finally be produced.

The three avatars of the "Mason Engineering Department" who had been waiting at the suitcase factory for a long time immediately drank the owl potion to refresh themselves, and then began to work hard.

Then at this moment, Mason's face suddenly changed.

"What's the matter? Sweetheart, is something wrong?"

Harry noticed the change in Mason's expression and hurriedly asked, Mason shook his head and said:

"It's nothing, it's just that I suddenly lost the connection with the three water bodies"

"They were attacked?"

Harry widened his eyes and exclaimed:
"Haven't they been hiding in the suitcase factory? Who could sneak up on them there?"


Mason rubbed his eyebrows and said with some embarrassment:
"It's a sudden death. I died from overwork because I've been so busy since I was born. Well, it seems that the water body is too realistic. It's not a good thing.

Uh, maybe it's time for me to re-plan my routine too, two hours of sleep a day isn't an unacceptable compromise. "

"Three hours!"

Harry held up three fingers and said very seriously:
"Two hours of sleep must be guaranteed, and an hour must be set aside to meet the various requirements of your lovely girlfriend, such as going out for a walk or something."

"Alright alright."

Mason agreed wholeheartedly, and he was really shocked just now.

At the moment when the water body was exhausted to death, as the main body, he really felt the illusion of death coming, and it was really unacceptable three times in a row.

"Then let's start today?"

Seeing Mason agreeing to come down, Harry was all smiles. She took Mason's arm and dragged him away from the treasure house, saying as she walked:

"I just saw an Asgardian style hotel outside the Golden Palace. There is an hour that belongs to me. Hurry up. I also bought Asgardian rope and skirts."

"Skirts I can understand, but rope."

Mason coughed and decided not to take the initiative to touch this taboo topic. He glanced back at Fox, who was still struggling, and shouted to it:
"We'll leave God's Domain in three hours, Fox, you'd better make a quick decision, your tail is always wrapped in flames, and no one can see the lack of two tail feathers, besides, that thing will grow back.

But Eternal Flame will be gone if you miss this time, don't yell at me, I just give you a suggestion. Besides, I'm really happy to see you unlucky. "

"Choo Choo Choo!"

The sharp neighing of the wild phoenix came from the treasure house.

Mason can't understand bird language, but it must be dirty. Oh, this greedy phoenix's tutor is really a problem.
Three hours later, Mason and Harley returned to Earth. The stinky-faced Fox stood on Mason's shoulder, savoring the deliciousness of the Eternal Flame, and burped from time to time at a temperature of several thousand degrees.

The flame on its tail burned more intensely than before, like a guilty conscience trying to cover up some shortcomings.

Mason is a little tired.

Not only because he had drawn up the construction of the Supreme Arsenal before leaving, but also because Harley, who was yawning next to him, was a little bastard who didn't count.

She clearly said that only one hour belonged to her, but in the end, she took up two and a half hours of Mason's three hours of rest. Of course, it was not an obscene thing, but she was dragging Mason on the road in the city of Asgard.

Her lunatic mind thought it was romantic.

But Mason felt that if he lived like this for three hours of rest every day, he might be one step closer to sudden death.

"We'll leave after Bartmoss sends someone to take the spaceship away."

Mason said to Halle, who had big bags in her hands:

"You go to Zha Kang and ask him to count the things he can take away. By the way, tell him to let him be quiet in the next few days, and he will see Xiao Zha after he goes back. I just gave him a favor."

Harley yawned and was about to find a place to rest, but Little Sweetheart's request had to be fulfilled, so she tiptoed to kiss Mason on the cheek, and ran out with her dog.

Mason found a nearby space on the outer armor of the exile spaceship, opened the suitcase, and jumped into the factory.

The three water bodies that died suddenly before had been replenished, and now counting twelve clones and one main body, thirteen masons gathered in the engineering laboratory.

They were chattering about the structure diagram that Mason had just drawn, and various raw materials and tools were placed in front of them. There was also a crooked banner hanging on the top of the workshop, with the above-mentioned line of big characters:
"The first production route discussion meeting of 'Mason Miu Miao House'"

"Who came up with this unlucky name?"

The main body, Mason, shouted to his avatars angrily:

"That thing is called Supreme Armory! What a handsome name, let's not change it casually, okay? You lawless guys!"

As soon as these words were uttered, the other twelve avatars immediately fell silent. They were dressed in different attires and looked at the main body surrounded by strange eyes at the same time.

Mason felt that the situation was not right, so he pushed the frame and asked:
"what happened?"

"My brothers are here to help you do hard work. You don't have a dime, and the three of you just died of exhaustion!"

The No. [-] Mason in bat form picked up the crowbar at hand and shouted:
"It's fine if you don't give condolences, you dog, and you still go to sleep with Harry? You still play rope games, right? How dare you yell at us? Give you face!"

"beat him!"

I don't know when Mason yelled.

In the next moment, a large group of clones swarmed up amidst the terrified shouts of the main body Mason, and the bastard Mason activated the Fenrir armor and drove in to fire.

For a moment, the entire suitcase factory was in chaos, alchemy bombs and kinetic energy bullets flew across, and the high-energy particle beam emitted by the power armor crossed the studio and quickly ignited a fire, which was put out by the beaten main body Mason with water.

For a while, screams and fights could be heard endlessly.

This wave.

This wave is the rebellion launched by the Mason Legion without fear of the main body's despotic power, and some of the main Masons have suffered.

Well, it seems that it is not a good thing to make the water body too realistic. Observers who have superpowers of the body must be warned.

(End of this chapter)

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