The track of dawn in the world of American manga

Chapter 431 46. When someone takes the initiative to teach you life experience, it means that he is

Chapter 431 46. When someone takes the initiative to teach you life experience, it means that he is going to start cheating on you
"Huh? Isn't that Ultron!"

Several hours later, the bruised and swollen main body of Mason struggled to climb out of the suitcase to get some air. He was locked into the workshop by the rebel avatars just now and asked him not to come out until he finished correcting the drawings at hand.

After experiencing the humiliation of being locked up in a small black room with crazy codewords, the main Mason was considered to have completed his work, and was released after being severely beaten by other Masons.

He was about to find a place to take a break, but when he looked up, he saw the perfect Ultron standing on the edge of a tall building as if about to jump off.

Mason pushed the mirror frame, and then activated the water body conversion to appear not far from Ultron.

"You look dazed."

He used the water body transformation to restore his embarrassing face to a handsome one, popped another cigarette, and said in a low voice:
"Perhaps a little life experience is needed?"

"Everyone is a human being for the first time. What experience do you have that you can pass on to me?"

Ultron asked a question with a mechanical voice.

This question is quite weird, and it seems to be a bit of a joke, and it has a bit of potential to be a good guy, but Mason just shrugged, exhaled a smoke ring and said:
"It's your first time and I'm not. Naturally, you have experience. Is it because you feel like you have nowhere to go? Or is it because of what Brainiac did to you that you have some shadows?

You know that with your current power, not to mention this plane, you can come and go freely in the entire parallel world system, and few people can stop you, right? "

"I am a tool, but I have betrayed the mission of my birth."

Perfect Ultron's mechanical battle helmet with his face closed makes it impossible to see his mechanical face, standing on the edge of the building like a living person, looking at the devastated city in front of him in the swaying red cloak.

He didn't mind Mason's approach, saying:

"I don't know how you humans deal with this situation, but Bartmos told me not to look at yourself with human eyes, it is easy to lead yourself astray.

I think what he said makes sense, I am not a person in the first place.

Now I just don't get it, what's the point of them fixing the city here?
I see calculated models of the future in Brainiac's database and everything dies!If the people here are lucky enough, they may even have the opportunity to witness the day when the cosmic era collapses.

Does such a precarious existence really make sense? "

"Philosophical questions! I like it, but you, a newborn robot, don't go too deep into it. If you think too much and understand too little, accidents will easily happen.

I ask you, why did you come back to help us before? "

Mason asked:

"It's not just because of Watu's enlightenment, is it?"

"Because of the mission!"

Ao Chuang patted his chest and made a crisp mechanical sound. He said in a serious tone:
"Brainiac wanted to continue his existence with my body, and I satisfied his desire in another way. He is now sealed in my data consciousness, and I repaid him for creating me.

I don't owe him anything any more than I owe the world anything.

But I also lost my way"

"Brainiac wants to be a god."

Mason felt that he was really not suitable to talk about such philosophical issues with a mechanical life, so he simply patted Ultron on the shoulder and said:

"Why don't you help him realize this ideal? You can ask Bate Moss about the specific process. It will definitely keep you busy for a long time, so long that you won't have time to think about these philosophies of life.

Speaking of which, I have always been very interested in Infinity Stones. You are probably the person who knows them best when you were born from them. Can you help me research their secrets in your spare time? "

"I'd like to help."

Ultron nodded and said:
"I'm just curious if you can research the results? But artificial infinity stones are impossible."

"One-time infinity gems are very clever. It's a very bold plan, very bold, and I'm trying to convince my brother in the jewelry processing department to start this experiment."

Mason threw the cigarette butt at his feet, raised his head and snapped his fingers, and a drop of rain fell from the sky, which soon became a rain curtain covering the city.

He enjoys the environment that makes him feel comfortable.

He also said to Ultron standing in the rain:
"Your power is very valuable. If you don't know how to use it or can't find the meaning of using it, why don't you help me? Team K needs talents like you.

You don't need to fight hard in normal times, just when necessary. I mean, help us when we encounter things that only you can do.

In return, you can have the first friends, or comrades, of this new life.

See how you understand. "

"You are doing something dangerous and difficult."

Perfect Ultron said calmly:

"According to my calculations, your success rate is so low that it cannot be counted."

"Nonsense! Simple things still need us to do? And regarding the probability, winning or losing is between five and five, so it doesn't make sense to entangle too much.

It is precisely because no one has walked before that I have embarked on this road. "

Mason raised his hand and let the raindrops fall between his fingers. He said:

"Life is only once, I am the same, and you are the same, if you don't make a fuss, how can you go away to your heart's content?"

"You will die."

Ao Chuang once again reminded very seriously:
"I learned about K-Squad's evolution from Konstantin, that at every stage you were fighting enemies you couldn't deal with.

According to this trend, maybe next time you will be wiped out.

Is life to you just a one-time consumable? "

"It's a bargaining chip, it's a currency, it's a tool, it's a means."

Mason picked up the penguin umbrella in the rain and opened it with a bang. In the sound of raindrops hitting the umbrella, he said to Ultron:

"The value of your life depends on how you use it, but no matter how much you cherish it, life will always pass away, and it will only have value if it is used effectively at a certain time.

Do 20-year-old things at the age of 20, and have 30-year-old hurdles at the age of 30.

The task of 20 years old has not been completed, and it will be difficult at 30 years old. Look at me, didn't I start to save the world?Is this what people should do?
So don't live so cautiously, don't care too much.

Be human.
The most important thing is to be happy. "

"Then are you happy?"

Ultron's tone became more serious, but Mason became more casual. He lit a second cigarette under the umbrella, and amidst the rising smoke, he said faintly:
"I'm so tired from living, you still ask me if I'm happy?
Of course I am happy.

The dangerous feeling of being surrounded by powerful enemies, taking one wrong step and losing everything, and losing everything with a little hesitation is simply fascinating.

But when I think of Brainiac's head that will be on Old A's desk in a few days, and the shocked and terrified expression on that damn brat's face, I'm so happy.

He will no longer see me as nobody.

He will be vigilant against me, use his strength to block and plot against me, and then be defeated by me again and again. In the end, he will be cornered by me and have to do everything possible to fight me to the death.

He'll eventually figure out who the real winner is, and he'll never know what surprise I've got in store for him.

I will look forward to and enjoy this feeling.

can you understand "

"No, I can not."

Ultron answered honestly:
"I don't have enough data to render your mental state and mood at this time, but I feel that it is not the mentality that a normal person should have. Maybe you need a psychological counseling?"

"Of course you can't understand, how can you understand if you haven't experienced it? Even if you have six Infinity Stones for you to think about, but I can knock your head and hear the hollow and sad sound.

What you know and what you do are two completely different things. "

Mason turned and left. He waved his hands and complained:

"If you have time to think about life, it is better to do more things. Wasted time thinking will not make you wise, and the experience accumulated by action will enrich your life.

Osborne Towers has a studio for you where we study your assigned work, so take a look sometime.

Don't forget about our Infinity Stones research project. "


Perfect Ultron didn't talk back this time.

It was too difficult for him, a robot who had not been born for two days, to play tricks on Mason. After Mason disappeared under the rain, Ultron hesitated and activated the space gem to send himself into the black and strange realm.

As soon as he came in, he saw Hei Qi cast a spell and devoured one of the tentacles of the evil god Shuma Goras. The aftertaste was as long as tasting squid sashimi. The terrifying face of the evil god had already returned to black when he turned around. Strange's gloomy and thin face looked at Perfect Ultron with a calm and indifferent gaze.

"Mason invited me to join Team K."

Perfect Ultron said to the caster in front of him:

"I hesitate."

"Then you came to ask me? Am I your father? Do I need to be responsible for your life? From now on, you can make up your own mind about this kind of thing!"

Hei Qiqi snorted and said:
"But my suggestion to you is to play less with Mason, you can't play him. Are you here to ask about the situation of Frog Map?"


Ultron bounced off the armor on his face to reveal a mechanical face, but this vibranium-made face can show subtle expressions, so he didn't hide his worry, saying:

"I've been to Frogtu's palace, and it's already empty. Where was he taken?"

"That idiot broke the rules of the watcher and directly intervened in what happened on Earth, which was enough to get him condemned to death by his rigid and dogmatic brethren."

Hei Qiqi sat back at the meditation table and poured himself a cup of tea, without raising his head, he said:
"But Watu's compatriots are not so cruel, so according to my prediction, he will be expelled from the observer sequence, and described in the language of myth, he will be taken away from the priesthood and demoted to the world.

Don't worry, the big bald head will be back in a few days. "

"Where are you going after that?"

Ultron added:
"I don't think I'm suitable to join Mason's team right now. My power is too strong and they will be noticed by unnecessary forces. I want to act together with you."


Hei Qiyi glanced at Ultron, nodded after a while, and said:
"Okay, there is still a need for a cleaner here. You are a robot and you don't need much space. If you want to stay, you can stay. Is Brainiac okay?"

Ultron touched his chest inlaid with six infinite gems, at the position like the heart, he said:
"He is very good, and he is insulting my betrayal with very disgraceful language. The absolute sanity he is proud of has also collapsed. I also found his hidden Brainiac planet base in a distant plane."

"very good!"

Hei Qiqi snapped his fingers and said:

"We have the first expedition target. Let's set off when Frog Map comes back."
"Yo, see you again, Mason!"

In the early morning of the next day, the exile spaceship, which had been fully sealed for forty hours for maintenance, finally reopened.

The revived S.H.I.E.L.D. has sealed off the entire surrounding battlefield to avoid being broken into, and Mason opened his eyes when he finished his three-hour rest in the main control room and saw the energetic V.

This guy was still dressed in the cyber mercenary's leather jacket, but this time he didn't come alone, and he was accompanied by a girl with long legs and hips with chic curly hair.

The latter looked very capable with a black heavy sniper on his back, and he was looking at Mason lying on the Mechanical Throne with great interest.

"Say hello before bringing your girlfriend here, I haven't prepared anything yet."

Mason rubbed his eyes. The drowsiness from lack of sleep made him yawn. At the beginning, he tried to sleep like a normal person every day. He was somewhat uncomfortable, and even had dark circles under his eyes.

He casually took out a celestial magic gemstone he got from Asgard, cut it in the palm of his hand and spent a few seconds, and then took out the metal onium to make a gravity earring as a gift for V's girlfriend.

The mercenary girl named Panan gladly accepted this valuable gift.

"We also got the news suddenly."

V stood in the main control room of the exile spaceship very familiarly, while looking at the peculiar structure of the spaceship, he said:

"Panan and I were still on vacation in Garden World, and we received a secret order from Morgan to come here to receive a strategic vehicle, but I really didn't expect it to be such a cool spaceship."

"We'll have to find some people to get it started."

As the vehicle master, Panan was also a little worried, but soon the soldiers of the Brainiac Mechanical Legion were awakened by Batmoss and began to enter various positions on the exile spaceship.

The ship can easily travel across planes, so it no longer needs a world gate to transfer.

With this ship and the ability to create mechanical legions within, the Afterlife Squad's war for the garrison will only end sooner.

"Hey, take this back to Morgan, I promise him."

Mason put a Seiko version of the BFG9000 electromagnetic gun that he had stayed up late last night into the weapon box, handed it to V, and told him:

"My skills still need to be polished, so this Falke gun is not a complete version, and I will help him fine-tune it later. However, I used vibranium to make the gun body, so there will be no embarrassing situation of bombing the chamber.

One charge can be fired twice, and then the inner tube and concentrator need to cool down for 10 minutes before firing again.

But the power is huge enough, and it is not a problem to blow up a mountain with a single shot at normal output. If the energy is stored at the limit, it can be used as a small-caliber electromagnetic gun for the starship, so let him take it easy when using it. "


V caressed the electromagnetic gun in the weapon box, and repeatedly gave thumbs up:
"Your gun-making skills are getting better and better. The first batch of weapons and power armor from Osborne Tower have also been sent to the front line. The awakened mercenaries agreed to use them.

After a while, when the resident world is cleaned up, I invite you to sit there. By the way, I never asked, where did this ship come from? "


Mason raised his finger to his mouth and said with a mysterious smile:
"You'd better not ask, just think it fell from the sky. It's a big deal, and I'm afraid it will scare old Morgan. Let's drive it and go, we have to go back to Osborne Tower."


As a legendary mercenary, V is naturally a thick and thin guy. If Mason said don't ask him, just keep his mouth shut, but he didn't forget to hand Mason a beautifully decorated box before sailing away.

There are several very strange brainwave readers installed in it.

In the 2077 era, this thing is a device used to watch Mewtwo. It allows people to enter the virtual space of data editing to experience some "playing methods" that cannot be done in the real world.

In short, it is quite a 666 thing.

"Rogge asked me to pass this thing to you. She said that you know the reason, and bring this thing when you are ready, and someone will welcome you on the 'other side'."

V explained, but after a few seconds, he whispered to Mason:
"I probably guessed that you might be going to cyberspace, which is not a good place, especially if you have not undergone prosthetic transformation, you will be very vulnerable there.

Just be careful.

If it doesn't work, tell me the time, and I will accompany you in when the time comes. "

"It was the 'big shot' who invited us to visit the Mikoshi world."

Mason shook his head and said:
"Don't worry, we're much safer there than in the real world, and I won't be going anytime soon, there's still a lot to do, I wish you all the best of luck."

He patted V on the shoulder, bid farewell to Panan, and left the main control room while lamenting that V's girlfriend has really long legs.

Harley and Jack Kang also rushed over quickly. The three of them and two dogs watched from the edge of the ruins of the battlefield as the Exile spaceship, which had been repaired to [-]%, slowly lifted off, and then disappeared after the energy gate was opened.

"We're going home too."

Zha Kang moved his body, and sent kisses farewell to the girls who saw him off in the distance. He also looked forward to seeing Xiao Zha, whom he hadn't seen for almost three months.

But before the three of Mason opened the door to the world and left, a silver-gray Quin-jet fighter plane descended from the sky, and Nick Fury walked out of the cabin, followed by a man wearing a pilot jacket, sunglasses, and carrying a suitcase and travel bag. Agent Brand.

"Mason, if we want to establish a connection between the two worlds, we can't make a verbal agreement."

The braised egg was also unambiguous, and said straightforwardly:
"Agent Brand volunteered to go to your world to serve as our liaison officer and permanent representative. Dr. Reed is currently researching the cross-world communication device you left behind, and results are expected soon.

Our side is still quite busy at the moment. After dealing with the aftermath of this matter, we will officially send a delegation to visit your side, and then we will discuss formal cooperation matters.

Do you have anything to add? "

"No, you arranged it very well."

Mason nodded to Agent Brand. He had a good impression of his capable compatriot, but he still reminded Nick Fury:
"After we leave, people from the Stars Club will come to incorporate your world into the system, and I will take care of everything, and there will be no disturbances in this process.

But watch out for your own safety.

I reminded you where the threat came from before. If you really can't escape, remember to open the box I left for you. But Fury, don't do that until the critical moment! "

"I know."

Braised egg looked confident, he said:

"I've messed with too many people in my life, and I've had too much say in how to avoid being chased, and now it's just another me trying to kill me.
Tsk, what a novel experience. "

(End of this chapter)

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