The track of dawn in the world of American manga

Chapter 432 47. Come!Give the old A1 a little Mason shock

Chapter 432 47. Come!Give Old A a Little Mason Shock
The door to the world is open, and the way home is in sight.

Harley led his dog and walked into it with a smile, while Mason stopped at the spot and looked back at the city that was still being repaired behind him.

There was a lot of emotion in his eyes, which made Agent Brand beside him who was ready to travel curiously ask:

"Is there anything in our world that appeals to you, a well-informed explorer?"

"Of course there is."

Mason pushed the mirror frame on the bridge of his nose and said solemnly:
"Prosperity and Stability"

"You're kidding, right?"

The original director of Tianjian Bureau almost broke the defense. She pointed to the post-war ruins surrounded by the warning wall erected by S.H.I.E.L.D., and said:

"A war that could destroy the world just broke out here a day ago. This world is only a little bit away from being turned into dust. Then you call this situation 'stability'?"

"Any kind of happiness requires comparison, Brand."

Mason didn't explain much, just turned around and walked into the rotating light curtain behind him.

Agent Brand followed behind with her suitcase on her back. She passed through this door and entered another world. From the floor-to-ceiling windows of the lounge on the highest floor of the Osborne Tower, she saw the scene of the wasteland in the distance.

At that moment, she understood what Mason meant.

Sure enough, any feeling needs to be compared.

Compared with the wasteland world in front of me, which has obviously encountered terrible things, my side is really prosperous and stable.

"Welcome to the new residence."

Mason said to her:
"Go pick a room first, and I'll take you to meet the chief executive here in 15 minutes. You can describe to him the plan for the union of the two worlds. He will be interested in it."

"But have we forgotten something?"

Zha Kang, who finally returned to Osborne Tower after a long absence, stretched his body in an extremely relaxed manner, and snapped his fingers to activate some kind of evil magic, causing a ball of blood to gather in front of his eyes, turning into little bats and flying around again and again. Turned into the unlucky vampire countess who was controlled by him.

The bastard didn't care that there were people around, so he just stretched out his hand to hold his "little pet" around the waist, and he gnawed hard on the pale cheek of Ms. Emilia who looked disgusted, and then Turn back to Mason and say:

"Where are the powerful characters we found with great difficulty? Just leave them there?"

"If you're talking about black singularity"

Mason glared at him and said:
"I don't think it's difficult for him to track down the location of a gate of the world, and what's more! You go get changed now, clean yourself up, and prepare something that will make Xiao Zha happy!

We're going back today, if you can't handle Xiao Zha, I'll handle you!
I'm not kidding. "

"Uh, okay."

Zha Kang shrugged his shoulders, slapped the female vampire's plump buttocks hard, waved his hand regretfully at her, and then strode out of the lounge blowing smoke rings to tidy himself up.

But Zha Kang's considerations are actually somewhat reasonable. In addition to Brainiac's precious collection and the Skrull servants who have been transferred from the gate of the world, what Mason brought back from his trip to another world is the biggest one. The harvest is the friendship of several super characters.

Zha Kang has always been keen on this aspect, he even the existence of these few people is the magic needle for the K team to kill the Quartet in the future.

So what are they doing now?

The special plane rift on the surface of the moon where the Observer Frog Figure is located is now empty, and only a shell remains of the uniquely shaped golden palace.

Everything inside was evacuated, like an emergency move, to erase all traces of the owner of the place.

Black Strange and Perfect Ultron stood in the empty hall. They searched around but found no traces of value. It seemed that Frog was leaving in such a hurry that it was difficult to leave even a souvenir.

"I can go back in time."

Perfect Ultron wore a red cloak and said next to Hei Qiqi:

"Can we see what's going on?"

"Who can't? Young people can't wait to show off their tricks, right?"

Hei Qiqi still had the same sarcastic look, first he sneered at the perfect Ultron who was eager to express his value, and then he snapped his fingers to make the green time magic spin at his fingertips.

The time flow is pushed back as if the surroundings have changed, showing what happened in this palace to the eyes of the two powerful guys.

As Hei Qiyi expected, within a few minutes after Watu persuaded Perfect Ultron to go back to help deal with Brainiac, a large number of big bald heads dressed exactly like Watu appeared here.

Watu who returned here did not make any resistance, allowing his compatriots to put energy handcuffs on him and follow them away, and then someone specially took away all the collections of Watu here.

"Sure enough, it's the Observer Order."

Hei Qi dispelled the time-retrospecting magic, and said to Ultron, who had already grabbed the mechanical dragon gun in a dark red glow, with a surprised face:
"What are you going to do? Go to prison to save people? You don't really think that you are invincible with the infinite gems, do you?"

"He's a friend!"

Perfect Ultron poked his neck and said:
"You can't just sit back and watch him fall into danger."

"I said, wait patiently!"

Hei Qiyi shook his head and scolded:

"You are wise enough to make more rational judgments, but you are unwilling to control your impulses, and you like to cause trouble like a very adolescent bear child!
Frog Figure will be back.

Observers are not a brutal species."

As soon as he finished speaking, a ball of light jumped up in the golden palace.

Then the big bald-headed Frog came out wearing his own white robe. This silent guy had a miserable face, and the blue ribbon on his body had been stripped away, leaving a mark like a brand on his broad forehead.

"Fired? Five social insurances, one housing fund and benefits are all gone? They're going to take away your house, right?"

Hei Qiqi asked a question with ridicule, and Frog nodded and sighed.

"You are no longer an observer. Even if you are relegated to the mortal world, don't always hold your tone. You know that it is very impolite for you to choose silence when others talk to you, right?"

Strange snorted, stretched out his hand to open the door leading to the dark realm, and said:

"Since there is nowhere to go, let's come. Ultron and I are preparing for an expedition to other planes, and we don't mind having one more ex-observer who was dismissed from public office.

But in our small group, I have the final say, you two had better not mess with me. "

"Are you going?"

Frog Tu, who is no longer an observer, raised his head and said hoarsely:

"You don't stay here and continue to help them withstand the impact? Just like you did before."

"Do I owe them anything?"

Hei Qiqi said without looking back:
"Besides, the taste of the earth is really hard to swallow. I have to find something delicious for myself to taste. Didn't you hide some weapons or something to prepare for your current predicament?"

Watu shook his head, his face even more miserable.

He didn't expect that he would lose his identity as an observer, although his overly emotional mind compared to his compatriots would lead him to this path sooner or later.

Forcing a life that can feel the pain and despair of others and still has strength to stand by and watch all dark things, it is conceivable that it is only a matter of time before Watu violates his duties.

In many cases, this silent big bald head is only an impulsive distance from "knowing the law and breaking the law".

"Just come back."

Perfect Ultron patted Frog on the shoulder, and said in a mechanical voice:

"Think about the good, lose your responsibilities and lose your shackles, you don't have to force yourself to stand by and be unable to help, Mason said to me."

"Don't play with him."

Frog Tu sighed tiredly and said:
"You can't play him, Ultron, don't believe what he tells you, you don't have Mason's experience, it's easy to misunderstand what he really wants to tell you.

You have to learn to look at this complex universe with your own eyes and cognition, and learn not to be influenced by others and draw your own conclusions, so as to plan your own life and goals.

This is a job that cannot be done by others.

But don't worry, I will teach you, I have always had a lot of experience in observation to share with you. "
I hope that the council's monthly wrangling meeting will be held soon. Old A is preparing to attend and has brought a pillow with him so that he can catch up on the meaningless arguments and scolding of those bastards later.

But at this moment, a box was delivered to his desk by a courier, with a letter attached to it.

Signed is Q.

This made old A interested.

He guessed that this must be because Q encountered something difficult to decide, so he came to ask for his opinion, so he opened the envelope and glanced at it. There was only a brief description of the hunter who caught a privateering operation during the world patrol and punished the culprit. The spoils of war were given to Old A to facilitate his use in the Council of Hope.

This made Mazefak raise his eyebrows and then opened the box in front of him. When he saw the contents inside, Old A suddenly stood up, his whole black face was full of shock that couldn't be concealed.

In front of him was a mechanical head with its bionic skin burned off. The guy still maintained his dying posture with his mouth slightly open as if he wanted to shout or beg for mercy.

His identity can be analyzed from the remaining data holes on the structural skull of this mechanical head.


Old A's eyes widened.

He opened the drawer and took out a detector close to the skull to detect the signal. After a second, a message belonging to the identity verification of Director Hope was confirmed, which meant that the mechanical head in front of him was not an ordinary mechanical copy.

This is the head of the Universe Conqueror himself.

A Hope Director was murdered?
The murderer blatantly presented the criminal evidence before his eyes. Is this a provocation?Still intimidating?
Old A's face sank like water.

His brain, which was full of bad water, started to run wild, but soon he realized Q's purpose for sending this thing.

The truth may not be as complicated as he thought, just as described in that letter.

Brainiac, the bastard, secretly bypassed the supervision of the Council of Hope with his astonishing [-]th-level wisdom, and started a privateering operation in an unknown world. He happened to be discovered by a hunter patrolling the world, and then the two sides began to fight, and the result was Brainiac's fiasco, there's nothing incomprehensible about it!
He is very clear about the strength of the hunter, ten Ciri together cannot be the opponent of Brainiac himself.

Especially when that guy is manipulating his exiled mothership and mechanical legion guards, the strength of this cosmic conqueror can rank among the top ten in the entire council of ghosts and snakes!
Conversely, if the great mentor of the Stars Association can kill the powerful Director of Hope by himself, then the Stars Association cannot be a subordinate organization of the council.

There must be something tricky in this!

"Mr. Director, the meeting will start in 5 minutes, please go to your seat."

Miss Secretary's sweet reminder sounded outside the office, causing Old A to suspend his frowning thinking. He played with the Soul Gem in his hand to calm his mind, and then glanced at the mechanical stone visited on the table. head.

It is definitely impossible to accomplish such a major event by relying on hunters alone.

The water here is very deep, maybe it has something to do with that evil old K.

But what is the specific truth? I can gradually understand it later. Since Q has sent this head to himself, and just in time for the monthly regular meeting, his authority has been greatly reduced after he stepped down as the rotating chairman. Ciri and Mason's "good intentions" were simply in vain.

"It was another sudden solo incident. They knew that if I reported it in advance, I would definitely not allow them to act, so they cut it first and played it later.

Humph, no rules.

But it means that at least in some respects, they and I have mutual interests."

Nick Fury snorted, reached out and closed the box in his hands and walked out of the office. On the way to the venue, Old A's brain was still running.

While thinking about how to speak to maximize his own interests, he couldn't help touching his neck.

They can already kill Brainiac quietly.

This means that if I accidentally exposed my whereabouts, and if my "too capable" subordinates have bad intentions, maybe it will be my black head that will be sent to other directors' desks next time.

Alas, being the boss is not good at all.

It's really worrying when subordinates are useless, but it's even more difficult to sleep when subordinates are too strong.

Soon, the monthly meeting began. Fury, who was sitting in his seat, was thinking about things and looked at the people in the meeting place from time to time. Those small fish and shrimps who came to the meeting representing the powerful world should not be ignored, only the directors with real power should be paid attention to.

For example, the God Lord Doom who sent his magic avatar, such as a space-time alien of Conqueror Kang, such as the astral projection of the Supreme Professor, and the representative of the Conqueror sequence, who made everyone uncomfortable. black guy.

Old A glanced at the seats in front of him. Not all representatives would attend the meeting, but the fact that there was no one on the mechanical seat belonging to Brainiac still made him feel a little moved.

After the rotating chairman of the month, the spokesperson of the "Gods" faction, and the bald black Adam from a super A-level world read a lot of meaningless official speeches, the meeting entered the discussion stage.

Experienced people leave the table at this time or take out their pillows and prepare to sleep, because the ensuing argument is a complete waste of time.

Really important matters will not be discussed on this occasion. There is a smaller parliament among those powerful figures in the Hope Council, and that is where the real things are discussed.

But at this moment, the old A who was the arbitrator of the affairs suddenly got up.

While many people were watching, he carried the mechanical box to the rostrum, took out the contents of the box and put it on the podium with a bang.

At this moment, the eyes of Dum, the professor, Kang and other powerful figures all focused on Old A, and the noisy venue suddenly fell silent.

So quiet that you can hear a needle drop.

"The former Hope Director, Mr. Blainiac, ignored the law and started an unallowable privateer not long ago, ignoring the interests of all of us, and treating the property that should belong to the council as his own goal. .

So, he got the punishment he deserved. "

Old A said blankly:

"I warned him when I was the rotating chairman, but he obviously didn't think we were strong enough to rein in the 'private affairs' of a powerful director.

It's a pity that I didn't get to finish this before I left office, but the judgment that should come will always come.

Director Brainiac has been punished for a serious violation of the rules, and his seat has become vacant. I propose to discuss today which faction should fill this seat.

Also, it is within my purview to police violations of the Council, so I would like to take this opportunity to remind some of our restless colleagues to stop now.

This is the last warning!

Let me reiterate my philosophy once again. The purpose set up when the council was formed is to collect and rationally allocate resources to ensure that we survivors can go further in the dark age.

The situation is getting worse now, and the signs of division have intensified. I hope this regrettable incident can make you realize the situation we are facing.

Well, that's all I have to say.

Sorry for taking up everyone's time, please continue the discussion. "

After finishing speaking, Old A strode away from the venue with a high-cold attitude of "I'm very busy and don't have time to argue with you", leaving the mechanical skull that stunned everyone and swaggeringly left.

When he walked out of the venue, Mazefak smiled from the bottom of his heart.

Oops, how long has it been since you had such a good time?The attitude of pointing at someone's nose and scolding the other party, but not daring to reply back, can only make amends and laugh is really inspiring.

Although it is somewhat sad, but this kind of fox pretending to be powerful feels really cool
Even for a moment, he felt that his subordinate's solo action was not a bad thing.

"Fury, do you have time to go fishing together tonight? No. 257 Kang found a pretty good fish pond in Quantum World, you will definitely like it.

Of course, remember to wear a helmet so as not to be disturbed by the microscopic world. "

Kang the Conqueror's voice came from behind.

He took the initiative to send out the invitation, which made Old A grin silently.

He knew that this invitation was just the beginning, and he would receive more invitations in the next few days, so that he could complete the replacement of his power to obtain more benefits.

Tsk, this old K is indeed a lucky general.

It would be better if he was less aggressive and more loyal. It seems that I have to fully support him in the upcoming invasion war, but after killing the Warlock
It's time to prepare in advance.

(End of this chapter)

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