The track of dawn in the world of American manga

Chapter 435 50. Isn't the development of this wealthy family talking about a strong alliance?

Chapter 435 50. Isn't the development of this wealthy family talking about a strong alliance? (Le)

Although Mason did not participate in the daily development mission assigned by the K team, he also learned what happened after he came back.

The members, led by Ertong and Barbara, help the Star Society's partner "Black Claw" to destroy a resistance organization called "Pioneer" in a world called "Omnic Crisis".

Its world view is not much different from that of superheroes, but the world itself is only B-level, so the upper limit of its ability is at most the level of making a super giant biped robot.

But as we all know, things related to the K team cannot be completed smoothly.

To put it simply, they did help destroy the Vanguard organization, but Black Claw was also killed by all of them because of the opponent's beautiful counterattack.

In this way, Team K completed the mission, the target world lost an evil team, the righteous fighters returned with a full load even though they lost their organization in name, and captured the moon base of the evil organization.

Everyone is satisfied.

The two sides that were supposed to be hostile even hugged each other in the end, saying goodbye.

The main players of the K team should have performed well, after all, they were all brought out by Mason himself, but the young pioneers who accompanied the team to "experience life" made mistakes again and again in the process.

The performance can't be said to be "perfect", just pretty bad.

They were assigned to blow up an industrial area controlled by the villains. As a result, Damian commanded Jimmy Hautley as an assaulter, but was frozen into a big ice lump by the freezing gun until the end of the battle.

The spider girl went to help but was entangled and beaten by a biochemical gorilla. As a scout, the ant king Franklin was too aggressive and he was almost beheaded by a mechanical warrior.

That is to say, Damian performed better, and in the end he just relied on his super quality to make a difficult raid and install the bomb.

Facts have also proved that talent alone cannot do anything. The Junior K team has many problems in terms of coordination, combat awareness and organization.

As the captain, Damian is going to hold a wrap-up meeting for his injured and demoralized team members, but after hearing Mason say that this matter is related to saving Superman and that his father and Nightwing will also participate in the whole process , Damian regained his spirits all of a sudden.

Do not misunderstand.

The little lunatic is not willing to go all the way to show his father his growth, he is a very proud warrior and does not need the approval of others.

His idea for this meeting is to use this operation as a team practice.

The biggest problem with his team now is that there is no cooperation at all. This time it is rare to have Batman, Flashman and Mason as escorts, so it sounds dangerous but in fact there will not be too much trouble.

So after hanging up the phone, he gathered his team members and called on them:
"Even though we did our job poorly, we got it done and it's a good start."

Damian babbled some nonsense that he didn't even believe, clapped his hands to make the members of the demoralized youth group look at him, and then announced a new mission:

"Now cheer up, everyone, Mason has assigned us a secret mission, we are going to another world to help Batman rescue his close comrades.

A Kryptonian known as the 'God of Earth'!
We are going to save a god! "

"Just depend on us?"

Ashley Parker, who was beaten up by the big monkey, obviously had great doubts about her abilities. She rubbed her eyes and said:
"I don't think the Kryptonians need us to save, maybe they were called to be cannon fodder, I think I need to take a break, my mind is full of that big monkey beating me up now.

It's really embarrassing. "

"Batman! I know him."

Jimmy Hautley was concerned with another matter, and he said to Damian with great interest:

"My dad said that bat is very powerful, and he is your dad! So is this your family's private operation?"

"We are related by blood, but this operation was directed by Mason."

Damian didn't want to discuss his family problems, so he turned his head to look at the Ant King wearing a black Ant-Man helmet, and said:
"What about you? Franklin, are you going?"

"I feel a little uncomfortable."

Wasteland boy Franklin lay on the table and rubbed his stomach, and said in a weak tone:
"Maybe it's because I accidentally inhaled something when I was beaten by that robot. Now I always feel like I'm going to hallucinate. Maybe I should go to the doctor to have a look."

"You three bastards cheer me up!"

Seeing his team members push three times and four times, and rice's forehead burst into blue veins, he threw the problem book he summed up on the table and said to the other three people:
"Look at your appearance, how can you dominate the parallel world like this?
You all need to be talented and equipped, and now there is nothing more than a lack of actual combat practice and cooperation. As long as you work hard, there is nothing we can't do.

Since Mason took the initiative to invite us over, there must be a reason for him. If you don’t want to make the main players laugh, just behave decently to me!Now go back to rest, we will start in two hours.

Jimmy, take Franklin to the doctor!Don't make him puke here.

Hell, I don't want to sweep the carpet. "

Under Damian's command, the little wolf stepped forward to carry Franklin Richards, who seemed uncomfortable, and left the lounge, while the spider girl directly opened the window and swung out.

She is going to talk to her grandfather, Peter Parker, and learn from the real Spider-Man about fighting skills and how to self-regulate when dealing with failure.

This is the advantage of having a superhero grandpa. Newcomers basically don't need to worry about lack of experience when they debut.


Damian stayed in the lounge alone, recalling the previous missions and actions, the more he thought about it, the more he got angry, so he smashed the notebook in his hand on the table, and sat on the sofa with some annoyance.

"I made a bet with Mason about how long you could last, and it looks like he won."

Barbara's voice sounded behind Damian, and the Batgirl in casual clothes flicked her hair and walked into the lounge. She was going back to Gotham for a two-day vacation.

This will see Damian sulking alone and walking to him, jokingly said:
"I think you'll drop your pick in the middle of the mission, but Mason thinks you can survive the mission at least once, and he said that the grandson Lei Xiaogu personally trained still has such perseverance.

But I guess, you've personally felt the pressure of being a commander, especially since you've personally recruited your team. "

"It's different."

Sitting cross-legged on the sofa, Rice sighed and said:
"I can't stop worrying about their lives like I used to. When I took Jimmy away from the old wolf, his mother told me to take care of the little fool. Ashley Parker's two mothers made me write Guarantee.

When they were trapped yesterday, I panicked.

I was terrified that I would have to face two mothers who had lost their children, and I would have to struggle to explain to them why they had lost their children.Franklin was disobedient and always kept doing things according to his temper.

I had to watch over them and figure out how to get things done. "

He raised his head and looked at Barbara who was sitting on the table in front of him. He couldn't help asking:
"How did Batman teach you before? How dare he take you underage out to deal with criminals in that damn place in Gotham?

Isn't he afraid? "

"He trained us, he taught us, he passed on his experience, and in the first few days we were doing it ourselves, but we all knew that Batman was watching us in the dark.

He is a man who is not good at expressing his feelings, Damian, and you are actually the same. "

Barbara recalled the past, she reached out to pick up the notebook on the ground and took a look, it was full of complaints about her team members, but there was indeed a self-summary of a little lunatic.

She returned the notebook to Damian, patted his head, and whispered:

"Since you know what the problem is, just guide and teach it with your heart. If you think Lei Xiaogu's method is effective, you can also try to train them to be your assassins, as long as you can do it.

In addition, there is a new team member who is about to join you, and Ertong is doing a physical fitness test on her. "

After finishing speaking, Barbara put on her sunglasses, picked up her handbag, turned around and opened the door of the world, and returned to Gotham. I hope that the superman rescue operation that the young and old participated in will not last too long.

She finally had two days off, and she was thinking of having a candlelight dinner with Grayson or something.

Damian came to the training room of the second barrel a little bit unmotivated, and saw a long-haired girl in a small vest and yoga pants doing running training there.

Er Tong held the timer to time her, and the two were talking and laughing.

"He is so tall!"

This idea came to Dami's mind, then pouted and walked in, and heard Ertong introduce him:
"Come here, little lunatic, this is your new team member, who has just completed rehabilitation training, and is from the same rich second generation as you, but he is much more promising than you.

At the age of 15, he already has three doctorates."

"I have two too, okay? That's not something to brag about, what normal person doesn't have a Ph.D. at 15? How stupid is that?"

Damian snorted unhappily, then looked at the long-haired girl.

The latter drank water and looked at him with big eyes blinking. This girl with a good personality showed a bright smile, and stretched out her hand and said to Rice who was a head shorter than her:

"My name is Morgan Stark, a mechanic and armor driver. Hello, Captain Damian, I hope we can cooperate happily. I heard that there is a mission? Can you tell me the content and my role in the team?
I want to prepare the default strategy of the Warframe in advance. "

One sentence made Rice very satisfied with Morgan's professional performance. He finally smiled and invited the long-haired girl to the team lounge to talk about specific tasks.

The second barrel in the training room watched the two leave and showed a rather strange smile. If these two guys sparked, wouldn't it be the strong alliance between the Wayne Group and the Stark Group?
That's right!
While Damian's Junior K team was preparing for the operation, Mason had already met with his collaborators in the Gotham world.

It was the first time he was invited to be a guest in the mystery room, and as soon as he opened the door, he saw nearly a hundred little wizards standing in front of him, all in different sizes, wearing four different school badges of Hogwarts College, and they all looked towards each other in unison. He saluted.

Such a formal welcome made Mason uncomfortable.

After all, he walked in with his arms around Harry's slender waist, and there were lipstick marks on his cheeks.

It wasn't until this moment that he belatedly remembered that he still had the status of "Honorary Headmaster of Hogwarts". Although he didn't know any magic at all, he was a typical example of incompetent mages with nepotism.

"It's up to you to talk to the kids."

Mason took the Sorting Hat off his head, smiled at the little wizards in front of him, and handed them the relic that meant a lot to them.

The hat is also happy to catch up with the "compatriots".

After leading Harley through the crowd, Mason saw Zha and Kang Kang who were waiting for him on the second floor of the mysterious house.

The scene between the two was fairly harmonious, Zha Kang didn't have any slap marks or panda eyes on his face, and it was obvious that Xiao Zha had been dealt with from the way he winked.

Wow, this guy is really strong in the aspect of "scum".

But when he walked up to the second floor, Mason keenly noticed the magic book in Xiao Zha's hand, and then he realized that Zha Kang used the most traditional way of picking up girls this time.

Just throw money!
Just smash it hard!
Give the "Peerless Magic" he stole from Hei Qi as a gift to Miss White Wizard. Even if Xiao Zha is still angry with Zha Kang, the little personal unhappiness in front of such precious knowledge can also be forgotten of.

They are spellcasters, and knowledge is the treasure they most desire.

"I won't exchange pleasantries, let's talk about things directly."

After Xiao Zha invited Mason and Harley to sit down, he waved his hands and released magic to pour tea for them, and said:
"Jason Brad is now hiding in Kandak to personally monitor the group of escaped Constellation wizards, and we can now confirm that the king of Kandak, Black Adam, has reached some secret agreement with them.

But it is currently uncertain whether Black Adam was disguised by a Skrull.

I invited Shazam, another member of the Dark Justice League, to meet with him once. Shazam told me that the power of Black Adam cannot be faked.

He thought it was true. "

"But we've all seen firsthand how outrageous Skrull cross-dressing can be."

Zha Kang leaned on the sofa and added:
"Especially the super individuals among them, I think it's not impossible to steal the divine power of the six ancient Egyptian gods with that fake disguise, not to mention that Kandak suddenly closed their ancient temple not long ago.

This thing in itself is quite abnormal. "

"Then it looks like we'll go to that desert country ourselves."

Mason nodded, he looked at Xiao Zha, and said:

"Bruce told me, you also found some bad signs?"

"Well, this matter had nothing to do with Kandak's matter, but during the investigation process, Jason and I discovered that they actually had a certain degree of cooperation."

Xiao Zha frowned and said:
"I'm referring to the Swamp Thing. The agent of the 'All Green', it has been recruiting followers to preach a dangerous doomsday view, which is very different from its past behavior pattern.

It refuses to communicate with us, claiming the answer lies among the stars.

The last time the Swamp Church appeared was in the upper reaches of the Nile River and the Sinai Peninsula, which is very close to the border of Kandak, so both Jason and I think that the unknown Black Adam may have formed an alliance with the Swamp Monster.

Add in the fugitive Stargazer wizards and Skrulls, and this chaotically strong alliance has the means to kidnap Superman.

I did a divination for the operation, and it didn't turn out too well.

We may face hard battles and even death. "

"I don't believe in divination, but there's nothing I can do if Xiao Zhafei wants to do it."

Zha Kang shrugged. Knowing Mason's steady character, he suggested:

"So, while you're looking for a coalition of children to cover up our actions to facilitate our actions, you may also want to bring your alchemy assistant back to this world.

Poison Ivy also has a mysterious connection to 'everything green', so maybe she can help us figure out why the swamp monster suddenly went mad? "

"And Groot and Grumpy Raccoon!"

Holding a teacup, Harry widened his eyes and said sharply:
"They and Ivy are already inseparable good friends, stay in the wasteland garden all day to take care of the strange seeds, they will definitely help, but prepare guns for them in advance!

Lots and lots of guns.

Speaking of which, John, have you introduced Zha to your lovely new 'pet'?I think the two beautiful ladies will definitely have a common language."

Before Harry finished speaking, Mason covered his mouth with his hand, and he showed an apologetic smile to the ashen-faced Zha Kang in embarrassment.

After all, everyone knows that Harley has a brain, and you can't reason with a crazy beauty.

But Xiao Zha's gaze suddenly became dangerous.

So a few minutes later, Zha Kang, who had a slap mark on his face, stood at the door of the mysterious house. The quilt and clothes he just moved in were all thrown out, and Mason specially summoned a little rain to set off the black wizard's terrible situation at this time. lonely mood.

"Did you do it on purpose? Or accidentally?"

Constantine puffed out the smoke ring and glanced at Harry, who grinned and hid behind Mason, saying:

"It was intentional and careless, anyway, it will be discovered sooner or later."

"Then you should wait until I have a bite of 'home-cooked food'!"

Zha Kang roared angrily:

"So many magic books are given away for nothing! You pay me for the loss."

"What are you shouting for? At worst, let me introduce some patients to you. They are all beauties who graduated from Arkham."

Harley, who was hiding behind Mason, poked his head out and screamed, but Zack Kang didn't appreciate it and jumped on his feet and shouted:

"Who wants your patient? It's against the law to sleep insane. Do you think everyone is as vegetarian as Mason! Mason, can you take care of your woman?
Doing this kind of thing that forces people to break up will be struck by lightning! "

Mason didn't expect that he could be blamed for this incident. He glanced at Zhakang strangely, and then moved away from him. The old god said:

"During your studies, don't cue. Besides, I think that if the thunder strikes, it will strike you first. I'm sure I'll have to stay away from you first."


A flash of lightning flashed.

"Jackson! Hey, John, wake up! Don't scare me! Hey, don't roll your eyes! Hey, it's all baked, right?"

(End of this chapter)

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