The track of dawn in the world of American manga

Chapter 436 51. This is the legendary wisdom that locked the door, it's amazing

Chapter 436 51. This is the legendary wisdom that locked the door, it's amazing (great read)

"This little Zha is too ruthless."

On the Wayne Group's private plane flying to Kandak, Mason helped Zha Kang who was burned all over his body and couldn't help complaining:
"What kind of hatred, what kind of resentment, killing the ex-boyfriend, alas, what does love bring to men?"

"The thunder of punishment that fell from the sky against the scumbags?"

Harley, who was an assistant next to her, complained in a low voice:
"I just saw Xiao Zha standing by the window and waving his magic wand to aim at her. It seems that Zha Kang really pissed her off, and he deserves this guy's bad luck. Talking nonsense at the door of someone's house, what home-cooked food is too much !"

"It's okay, I can't die."

Mason took off the blood-stained medical gloves, poured a bottle of epic healing potion into Zha Kang, looked at the poor team members who were wrapped into rice dumplings, and said:
"The super-soldier serum strengthened his physique, and he learned the forbidden technique of devouring from Heiqi over there, and a white magic thunder couldn't kill him.

But the pain is for sure.

Alas, if you know that you are a prodigal son, don't bother with those girls you can't afford. It's definitely not the first time you saw him fall to the ground skillfully just now.

From this point of view, Zha Kang really loves Xiao Zha. After all, every time he comes back, he risks being killed, but he never tires of it. "

"If Mr. K was as philandering as John, I wouldn't have dealt with my sweetheart so roughly."

Harry leaned over and licked his lips, and said softly:

"I've already picked a place for us two in the best cemetery outside Gotham City. When the time comes, I'll put you in your handsome dress, and then I'll lie next to you in my wedding dress, and then I'll hire someone to bury us both." "

"The more you talk, the more scary you are."

Mason curled his lips, and looked at the other side of the plane cabin that the master kindly provided, where the members of the young K team were actually discussing tactical arrangements in a decent manner.

This time, Mason gave them the task of covering up. They first disguised themselves as a young tourist group and entered Kandak to meet Jason Brad. Mason, the master and the young master waited for the opportunity in the rear.

It didn’t need to be so troublesome. After finding the place where Dachao was being held, and then dispatching the main members of the K team to attack on the face, the team would be able to close the team and go home. Three Kryptonians would be the vanguard and Batman would be in the middle to direct this kind of "wealthy". "Battle" doesn't even require Mason.

But Xiao Zha provided Mason with the change about the swamp monster.

He now very much suspects that this is also one of the preludes to the invasion plan of the Stars Society to this world.

After all, swamp monsters are not ordinary people. The concept of "greenness of all things" is still very bluffing in the magic circle of this world. What it represents is part of the root of supernatural power in this world. Rounding it up, it can be equivalent to "the will of the world".

"How is it? Ivy, do you feel anything?"

Mason didn't disturb the young K team's battle meeting, but turned his head and asked softly to Poison Ivy who was standing beside him and helping to prepare the potion:
"Is there any change in the green of all things?"

"not yet."

Today's Poison Ivy has completely got rid of the mania in Gotham City, and she has become a green "quiet beauty", especially when she is with her best friend Harley who can't calm down all the time, she is set off almost like Like a mute.

But the long-term exposure to alchemy knowledge has allowed Ivy to somewhat regain some of her temperament as a researcher. She put on an alchemist's self-cultivating robe and put a witch hat on her head, which looked very mysterious.

While skillfully stirring the alchemy solution in his hand, while sensing the natural forces around him, he said to Mason:

"It's even calmer than before, but perhaps that's because All Things Green has chosen the Swamp Thing as its vehicle, causing most of its power to be channeled into Holland.

I'd have to see it in person to figure out the shift in the green of all things. "

"You have been discussing the green of all things. It sounds very powerful. What is that?"

On the table next to Ivy, Rocket Raccoon, who had changed back to his battle attire, helped to mix the ingredients with a large spoon while asking curiously. The tree man Groot, who was in charge of being the "mascot" beside him, also opened his eyes. Big eyes.

This herbaceous life seems to be curious about the concept of "everything green".

"That is one of the origins of the mysterious power of this world, representing the nature of all things."

Ivy seemed to really regard the raccoon from another world as her own little pet, she explained softly:

"The supernatural powers in this world all have their origins. The green of all things, the red of all beings, and the black of decay represent nature, life, and death respectively.

Later, more subdivided ashes of withering, fungus of division, and spirit of metal were extended, each of which is in charge of the power of the plane of reality.

But these are conceptual forces.

They will not gather easily, for example, although most of the natural power endowed by the green of all things is in the hands of the Forest Council, I also have part of the power it bestows.

The same is true for other sources, they are scattered in different individuals.

But this time the swamp monster took the initiative to recruit followers in the name of 'everything is green', which either meant that Holland was crazy, or it really meant that something big might happen.

I think that's why Mason is so nervous? "

She looked at Mason, the captain shrugged and said with interest:
"It's actually the first time I've heard the concept of these mysterious forces. It's quite interesting. I do feel that something is about to happen, but it would be better if this action can be traced back to the source of the crisis."

"Da da"

The crisp knocking sound suddenly sounded in the cabin, making Mason turn his head to look in surprise.

At this time, the plane was crossing the Atlantic Ocean at an altitude of [-] meters, and the sudden knocking sound was really disturbing.Harley had already grabbed his X-Metal Warhammer, and Rocket Raccoon also cursed and pulled out a big gun that was taller than other people.

"Did you hear that?"

The young K team, who was having a combat meeting around the round table, also raised their vigilance. Damian, wearing a domino mask, pulled out his kinetic pistol and said to the others:
"There's something approaching, just outside the plane in the clouds."

"Jimmy and Ashley are ready to deal with the intrusion! The ant king released the flying ants and I went out to have a look. Damian don't use a gun, be careful to damage the parts in the plane."

Morgan Stark, who had just joined the team, immediately issued a series of instructions, casually tapped on his chest, and a set of nano blood-edge armor made for her by "Daddy No. [-]" popped out.

The full coverage of the "Heart of Steel" armor was completed in an instant.

Don't look at this tall, long-haired girl who just joined the team a few hours ago, but her instructions were immediately carried out by the team members, probably because she has always exuded a convincing aura from her who has personally experienced the war of extermination. temperament.

But Damian, who was watching this scene, widened his eyes.

You little traitors!
Obviously I am.
"Ah, I forgot, Your Excellency Damian is the captain."

Miss Tie Xin patted her head belatedly, she flipped off her visor and smiled sweetly, winking at Damian and saying:
"How about you issue another order? Captain."

"Forget it, your order is correct."

Damian was a little powerless to complain, how can he be as knowledgeable as a girl when he is a big man?But when this scene fell into Mason's eyes, he curled his lips, turned his head and said to Harry:
"This little Morgan looks like an obedient girl, but it's probably all black when cut open. As expected of Stark's daughter, she started competing with Damian for leadership right after she joined the team.

With her here, Damian suffered a lot. "

"That's it!"

Harley nodded vigorously, and while covering her body with the venom suit, she chewed the bubble gum and winked and said:
"Wayne VS Stark in the blood war, in the first round, Stark wins!"

"Da da"

The lingering knock sounded again, and this time it even alarmed Zha Kang who was lying there with his dead body. He moved his eyes and said weakly to Mason:
"Help me up! All I need is a spell from my lord."

"You'd better lie down and rest."

Mason comforted him without looking back:

"Fox has his eyes on the kid outside, and he can be set on fire with just one command, but this is not for young people to play."

"whispering sound"

Zha Kang curled his lips, closed his eyes and rested again.

A few minutes later, the hatch of the plane opened at high altitude, and the little girl Heart of Steel flew out with a whoosh, and the mechanical flying ants controlled by Franklin also scattered around.

They quickly found the bastard who played pranks in the sky, and got entangled in the clouds. But as a blinding lightning flashed, Heart of Steel flew to the porthole next to Mason with a boy in a red coat and knocked. Knock, indicating that the danger has been lifted, and returned to the cabin under the vigilance of others.

"Xiao Zha said that you need help, she asked me to come first, she prepared some spell-casting materials, and then brought Batboy along."

Shazam, uh, is now in the form of Superman, and Billy Batson, who showed his real body, thanked the Iron Heart for taking him to fly, but then he said to Mason with his arms akimbo:
"But I hate you guys! The cunning and evil K team, the last time Selena Kyle attacked me can't just let it go, and I saw Xiao Zha crying miserably in the mysterious room, it must be You bullied her.

A group of big men bullying a weak woman. "

"The 'weak woman' you're talking about can send all of us here to hell with a single spell but trust me, Billy, Selena does regret what she did to a child so horribly."

Mason didn't move.

He looked at the 15-year-old kid who was as old as Morgan in front of him, and said to him sincerely:

"Miss Catwoman has always wanted to find an opportunity to apologize to you, and thank you for helping her keep it a secret. See, she asked me to bring you an apology gift."

He took out two weapon boxes from his luggage and opened them in front of Shazam.

The box on the left holds Mjolnir, Thor's hammer, and the box on the right holds Gungnir, the majestic Lance of Judgment.

The two Asgardian-style weapons are gorgeous and majestic, and they are both related to the power of thunder. When Shazam Superman looked at them, the power of lightning was summoned to wrap around the weapon and hiss. ring.

"Come on, don't be shy, choose the one that suits you."

Mason beckoned the 15-year-old boy in front of him to approach, smiled at him like a close brother and said:
"Do you want the silver hammer on the left, or the golden spear on the right? These are all commissioned by Selina to make for you. After you take them, you will forget about the past grievances.

Every good kid knows to give someone a chance. Right? "

"You use a 15-year-old child to obtain a sample of divine power for research, and you have to pretend to be such a generous face. Mason, Mason, you're creeping me out more and more."

The hat on Mason's head elongated and spit out:
"Obviously Selena would laugh at the innocence of Superman Shazam every time she chats with you, and she also said that Billy Batson is a precocious cutie who knows how to appreciate mature beauty and is easy to be fooled?"

"Shut up, hat."

Mason scolded in his heart:

"This is all for research, the progress of the inscription branch has been stuck, I need more divine samples to analyze and study those divine inscription sequences.

The child in front of him also needs a weapon at hand.

All I gave him were Seiko replicas, not cheap one-offs.

This is fair trade! "

"Do I really pick one at random?"

Billy didn't see through Mason's dirty thoughts as an adult, and he liked the two weapons in front of him quite a bit.

Although Superman Shazam does not need weapons to fight, he is still young and still not proficient in mastering power. Having this kind of weapon to control thunder and lightning can help him better gather his divine power.

Hearing Shazam's question, Mason understood what the young man was thinking, and simply handed him both weapons, saying:

"Everything, right? What a childish idea.

But because of Ms. Selena's apology and sincerity, I will give it to you this time. Be careful when using it, because injecting too much divine lightning at once will make them out of control.

In addition, I can provide free weapon maintenance services until you can control your thunder freely and no longer need external objects to strengthen yourself.

You see, K-Squad isn't all bad guys like Jarcon, is it? "

"Well, you seem to be quite easy to talk to."

Shazam, who received the gift, nodded happily. As the chosen one of the power of the six gods, he naturally has magical powers, so he opened the space and threw his new toy into it.

"I invite you to play at the Rock of Eternity some other day."

He still felt a little embarrassed after taking other people's things, so he made a polite invitation to Mason. The captain blinked his eyes, and said downhill:

"Okay, then next week, I will set aside a day to go to your secret base. What's wrong? Ivy?"

Seeing that Poison Ivy was rubbing her forehead, Mason asked a question. The latter shook her head and said with some doubts:

"I don't know, but I always feel that something is calling me, Groot, do you hear it? Those voices"

"My name is Groot!"

The tree man gestured and pointed to the ground, and the eyes on its bark face were wide open. Others did not understand Groot, so Rocket Raccoon with a big gun translated:

"Groot said that there is something below, like a tree or a forest, and the vitality is gathering."

"Danger! Advanced energy response detected! Danger! Passengers, please evacuate immediately! Collision warning!"

The sharp voice of the old driver AI Delaman who was flying the plane sounded in the next moment, and it tried its best to lower the height to avoid the incoming dangerous energy.

But the dazzling light had suddenly appeared in the dark night ahead, and the whole sky suddenly turned into dark clouds and bursts of lightning and thunder. Shazam raised his head and seemed to feel the power very similar to him, then turned his head and shouted to the others:

"It's Black Adam! He found us, you guys go first, I'll come back!"

After all, he put on a classic superman transformation posture on the spot, clasped the clothes on his chest with both hands and shouted to the sky:

"do not want!"

It was too late for Damian next to him to stop this little idiot.


This is on a plane descending at high speed!
We are at an altitude of [-] meters!

What are you idiot trying to do by attracting thunder in the plane?
Create a crash?

Hello!You are the five-star killer that the stars will place in this world to kill the rebels, right?


The blinding lightning fell from the sky and hit the private jet of the Wayne Group, causing it to disintegrate in the air. The rich and powerful man certainly didn't care about this loss, but the others were tragic.


The penguin umbrella opened in the air.

Like a rotating parachute, Mason, who was thrown out of the cabin, hovered steadily in the sky, and Harley lay in his arms like a koala with his limbs intertwined.

She smiled and felt that this moment was too romantic.

So in the background of lightning, thunder, and disintegration of the plane, he took out the clown camera, cutely gestured a pair of scissors, and recorded this beautiful moment in life with a click.

In the background of this photo, Miss Ironheart is holding Jimmy and Damian, who are holding Franklin and Ashley Parker.

At the bottom is Groot with vines stretching out and wrapped around the legs of the iron heart armor. Rocket raccoon yells and stands on the tree man's shoulder and shoots bullets at Black Adam who is fighting Shazam in the sky.

As for Zha Kang, Zha Kang, who has been pretending to be weak, will be resurrected with full blood, and he has summoned his own zombie flying dragon and is slipping away into the distance with Poison Ivy.

"I hate the wisdom of Solomon."

Mason made a gesture of free movement to his immature subordinates in the chaotic air, and he complained:
"But that's okay, it's the first time I've experienced such a secret infiltrating, and there's another possibility in my life, which is really great."

(End of this chapter)

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