The track of dawn in the world of American manga

Chapter 437 52. Hey, Black Adam!This thing is much better than spells!

Chapter 437 52. Hey, Black Adam!This thing is much better than spells!

As soon as the private plane entered Kandak, it was followed by Black Adam. This is no longer a "unlucky" encounter. Coupled with the reaction of Poison Ivy before the attack, Mason confirmed that there are evil people hidden in this ancient country. Known secrets.

It seems that the disappearance of Da Chao and Xiao Qiao will indeed trigger a chain reaction.

After giving instructions to the team members to move freely, Mason hugged Harry in his arms and closed the penguin umbrella to let himself fall to the ground at a free falling speed, just like bungee jumping without a rope.

Playing is a heartbeat.

After completing the water body reorganization and landing safely at an altitude of hundreds of meters while the little cutie screamed, the hat on Mason's head immediately reminded:

"There are other people behind Black Adam, if you don't plan to fight with them here, move quickly."

"Now is not the time to fight."

Mason raised his watch to look at the players' positions, shook his head and said:
"The king of a country personally ran out to stop it. No matter how you look at it, this is a trick to cover the quick evacuation of the shady bastards. I guess they didn't expect us to move so fast.

Very good, now is the time to compete in execution.

Go meet up with Jason Brad first."

While speaking, Mason's body trembled and dispersed several lifelike water bodies, instructing them to disperse to attract the pursuers, and then activated the speed tail ring, and galloped towards the capital of Kandak according to the assembly direction given by Xiao Zha.

The reaction of the young K team was slower. The Iron Heart sent these flightless players into the desert below, and they were discovered by Black Adam's servants.

In the middle of the night, the loyal servants who had been endowed with a certain amount of divine power by Black Adam launched a crisp attack, but the young people who had been prepared for a long time also dispersed.

This is the task they undertake.

Attract the enemy's attention and create opportunities for others who are stealthy to buy time.

This sounds like a difficult and dangerous task, but it is in line with the current strength of the super teenagers just to guerrilla on the periphery and not head-to-head with powerful enemies.

Especially when the most troublesome Black Adam has been entangled by Shazam, the difficulty of this task is dropping rapidly.

Damian galloped all the way in the desert on Mason's modified Batbike, looking up at the sky while avoiding the lightning that the "god servants" kept throwing behind him.

In the darkness of the night, there are two groups of bright flashes flying back and forth above the sky. It is a fight between two divine power holders with the same inheritance.

There is no doubt that the younger Shazam has fallen into a disadvantage.

"I have warned you, bastard! Do not enter my country again!"

Black Adam, who was wrapped in a black battle suit and wrapped in thunder, punched the red-clothed Superman in front of him. The dazzling blue lightning wrapped around his body, making the monarch majestic.

He yelled at Shazam, as if he was tired of the frequent troubles of this incompetent guy.

There is also a sense of "contempt" in it.

From the perspective of Black Adam, who has experienced ups and downs in his life, Billy Batson is undoubtedly not worthy of his strength. Simply put, what grade are you?

Use the same divine power as me?

Although the 15-year-old Billy has little experience in dealing with people, his Solomon wisdom allows him to easily capture the contempt in Black Adam's actions and words.

But the kid didn't care about it. Instead, after being hit by Black Adam, he rolled deftly in the air and stabilized his figure. He even made a face at the majestic and cruel Black Adam and said sarcastically:

"I don't know who was beaten like a dead dog in Gotham last time, and was thrown into a stinky ditch and almost drowned! Hey, I have seen your embarrassment with my own eyes, Adam.

Don't stand in my face and pretend to be strong, you are nothing but a loser.

Although I don't know what you have done secretly, but I believe that when it comes to your willpower, you, an old dog who has surrendered to outsiders, is not qualified to speak nonsense in front of me. "

He patted his knee, grinned and whistled at Black Adam in mockery:

"I'm not on my knees yet, but you've got a collar around your neck, I'm curious, if your bark is good enough, will they give you a few more bones to eat?"


Faced with Shazam's pungent ridicule, Black Adam's reaction was a burst of divine power!
The power of the Six Gods of Egypt has been strengthened in the Middle East, and Shazam can't beat him in other places. Now that he comes to his base camp, the only thing he can get is a fat beating.

At this moment, half of the sky was enveloped by Black Adam's divine power and lightning, and Shazam turned around and flew out with a strange cry.

He looked like a coward who talked big but dared not face cruel enemies.

But as a senior, Black Adam is far superior to him in the level of divine power manipulation. The great monarch doesn't even need to move, he can manipulate the flying lightning to surround Shazam from all directions with only his will, and soon trapped him in the in a small area.

Thunder is everywhere, and there is a strong wind blowing amidst the dark clouds, which is very similar to the extreme weather caused by a small climate change. The person who can easily create such a change is called a "god", and it may not be all eyes. worship.

Shazam can do this too, provided he spends some time honing his control over the power of the six Greek gods to a finer level.

Seeing that he could not escape now, Shazam simply gritted his teeth and propped up his lightning as a protection and rushed towards Black Adam.

This reckless response made the monarch of Kandak sneer.

He crossed his arms and didn't even bother to punch. This little idiot would be consumed rapidly in the collision of divine power, and eventually he couldn't even maintain his transformed state.

"You don't know anything about the strength of the enemy, and you don't know anything about your own strength, how desperate must the sad old man be to give you the last inheritance?
How pathetic! "

He sneered.

As Black Adam expected, the speed of Shazam, who was fast moving through the cage arranged by Thunder, became slower and slower, and those entangled lightnings trapped his limbs like chains, just like Xiao Fei who crashed into a spider web. insect.

The distance between the two is shortening, but Shazam is no longer able to break through Black Adam's imprisonment. It seems that being captured alive is the only ending for this superman in red tonight.


Shazam, who was already surrounded by layers, raised his head, looked at the dark power man who was less than 50 meters away from him, and the young man under great pressure gritted his teeth and shouted:

"The old wizard told me that giving power to you was the biggest mistake he made in his life. When he died, he told me to beat you!"

"so what?"

Black Adam said expressionlessly:
"It's good to have goals, but you don't have the means to carry out your will to the end. Shouldn't he send a boy to perform tasks that only real men can accomplish?"

"Eat me with a hammer!"

The monarch of Kandak hadn't finished speaking when he saw Shazam in front of him making a charged throwing motion in the air.

In the next moment, the power belonging to the six Greek gods converged and exploded, and the moment the dazzling thunder light broke free, a silver warhammer wrapped in energy smashed at the speed of light.

Facing the roaring and fully charged Seiko Thor's Hammer at this distance, even Black Adam couldn't dodge it, so he exploded with divine power and staggered his fists in front of him to block.

With a loud bang, he, who had the upper hand, was crushed by the sneak attack hammer and fell across the dark sky for an instant to the ancient pyramid in the desert in the distance. dust splashed.

This attack hurts him but doesn't actually hurt him.

However, the moment Black Adam flew out of the collapsed pyramid in disgrace, he felt as if he was being locked by some kind of "hunting eye", and his heart was filled with chills.

He looked up and saw Shazam in the air shouting the name of the six Greek gods to push the power of the six gods to the limit, and in the hands of the red-clothed superman was holding a majestic golden spear that radiated all over the place.

A lot of divine power was poured into it to make the runes engraved by Mason himself light up one by one, and more than seven circular magic circles were activated on the Judgment Gun from the beginning to the end, making it almost disappear and become Shazam A handful of fast-pulsing golden lightning bolts held.

"The old wizard didn't choose me just because I have a warm heart!"

He yelled high in the air:

"I still have a pair of eyes to distinguish right from wrong, but you don't, you're already blind, 5000-year-old guy!"


He threw the Judgment Spear that was nearly out of control in his hand. This blow drained all of Shazam's divine power, allowing him to release his divine power the moment he threw the spear. The coming Iron Heart hugged him, and then the thrusters accelerated and took him away into the clouds.

As for Black Adam.
Although the Judgment Spear thrown by Shazam is not genuine, its destructive power as a carrier of power cannot be underestimated after being subjected to the concentration of divine power.

Shazam's desperation made Black Adam also have to enter the predicament of desperately trying to survive. The divine power of the six Egyptian gods was exploded in the night to meet the golden arc that fell on his head.

A terrifying explosion blew up around the destroyed pyramid, sweeping across the desert like a shock wave and rolling up a sandstorm connecting the sky and the earth.

The imitation Thor's Hammer and the Gun of Judgment that were used to attack him both had recovery runes, and after completing the attack, they swished into the sky and followed Billy out of here.

Although the dust caused by the force collision was very unexpected, it covered up the whereabouts of the young K team very well. Under the command of Damian, the team members marched towards the interior of Kandak in the sand and gathered, which also made Their secret infiltrations, which were frequent at the beginning, were unexpectedly pushed to the next stage without any risk.
"Well, the imitation version of the artifact I made is actually quite powerful, right? I think those guys who mock me as a fake dealer can shut up."

On the top floor of a hotel in the capital of Kandak, standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows, Mason looked at the sudden light in the distance and the huge dust that flew up in the distance. He turned his head to face the expressionless demon knight Jason Bu Rad said:
"Especially when they fall into the hands of the right users, they can be as destructive as the genuine ones."

"That kind of attack can't kill Black Adam."

The old knight said calmly:
"At least three times stronger, Shazam's mining and control of power is obviously still in its infancy, and Black Adam's mocking him as a child is not nonsense.

He didn't realize what kind of power he possessed, just like a child, he just thought it was enough. "

"It's a good attitude."

Mason waved his hands and said:

"Strength will induce people to degenerate, making you more and more able to fight and more and more stupid. Look at me, I never think that power is such a good thing. I always feel that it is enough.

Probably because my fighting style is different from most people?
Well, let's not talk about these emotional topics. "

He took a glass of wine from Harry, looked back at the demon knight who had been lurking here for several days, and asked:
"Where should we go next?"

"The temple of Kandak."

Old Jason pointed to a certain direction outside the window, he narrowed his eyes and said:
"I have confirmed that the escaped wizards of the Constellation Society are hiding in it. There is a demiplane connected to the material world. It is said that it is the last shrine of the six gods of Egypt and the source of Black Adam's power.

I don't know what's in it.

But if it is true that they kidnapped Superman and his children, then the temple is their best hiding place.In addition, a large swamp has appeared strangely around that temple recently.
So if you want to track the Swamp Thing, I'll tell you that guy never hides his actions.

It and its followers have been in that swamp all the time, which makes it very dangerous for us to break into the temple. If it's just the two of us, I would advise us not to take the risk. "

"I feel more and more that this is a specially arranged trap."

Mason rubbed his eyebrows and said:
"Maybe they kidnapped Super to bring the entire Justice League over, planning something dangerous but believing in their own success.

If I'm right, maybe something like a 'blackmail letter' will be sent to Justice League HQ soon"


During the shattering light, Xiao Shan's figure suddenly appeared, and together with the brought master and Xiao Zha, Batman said in a serious tone as soon as he appeared:
"Three minutes ago, Cyborg on guard at the watchtower received an email threatening us to hand over several powerful items stored by the Justice League, or they would kill Superman and Joe.

Cyborg analyzed that the sending address of the email was in Kandak, and now the news has spread.

Before I got in touch, Wonder Woman and Aquaman had already come here, but the Justice League getting together is obviously what they want to see. "

"Look, a vicious trap."

Mason pouted and said:
"These 'wake-ups' really can't hide. We need to get rid of you world defenders here to pave the way for the next large-scale invasion."

"Then I'm going to stop them?"

Xiao Shan made a preparatory movement for running and asked:
"Without my help, can you guys do it? That's a trap for the entire Justice League."

"Don't be afraid, I have a secret weapon."

Mason grinned, reached out and handed the silver-gray activation key to the master, who was taken aback for a moment before taking it in his hand, and then he said to Xiao Shan:

"The Martian Manhunter is waiting for you outside the border of Kandak. He will help you stop the rest of the Justice League. Don't let them enter Kandak before we send back the news."

"it is good!"

Xiao Shan disappeared in place with a whoosh, and the others didn't waste any time. Under the leadership of Old Jason, they quickly crossed the city that had been shrouded in sandstorms and approached the palace and temple.

In front of that mysterious swamp, Zha Kang and Poison Ivy were already waiting here.

Xiao Zha snorted and refused to look at Zha Kang, who was also holding his cigarette butt with his mouth curled up like a tantrum.

It's like two live treasures.

"The consciousness of the swamp monster is in this swamp. I'll go talk to it."

Poison Ivy rubbed her forehead and said to the others:
"Groot and the Rockets come with me and we'll buy enough time."


Mason had no objection to this. After Poison Ivy called out the natural force, the rest of the people crossed the swamp and entered the front of the temple without any danger.

Old Jason said that this is a demiplane independent of the material world, and its entrance is sealed by a rock, which obviously requires the power of the six gods to open, but these divine things have never been a big problem in front of Mason.

He put his hand on the rock.

The fragments of the black death sword moved and covered the fingers, and it took only a dozen seconds to absorb all the divine power in the rock to make this restriction invalid, and a door flashing with thunder appeared in front of everyone.

The master, who was worried about his good friends, stepped in first, followed by others.

As a result, as soon as he entered the door, there was a flickering green light sweeping towards him like suppressing firepower, and the dangerous Avada Kedavra flew in all directions. Fortunately, the master activated the key in time to activate the enhanced Fenrir armor to block everyone. .

The interior of this temple is not large, and it is full of enemies as they expected.

In addition to those fugitive wizards who have been hiding in this world for nearly two months, there are also three Supermen, two Wonder Woman, two Aquaman and double versions of the re-engraved Zhenglian, and many black Adams suspended in the sky Wait here.

"Look! Big Super!"

Harley, who was hiding beside Mason and holding the X-metal warhammer, exclaimed, and the others looked forward under the suppression of the magic frenzy, and they could see Dachao hanging in the air by kryptonite chains.

His appearance of not knowing whether he was alive or dead was extremely miserable.


Something was released by Mason and hit the ground. While opening the black mechanical cabinet, he said:

"Start arming and prepare to attack."

"what is this?"

Zha Kang looked at the things Mason threw out in surprise, the captain curled his lips, and said with a deadpan expression:
"Don't mind the name, Mason Miao Miao House, just go in, it's full of health and fun, I promise."

(End of this chapter)

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