The track of dawn in the world of American manga

Chapter 438 53. Question: Do you want to play in my Mason Miaomiao Room?Answer: Brother Mei, no!

Chapter 438 53. Question: Do you want to play in my Mason Miaomiao room?Answer: Brother Mei, no!
After seeing the supreme arsenal at the prodigal son of the star-lord black panther, Mason knew that he must have one of this miracle of engineering.

It just happened to get a lot of gadgets that require advanced engineering to be used proficiently from "The Good Man" Brainiac, so the "Mason Craftsman Group" has adjusted its deployment in the past few days, and listed the impact of engineering skills as the first One priority.

And the black mechanical box he threw out in this dangerous temple at this time is the "miracle" that the Masons tried their best to create.

Uh, maybe it’s not as miraculous as the original version, but it’s still a miracle of the downgraded version.

There were constant bombardments of deadly magic from the wizards ahead, and the Skrull version of the Justice League also launched an attack on a group of people who jumped into the trap.

But the Fenrir armor made by Zhenjin has already stepped forward to meet the enemy under the control of the female Ultron.

Although this power armor was dismantled by Lao Bu once before, the fact that the enemy is too strong does not mean that the deterrence of the power armor itself has declined. The database stores a full set of anti-alliance tactics, which are controlled by a powerful AI and endowed by the life-binding rat charm. Vitality, this thing is easy to beat a "fake hero" under full firepower.


Under the cover of Fenrir's armor, Mason's downgraded version of the Supreme Arsenal finally opened.

The structure of the original weapon box is different from that of the original weapon box. Mason has improved it so that when it is opened, it will form a weapon arsenal with protective functions, allowing users to slowly choose a weapon that suits them without external threats.

Its shape is like a small house, and it perfectly fits the damned unlucky name that Mason's water body deliberately gave it in order to run on the main body.

Miao Miao House, isn't it a house of hell?

"Go in, all in! Pick whatever you want."

Mason drove the people around him into the arsenal, and he ordered:

"Come out as soon as you get the weapon. This figurative weapon can only be effective for 10 minutes. Everyone should make a quick decision. By the way, send me a usage report after the incident, so that I can make follow-up improvements."

"I always feel that you are pushing me in to do some weird things."

Zha Kang complained, but was pushed into the opened supreme arsenal by Mason. This thing has a space change inside, and its actual usable area is much larger than it looks.

Mason was the last to go in.

He put his hand on the outer layer of the black mechanical box of the supreme arsenal, and an information label popped up at this moment:
Mason's Miaomiao House/Downgraded Version Disposable Disposable Supreme Arsenal
Quality: Epic-level Engineering Items · Perfect Craftsmanship

Traits: Reality Alteration (Low Level), Single Use, Explosive Design

Special effects:

[-]. Simple function

Because the maker's engineering skills are not up to standard, this model of Supreme Armory does not have the power of the full version, but the maker has tried his best to complete the functional imitation, making it enter the stage where it can be used in practice.

Every time the arsenal is opened, 33 pieces of included equipment with the highest quality [Artifact] and the lowest quality [Legend] will be randomly provided for use.

All weapons and armor simulated by the rewritten reality have exactly the same attributes, powers and related divine powers as the real items during the effective period.


This arsenal does not have a complete copy function, so the power of all the copied artifacts is limited to one-half to one-fifth of the original version according to different types.

Inspired equipment can only be used once.

The power of permanent armor and weapons will be weakened as the effective time decreases.

[-]. Urgent need for improvement
There are flaws in the secondary design of the arsenal, which causes it to last for 30 minutes after opening, and then enters the self-destruct process.

This arsenal is an imitation version. In order to realize the reality rewriting function, it needs three weak magic stones as energy each time it is turned on.

The function of the arsenal is not complete, so there is a certain probability that when the equipment is copied, it will be copied together with the curse effect of the equipment, and the effect will disappear after the arsenal is destroyed.


Makers are requested to improve their engineering skills as soon as possible to improve this product.

Producer: Mason Cooper
Item description: We generally call this kind of thing a downgraded bare car rough and simple version fake, but considering your current craftsmanship, it is already very good to be able to make this thing, so this time I won’t ridicule you. heart of counterfeiters.

"What a shame."

Mason sighed.

Once this information label is leaked, it will be enough to instantly collapse the image of a "skilled craftsman" he has tried his best to maintain, and it may also confirm the damn impression that he has been secretly called "unscrupulous counterfeit dealers".

But this kind of thing used in critical moments doesn't matter how good it is internally, as long as the external performance is good enough to use, it is completely fine.

In fact, the main reason Mason made this downgraded version of the Supreme Arsenal was not because he wanted to be lazy or just for convenience.

The real reason is that a large part of the various artifact blueprints and formulas he currently has mastered cannot be produced with his current production skills.

The supreme arsenal randomly provides 33 equipment collection functions, which can help Mason get rid of a BUG in this regard.

such as now

Mason picked up a retro-looking small black revolver from the weapons platform in the arsenal, his face was full of satisfaction. This gun does not look outstanding, but its inside is much more powerful than its outside. Just look at the information label Can see the clue:
Observer Bodyguard with Gun · Frog Figure Special

Status: Reality Rewriting Item · Attribute Re-enactment · Three 10-minute countdown to take effect

Traits: Law of Karma · Sure Hit · Non-Lethal

Item description: You are such a clever little ghost who can come up with such a way to "rent" equipment.

"That set of Neural Power Armor of the Lord of the Universe!"

He inserted this real "broken star small revolver" into his waist, and turned his head to the master who was picking up a BFG9000 electromagnetic gun:
"Wear it and you will be invincible. You go to save Dachao, and leave the rest to us."


Batman, who was thinking about how this wonderful arsenal works, quickly put on the power armor rewritten by reality according to the instructions, and then rushed out first.

Xiao Zha has now changed into a set of "Queen's Robe" copied from Odin's treasury, and put on the Ravenclaw Wisdom Crown, holding Loki's spiritual staff in his hand. Wear the Eye of Agomotto.

Although they are all "fakes", the state of the white wizard sister at this time makes her look like she is ready to set off and fight Darkseid one-on-one.

The magic power fluctuations brought by the equipment alone made her look like a goddess of magic descending to earth.

As for Jarcon
This guy already had genuine magical artifacts bought by Mason, so naturally he didn't like these copied fakes, but he still picked out a "Book of Weishandi" and the Elder Wand in his hand, It also looks the same.

"Go, suppress firepower, those wizards will be handed over to you two."

Mason gave an order, and Xiao Zha and Zha Kang, who were fully armed, also turned around and rushed out.

After completing the re-arming, Xiao Zha raised his hands and activated the Eye of Agomotto to use the big move of "reversing time", which directly made it difficult for the wizards of the Constellation Society on the opposite side.

This K team is already strong enough to recruit Doctor Strange?
How is this played?
"Little aunt, grandma, don't dare to play with this thing casually."

Mason turned back and snatched the silver "lighter" that Harry was playing with in his hand in fear, fearing that Harry would accidentally destroy everyone here.

Although the power of the ultimate eraser was seriously reduced after being copied, it is conservatively estimated that erasing the entire capital of Kandak should not be a big problem.

"Hey, cheapskate!"

Harley made a face at Mason, then put on a frog-figure observer robe and dressed herself like a desert dancer, covering her face with only her eyes exposed, picked up the BFG9000 electromagnetic gun beside her and rushed out of the wonderful room.

She didn't know what the little lighter was for, but seeing how nervous Little Sweetheart was, she knew it must be a big killer.

"Your device is very powerful, it opened my eyes."

Old Jason, who was still here, was rather simple. He only chose a blood-red Spawn shirt and an Isu Broken Steel Sword for himself, and he was fully armed.

But as the host of a high-level demon, he has enough insight to discern the strategic value of this downgraded version of the supreme arsenal, so he looked at Mason who was using the ultimate eraser to light a cigarette for himself with a strange look.

他 说:

"Is this how craftsmen like you fight?"

"Almost, but it is only a semi-finished product after all, and it depends on my knowledge and craftsmanship to take effect, so you see, what I just told you about strength is really just enough."

Mason exhaled the smoke ring, picked up the six-gem infinity gauntlet beside him and put it on his left hand,
He walked out of Miaomiao House with Jason, and glanced back. The three-ten-minute countdown to self-explosion of this thing had started. He shook his head, feeling distressed for the three Sorcerer's Stones he had paid.

Although the Sorcerer's Stone used as energy is a "downgraded version" of the Sorcerer's Stone made by Elric Brothers, he would not be so extravagant to use the real Sorcerer's Stone fragments here, but even the weak Sorcerer's Stone is not casual Something you can get!

This time it's really a battle of krypton gold, and every second you hit is a lot of money!
At this time, the whole temple has become a pot of porridge.

The Skrulls ambushed nearly fifty elites disguised as superheroes of various colors here, and they got a full set of Kryptonian disguises from the bound superheroes. Mason's Fenrir armor was almost destroyed by these guys It was demolished.

But in the face of the master wearing the Master of the Universe armor, what they can do is limited, just like an eagle catching chickens, being knocked to the ground one by one by the master.

As for those fugitive wizards, it was even worse.

Xiao Zha, who is armed with legendary equipment, will be fully fired, suspended in the air by himself and throwing super magic one after another, suppressing the counterattack of the wizards alone, and Zha Kang is sneaking around with the Elder Wand Sneak attack, one hit and one accurate.

"Actually, I think I can wipe them out if I come here alone."

Mason grinned.

Under the watchful eyes of old Jason, he raised his left hand and snapped his fingers lightly with the infinite gauntlet. In an instant, half of the enemies within the shroud of the temple were silently turned into flying ash amidst the screams. .

This scene made the entire battlefield instantly dead silent.

Although the replica Infinity Gauntlet in Mason's hand turned into a plume of crimson smoke and disappeared after the snap, this super lethal power not only frightened the opponent, but even his companions were taken aback.

Master seized the opportunity to rush over to free Chao from the kryptonite chains, and at the same time, a group of Skrulls howled and rushed towards Mason.

Jason stepped forward to fight them but was stopped by Mason. Mason, who came here this time to test the effect of the supreme arsenal, pulled out the frog-figure gun on his waist, and aimed at the Skrulls rushing in front of him. trigger.

But he didn't aim at all, he just emptied the bullet in the general direction.

I flash!

Those Skrulls easily dodged the flying bullets by relying on the strength of their camouflage, and one by one laughed at Mason's poor hit rate and terrible marksmanship.

In response, Mason responded with a gentle smile while reloading.

What's the rush? It's better to catch it well than to hit it accurately.

Let the bullet fly a little longer.
When several Skrull attackers rushed in front of him, six gunshots rang out again, and each guy had a blood hole on his forehead and between his brows, making them limp in the wide-eyed astonishment on the ground.

"Do you understand the gold content of 'law of cause and effect'?"

The captain pouted.

The six bullets they dodged just now hit them five seconds ago. In front of this genuine "engineering miracle", let alone simply dodging, even hiding in another world is useless.

The moment they are pointed at by the gun, they are actually dead. Well, they are not dead. All the weapons of the Observer Frog Map are non-lethal.

Although the bullet pierced through the head, it still only made these guys enter the brink of death.

This weapon seems to be very suitable for the master.

"Come on!"

Mason raised the small revolver of the Law of Karma in his hand, and anyone who was targeted by him felt terrified.

In addition, he showed the Eternal Skrull Mind Beacon on his right wrist. As soon as this race-derived artifact appeared, all the Skruul present lost their determination to resist.

They already knew that their master, Brainiac, had been defeated through telepathic telepathy, but the inability to obtain the news from the remote world kept them in a constant state of panic. That's why they were drawn here by wizards and swamp monsters from the Society of Stars to do this. last-ditch.

The appearance of this spiritual beacon now means that the young man in front of him is the guy who executed Brainiac.

Although the spiritual beacon is not mandatory and can rely on firm will to resist its power, but for the Skrulls, they cannot resist the strong who can defeat their original master.

So under Mason's scolding, those trapped Skrulls turned their backs one after another, and the wizards who had been beaten by Zha Kang and Xiao Zha immediately fell into a desperate situation.

The battle ended after half a minute.

The leader of the Constellation wizards, the captain of the lighthouse team, and the senior B-class member, the great wizard El Gilbert, was dragged to Mason like a dead dog by two Skrulls who had transformed into superhumans.

The great wizard who has been on the run in the Gotham world for more than two months will be miserable.

Facing the karma pistol in Mason's hand, he didn't intend to show his bravery. He raised his head and looked at Mason with disheveled hair. With his mouth full of blood, he let out a hoarse laugh and said:

"Who would have thought... ahem, the punishment of the traitors from my hometown would come to an end in such a way, that the little bugs that could be easily crushed to death at the beginning would grow to such a terrifying state.

Heh, it is indeed the doomsday beast of Hogwarts. "

"Mason, don't kill him."

Although Hat hated the traitor in front of him, he still reminded him at this moment:

"There are people in this world who help them hide. We must dig out the mastermind behind the scenes. Black Adam may not be the only traitor hiding in the dark!"

"I don't think I can get useful information from him."

Mason shook his head and said:
"They were obviously set up as abandoned children to set up this trap here, and the people behind them have already sensed the crisis and started to dive deeper."


A sudden loud noise exploded from the demiplane of the temple. When everyone looked up, they saw that the dome of the ancient temple had cracked, and the huge rock was shaking and falling dust.

The entire temple began to vibrate.

"The power of the Six Egyptian Gods is rapidly out of control!"

Xiao Zha fell under several statues deep in the temple in a flash. After careful inspection, she and Zha Kang turned around and shouted to Mason:
"These bursts of divine power will destroy this demiplane and crush us all here. These guys don't want to get out alive! The temple has been sealed from the outside, and we are trapped."

"Don't panic! Come behind me! Quick!"

He yelled, and the master immediately rushed over with the unconscious Dachao on his shoulders, and even the Skrulls gathered behind him with their heads lowered and their bodies shaking under Mason's scolding.

"Stop struggling."

The great wizard El Gilbert was paralyzed in a pool of blood. He raised his head and said to Mason:
"You shouldn't have come, this is a lore reserved for the Justice League. Lord Warlock has accurately calculated the power of the explosion, even Kryptonians will be torn apart here.

The end of this world is already doomed, and it is just the next Hogwarts. "

"Obviously there are so many ways to kill us, and even hiding a few nuclear bombs here can solve the problem, but why do you have to be smart and use divine power?

Your arrangement makes me even feel that warlocks may be my potential teammates. "

Mason simply ignored the desperate speech of the "woke up" in front of him. He rubbed his forehead, reached out and patted his left wrist, and shouted at the tattoo-like black line:

"Don't sleep! Boss, wake up, let's eat."

(End of this chapter)

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