The track of dawn in the world of American manga

Chapter 441 56. I want to have what Mason has!The tough attacker and field control master of the Jun

Chapter 441 56. I want to have what Mason has!The tough attacker and field control master of the Junior K team is here!

A loud noise sounded in the depths of the swamp.

It was like a big bomb was detonated, tons of mud and torn vines were thrown into the sky, and then scattered like rain of mud ideas.

This scene made the young team K, who was rushing to the Swamp Monster battlefield, look at each other in dismay.

Although they have never been very clear about the combat effectiveness of Mason Cooper, the captain of the K team, but seeing the three Kryptonians respecting him, Mason should not be a weak hand.

However, now that the captain is doing it himself, Franklin, the ant king who is still in a semi-comatose state, has created such a big scene. Hey, is this young ant king who robbed houses in the wasteland so strong?

He used to be pretending to be weak before co-authoring, right?
"I have to help sweetheart, he will be hurt."

Harley, who was led by Kevin to meet up with the young K team, grabbed her Origin X metal hammer and rushed to help, but was pulled back by Xiao Zha's magic.

The white wizard rubbed her forehead to sense the force ahead, she said with some headache:

"Don't go there, the energy over there is rapidly increasing, it's a dangerous reality distortion, listen! Harry, that's not a battle you can participate in."

"The swamp monster is still over there."

Zha Kang, who was smoking a cigarette, also persuaded:

"Mason didn't ask us to help, which means he has a good idea, let's go to Ivy, don't you worry about your best friend?

Mason says that the Swamp Thing's uprising may be part of the Stellar Society's secret invasion of our world, and it's clear he doesn't want the Swamp Thing to escape from here.

You are now a member of Team K with a mission on your shoulders, Harry, you don't want Mason to disappoint you, do you? "


Harry hesitated.

She turned her head back and forth in two directions, finally gritted her teeth, activated the venom suit and rushed towards Ivy, which didn't mean she had to choose between the two.

Instead, Quinn told her in her heart that she had to deal with Ivy first, so that she could concentrate on helping Mason.

But when the young K team and the two wizards rushed to the other side through the misty swamp under the leadership of Kevin, they were shocked to find that the situation here was not much better than Mason's side.

There really isn't a brat here who can distort reality at will, but the "swamp behemoth" that has swollen to the extreme like a twisted combination of countless vines looks no less deterrent than reality distortion.

"How did it become like this! Is it polluted?"

Zha Kang exclaimed, and the cigarettes at the corner of his mouth fell into the muddy ground.

Before meeting Mason, he actually had a good relationship with the Swamp Thing. Although this guy has no human feelings, it is one of the few beings who are willing to give him shelter when Zha Kang gets into trouble.

Therefore, the swamp monster can be regarded as one of the few friends of Zha Kang.

But right now, this swamp monster doesn't have the naive feeling in Constantine's memory at all. It swells itself into a twisted and indescribable "dark tree", rooted in the depths of this dark swamp.

Those twisted vines swarmed like dark snakes in the mud, on the ground, and in the air, like gluttons looking for food.

The swamp, which was originally full of stench, has now been filled with the smell of blood. The corpses of the cultists of the Green Church of All Things are hanging on the vines and branches of the swamp monster, resembling the horror legend of the Hanged Man Tree.

"The power of the green of all things is out of control!"

Poison Ivy, who was manipulating a group of vines to resist the attack of the swamp monster, saw the reinforcements and called out to them:

"Holland concentrated all the power of nature on it, but it couldn't bear this concentrated power at all and was disturbed by some weird things.

It has been induced to take root.

This swamp is expanding!It must be stopped, otherwise the entire Kandak will become a dark quagmire full of strong vitality overnight. "


Xiao Zha gave an order, and the young K team immediately took action.

As the black wizard Zha Kang waved the coral trident staff and released the stealthy Vatum Wind to block all the magic power wandering around, a closed battlefield suddenly took shape.

Xiao Zha used a strange irony magic to summon the Skyfire Falling to try to burn the vines, but it stimulated the counterattack of the swamp monster who was unaware. A large number of bloodthirsty vines gushed out of the swamp mud and wanted to pull Xiao Zha into the mud to drown him. Little Joe burns the plants with a heat ray to save Zha.

The Heart of Steel opened the bomb bay of the battle armor, and traveled across the battlefield at supersonic speed to bring a wave of land bombing.

"Attack the body, little girl!"

Jumping flexibly on the flying vines, Rocket Raccoon, who dropped a bomb from time to time, grabbed the big gun and directed Miss Iron Heart flying around:

"Blowing up its vines is useless, this guy can summon trees to defend him indefinitely, hell! Groot was almost bewitched by it.
Be careful! "

The rocket exclaimed, and the iron heart that was trying to get close to the body of the swamp monster was hit by the thorny ironwood seeds that suddenly shot out.

This thing is like a cannonball. It blasted the iron core out with super kinetic energy and took root on the ground, binding the armored man in the mud pit for a while, unable to break free.

"I hate mud!"

The always wise, decent and black-bellied little princess of the Stark family screamed.

A beautiful girl like her definitely doesn't like mud, but right now she can't ask for more. Everyone else is busy fighting, and she can only get out of trouble by herself.

Damian, who was watching this scene, grinned secretly.

Let you, an obedient girl who is cut in black, snatch my captain position!

"You at least have to tell us why it's the way it is?"

Damian, who was happy in his heart, jumped to the side of Poison Ivy who was struggling to control the field with the help of the cane thrown by Groot like a monkey.

The famous knife in his hand is as sharp as ever, and every blow under the deadly skill of the little madman can cut off vines or smashed ironwood seeds, but based on his understanding of combat, he doesn't think that people like himself can break The swamp monster in front of him had obviously grown to a higher stage.

He yelled at Poison Ivy:
"You also have to tell us what this guy's weakness is? I don't think ordinary fire can kill it!"

"The swamp monster is immortal, don't even think about killing it."

Zha Kang accurately summoned a group of purgatory fires in front of him, burning up the flying snakes and vines. When the blazing magic fire pillar was temporarily slowing down the regeneration of plants, he rushed to Damian on a broom and said:

"Now let it come back from rooting and you're good to go, I just happen to have a great idea."

Jagger took a step back while manipulating the broom.

Looking at the swamp monster in front of him who finally suppressed the fire of purgatory by relying on the continuous bark falling off, the latter re-summoned tens of thousands of poisonous vines to sweep across the entire area, and was about to turn those who blocked the ceremony into his own fertilizer .

It can't hear any sound from the outside world at all now, and Zha Kang tried mind projection just now, and it was completely useless.

The Swamp Thing has been taken over by the Green of All Things.


The black wizard saw that the fire of hell could not burn the rooted tree of darkness, so he squinted his eyes to activate the team communication, and shouted to his captain:
"Let your phoenix come! There's a lot of rotten wood here that needs to be burned."

"Hold on."

Mason's response was tinged with difficulty and pain, not as relaxed and comfortable as before. It seems that his battle to suppress the rampant Franklin was not smooth.

A few seconds later, amidst the raging fire, the narcissistic Phoenix Fox was sent to the battlefield here with a bad face.

Don't ask Zha Kang why he can see the stinky face of a phoenix, this is probably a kind of talent.

"Choo Choo Choo!"

Fox, who was forced to open his business, was in a very upset mood, so he naturally didn't care about the severity of his attack. The moment he appeared, this guy came to "start a prairie fire".

It hits the body of the swamp monster like a flaming meteor, and at the moment of collision, it casts a raging fire forward, followed by the dark blue purifying flame, and in just a few seconds, it hits a monster that is beyond the reach of the young K team and the wizard duo. Super DPS.

Afterwards, a wave of explosive fireballs with higher temperature burned the outer bark of the swamp monster completely. This wave of "magic fire slimming" has a very good effect, making the swamp monster who has no pain feel utter Shocking roar.

Harley, who was swinging a warhammer at the side and beating the vines, was also inspired.

She frantically rummaged through the luggage and threw her personal belongings everywhere, and finally threw Johnny's hell locomotive out, and twisted the accelerator when she picked it up.

However, the proud locomotive didn't want to talk to her.

It made a deal with Mason that Harley wasn't entitled to ride it.

It is a conservative motorcycle, and it is absolutely impossible for anyone to jump on it and drive it away. This uncooperative attitude made Harry threaten to smash it, and the next second the swamp monster that took root was in Phoenix. Under the threat of fire, they were forced to pull out their roots and move, and everyone fell into a more dangerous predicament as soon as they reached their combat goal.

The BOSS enters the second stage, from a stake to a positional battle that requires flexible movement.

All the participants obviously hadn't reacted when they were faced with the face-to-face attack of the "Tree Boundary Descending" shot by the swamp monster who jumped into the mud to hide and charge up.

Black vines rushed out of the ground with mud, surrounded by hundreds of poisonous vines and the release of highly toxic spores instantly overturned several of them.

Miss Tie Xin, who just ran out of the battle armor, was knocked down head-on, and she fell into the mud. Ashley Parker, who couldn't dodge, was also hit by the poisonous spores. Harley, who was riding on the motorcycle, even The person and the car were smashed and flew out.

Her best friend, Poison Ivy, was even worse.

The vines belonging to her were "assimilated" by the swamp monster, causing her to be dragged into the mud.

She has a part of the power fragments of the green of all things on her body. Once the swamp monster gets it, the situation will be even more critical. Damian pounces on and kicks Ivy away with a sword, but he himself is grabbed by the vines and pulled towards the mud pit.

The sound of the roaring engine sounded in the next second.

The hell locomotive, which was very uncooperative just now, spewed raging magic fire from the exhaust port, and it rushed out of the muddy ground carrying Harley, who was covered in mud.

You tree bastard just hit me, didn't you?How dare you let my beautiful car body be stained with mud?
very good!

Now it's a personal vendetta!

The burning locomotive flew up, and under Harry's control, the rotating wheels cut like a razor on the body of the swamp monster that emerged from the mud pit.

Cooperating with the neighing of the phoenix descending from the sky, the two flames merged in an instant and exploded like a vitality bomb.

Damian, who was pulled towards the monster, struggled to jump out, and was pushed forward by the flame explosion, and then was helped by Xiao Qiao who jumped up, but the impact was so strong that the two children rolled and fell on the surroundings who were crazily cutting. Jimmy Hautley from "The Treeman" who awakens.

The three of them rolled into a ball and fell into the mud and turned into mud monkeys, without any decency of a young hero.

"That's not possible!"

The wasteland coyotes got up and looked at the front, the body of the swamp monster, which was contained by the hell locomotive and the phoenix fire, was ignited, but soon regrown in the scorched marks.

His beast instinct was calling the police, making him turn around and yell at Damian:

"We're going to need a strong hammer that can destroy its core. This thing must have a core, right?"

"Tough attackers, there are."

Damian, who seemed to be rolling in the mud, narrowed his eyes and looked at the battlefield, and then glanced at Xiao Qiao, who clenched his fists and wanted to help, but was helpless because of his ability to misfire from time to time.

The bat cub pouted, and under Jimmy's shocked gaze, he pulled out a syringe and stabbed it in the neck of the unsuspecting little Joe.

The light golden liquid was injected into Xiao Qiao's blood vessels, and the latter hugged his head and screamed.

He felt that the information of the whole world was transmitted to his ears at this moment through the auditory sense amplified thousands of times, which made him unable to accept it all at once, as if his brain was about to explode.

"Hey! Look at me! Don't think about anything else."

Damian grabbed Joe's face, stared at him and said:

"I injected you with a superhuman drug, which will not kill you and will allow you to temporarily have the strength to rival your father, we need a formidable opponent now!

The next time Fawkes and Harley finish their fire combo, I need you to rush over and tear that monster apart before it regenerates!

That's your job!
Keep an eye on it, it's your goal!Get rid of it and we can save the world. At least in this country, it's up to you whether the tens of millions of people here can survive tonight.


Jonathan Kent!Learn from your dad and think with your super-intelligence! "

The bat cub roared like a devil instructor.

And Xiao Qiao in front of him couldn't suppress the heat rays in his eyes at this moment, so he could only close his eyes, but although the farm boy was trembling, he still nodded when facing Damian's instructions.

He asks his superintelligence what to do now?
The super wisdom in his mind immediately answered very reliably: Of course you use your super power, idiot!In addition, you are already a mature Kryptonian kid, it's time to find yourself a reliable external brain or something, don't come to ask it for everything.

Super intelligence is also very busy, okay?

"Very good! Take a deep breath and get ready!"

Damian looked back, and at the moment when the Phoenix and the hell locomotive ignited the swamp monster with flames again, he patted Xiao Qiao on the shoulder and said:

"let's go!"


Xiaoqiao slammed into the ignited swamp monster with a ten times the speed of sound impact, he couldn't control the strength, but it's not a bad thing right now.

The heat rays that no longer suppressed the eyes blasted away the wood in front of him like cutting lasers, and then violently snapped off the "left arm" of the swamp monster with clasped hands.

"Attack! Why are you still standing there! Waiting for it to drown us in the mud?"

Rice's roar revived the adults present.

Zha Kang gave a thumbs up to express his appreciation for Damian's ruthlessness. He is worthy of being the kind of Batboy. Then he cast a spell and threw Cytorak's crimson belt to cooperate with Xiao Qiao's wild attack to restrain the swamp monster.

Xiao Zha, the white wizard, also found a way to defeat the enemy. She waved her hand to the embarrassed Poison Ivy and the tree man Groot and shouted:
"The will of the All Green is transferable, right? It's like a swamp monster trying to eat you, go! Drain its power, you two!

Maybe it can sober up. "

"Cooperate, cooperate! Quick!"

Harley screamed and swung the warhammer, and knocked away the newly grown head of the swamp monster in the cutting and flying of the flame locomotive. Led by her, the boy K team also launched a wave of counterattacks.

With the forbidden spells controlled by Zha Kang, there will be no pressure at all for the first hair damage.

Even Miss Iron Heart, who had lost her battle armor, grabbed the baseball bat Harry threw to her and smashed it, gnashing her teeth and cursing the bastard for making her go back to do the laundry today.

She hates doing laundry!

Poison Ivy and the Alien Treant manipulated the vines from left to right to pierce the body of the swamp monster that was constantly being regenerated and destroyed by Xiao Qiao and everyone. They transferred the power of the green of all things to themselves according to the rhythm directed by Xiao Zha .

They are all very suitable carriers. With such cooperation, the swamp monster that seemed invincible just now will also fall into a critical and desperate situation.

But it didn't give up.

With the return of reason, it quickly found the most suitable combat technique for it. When it attacked next time, its entire body turned into rotten wood and shattered, which made Zhakang's control magic immediately invalid.

The dark wizard realized that something was wrong.

But before the warning, he was entangled by a vine with his left foot and was thrown flying and smashed into the muddy ground. Then, with a deep roar, the swamp monster used a twisted tree as a new body to "resurrect with full blood" ".

It growled and called.

The trees around the entire battlefield were awakened one by one. With the blessing of the power of nature, the plants that are about to trample the earth today will also have a terrifying numerical advantage.

The young K team in front of them is ready for a fierce battle. Damian in the center grabs his sword, Jimmy on the left hangs his body while gritting his teeth, and Xiao Qiao's heat ray on the right is ready to go.

They've won it once, and they're not afraid to do it again.

However, at the moment when the Second World War between the two sides was about to break out, the roaring swamp monster suddenly shook its body violently like a recurrence of a serious illness, and then it turned into a rotten tree and exploded under the gaze of everyone looking at each other.

In the activity of weird energy, the body of a strange man slowly took shape in the splash of rotten wood.

Behind him, Mason in tattered clothes was helping the pale-faced Franklin Richards step out of the swamp.

Franklin raised his left hand and was struggling to control his newly awakened mutant ability. With a flick of his finger, the treants awakened by the swamp monster wailed and returned to the form of trees again.

Mason, who was covered in injuries, pushed the frame.

He raised his head to the relieved crowd in front of him and said:

"You did a good job, everyone, especially you, Damian. Although you may be beaten by Xiao Qiao in a while, you are indeed a qualified captain."

(End of this chapter)

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