The track of dawn in the world of American manga

Chapter 442 57. The world does not want to be destroyed, the answer lies among the stars

Chapter 442 57. The world does not want to be destroyed, the answer lies among the stars

The swamp monster was controlled by the newly awakened Franklin Richards, and even with the power of the green of all things, it was difficult to break free for a while.

But this is not to say which of the two is stronger and who is weaker. After all, Franklin has just awakened. The main reason is that under Mason's "precise guidance", this new mutant who can distort reality has grasped the biggest "weakness" of the swamp monster. ".

He "stripped" Alec Holland's consciousness from the existence of the swamp monster. Without the guidance of the dead man's consciousness, the immortal swamp monster would not be able to take shape.

It is a strange thing that can only be formed by supernatural power and human consciousness.

But just this is not enough to defeat the existence of the swamp monster.

"You can try to restrain the power of the green of all things again."

Mason helped Franklin, who was quite embarrassed by the beating, to step forward, and said softly to his little compatriots:
"You should be able to feel it. It is a kind of plant energy that is free in nature. When Holland's consciousness is stripped, it will quickly dissipate and transfer to a gifted host without finding a host.

But I don't want to see the next chaotic agent of green of all things appear, at least it can't appear in the enemy's camp. "

"Of course I can!"

Franklin was very tired. He had just completed the mutant awakening and now he really wanted to sleep for ten days and ten nights, but he was like a child who got a new toy, clumsily sensing the invisible power of the swamp monster under Mason's guidance , and then "pinched" it out like pinching plasticine.

The super omega-level mutant ability is very buggy, even if it is just awakened, it can easily grab the power of nature and create a green orb-like entity.

The wasteland little ant king originally wanted to hide it for himself, but then he reacted.

He pouted and handed the "trophy" to Master Mason, the captain beside him.

"That's good."

Seeing that his little compatriots are so sensible, Mason nodded in satisfaction, reached out to take the power shards of the green of all things, and then reached out to pat Franklin on the shoulder as a sign of encouragement. He said:
"Continue to maintain the strength of this bondage, I need to talk to Holland who is awake."

He stepped forward and healed the scars on his body during the transformation of the water body, but the broken clothes could not be repaired, making Mason look like he had never been in a mess.

Harley rushed over on the quiet hell motorcycle, and helped Mason take off the torn windbreaker with great distress and let the Isu cloak swell her body. She couldn't see the little sweetheart in such a mess.

With Harry's support, Mason walked to the side of the human consciousness that had been stripped off by Franklin.

The man's feet were covered with vines, thorns and weird seeds that lost their main body and could not be formed. Strange flowers in the swamp were also blooming under his feet.

But the condensed consciousness body is an ordinary man in the translucent spirit body, looking very tired.

"Hello, Dr. Holland."

Mason nodded to him, the man's consciousness was still a little dazed, but when he heard Mason call his former name, he suddenly woke up.

He looked at Mason, and then warned in an erratic voice:
"They bewitched the Swamp Thing, no, they called, manipulated and exploited the survival instincts of the Green of All Things, which would not destroy and were led into darkness.

You have to hurry up!
Several other powers belonging to the root of the world are also sought out and used by them.

I can feel.

The surrogates of the Red of All Life have drawn the life-force of Superman, and the Black of Decay has found a surrogate, both under the secret guidance of villains from the stars.

Wither Ashes, Dividing Fungi, and Metal Spirits are still hiding, but they won't be hiding for long.

You must hurry!

Once the six original forces fall into their control, the material circulation of the entire world will become your enemy in an instant. "

"Very valuable information."

Mason nodded, then glanced at Poison Ivy next to her, and said:
"Ivy, you have absorbed part of the power of the green of all things, can you feel what happened to it?"

"It's very chaotic and irritable. I can only feel that it is bewitched. It instinctively wants to exist and does not want to be destroyed, and those bastards have guided it to a dark path."

Poison Ivy endured the headache and the call from nature, and said to Mason intermittently:

"You may have to ask Holland for the specific details, he is the first person to experience it."

"But I don't know much either."

The man's consciousness suspended above the swamp monster's body sighed and said:

"It felt the end of the world at the time of the shock event. Since then, the swamp monsters entrusted with duties by the Forest Council have been operating around the world under the guidance of the green of all things. It... No, my actions are for Find a way to fight the apocalypse.

But I haven't been able to find it.

Then the minions of the Star Society appeared in this world.

They promised me the hope of surviving the world, they showed me samples of the green power of all things in other worlds, and they declared that they could protect this world.

Therefore, the green of all things that do not want to perish gathers in me.

I may still have the consciousness to fight against the promised dark future. To be honest, I trust the heroes of this world more than these outsiders with ulterior motives.

But it is a pity that the green of all things is only a symbolic power. It has no wisdom but power. "

Once an excellent botanist died in an accidental experiment. The body fell into the swamp and was found by the Forest Council. The man who injected the power of the green of all things into a swamp monster made a gesture of kneading his forehead.

He said wearily:
"This is the whole story. I can only remember these things in my mind, and I don't quite know some details of the green power of all things gathered.

But I can be sure that the 'ritual' I was doing just now is the way Green of All Things transforms the existing world.

It intends to reshape the life forms of the entire world according to the plan of the Constellation."

"Can it do it?"

Damian asked with wide-eyed eyes.

Zha Kang beside him lit a cigarette and said quietly:

"The green of all things represents the power of nature. As long as there is a natural ecology in the whole world, it is under its control. In theory, all the plants born on this planet are the embodiment of its power.

So cutie, do you think it can reshape the world?
This group of stars really has a trick, they can still find these root powers, and weaken us from the existential level of the world, I really underestimated them. "

"It's actually not as scary as you think."

Poison Ivy looked back at the scene of the destroyed swamp ceremony, she shook her head and said:
"The green of all things is not complete on the swamp monster, there are other scattered fragments in other places, and I have a power called 'May Queen' in me.

Therefore, even if his ritual is completed, it will not change the world in an instant, but it will definitely interfere with the operation of the world and cause terrible chaos.

Afterwards, the stars will be able to easily benefit from the fisherman. "

"They think beautifully!"

Mason said something expressionless, then looked at Alec Holland who was stripped of the ceremony, and asked:
"Will our power to take away the green of all things from you affect your resurrection? Doctor, you have also seen the current situation. We need you to participate in this world battle that has already begun."

"I would love to help you."

Dr. Holland nodded sincerely.

But then, he shook his head regretfully and said:
"However, the Swamp Thing must die. On the one hand, I have already been tempted by the Star Society once. Although I don't remember how they achieved it, I don't think I can resist the second temptation.

I am the agent chosen by the Green of All Things, and once I turn my back at a critical moment, it will have a terrible impact on you.

On the other hand there are personal reasons."

The doctor of botany, who died more than ten years ago and has survived as a supernatural creature, paused, sighed and said:
"I am not the first swamp monster. From the birth of the world to the present, many swamp monsters have been empowered by the Forest Council, but each of them chose to kill himself after getting tired of immortality.

I don't want to accept that fate, and in fact, I don't think it's a kind of happiness to continue to live in this posture.

The way the Timber Council created the Swamp Thing is so horrific, it's like an evil ritual and I don't want it to continue, I want you guys to let me rest here.

I am already dead.

I hope to say goodbye to the world I love as a human being. "

"The Timber Council will not give up, Dr. Holland."

Poison Ivy shook her head and said:

"Even if you refuse this gift, they will still search for humans who died of natural forces all over the world and resurrect them as swamp monsters.

It is their tradition to see you as a guardian of the forces of nature. "

"It used to be! But now the emotionless Timber Council has a better choice!"

Dr. Holland said firmly:
"All they need is a consciousness with wisdom to control the power of trees and swamps to protect the majesty of the green of all things. They don't really care where the wisdom to control power comes from. Therefore, in theory, herbs that are born with wisdom better suited to this duty than dead humans."

The doctor had already spoken to this point, and everyone understood what he meant.

All eyes fell on Groot, the tree figure.

This form of plant life has both the labels of "plant" and "intelligent creature". From the perspective of the existence of the swamp monster, it is indeed more suitable to take over the power of the swamp monster than the unlucky human beings who accidentally died of natural forces.

Dr. Holland himself said that controlling the power of trees with human consciousness is not a happy experience. Years of spiritual life have made him feel painful and tired.

Every swamp monster before him would choose to commit suicide, which is really not a suitable force for humans.

"My name is Groot"

The eyes and mouth made by Groot on the bark grinned, showing a puzzled and surprised expression, and answered with his own mantra, while the "special Groot translation expert" Rocket Raccoon sitting on its shoulder Translated for everyone:
"What Groot means is that it doesn't know if it can get the approval of the forest council? After all, that organization sounds terrible.

But if Dr. Holland is really in such pain, it is willing to help. "

"Can so much information be translated in just one sentence?"

Miss Iron Heart, who was wiping off the dirt on her face, murmured in surprise, but Poison Ivy explained in a low voice that Groot's voice was just for decoration, and it actually communicated with other people through consciousness.

But only those who are recognized by a special life like Groot, or those who have systematically studied this special language, can understand the consciousness it conveys when it speaks.

In short, no matter from various meanings, this is a very strange life.

"Then try it."

Seeing that Groot was willing to help, the separated consciousness of Dr. Holland smiled.

He manipulated the power of the swamp monster to create a stepped tunnel leading underground in the messy swamp in front of him, signaling Groot to enter it to accept the identification and gift of the Forest Council.

Although Groot himself was not confident, the expression on the face of Holland, a former Ph.D. in Botany, was very determined. Based on his research and experience in plants, he believed that this plan was absolutely feasible.

Groot is not afraid.

It can feel the friendly atmosphere of natural plants coming out of the stepped tunnel, so it waves its hands made of vines to say goodbye to its good friend Rocket and other friends, and then walks slowly into it with the unique stiff movements of "vegetative people" .

All that's left is to wait.

However, while waiting, Dr. Holland has one last wish to entrust others to help fulfill.

He made a very specific request to have all the grown men in the procession gathered together and to keep the women and children out of their conversation.

Well, not many actually.

Only Zha Kang and Mason met his conditions.

"Konstantin, you should know that I have a close female friend."

As soon as Dr. Holland started, Jon Kang, who was smoking a cigarette, curled his lips and exposed his lie. He said bluntly:
"That's your lover. Well, let me put it another way, you have an open relationship, I heard you say that when I came to your swamp to hide from the devil's debt collection.

That lady is Abby Akane, who used to be your experiment assistant. Both her husband and your wife died in your experiment accident, and she didn't dislike you even after you became a swamp monster.

Not only will it help you hide, but it will also develop a thrilling spiritual love with you, so that both of you once reached the point of talking about marriage. "

"Well, that's the way it is."

The doctor sighed, looking at the gloomy sky over the swamp, he said softly:

"I owe her a lot, I know she is lonely, I wanted to rely on the power of the swamp monster to accompany her, but now I decide to die, and she will exist alone in this world that will perish at any time.

That's what I don't want to see. "


At this point in the conversation, the keen Mason has already realized that something is wrong.

He took a step back a little uneasy, and then heard Dr. Holland speak out his request very directly. As a conscious body, he looked at the two in front of him and begged:

"Before my consciousness dies, I need to use the body of one of the two to say goodbye to Abby and give her a child.

That would be the best outcome of our relationship, and the offspring born of pure emotion will also accompany Abby instead of me. "

"Cough cough."

Mason immediately raised his hand and said:
"This job is too exciting, I quit, but I can help as an alchemist, I mean, medicine or other things."

"Well, I don't refuse."

Zha Kang exhaled the smoke ring, and said meanly:
"After all, Ms. Abby is also an iceberg beauty who still has a charm, but the problem is that I have to change my ways and return to my true destiny. Holland, you are my friend, but you have to help me convince My ex-girlfriend Xiao Zha.

If she agrees, I will definitely help. "

"Well, Constantine, this process may not be as glamorous as you think"

Dr. Holland showed a wonderful smile and said:

"After all, I am the one who controls your body, and I will temporarily change your DNA with the power of plant hormones and the green of all things, and you will be seriously ill because of it."

"no problem, no problem."

The flamboyant Zha Kang waved his hands and said:

"You borrow my body, and I can go out of my body and follow you. It's okay to have an eye addiction. I'll call Xiao Zha, and you can convince her yourself."

After finishing speaking, Zha Kang whistled to look for Xiao Zha, while Dr. Holland turned to look at Mason. The spirit body said to Mason in a very serious tone:

"The world doesn't want to die, Mason Cooper.

The restlessness of the green of all things is just a way for the power of origin to fight against extinction. If you can convince them, let them see another possibility that you can bring.
They will help you.

The whole world will help you. "

"I understand what you mean."

Mason also lit a cigarette, and while the smoke was rising, he assured Dr. Holland, who decided to die in order to avoid being bewitched again:

"This world will not be broken so easily by them, we have been preparing for this for a long time, I believe that the mighty stars and their evil friends will reap a defeat here!
I promise! "


Dr. Holland, or Swamp Thing, nodded.

He finally looked at the fragment of the green power of all things in Mason's hand, and said softly:

"Give it to Ivy. She's going to be the real 'May Queen.' Finally, be careful, Mason, there are their helpers in this world.

Those traitors have been gathered and led by an evil wisdom. "

(End of this chapter)

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