The track of dawn in the world of American manga

Chapter 443 58. I am from the Marvel Universe, but I am much darker than most people in DC

Chapter 443 58. I am from the Marvel Universe, but I am much darker than most people in DC
"It's hard to imagine what kind of thinking and mental state you have to allow your boyfriend to perform such an indescribable task."

After watching the excited Zhakang disappear after the teleportation, Harley, who was chewing gum, whispered to Xiao Zha next to him:
"If I didn't know that you are a serious and conservative woman, I would have thought that you enjoyed this unique... Well, anyway, the way you get along with Zha Kang is so strange.

You must have feelings.

But both he and you acted as if they were casual about the relationship. "

"This is the communication mode between spellcasters."

Xiao Zha sighed, put his tall magic hat on his head, and said to Harry:
"Don't bother thinking about the way I get along with John, it will make your already bad mind suffer even more, besides, he is just an ex-boyfriend who is too much and nasty, and he doesn't need to ask for my opinion on what he decides to do .

Dr. Holland has made a great sacrifice for the survival of the world, and if John's behavior comforts him, then I have nothing to say. "

After speaking, Xiao Zha looked back at the magic swamp behind him.

Its area is shrinking rapidly, but after the muddy water recedes, what is left is not the original desert but the lush grassland and low shrubs, which is the green power of all things being pulled away.

It means that a crisis has been eliminated.

Groot is still being questioned by the Forest Council deep in the swamp, and everyone else has withdrawn from it. The only one who is dissatisfied with this is the ooze monster Kevin.

It likes this swamp full of mud so much that it even plans to make it its home.

So Mason prepared a magic jar for it to hold some mud contaminated with magic power for it to use, but I don't know what kind of mental state it was, so Mason specially made the magic jar into the shape of a big gourd. I wrote "mud" in Chinese on it, and asked Kevin to carry it behind his back.

It looked like some kind of mysterious spell-casting prop, but Kevin didn't care.

It thinks this thing is very cool, and it is practicing to use its own mud gourd to collect the muddy water of the magic swamp and then release it to form the members of the Justice League, and it will turn into a Batboy to "review the army", and it is the same as getting it The new toy is the same as the bear child.

Mason doesn't have time to take care of his playful ooze monster. He is telling the young K team who is about to return to the station what to do next.

"Franklin's mutation ability is very powerful, but he is obviously unable to control it well now and it is only in the early stages of awakening, and his ability will expand rapidly in the next time.

But this near-omnipotent power to warp reality is too dangerous.

Not to mention Franklin's bad temper, which has not yet been reversed, his manipulative power at this time alone is far from enough to control this energy.

So I want you to escort him to Emma, ​​who will put a mental barrier on him to prevent the abuse of dangerous abilities. "

"But I feel like I can control it!"

Franklin was offended by this, and the now tired little man folded his arms and said:
"It's hard for me to be awesome once. You can't suppress me like this, Mason. I also want to use this to compete with the annoying Damian for the captain's position."

"Then let me make a hypothesis."

Mason didn't forcibly reprimand this wasteland boy who didn't know the danger of his power, he pushed the frame on the bridge of his nose and said in a gentle tone:

"Suppose you lost control of your abilities when you were with your weak younger sister, Valeria, do you think she would be able to survive the crisis you caused with her physique as an ordinary person?
It is no exaggeration to say that with your current ability to distort reality, it only takes one look or a second of loss of control to crush your sister into a ball of flesh and blood.

Maybe you can revive her, but I don't think a good brother would let his sister go through such a nightmare, would he?

You're a mutant, Franklin, and so am I.

I awakened my power earlier than you, but now I am only getting familiar with and trying to master the power of water. Your power is thousands of times more dangerous than mine, but you feel that you can control it with unfounded confidence.

May I ask where did Master Richards buy this arrogant confidence?Can you even give me a catty? "

Hearing that Mason moved out Franklin's heart, this wasteland boy who was unsatisfactory in all aspects but cared about his younger sister suddenly shrugged his head and stopped arguing, accepting the reality that his powerful ability would be sealed.

"Emma will make you a mental barrier similar to the 'baby protection mode' of the blue beetle."

Mason explained:
"You need to rely on yourself to discover and perfect your own strength to gradually unlock it. If you can break through this spiritual constraint by yourself, it proves that you can use powerful power reasonably, and I will naturally not ask you to restrain your hands.

All right.

It's time for you to leave. "

He looked at his watch, and said to the young team K in front of him:
"Go back to Osborne Tower, take a good rest and summarize the gains and losses of this battle. I admit that you have completed the mission but it is not perfect. There is still a lot of room for improvement in all aspects.

So after everyone went back, they would write a 3000-word task experience, and hand it over to Barbara tonight for inspection.

Jimmy, after you go back, you start to take the aging potion. After a course of treatment, you will start the Adamantium alloy infusion test when your body is stable. Other people's equipment upgrades, make a list and submit it to Dr. Otto.

He'll do the job for you. "

Damian made an OK gesture.

Although he was exhausted, he was very energetic. This was the first time that Mason recognized his commanding ability, and Damian was also delighted with the formation of the young K team.

Before leaving, he still hadn't forgotten the new team members he had chosen, and said to Xiao Qiao, who was wearing a blanket and receiving Halle's physical examination:
"Hey, farm boy, are you coming with us? Or are you staying here and waiting for your father?"

"I'm not one of your members!"

Xiao Qiao is still angry because Damian, the bastard, gave him the needle. Although the Superman medicine feels good when it takes effect, the upcoming rejection reaction will also make him feel uncomfortable all over.

He pouted and said:

"Besides, joining your 'violent gang' is such a big matter, I have to discuss it with my mom and dad, and I have to ask Martha for her opinion."

"Oh look, guys, there's a sweet baby over here."

Damian let out a strange cry, which made the rebellious little bastards in the Junior K team laugh out loud, but Xiao Qiao had a good personality and was not as knowledgeable as these guys.

He's worried about his father.

Although he has been sent to the watchtower for treatment, this experience did let Xiao Qiao see that his father as Superman is not omnipotent, and he will be injured or even face death.

"I said, you don't need to think too much."

Damian rolled his eyes, apparently not intending to give up the tough guy he finally found, so he stepped forward and sat next to Xiao Qiao and said to him Xunxun:
"You see, your aunt Kara is already the main member of Team K, and in a sense, your father is also a 'non-staff member' of Mason's team.

You and your family are all from our side. If you join us now, it is called 'inheriting the father's business'.

We are not some evil organization, you have seen it with your own eyes, we saved the whole Kandak tonight, right?This is an act of heroism that must be celebrated.

What adults can do, we can do the same and do better than them.

You see, the thriving Junior K team needs talents like you, where you can find your place and realize your value in life.

I know, you are a good boy and still hesitating, it's normal. "

Damian took out a dedicated communicator for the Junior K team from his luggage and put it in Xiao Qiao's hand, patted him on the shoulder and said socially:
"When you think about it, remember to call me, I will go back to the station to help you make equipment, the same battle suit and cloak as your father, if you need any unique things, just send me a message.

But I give you the communicator as a sign of trust in you, so don't make harassing calls and spam to me, I am very busy, if you really do this, I will block you.

No joke! "

After finishing speaking, Damian swaggered and led his team members back to Osborne Tower through a temporary world gate. Under the cover of the magic swamp, this weak time-space disturbance would not be noticed.

"Xiao Zha, you send Xiao Qiao back to the Fortress of Solitude in the North Pole, where Louise and Martha are waiting."

Mason said something to the white wizard, who nodded, but before leaving, she asked in doubt:
"Why didn't you see Jason after the whole battle? He's not a character who can run away. What did you send him for?"

"Escort dangerous people."

Mason whispered:
"I don't worry about handing Black Adam over to other people. Demon Knight and Shazam personally escorted him to the Rock of Eternity. Only there can he be imprisoned for a long time."

"Oh, this arrangement is indeed appropriate."

Xiao Zha finally felt relieved.

She reached out and took Xiao Qiao and waved the magic wand to open a portal to the North Pole. The polite little Qiao waved goodbye to Mason before disappearing into the cold wind blowing portal wrapped in a blanket.

"Da Chao is indeed a moral model, and he has taught his children well."

Mason sighed, and Harley, who had just checked Xiao Qiao's body, also came over and whispered:

"Little Qiao's physical fitness has been completely strengthened, and the annoying Damian has injected him with superhuman drugs so that he can easily master the Kryptonian power that was difficult to use well.

However, the Kent Farm is expected to prepare more plates and water glasses next time. Well, the Treants are coming out!Look, sweetheart, it's gotten so much bigger. "

Mason looked back.

At the entrance of the gradually shrinking magic swamp, Groot, who had finished meeting with the Forest Council, was striding out.

As Harry described, Groot's body, which was originally slender and well-proportioned, swelled several times, and it looked no different from the swamp monster covered in vines.

What stands out is a heavy sense of strength.

However, compared with the previous swamp monster, this treant from another world put an extra set of green cloak on his shoulders, and the tree stubble on his head was also shaped like a natural crown, making it look more Some "personal characteristics" have been retained.

Rocket Raccoon is very pleased with the change of his good brother. It stands proudly on Groot's shoulder and condescendingly teases Harley's two dogs, showing a pretentious attitude.

As for Poison Ivy.
Mason glanced at the green power orb in his hand, and he had to seek Ivy's opinion before deciding whether to let her accept the will of the green.

From the previous performance of the swamp monster, it can be seen that this thing brings not only power, but also danger.

Just as Mason was walking towards Poison Ivy, a shout mixed with the aftermath of the explosion suddenly sounded in his ears:

"Mason! The Rock of Eternity is under attack! They want to take Black Adam away!"

Demon Knight Jason Bullard is applying for support, and it seems that he is in critical condition.

But Mason had already expected this, but it is impossible to go to a strange place like the Rock of Eternity with ordinary transportation, so Jason asked for help while guiding:

"Shazam wants you to find a vehicle immediately, and he will guide you into the Rock of Eternity, hurry up! There are so many people on the other side, we can't stand it anymore."


Mason immediately whistled, and the hell locomotive parked by the swamp burst into flames and rushed towards him.

He turned over and rode on, and Harry immediately jumped behind him and hugged Sweetheart tightly. As the motorcycle roared, she grabbed Poison Ivy's arm and pulled her behind her.

Groot threw vines around the burning locomotive and was carried away.

The locomotive that can only take two people is stuffed into three people, two dogs, a tree man and a violent raccoon, which is as cool as an Indian military parade fancy ride.

Amid the barking of the dogs, Mason twisted the accelerator to instantly accelerate the roaring locomotive to the extreme, and amidst the screams of Rocket Raccoon, a mysterious passage appeared in front of him like a rotating light curtain, and then a group of people went straight crashed into it.

In the flash of the arc, the group of people fell into the chaotic battlefield like magic soldiers descending from the sky. Mason stopped on the ground with a smart stop and pulled out the burning traces. As a result, all the seriously overloaded guys on the car were almost thrown out. .

The howling black light shattered Mason's body, and after the water splashed in all directions, followed by a smooth combo in which everything was frozen, the leader of the cold squadron appeared again, with a disposable BFG9000 electromagnetic gun in his hand.

He raised his hand to aim and launch, and blasted a cloaked girl who was fighting Shazam in close quarters.

The destructive power of the destructive energy beam was astonishing, and directly knocked the girl back to a mortal from the state of divine power, but Shazam did not step forward to make up the knife, but pulled her under pressure before she was annihilated by the energy cannon out.

"This bastard has rebelled!"

Harley, who was holding the Origin X metal warhammer, exclaimed when he saw this scene, but this was not the case, but the reason was very complicated and difficult to explain for a while.

Seeing reinforcements coming here, the leader of the opponent who was besieging the demon knight whistled, and several people immediately retreated with Black Adam trapped by the magic chain.

Groot stepped forward to unleash the power of the swamp monster and let his hands turn into vine hammers to roar and bombard, but a weird guy with a cane in the opponent's camp made an illusory balance to eliminate all destructive power.

He also created the illusion of a big crocodile to kill Groot, but the treant who had just gained strength was not afraid at all, and he stepped forward and started fighting with him.

Next to the tree man, there is a raccoon riding on the back of the dog and charging with a big gun, which is as outrageous as riding an anti-tank dog.

But then a white shadow appeared in the dim moonlight, holding two lunar knives and attacking Mason from behind.

Yo, this is a game of capturing the thief first and capturing the king first!

But Mason, who has already experienced too many battles, is so easy to attack?
Just as he was about to slash Mason's head with the Moon Saber, Kevin, who was carrying a mud gourd, jumped out, turned into Superman and gave him two bang bang punches, and then the fiery phoenix appeared in the flames and spit a few times Thousand-degree high-temperature flames drool.

And Mason regrouped in this gap and reappeared in a safe area, with an extra disposable gun in his hand, locking, aiming and shooting in one go.

With a loud bang, the opponent's leader was engulfed by the green light cannon.

However, this attack that can penetrate the armor of the starship did not hurt the opponent. As the moonlight fluttered in the chaotic Rock of Eternity, the guy who was swallowed by the energy strangely reshaped his body, and was still in the splash of moonlight. Appeared behind Mason like a ghost, and Mason staggered back as he swung the two lunar sabers.

Melee combat is not Captain Captain's strong point.


The sharp howls of hell ghosts mixed with the soaring spiritual power, the seven stone statues placed in the Rock of Eternity collapsed one after another, billowing black smoke entwined and dispersed the scene, and even the old knight in the form of Italite forced back.

Then the released dangerous evil spirit was absorbed into the body with a deep breath by a guy in a black suit with a strange pupil instead of his left eye.

As if taking medicine, he waved his pendulum comfortably and set off the dark force of the dark wind to force everyone back, and then he shouted to his leader:
"The thing is in hand!"


The man in white was slashing the flowing water with a saber, and the freehand and unrestrained man in white retreated without delay. Mason pulled out his pistol and quickly shattered the starry sky mask on his face while turning over deftly.

Under the mask, there was a face wrapped in a strange bandage, and there was a strange crescent moon mark on the forehead like Mr. Bao.

"Moonlight Knight?"

Mason said his name.

The latter dexterously dodged like a ghost and landed in front of Shazam's throne at the top of the Rock of Eternity. He retracted the knife gracefully, causing the huge lunar warblade to turn into a batarang-like thing and put it back into the groove of his chest middle.

Standing in the moonlight, the guy shook his finger at Mason and said in a long voice:
"NONONO! It is Your Excellency the 'Apostle' of the A-level personnel, my dear B-level member Mason Cooper, you should call me 'Master'.

You ruined my well-laid plans, but that's okay.

Warlock asks me to send you my regards.

Then comes the real confrontation, and I hope you and your world are ready. "

After finishing speaking, he put his hand on the shoulder of the imprisoned Black Adam, and whistled to Mason again:
"Thank you for sending the most powerful attacker to my team. I will remember this kindness, and I will definitely attack you softly next time. Goodbye, everyone."

(End of this chapter)

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