The track of dawn in the world of American manga

Chapter 444 59. Warlock Faction Power Report · Master Swordsman Scratching His Ears and Cheeks Summa

Chapter 444 59. Warlock Faction Power Report · Master Swordsman Scratching His Ears and Cheeks Summary Edition

The starlight beating of the gate of the world lights up in the Rock of Eternity, and Italegen wants to catch up but is blocked by Mason.

He watched the A-level team disappear before his eyes. After everything calmed down, Mason looked at the devastated battlefield in front of him. It might have been filled with various collections before, but it was almost smashed to pieces now.

Looking back at Shazam who felt lost, he asked:

"Who was that girl who almost beat you up just now? Why did you help her. Is that your girlfriend?"

"It's my sister."

Shazam, full of frustration, sat down on the broken rock beside him, rubbed his eyes and said:
"It's not my own sister, but a member of my adoptive family. Her name is Mary, but she is definitely not the Mary of our world. She also has the power of the six gods.

But the source is very different from mine.

She must have slipped into the Rock of Eternity with those bad guys and ambushed me and old Jason here, I don't know what's going on here? "

"Calm down, young man, if you've been in this business for a long time, you'll always encounter space-time variants of yourself or your loved ones."

Mason comforted:
"I suggest that you can try to have a good relationship with that 'Magic Mary', and even win her over, but you must always remember that she is not the person you are familiar with, so when necessary, don't be as merciful as this time."

"They took Black Adam away."

A failed battle made the high-ranking demon Itleygen very upset, and he didn't even bother to stay here any longer and quickly returned his body to Jason Brad.

The old knight regained his human form in the flames, and said with a gloomy face:

"They came here for Black Adam. Shazam and I failed your expectations. We should have been more vigilant."

"Let's not talk about that now."

Mason didn't have much regret for this failed sealing operation. He looked at the remaining mess around him, turned his head and said to Shazam:

"Take an inventory and see what's lost here?"

"There isn't much left here."

Shazam, who was exhausted by another "blackened version" of his sister, cheered up and said to Mason:
"After the old wizard died, I buried his collection with him in his hometown according to his last wish, where it was protected by the last power of the Eternal Council.

All that remains in the Rock of Eternity are the Eternal Throne connected to the divine power, the sealed Seven Deadly Sins, and the evil mite from Venus.

Now both of those things are taken by those bastards.

They have the means to manipulate them. "

"Well, so it's not just a rescue operation, it's a looting operation."

Mason rubbed his chin and said:

"It seems that this A-level member has a good way of doing things. After realizing that the plan of the Green Church of All Things failed, he simply shifted the battlefield and set up this plan in a short period of time and successfully executed it.

He even calculated the probability of the arrival of reinforcements and prepared in advance an undisturbed and untraceable world gate.

It's not easy to deal with. "

"He's the sorcerer's henchman!"

Harley said uncomfortably while leaning on a golden warhammer:

"That guy himself admitted that he is a bad guy."

"No, no, he said that the warlock asked him to bring a sentence, and he didn't directly say that he was serving the warlock. These are two concepts."

Mason shook his head to correct what Harry said, and said:
"If you are really a loyal servant, there is no need to reveal your identity so ostentatiously, I guess the two parties are just a certain degree of cooperation.

Let's tidy up here. "

He looked around and said to his companions:
"The Rock of Eternity is a very important gathering place of power, and Shazam needs to change the way he enters here to prevent the same thing from happening again.

This is the source of your power, once controlled by the enemy, the end will be very bad.

I have to go back to Osborne Tower as soon as possible. If there is anything else here, I will contact you in time. "

"Me and Groot are not going back."

Rocket Raccoon stood with his arms folded over the head of a shattered stone devil statue, and he said to Mason, wagging his tail:

"Groot has become the swamp monster of this world, he can no longer leave easily, as his good brother, I have to stay here and help him find a new home.

Ivy is actually the same.

If she accepts the power of the green of all things, she can no longer move the world casually. "

"But it's okay for now."

Mason pushed the mirror frame on the bridge of his nose and said to Poison Ivy:
"Come back to Osborne Tower with us. You need to carefully consider whether to accept this dangerous power. Maybe Harry can give you some advice."

"And the Forbidden Forest."

Ivy stroked her long green hair, sighed and said:
"I just planted it. I haven't seen the first magical forest take root on the wasteland. I still have so many things to do. I really need to think about it seriously."

"Oh, what are you thinking about so much?"

Harley, who was chewing gum, reached out and put his arms around the shoulders of his best friend, and said to her carelessly:
"This power can be transferred, you use it first to come back to help, and then just throw it to some unlucky guy after the fight, it's not like you can't get rid of it after you use it.

This is the same as a condom. Although everyone uses it, it does not mean that everyone likes it. "

"Well, your obscene statement made me suddenly enlightened."

Poison Ivy blinked her eyes and felt that what Harley said was right, and then her mood improved. The way the two girls played together was really eye-catching, but it's a pity that Mason didn't have so much time to appreciate it.

He opened a door to the world in the Rock of Eternity and returned to Osborne Tower. When he returned to his office, as expected, Lord Hunter was already waiting here.

She is always on time, always showing up when Mason needs her most.

"You just had a conflict with the warlock's servant?"

Seeing Mason push the door in, Ciri was not polite, and asked straightforwardly:
"The God Envoy team just returned to the Stars Fort, although they didn't say anything, but seeing their distressed appearance, I knew that they must have met you head-on.

That crazy Moonlight Knight is tough to deal with, isn't it?Guess you didn't take advantage?After all, if you are a shooter and a master of martial arts of that level, you are not killed in close combat, which is a fortune teller.

Let Batman deal with him more or less. "

"You seem to know them well?"

Mason leaned against the window and lit a cigarette, looked at Ciri, and said:

"A brief introduction, about the power of Warlock."

"Liana is ready for you."

The hunter reached out and grabbed it, and a document was held in his hand and thrown to Mason. She explained:
"When we were working in the world where Brainiac was staring at us, the swordsman secretly summed up the news. You know, I didn't have a seat in the 12-member council before, and I don't know much about these A-level members. Not as deep as Swordsman.

I didn't care much about these things before, I just did my own work. "


Mason shrugged. Given Ciri's state of being played around by old A before, it made sense to only focus on her own mission, but it is a bit surprising that the document in front of him was summarized by the swordsman.

That careless violent element actually still has such a delicate mind?
I underestimated her.

With this thought in mind, Mason opened the file, and seeing the head-scratching text on it, the revised text scribbled everywhere, and the confusing description quickly shattered the little bit of admiration he had just raised for the swordsman.

Well, you shouldn't have too much confidence in that careless guy.

"Let's see."

Seeing the change in Mason's expression, the hunter knew that the document that the swordsman compiled was not so "perfect", but she shook her head and explained to Mason:

"Those who can become A-level members are capable guys, I guess even Warlock himself doesn't have a perfect understanding of these guys under his command.

What I want to remind you is, Mason, although the Great Mentors are above the A-level members, there is no compulsory subordinate relationship between them. Just like the three Great Mentors have their own goals, the A-level members also have their own ideas and target.

Therefore, in extreme cases, it is not impossible for people under Warlock to be recruited
It's hard though. "


Mason nodded and flipped through the document in his hand. He concluded while reading:
"So, warlocks originally occupied nine seats in the 12-member council. After I killed Wesker and Red Skull, you took the two seats. In addition to the three seats held by the swordsman, now he has only seven. A-rank members?"

"It's six!"

Ciri Factor's correction says:

"Look carefully at her document, Mason, the swordsman has clearly told you that the 'Thunder Wizard' Shazam in the 12-member council is a neutral faction.

He did not join the command of the three mentors and remained neutral.

In fact, we generally believe that the old wizard Shazam represents those ronin who are unwilling to join the Stars, and they themselves have united and twisted together to push the old wizard to the 12-member council to ensure their interests will not be damaged. "

"I've seen him."

Mason remembered his first trip to Starsburg, he rubbed his brows and said:
"The old wizard gave me a very powerful thing. Thinking about it now, the deal was not equal at that time. Maybe he saw my potential?

Or maybe it was just a casual joke.

But since he's neutral, that means he won't be involved in the invasion of my world, right? "

"It doesn't have to be."

The hunter shook his head and said:
"This kind of conquest of the Transcendent A-level world is also mixed with the internal factional struggles of the Star Society. It will not summon the power of the Cleaner in the early stage, so the Grand Mentor in charge of combat has the right to recruit A-level and B-level members to participate in the battle.

Needless to say, the C-level members are proper cannon fodder. If the warlock asks them to go, they must go.

But I guess warlocks don't use this power on old wizards.

The opponent is also a powerful spellcaster. He won't be intimidated by the warlock, but maybe he will take the initiative to participate. Let's pay more attention to the six A-level members who clearly obey the warlock. "

"'Fear', 'The End', 'Master', 'Apostle', 'Pharaoh', 'Swallow'."

Mason read out the nicknames of the six A-level members. He waved the paper in his hand with some pain, and said:

"She only gave her name and general characteristics of her strength, but she didn't know who she was or what information she had. What use would I need such information?
Now I just know that the 'God Envoy' is the Moonlight Knight, and his team members basically have divinity or similar powers from different sources, and he also took away the meditation mite as a tool of war.

Swordsman is really not suitable for collecting situations. "

"Don't blame her, as I said just now, A-level members are very good at disguising, even warlocks can't find out their specific information."

Ciri got up and stretched his arms, explaining:

"In fact, there is a saying that has been circulating in the Stars Club. I told you before that all twelve A-level members are the 'reserves' of the Grand Mentor.

Once a Grand Master is killed, Lord Fate will select one of the A-level members to perform his duties.

At present, there is no precedent for the death of a great mentor, so the credibility of this rumor is not so high, but I can tell you with certainty that if Your Excellency Destiny really needs to select a new grand mentor, then the twelve A-level members are indeed are the most likely to be competent, second only to the three of us in their connection to fate.

Also, I have some news for you about these six guys. "

She reached for the Warlock Faction Strength Report of the Swordsman, pointed to the nicknames on it and said to Mason:
"'Master' is the hive of the Inhuman king. This guy controls all the Inhuman warriors in a certain world. It does not have its own squad but has an exaggerated servant army.

Ana's team had dealt with it on some world at war, she could confirm that.

'Pharaoh' is a spellcaster who came from a weak C-level world. He is a model of stepping up to a high position in A-level step by step. He is proficient in various curses and magic, and obsessed with ruling. Belongs to the most base worlds.

He has a powerful army of mummified servants, enhanced by him with death magic and curses, and it is said that he also has an army of monsters from the underworld.

He is probably the most loyal to the Warlock among all A-level members, because he has learned a lot of magic mysteries from the Warlock, and the two have very similar personalities.

But this ambitious guy has been obsessed with discovering the power of death, and no one knows what he wants to do. In short, Pharaoh will definitely be our strong enemy.

There are rumors that the A-level member 'Fear' is not a person but a weapon. This guy is a direct descendant who was cultivated by a warlock.

And finally 'swallow'."

Ciri frowned and said:
"There is very little information about this guy, I only know that he was one of the first pioneers to join the Stars Club, and like Pharaoh, he was a guy who was promoted from an E-level member to an A-level member all the way.

He walks alone, without a squad, without a servant army, or even a base world, and he can be called the most mysterious A-level member.

But for a while, he and Wesker were very close. After Wesker was killed by you, this guy returned to the state of being alone.

The relationship between him and the warlock is unknown, but he has indeed helped the warlock carry out many dangerous development tasks, and so far has maintained a quite 'perfect' development record. "

The hunter paused, looked at Mason, and said:

"That's why the world he developed is finished, so there are also rumors that Devour is actually the 'executor' that warlocks rely on most."


Mason recorded the information given by Ciri, and complained:

"Where did you find these weird guys? Could it be that the stars are the legendary 'freak harvesters'?"

"Be less talkative and think of ways more."

Ciri patted Mason on the head and said with a straight face:

"You have to be aware of the seriousness of this situation. Now the warlock has declared war with me and the swordsman, and the battlefield of the three masters is in your world. He regards it as a means of 'cleaning up internal strife'. I will not let you and me go.

On the bright side, the five A-rank personnel under our command will also become your allies.

But the bad news is that once the development does not go well, Warlock's despicable personality will definitely tear up the agreement and call the Conqueror Legion to enter. As the commander of this invasion appointed by the Council of Hope, he has the authority to issue an 'extermination order' '.

So you have to prepare in advance for a battle with a large number of conquerors. "

"I'll make a plan."

Mason took a deep breath. He put away the information given by the swordsman and lit a cigarette, looking at the wasteland scene outside the window, silently blowing smoke rings.

Shirley could empathize with that stressful look, she put her hand on Mason's shoulder, encouraging him silently.

After a few seconds, she asked:
"The God Envoy team robbed Black Adam, but I think you don't seem to care about it at all? You have prepared for it? Or..."

"Black Adam?"

Mason sneered and said:
"Who said they took Black Adam away?"

He puffed out the smoke ring and signaled Ciri to follow with his eyes. The two walked out of the office and took the elevator all the way down, finally arriving at the cage in the underground area of ​​Osborne Tower.

All kinds of dangerous guys were imprisoned here, including a group of hard-boned Skrulls who were unwilling to follow Mason. After seeing Mason appear, these guys became noisy.

The captain didn't care about their insults at all, and led Ciri all the way into the deepest part of the cage area. In a single cell, the hunter was shocked to see Black Adam who was being treated by the alchemist brothers.

The latter was seriously injured.

But the question is, if the real Black Adam is here, then who is it that the God Envoy team robbed?
"You put."


Mason put his finger near his lips, and made a silent motion to the astonished Ciri, with a meaningful smile on his face, and said:

"It's just mixed with sand, who wouldn't. You see, when you have a spy team that is the best in the universe, you don't leave them to rot in the warehouse, do you?"

"Can't hide it!"

Ciri immediately shook her head and said:
"Once they join the stars, they will be stamped with soul curse generating identity cards, and the envoy as the captain will immediately discover the identity of 'Black Adam'.

That's why the stars are never afraid of Skrull infiltration. "

"That will have to wait until it crosses the gate of the world for the second time. The time difference is enough for an excellent spy to extract information."

Mason explained:
"Furthermore, the discovery of the envoy and the discovery of the sorcerer are two different concepts. The A-level members also have their own goals. I have already given the 'invitation' and now we will see the answer of the envoy.

The worst-case scenario is that we lose a super spy, but if I were the Moonlight Knight, I wouldn't recklessly put everything I have on one side when the battle is unclear.

Smart people know that before doing big things, they have to leave a way out for themselves.

Guess, is Your Excellency the Envoy a wise man? "

(End of this chapter)

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