The track of dawn in the world of American manga

Chapter 445 60.K team force upgrade plan again

Chapter 445 60.K team force upgrade plan again
Ciri left with apprehension.

She felt that Mason's behavior was a bit too risky, but His Excellency Captain obviously had his own ideas.

It is said that wealth and wealth are sought in insurance. The risk of this matter is indeed very high at the moment, but the corresponding benefits are also considerable. If you fail, you can gain yourself a "friend" in the enemy's camp.

In fact, the nickname of "God Envoy" Moonlight Knight alone is worth studying.

Mason knew that this guy was the disciplinary knight chosen by the Egyptian god Konsu, and his team included players who used divine power like Magic Mary, plus Black Adam who had just been kidnapped by him, all of which used divine power character of.

Although Dr. Sivana who absorbed the seven deadly sins does not use divine power, it is not difficult to find that he can also have a certain connection with the legendary gods after careful study.

This is enough to prove that the forces behind this guy should be the gods of the earth who have legends in various worlds. It is said that these special beings also have seats in the Council of Hope.

They have a cooperative relationship with the Stars, and as their messenger, the Moonlight Knight will naturally take the interests of the forces behind the scenes as the criterion.

From this point of view, it is not difficult to judge that the interests of this team and the warlock are not the same. They can cooperate, but don't expect the angel team to do their best for the interests of the warlock.

This gave Mason room to "poach the wall".

As long as he can find the differences between the two, it is not impossible to persuade the emissary team to defect in the upcoming invasion war.

It was Queen Vikram of Skrull who disguised herself as Black Adam. This was not forced by Mason, but requested by the queen.

Clearly, she also wanted to demonstrate through this dangerous operation that the Skrulls would serve Mason's interests, and of course she asked.

If she can come back alive, then Mason needs to return to her the spiritual beacon of the Supreme God used to control the belief of the Skrulls.

This race of spies is obviously tired of serving different masters, and they are also eager for the opportunity to choose their own destiny, and Mason has promised her.

He's always been very open about things like this.

As long as you can defeat the Constellation Society and kill the warlocks in the upcoming invasion of the Gotham world, let alone the mere spiritual beacon, even the home planet of the Skrulls that has been collected by Brainiac in the "miniature universe" It's not like I can't give it back to her.

To put it simply, as long as she can guarantee victory, she can give Mason as much as she wants.

"The next step is to wait!"

In his office, Mason took out his magic notebook. He sorted out the things that need to be paid attention to one by one, and divided them into severity and mitigation.

The most urgent situation at the moment is naturally the invasion of the Gotham world by the Stars Society, which has been put on the agenda. The kidnapping of Dachao and the incident of the Green Church of Everything are just waves before the war begins.

To ensure the victory of this war, it is definitely not enough to rely on the force of the Gotham world alone, even if there is a full-scale Justice League and various forces secretly arranged.

They need help.

"Captain Carter's world has reached a covenant of cooperation with me, they are a force that can be used, in addition to the force of Osborne Tower, several pioneering teams in the hands of the Green Goblin, and the K Legion.

They still need a period of training and integration. Fortunately, there is no need to worry about armaments. The Green Goblin has enough weapons and support.

Mutant Utopia is also a party that can participate in the battle at critical moments, but it is best not to let them appear at this time. Oh, I almost forgot, I also hid a "big baby" under the afterlife bar, which is also a power that can be used. Just wondering if Judy has maintained it well? "

Mason wrote down these worlds, and finally drew a line with a pen, and wrote the words "Isu World" at the end. He took out a blueprint from his luggage and spread it out in front of his eyes.

That's the blueprint for Brainiac's Planar Beacon.

In Captain Carter's world, the driven Skrulls use this to summon the Outcast ship and Brainiac's Legion into there.

This beacon has the ability to lock the coordinates of the plane and the world. Combining it with the cosmic treadmill that Xiaoshan has been improving, there is a great probability that it can lock the Isu world that was blocked by the aurora device in the past few days.

At that time, Mason will be able to restore contact with Sister Ka.

"In this way, the number of allies in the Gotham world has reached four, no matter in terms of quality or quantity, they can already touch the power of Warlock.

The only ones to worry about are the conquerors.
The force that those war madmen can mobilize is almost unlimited. Even with the secret help of old A and Quint's colleagues, and all the forces under the swordsman and hunter's command are put into it, it is not certain that they will be able to block those who fight for war. The violent attack of the vicious dogs. "

Mason's drawing pen tapped rhythmically on the table, he closed his eyes and thought for a moment, and finally made a decision.

"Hei Qi, Frog Figure, and Perfect Ultron are three powerhouses who are the pinnacle of the sea. They can only make a final decision when they appear at the most critical moment.

It can only be played in the decisive battle.

All the remaining hands are to push the situation to that stage, so if you can't contact more forces who are willing to resist for the time being, then you have to work hard on the quality level.

equipment and supplies. "

With a sigh of relief, he wrote down the basic two strategies in his notebook:

"Distribute the equipment and support items currently used by the main members of the K team to the servants and reinforcements to enhance individual strength. At the same time, develop more destructive weapons and equipment to secondary arm similar to Zhenglian, X-Men And high-end forces like Fulian.

It sounds difficult, but it's actually not impossible to do.

If the limit is squeezed, the productivity of Osborne Tower, Wayne Group, Isu World and Captain Carter World should be enough to meet the gap in active equipment.

The problem now is high-end force! "

Mason dropped the drawing pen and leaned back on the swivel chair.

He began to tap the high-end military power he possessed in his mind. Items such as superhuman medicine, Isu artifacts, and Fenrir armor that were to be distributed to the servants could no longer be counted among them.

He was referring to really high-end products.

Such as X-metal weapons and armor in the forging field.

The supreme arsenal in the field of engineering, Brainiac's neural power armor of the master of the universe, and the Mobius chair ready to be replaced.

At the tailor level, he is going to try to make the legendary demon hunter armor. Mason intends to use vibranium and uru gold as armor materials. The "vibration gold weaving technique" learned in Wakanda is enough to upgrade these personal armors to A level of perfection, equipped for the assassins of the Isu world is like a tiger with wings.

The level of inscriptions and enchantment should start to verify the large-scale use of divine runes.

With the perfect cooperation of Ultron in the field of jewelry processing, Mason intends to create a "miniature nuclear bomb" similar to the tactical field of one-time infinite gems.

Finally, there is the real big killer, a new generation of reinforcement used to replace superhuman medicine at the level of alchemy, and Mason wants to regard it as a killer weapon to turn the tide of the battle.

Thinking of this, he suddenly got up, put away his notebook and walked quickly to the alchemy laboratory.

The Elric brothers had already completed the treatment for Black Adam in the cage. The two of them were waiting for Mason's arrival. The three master alchemists exchanged glances, and then walked into the deepest part of the alchemy laboratory together.

There is a secret area hidden here, obviously there is a real big secret.

"Al's high-end prosthetic body is not bad, didn't you add a big steel gun to him?"

During the process of taking out the key and going through multiple encrypted authentications, Mason glanced at Alphonse's new body and made a "cyber joke".

The original set of medieval samurai armor was replaced with a bionic kinetic human body from the 2077 era, and a realistic skin was made to make him look like he had returned to a normal human body.

Even the movement of the eyeballs is similar to that of a living person.

"The big steel cannon is too obscene, and it is said that the thing has design flaws, and I can't use it, but I have to thank you for that."

Alphonse stroked his blond hair and showed a simple and honest smile. He pushed open the door of the darkroom and said to Mason:
"My brother specially customized the human body according to my appearance, gave it to me as a birthday present, and left your relationship in that data world with the most advanced materials and craftsmanship.

But for a spiritual body like me, this expensive prosthetic body is really not much different from the original armor. "


Edward, who had a bean figure, immediately scolded with a straight face:

"More nimble fingers can give you an advantage in fine alchemy operations, while multiple scans and more precise CNC programs can greatly increase your alchemy creation rate.

This isn't just your birthday present, Al, it's your means of production. We have so many orders now that we can't meet the deadline without giving you good tools. "

"I said, do you also have this hateful face of a capitalist to your brother?"

Mason complained:
"A soft word can kill you, right?"

"Hey, strict requirements can motivate Al to grow better. His character is too simple, and he has nothing to guard against a villain like you."

Edward pouted, and was the first to walk into the secret area.

Appearing in front of the trio was a biological pod, which was active and concealed within it was the corpse of a blond man, largely intact, but with a horribly burned-out eyeball.

Mason looked at the corpse in the biological cabin in front of him, and he whispered:

"Fun and play, two, this is the 'task' that we must race against time to complete. The formula for the 'Golden Sentinel Serum' is deduced from the remains of the Sentinels in reverse."
I know it's hard, but we have to get this job done.

It will be a sharp sword.

There is not much time left for us to pierce the sword that pierces the dark ages and bring the first ray of dawn, Edward, are things ready? "

"It hurts me so much."

Master Douding Alchemist pouted a small box, put it on the workbench and opened it.

There are nearly a hundred blood-red "Philosopher's Stones" that are full of blood inside, emitting scarlet light in the dark, which looks very fantastic. This is a weak magic stone deduced by the two brothers according to the formula of the Philosopher's Stone.

Each block can only take effect once, but it still has the magical effect of "rewriting reality".

"Are you sure you want to use so many Philosopher's Stones on it?"

Alphonse also hesitated, he whispered to Mason:
"My brother and I discussed the difficulty of this alchemy project. In the worst case, we may not be able to derive the correct formula if we use up all the hundred Philosopher's Stones.

After all, a potion that can instantly bring 'the power of a million stars' to an ordinary person sounds magical. "

"If running out isn't enough."

Mason picked up an irregular and weak magic stone and looked at it in front of his eyes. He said to the two brothers in a firm tone:
"Then use more! This serum must be produced! Otherwise, in this battle and the more difficult battles to come, our rebel coalition forces will not be sure of victory.

It has always been difficult to use quality to overwhelm quantity. The reason why miracles are called miracles is because they have to pay a terrible price in exchange.

I'm glad now that all we have to pay is these rocks
And don't think I don't know, the Philosopher's Stone hidden in the hands of your two brothers is an astronomical number. "

Mason put his hand on the shoulders of the two Elric brothers, and he whispered:

"I gave you enough resources to help me make these Philosopher's Stones that can only be used once, but it turned out that the two of you are doing well, and you have to keep one for every five you make.

Do you really think I'm an idiot?
Even if it requires labor costs, it can't be converted like this. "

The expressions of the two blond brothers immediately became unnatural, but Mason did not pursue it. He reached out and put his arms around the shoulders of the two brothers, and said to them like three good brothers:
"I know that you are also hiding the Philosopher's Stone to replace your own home world. This is a just and great goal. I have no intention of stopping you and you can ignore it.

We are friends, so a little trust is still needed.

But you see, I've kept this little trick just for this moment. "

Mason snorted. The tall man put his arms around the shoulders of the two brothers and stared at the body of the sentinel in the biological cabin in front of him. He said very seriously:
"As long as the golden sentinel serum formula is deduced in reverse, I can give you enough resources to complete your great ideas, Edward and Alphonse.
I haven't asked anyone since I entered the Stars Club, but now I only want this recipe! "

"Are you so sure you will win?"

Edward asked in a low voice:
"You know, what you're trying to do now has been tried by many people over the past 17 years and none of them have succeeded, and those rare worlds that have resisted the invasion have only remained at a slight stalemate.

Not only do you have to fight head-on against the Society of Stars and its colleagues, but you also regard a Grand Master as a strategic goal, it is almost like sending yourself to death. "

"But what if I succeed?"

Mason pouted and said:

"I will be a flag in this dark age. Darkness is not terrible, Edward, it can scatter everywhere and show off its power, but it only needs a ray of light!

The seemingly invincible night and all the monsters it breeds will disappear in an instant. I also want to be that light. I think I can be the light.

But this needs your help. "

"But there's still an impact."

Alphonse said worriedly:

"Even if we win the Stars Club, it's useless if we can't end the impact."

"Eat food one bite at a time, and do things one by one. The more pressure you have, the more you can't mess up. If you have a plan, do it step by step!"

Mason patted the shoulders of the two brothers. He moved his shoulders and said:

"Before we were just playing small fights, now it's time to start a big fight, I don't know what you think, but I think I have a big advantage.

I'll leave a water body here to help.

Look at him, if there are signs of sudden death, give him medicine quickly, I don't want to try that feeling of death again. "

Mason gave an order, and called out from the suitcase the alchemist Mason, who was dressed like a classical wizard in an alchemist's robe and a magic pointed hat.

This guy is the alchemy supervisor of the "Mason Manufacturing Group". Just by looking at the two dark circles under his eyes, his fairy-like expression, and his hands that are smelled of various drugs, he must be a super master in the alchemy field. .

"Go to work."

He clapped his hands to the three master alchemists in front of him and said:

"Without affecting the daily production rhythm, it's okay to allocate three hours a day to deduce the formula of the Golden Sentinel Serum here?"

"We're going to die of exhaustion."

Edward complained:

"We are not you, we don't sleep every day."


Mason stared, patted his chest and said:
"Sleeping is not a necessity in life. Staying up for an extra three hours a day will definitely not kill people. I have calculated it. Well, stop complaining, for the sake of everyone's future.

Three were affected. "

After finishing speaking, he left the alchemy laboratory and looked at the time again, then turned to the Green Goblin's office, reached out and knocked on the door, probed in and said to the Green Goblin who was reviewing documents:
"Norman, go to cyberspace tonight, Batemos has been waiting for us for several days, is it okay?"

"Data World?"

Old Norman, who was wearing reading glasses, raised his head, with an interested smile on his thin and gloomy face, he said:
"Okay, I also really want to see the wonderful figure of a world being reborn in the data after it is destroyed. I can't even help but imagine what kind of human beings who have mastered such high technology will use their technological power to create age of miracles.
Well, that must be very interesting, and it gave me a rare surge of anticipation. "


Seeing that the Green Goblin was so curious, Mason hesitated to get vaccinated in advance and said:

"Well, I advise you not to expect so much, I don't know what kind of future era you imagined in the world of 2077, but believe me, the place we are going to is by no means the data paradise of your dreams.

However, if the world of Mikoshi is a data hell, it is actually barely appropriate. "

(End of this chapter)

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