The track of dawn in the world of American manga

Chapter 446 61. Good morning!Night City...forget it later, make it up by yourself

Chapter 446 61. Good morning!Night City. Forget it later, make it up by yourself
But Moss invited Mason and his friends to play in cyberspace after the last incident.

Although the tone was very casual, this was an invitation from one leader to another commander, and if you think about it with your toes, you know that it has great meaning.

But Mason didn't go to the appointment immediately, but first notified his allies to go back to his hometown to deal with the accident. Now that Dachao was rescued and destroyed the Green Church of Everything, everything was ready and it was time to go to the appointment.

Although Batemos gave Mason some machines for brain wave connection through V, it is definitely impossible to enter the data space from the material world in a conscious way, so they finally chose the "data ascension" location Afterlife bar in Gotham.

To be precise, it is right next to the mainframe of the cross-world communication network that Judy made. Of course, it is impossible for this kind of meeting between forces to go through the door of the world, so I can only trouble Xiaoshan to make another trip.

The representatives of the K team are naturally Mason and Barbara, as well as Mason's pendant, Harley Quinn.

The world of Osborne Tower is represented by Old Norman, the world of Captain Carter is represented by Agent Brand, and the world of the Isu is represented by Master Assassin John Wick.

These are the best candidates.

But there was a disagreement on the representatives of the Gotham world. Originally, it was no problem to leave this matter to the master, but because it involves cooperation between worlds, it is naturally inappropriate to choose a superhero.

At least one must be someone who can talk to the governments of the world, so after choosing and choosing, the Justice League decided to send Master and Wonder Woman Diana to represent their world.

One reason is that Diana Prince, in addition to being a superhero, is also the princess of Paradise Island, the future Queen of the Amazons, and one of the serious international leaders.

Another reason is that Diana is the member of the Justice League who has the most contact with officials. She also has an official position as a female boxer and women's rights ambassador at the United Nations.

She is a real female boxer!

And considering that the invasion war of the Star Society is about to be shown, Diana will also come forward when the Justice League needs to contact the governments of various countries, but this creates a "little problem".

There was an old feud between Mason and Lady Diana.

In the Gotham incident last time, he almost brought an indelible psychological shadow to Wonder Woman, which led to unimaginable "sparks" between the two when they met this time.

Mason appeared with the speed force channel that Xiaoshan had just opened, and a sword light was in front of him. Mason himself didn't respond, but Barbara, who was following him, snapped off the activation button. key.

The five-meter-tall Fenrir armor appeared behind him like magic, casting a cold shadow on Diana in front of her.

The old green goblin also completed the possession of the nano armor in an instant, and Harley also pulled out the origin X metal warhammer while adding the venom, and was about to smash it on the forehead of the naughty heroine in front of him.

How dare you point a weapon at Little Sweetheart!
I owe you a beating.


A black shadow flashed to the center of the two sides, Batman's cloak fluttered and raised his hands to block the middle of the two, he scolded in the hoarse tone unique to the master:

"Calm down! Today's gathering is not for conflict, we are here for unity! Diana, put down your sword!"

"I'm calm, Batman, otherwise Aunt Diana will be performing the classic image of 'black-haired loser' again."

Mason glanced at the Vulcan sword in front of him, stretched out two fingers to pinch the blade and pushed it away, and then drove off the provocative ooze monster Kevin who jumped on his shoulder proudly.

He put his hands in his pockets and said to the master:
"I am the initiator of the meeting, and I don't have any plans to start a war. On the contrary, your female companion seems to be a little bit unable to suppress her anger. She is indeed a lady with the priesthood of the God of War, but she is unwilling to give up any chance to have a hearty fight. ,Right?"

The master looked at the irrepressible Wonder Woman with his eyes.

Diana clenched her fists tightly, staring at Mason's young and handsome face. After a few seconds, she retracted her sword indifferently, stretched out her hand towards Mason, and said:
"After all this shit is over, Mason, I swear! I'm going to beat you hard."

"I accept your peace and boxing offer, but not your handshake, ma'am."

Mason glanced at the hand in front of him, pointed to the black tattoo on his left wrist, and said:
"Although the Black Death Sword is sleeping, its desire for divine power is still unsuppressable. You don't want to experience the feeling of being drained of your eyes again, do you?"

This made Diana's face change slightly, and she immediately withdrew her hand. She was really "impressed" by the monster on Mason's body that could restrain the divinity.

"You thought you were going to fight."

Judy, the science and technology officer holding a bag of popcorn next to the main body that occupies a large area, was a little disappointed. She shook her chic unilateral long hair, pointed to several hacker-specific chairs placed in front of the host, and said:
"Lie down, and bring Chaomeng equipment.

Although you don't have a prosthetic body connection component in your head, this time the data connection uses a new technology obtained from Brainiac, which can allow you to temporarily enter the cyberspace through brainwave coding.

Although it is a technology for testing, don’t worry, we have prepared enough ice cubes in advance to ensure that your heads will not explode suddenly in critical moments.”

The future girl made a joke that wasn't funny, then grinned and made a gesture, and began to get busy in front of the brainwave converter connected to the host.

Mason stepped forward to say a few words to her, and then pointed to somewhere underground. Judy scratched her head in embarrassment. It was obvious that something Mason told her before was forgotten by her.

But it's not a big problem. Judy promises to see if the "mysterious item X" left by Mason in the ground is intact as soon as it's finished.

Although the master next to him couldn't understand the "surreal" devices in front of him, Batman's vigilance made him install a small device in the power supply of each chair in advance.

Afterwards, he saw the Green Goblin whom he met for the first time staring at him suspiciously, and the master explained with care:

"These gadgets can forcibly take over local network devices if necessary to ensure our consciousness is not permanently trapped in that data space.

There is the territory of data life, so we must guard against it. "

The dire conjectures he raised startled the old Green Goblin, who had considered the possibility, but had not prepared for it out of confidence in Mason.

"don’t worry."

Mason patted the old Green Goblin on the shoulder and whispered:

"I have some powerful 'friends' who will protect us, don't mind the master's vigilance, he always prepares for any bad things that may happen.

You wait here a moment, I'm going to the bathroom. "

Mason said something and smiled at the master, then left the main computer room.

But of course it is impossible for him to go to the toilet because of his weak waist. As a water man, he has already achieved 100% recycling of water in his body.

It's just an excuse.

In the bathroom outside the host room, Mason greeted Wick who also came out to "go to the toilet". The two walked into the adjacent compartment, and he whispered:

"How is the execution going?"

"Simply neat!"

Wick next to him unbuttoned his trouser belt and poured water to cover his voice, and said with a blank face:
"Simultaneously activated around the world, the League of Assassins is like a running killing machine, precise, deadly, and swift, and wiped out all the threats we have discovered and tracked within 24 hours.

With the exception of those Skrulls who voluntarily accepted the Queen's order to surrender to you, the rest of the recalcitrants have been awarded the head. "

"What about the organizations that work with them?"

Mason asked, and Wick continued to say in a hoarse voice:
"They are all under surveillance. According to the old man's thinking, this is a shock. If they don't get lost, then the next assassination blade in the shadows will pierce their hearts.

This is a very effective method.

People in high positions tend to cherish life very much. The only problem is that the assassination of Amanda Waller failed. There are some forces around that woman that have not yet surfaced.

The old man is selecting personnel for the second assassination, and he thinks that unpleasant woman is an unstable factor. "

"very good."

Mason nodded in satisfaction.

He knew that it would be absolutely fine to leave this kind of thing to the old man, and then asked about the performance of the old wolf and Black Bolt King here, and after learning that they also participated in the execution and performed well, Mason also let go. Come on.

In fact, the execution is not only done by the League of Assassins, but also by the Justice League. Green Arrow, who escaped into the shadows with an "accidental death" before, and the Deathstroke Corps also participated in it.

Probably because of the unknown life and death of Black Canary, Green Arrow acted extremely violently this time, and it is said that it frightened both Deathstroke and Leopard.

"Have those surrendered Skrulls accounted for the whereabouts of Black Canary and Arthur Curry?"

Mason asked, Wick shook his head and said:
"They only know that the replaced heroes have been transferred out of this world. As for where they are, it is a secret that no one knows. It is conservatively estimated that they should be held as hostages in the hands of the Warlock Your Excellency."


Mason frowned and said something, then turned off the jammer on his wrist that had been on all the time, and the two walked out of the toilet with the sound of the toilet flushing.

As soon as I came back, I saw the master outside the host computer, because the jammer was turned on, so he didn't hear any valuable information at all during the eavesdropping.

"I'm getting more and more interested in what you're keeping from me, Mason."

Batman said in a whisper as the captain passed the master:
"And the 'changes' around me, I know you made them, but if it's a joke I'm tired of it."

"You can find out by yourself."

Mason responded with a smile:
"You're the best detective in the world, you're so close to the answer, I even guess you already know it, but why don't you open it?

This is no joke, Bruce.

I don't expect you to thank me, but you shouldn't be insulting me either.

Alright, don't be so stern, the access to the data world has been opened, let's go to Night City for a stroll. "

After finishing speaking, he walked into the room and was the first to lie down on the black hacker chair. He skillfully put the Mewtwo device on his forehead. Harley on his left also followed suit, muttering softly. This thing shouldn't leak electricity and turn her into a fool, right?

"Take a deep breath, everyone!"

Judy reminded on the side:

"There will be a faint tingling after a while, and you will feel a rapid heartbeat or sudden stop when the data is diving. This is a normal phenomenon and there is no need to worry.

Wick, put your cloak on too, Silverhand said he'll meet you in cyberspace.

All right.

Mikoto World·Cyberspace connection program is opening, Hacking [-], [-], [-]! "


A muffled sound originating from the spiritual level rang in the ears of several people at the same time.

They suddenly felt a sense of "weightlessness", and colorful phantoms flashed before their eyes, checking the past of their lives like a revolving lantern, and then their eyes fell into a white light.

At the same time, twelve hunting robots lined up outside the host computer under the leadership of Fenrir's battle armor. for the enemy.

There are also many "pedestrians" shopping on the block near the afterlife bar on the ground, and each of them has a loaded pistol hidden in their clothes.

In the higher night sky, the Green Lantern Hal Jordan and the Martian Manhunter "Uncle Ji" who just joined the Zhenglian are flying around for vigilance.

Under the waters of Gotham Harbor, the Atlantean soldiers commanded by Queen Mela, who temporarily lost her husband and was full of anger, are ready to support at any time.

What's even more exaggerated is that in the watchtower in geosynchronous orbit, Cyborg has suspended other programs to focus on Gotham tonight, and any disturbance will attract the attack of the Justice League.

This is not just a trip to another world for the commanders, the significance it represents is obviously far beyond what it seems on the surface.
"Good morning! Night City, yesterday's Dead Man's Lotto."

Mason was awakened by the piercing and weird sound of broadcasting news. When he opened his eyes, he saw that he was lying in an extremely luxurious lounge decorated in dark black with a Nordic ascetic style.

He was lying on a massage chair, and beside him lay several other "guests" who had been invited into the cyberspace in a circular arrangement.

He wasn't the first to wake up.

The master is already standing by the window looking at the city in front of him.

He also wears his iconic bat shape, with a black cape draped over his shoulders.

Strong willpower means that you can do whatever you want, even in this world built by data, you can still maintain your appearance as Batman.

You know, according to Judy, what is presented in the cyberspace is the truest self-image in a person's heart, just like pinching the face, always subconsciously pinching the look that one's heart desires most.

It's a little hard to understand, but just look at Harley.

There were two identical Harleys lying on the seat where she was the only one. It was Harley and Quinn hugging each other and sleeping soundly. Obviously, this ghostly place also visualized the evil and crazy Quinn. .

The two girls have exactly the same face, hairstyle and figure. The only difference is that Harley's clothes are red and blue, while Quinn is red and black.

Like twin sisters, or as Harley puts it, her evil twin.

"Hey, idiot! Your girlfriend is not bad, she is also a sister, tsk, you really know how to play."

A disgusting voice sounded from behind, and when Mason turned around, he saw a scruffy bastard who looked exactly like John Wick, but with a silver arm and a toad mirror, leaning against the wall and taunting him.

"You really deserve a beating, Silver Hand!"

Mason whispered:
"This is your territory, so you can rest assured, right?"

"Ha, I just like the way you can't get used to me and can't kill me."

Johnny Silverhand took off his sunglasses and raised his middle finger at Mason intimidatingly:
"Be careful, I'll find a few buddies here to bury you, and turn your body outside into a drooling idiot."

"You really think I'm unprepared?"

Mason snorted, nodded his forehead and said softly:
"Ultra, can you hear me? Do me a favor and teach this nasty guy a lesson."


Perfect Ultron's voice sounded abruptly in this data-formed space, and Johnny Silverhand's expression instantly became astonished, but in the next second he disappeared strangely as if he had been erased by an invisible hand. In situ.

This is Mason's trump card for daring to step into cyberspace, although Perfect Ultron will still follow Hei Qi and Frog Map to explore in which plane.

But this super mechanical body with six infinite gems is also related to Batemoss, and was invited by the latter to join the parallel world data life alliance. It obviously also has certain high authority in cyberspace.

At least Johnny Silverhand, a talkative idiot, couldn't possibly hurt Mason and the others.

"It's so real here!"

The people on the chairs woke up one after another. Except for the two Harleys who looked at each other like looking in a mirror, everyone else was attracted by the extremely realistic environment of cyberspace.

Barbara and the old green goblin walked to the window, and what they saw was a very modern city, but there was always a gloomy feeling shrouded in it.

"It's like the legendary dream of God."

Wonder Woman looked at the fingers in front of her eyes, and felt the power surging in her body again, she said:
"If I didn't know that these are fake, I would even think that I really came to another world. Are we really in a database world now?"

"It's hard for me to understand how it works, Diana, but you're not wrong."

As the network technology officer of Team K, Barbara undertook the task of explaining, but she couldn't explain the existence of cyberspace in a few words, so she could only explain it to Diana roughly.

"how do you feel?"

Mason pointed to the city in front of him, and asked the silent master beside him.

The latter said in a hoarse voice:

"It's as terminally ill as Gotham, there's no cure, I can smell its corruption and depravity standing here, this is the future Gotham"

"That's an accurate assessment."

Mason gave a thumbs up, and then the door of the lounge behind everyone opened. Ms. Arasaka Hanako stood outside the door as a greeter, and a young man in a mercenary jacket was leaning against the wall with his arms folded, vomiting. smoke ring.


Mason said in surprise:

"Why are you here? Didn't you say you don't have to come?"

"It's not peaceful here either."

V laughed, and waved his hands in a hearty tone to answer:

"Old Aunt Rogge asked me to protect you. You are distinguished guests. If you are attacked by cyber neuropathy, it will be a big deal."

Mason almost couldn't hold back when he said this, and he complained:

"So Logue got the most dangerous cyber psycho in town to protect us from the other psychos? This arrangement is fucking Night City.

Why doesn't she let Adam Hammer protect me? "

(End of this chapter)

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