The track of dawn in the world of American manga

Chapter 448 63. In terms of the soil chapter of Night City, it is... awesome, brother

Chapter 448 63. In the vernacular of Night City, it's awesome, brother
Batemos is the god of data and the god of hackers. He has completely inherited the characteristics of programmers with low EQ.

Just now when a cooperation agreement was reached, he said that he still had a few "world upgrade patches" to be busy writing. He slipped away first and left a group of invited guests here.

I really don't know how to be a human being.

But fortunately, the people who can be invited here are all extraordinary people, and everyone has no time to worry about such trivial matters. After Bartmos left, everyone also left.

"Too risky, Bruce!"

Wonder Woman complained to the silent master:

"Getting a host server that sounds dangerous in our world, you can't make decisions about this kind of thing, you should at least go back and discuss it with everyone."

"Ms. Diana, you actually didn't understand what Bartmoss meant by 'Project Mikoshi' from the beginning to the end, did you?"

Barbara asked in a low voice beside her, which made the heroine's cheeks flush a little.

There is no other way.

High technology is really not the field she is good at as a demigod with the priesthood of God of War. Letting her go to the cyber arena to single out a hundred cyber neuroses will definitely suit her appetite, but this kind of thing is related to the retreat of the world. It's really not easy to figure it out in a short time.

But Wonder Woman is a proud hero.

She has inherited the fine traditions of the Greek gods, and she pointed to the entire Night City under the tower and said to the bat girl who was trying to explain Mikoshi's plan to her:
"No matter what, I will not allow my world to be reduced to what it is now! If Batemos' plan is to trap our consciousness and our people in such a virtual cage after our failure, then I will absolutely not agree."

"Night City looks bad to you because it was rotten before it was destroyed."

Mason next to him couldn't help but reminded:

"The overall development of the world in 2077 is a 'growth crooked' civilization, Diana, the stagnant and lifeless world in front of you is not caused by Mikoshi's plan, their civilization has reached a dead end before the end.

But ours didn't.

You should have a little faith in your world.

Even if the Mikoshi plan as the last resort is really implemented, and our world has completed the "data ascension" before the end, their performance in cyberspace must be more than a hundred times stronger than the city in front of you.

Taking a step back, even if you don't believe me and Barbara, you should have some confidence in Bruce's conduct in this regard. His approval of this plan means that he must have thought about the cause and effect. "

"It is"

Wonder Woman curled her lips.

She glanced at the master, and the latter gestured to her with a look of "go back to the watchtower to discuss something, it's not safe here", which stabilized Diana's especially stubborn mind at certain times.

"How about you go back first? I still have some 'private affairs' to deal with here."

Standing at the highest point in Night City, Mason lit a cigarette for himself.

Although he entered this data world consciously, Ms. Huazi said that the degree of fidelity here has been made 100% by Bate Moss, so Mason can still enjoy tobacco.

Surrounded by Harley and Quinn, he said to everyone in front of him:
"It won't take too long, and you don't have to worry about my safety. I have the most powerful mercenaries in the world to protect me."


The master didn't get entangled, and took Diana on the floating vehicle in front of him, returning to the hall of the data interaction point, and exiting the cyberspace there.

The Green Goblin and John Wick are not in a hurry to leave. They both have their own goals and don't mind taking a tour of Night City to check out the local customs.

Barbara returned to the data tower behind her again. She really planned to learn some real skills from the "God of Hackers" before the war with the Stars Club started.

It is rare for a hacker to meet the "grandfather". This Bate Moss in front of him is a real boss who can tear up the old Internet with a self-made virus in the keyboard and mouse era. If you miss this village, you will not have this shop.

In the blink of an eye, only Mason and his two cuties were left in the group of people just now, but he chose to stay here definitely not because he wanted to play some "little games" with the two cuties that cannot be played in the material world, although Both Harley and Quinn are looking forward to it, but Mason has to finish the business first.

He winked at the cuties, and the two girls who were exactly the same but with different personalities went into the floating vehicle hand in hand and waited.

Mason waved again to V, who was sitting in a daze on the edge of the Data Tower not far away, and then stood at the highest point of the City of Night, exhaling smoke rings. In the blue sky and white clouds, he closed his eyes and blew a realistic Wind of Data, said to his side:

"Come out, you should be able to appear physically in this place, right?"


A piece of data generated garbled characters out of thin air, and formed the figure of Consus in the self-adjustment.

This time, the Isu ghost no longer appears in the form of a projection, relying on the "magic reaction" generated by the interaction between the Isu shroud and cyberspace, so that he, an Isu with only biological consciousness, can also be reconstructed through data way to generate entities in the virtual world.

But this is very dangerous behavior!
The "illusion" of cyberspace is equivalent to the material world. For the Isu people like Consus who have completed the soul encoding, the data world is the "real world" for them.

Because their current form of existence can also be understood as a specially coded data character, so if he is stabbed to death by Mason here, it means that Consus’s biological consciousness stored in the Isu Shroud will also hit hard.

"Ah, the wind."

Wearing a white Isu robe and dressed religiously, Consus and Mason stood together. He also closed his eyes and opened his arms to feel the oncoming wind.

Wearing an Isu drag child, he let his robe flutter in the wind, even his long black hair was blown up, his gentle and majestic face showed a rare relaxation.

Consus looked down at his left hand and the paler and slender fingers than ordinary humans, he said softly:
"Bartmos created a miraculous world. Even 7 years ago, our photonic computer could not compile such a realistic, complete and huge data world.

We can only achieve concrete memories and scenes, but we cannot maintain them for a long time.

But here it is alive, Mason.

It is self-evolving, self-evolving, given enough time, it will eventually grow into a special plane that is no different from the material world.

Perhaps our initial struggle to survive was on the wrong track.

If we could have thought of this way to continue our existence at that time, perhaps we would not have to have this embarrassing conversation today. "

"Why should you feel embarrassed?"

Mason puffed out the smoke ring, then flicked the cigarette butt out of his hand without public morals, and watched it fly away in the wind. He glanced at Consus and said:
"If you didn't ask me to help you do something that would make me feel bad, then our relationship wouldn't be awkward, you know, I already regarded you as a trusted friend, just as you always Call me like 'brother'.

Even if you knew very well from the beginning, I am not the Hephaestus you remember.

Nor will I ever be Hephaestus. "

"It just feels awkward."

Consus smiled.

He straightened the ribbon of the robe on his shoulders, and after a moment of silence, he said to Mason:
"Mr. Hat's warning to you is correct. I have been trying my best to help you because I have no intentions. My starting point is not pure. Compared with the righteous deeds you have done for many worlds, I am a rather selfish Isu .

I know, Mason, even though you are already an Isu hybrid, you actually look down on us.

In your heart, you feel that the Isu who hide their blood in human history to avoid disasters and try to seek rebirth in the future peaceful era are a group of 'vampires' and 'parasites'.

Although you and Cassandra did not have much communication, I believe that the two of you have common ideas and concepts. If you have the opportunity, you will definitely choose to permanently remove the influence of the Isu from the human blood in that world peel off.

And that's what worries me. "

He looked at Mason and said with a pleading tone:
"You already have this ability now, with your astonishing alchemy skills and in-depth understanding of artistic biotechnology, given you enough time, you will be able to create a tool that will completely wipe out the last remnants of the Isu civilization.

I know such a request is a bit excessive.

but mason i beg you
I pray that you will show mercy to my people when you return to the Isu world. "

Consus's words made Mason silent for a moment, he shook his head and said:

"You think too badly of me, Consus.

Although you chose to strengthen human beings 7 years ago for the continuation of your own civilization, you just regard human beings as "task props" to overcome disasters. This starting point is not noble.

But the fact is, without the knowledge, power, and ancient artifacts you left behind, with the power system of the Isu world, they would not be able to escape the poison of the Star Society anyway.

The Aurora system left by Athena and Hephaestus still protects that world to this day.

It's not that you haven't participated in this confrontation. Although you didn't do it voluntarily, you are all adults, and you have to learn to look at problems regardless of your actions.

Do not worry.

I have no intention of interfering with the entanglement and future outcome of the Isu civilization in that world and human civilization. I also believe that Wake and the others can find a way to coexist with you at some point in the future without my help.

Perhaps the Isu civilization can also regain its glory in the next era after more than 7 years of silence. To be honest, I am looking forward to the appearance of that scene.

The coexistence of the two civilizations is the most significant characteristic of civilization in that world. Without the addition of you legendary people, the Isu world would just be an ordinary C-level world. "

Having said that, Mason rolled his eyes.

He turned back and patted Consus on the shoulder, whispering:

"Looking at your serious look just now, I thought you were going to say something important to me, but this is the end? You and I have faced powerful enemies together not once or twice, Consus, do you think I am really that The kind of person who will ask for trouble for himself?"

"You think you are not, but in fact, everyone knows whether you are."

Consus was finally relieved. The Isu teased and laughed heartily in the wind. But after the laugh, he put his hand on Mason's shoulder with a serious expression, and whispered to him:

"I did hide some very important information, my brother, about the access code of the Aurora system. With that thing, Xiaoshan's cosmic treadmill can bypass the blockade of the Aurora system and accurately lock the coordinates of the Isu world.

I didn't tell you this before because of my doubts about your status as a member of the Constellation, and you lack the tools to establish a long-term relationship, but now that you have Brainiac's plane beacon, all the conditions are ripe!

After we go back to the physical world, I promise!

In a maximum of 24 hours, you can set foot on the land of your other hometown again. "

"Well, this is the real good news!"

Mason's eyes lit up, and thinking of the fierce fighting power of Sister Ka's two great mentors who could beat two-on-one, he felt less pressure.

"Then let's hurry up and finish one last thing and hurry back."

He let out a long breath, and shouted to V who was not far away.

The latter moved nimbly and jumped up from the edge of the hundreds of meters of altitude like a parkour. Two jumps landed next to Mason. Consus also dissipated his body with a smile at this time, leaving room for the conversation Mason and his mercenary friends.

"Take me to the asylum for cyber mental illness. I am very interested in the unique phenomena of your world."

Mason distributed a cigarette to V, helped him light the fire himself, and said suspiciously:
"In addition, where did you transfer the main server of Mikoshi? Bate Moss had to get Brainiac's exile spaceship before killing him. At that time, I didn't think much about it. Thinking about it now, could it be?"

"That's right!"

Full of vigor, V snapped his fingers, then pointed at the sky with a smoke ring and said:
"We are now traveling between different planes, Brainiac's spaceship is really great to use as a database host, and Batemos has enough redundancy to mobilize.

He is planning to add a few more weather and terrain mods to Cyberspace, and he is also considering introducing more diverse race and appearance options, which can add a little more color to this dead world.

This is all thanks to you, otherwise, no matter how hard the Afterlife Team works, it would be difficult to find a similar perfect data carrier. "

"I worked so hard to kill a director of hope, but you took all the benefits."

Mason pouted and said:
"I don't care, you have to pay some compensation for this matter! I don't want much else, you see brothers are going to fight soon, I have heard that your next life team is very powerful, so don't you need you to fight at that time Lost people."

"Hey, who are you going to kill?"

V waved his hands disdainfully, patted his chest proudly with a masterful attitude and said:
"Do you understand the gold content of the legendary mercenaries in Night City? Let me tell you this, I am invincible below A-level, and I am invincible if I am above A-level!"

"Brilliant, brother!"

Mason gave a thumbs up and waved, then chatted and laughed with V and walked towards the floating car.

As a result, as soon as the scissor-shaped car door was opened, four snow-white arms stretched out and grabbed Mason's collar, and pulled him into the car cabin amidst the captain's screams.

This scene is very similar to the cruel scene of a poor ordinary person being caught by two female fairies and taken into a cave to be a slave.

The legendary mercenary of Night City, the famous cyber psycho, the powerful person of the A-level team, and the mechanical sword master V of the time-stop profound art style were all taken aback. Harley and Quinn in the suit glared at him at the same time.

Harry pretended to let the dog bite someone, but unfortunately the two dogs were not brought over.

"It's none of your business, go away! Come back in 10 minutes! If you dare to eavesdrop, I'll break your leg!"

Quinn, who had been dressed up like a surreal sex doll with "cyber heavy makeup", let out a violent roar.

Then the car door slammed shut, and Mason screamed in panic, revealing the desolation of being unable to resist but being ravaged by two female monsters.

"Mason found a pair of twins for himself?"

V pursed his lips and didn't know what to think of, but then a mean smile appeared on the bionic face.

He took a few steps back cheerfully, took a deep breath of smoke, gave a thumbs up to the swaying luxury floating car suspended in the air several hundred meters in the air, and praised:

"Tsk tsk, you really know how to play. Awesome, brother!"

(End of this chapter)

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