The track of dawn in the world of American manga

Chapter 449 64. The cyber lunatic commando will definitely become a sharp knife for us to stab the e

Chapter 449 64. The cyber lunatic commando will definitely become a sharp knife for us to stab the enemy (sure)
Cyber ​​psychosis, which is a fairly complex type of illness unique to the 2077 era.

According to the "official definition", this thing is a collective term for all anxiety-related mental and personality disorders caused by implanted hardware and various behavioral modules including software.

It seems inevitable that such a disease will appear in the era when prosthetic implants have become a trend, but V, a legendary mercenary in Night City, obviously has a different understanding of this disease.

At this time, Mason, who was sitting in a messy floating car heading to the cyber psychiatric shelter, was listening to V Kan Dashan on the opposite side. This guy was bragging about his desperate struggle with 23 super dangerous cyber lunatics before his last death. experience.

Mason listened carefully.

He felt that it was necessary to reserve this kind of knowledge in advance, because Barbara had installed more and more prosthetic body plug-ins, and if this continued, his old sister would also have a certain chance of breaking out of this troublesome disease.

But V's storytelling is not so heartfelt.

He will always be attracted by the traces of certain things that happened in this floating car in the past 10 minutes, even if Harley and Quinn, the second parties involved, have been forcibly sent back by Mason because of excessive nonsense. the real world.

"Your life has unlocked an achievement that has made countless male compatriots feel envious and jealous."

After telling the story about himself and the cyber maniac, V stopped talking, glanced at the torn sofa under his buttocks, and couldn't help but pouted and said:

"Your two girlfriends are really violent. I almost thought they were going to dismantle this thing when I saw the frequency of the floating car shaking just now."

"What look in your eyes! That's obviously one."

Hearing V talking about this topic again, Mason reprimanded angrily:
"Halley and Quinn are two different personalities of hers, and it's just because there must be something wrong with this damn brainwave uploading program, which caused them to be separated here."

"Ah! Is that so?"

V's eyes immediately became pitiful, he patted Mason's shoulder, and whispered:

"No wonder you've been inquiring about cyberpsychosis. So your girlfriend's schizophrenia symptoms are so severe? But she doesn't have a prosthetic plug, right?

Most of us treat cyber lunatics with hormone blocking drugs, but I guess this thing is useless for her symptoms.

Speaking of which, I also met a buddy who suffered from schizophrenia before. He got himself a replica prosthetic body and separated his two personalities into a pair of brothers.

I mean, you might suggest that little sister Halle try this too."

"I swear, V, if you bring the topic up to my girlfriend again, I'll shoot you!"

Mason's hand was already on the handle of the silver pistol at his waist. He shook his head and explained:
"Let me emphasize once! My Harley doesn't need treatment! I like her crazy look! Seriously, continue to talk about cyber psychosis. I heard that the most elite group of violent mobile team members are senior madman?"

"There is such a statement, but the specific circumstances are different."

V waved his hand, this time explaining seriously:

"Even if they are all lunatics, there is a difference. The violent terrorist mobile team only needs those cyber lunatics who have potential, have actual combat experience, and are obsessed with pathological killings.

They don't like the 'second-rate goods' that collapsed because of installing too many prosthetic bodies.

To put it more simply, they only want killers!

Before I died, a girl from the Terrorist Mobile Squad invited me over and over again. The girl was in good shape and repeatedly hinted that she could go further with me.

Tch, but do I really look like a pathological killer? "

"Tsk, you really have no self-awareness about your own image."

Mason pouted, and recorded all the information collected so far in his notebook as research materials to relieve boredom in his spare time. Then he stretched his body and said to V:
"Before Huazi told me that a considerable number of cyber lunatics are born in the Mikoshi world every month, and their consciousness data is basically polluted, and they can only be destroyed unless they are formatted.

But I think these lunatics who are addicted to killing and destroying are still useful. This time, I plan to leave Mikoto with 300 copies of cyber psychosis data. Please help me arrange it.

I mean, help me pick some 'good stuff'. "

"What you said is the same as those human traffickers who cut out their kidneys."

V complained:
"Are you going to use these guys with serious self-destructive tendencies as death squads? It's not bad, these guys are crazy and hopeless, as long as you give them enough bullets and weapons, they will be happy to see you All the beings that come to him, including themselves, are sieved.

Especially those veterans who have participated in corporate wars, all of them have rich combat experience and also have post-traumatic disorders.

In addition, they are generally equipped with military prosthetic bodies, killing people is like killing chickens. The most powerful of these guys can kill the pioneer team below C level as pigs.

I can also choose a group of engineering-specialized cyberpsychopaths for you. These guys like to manipulate heavy machinery to create carnage, and they are all good at mechs.

What's even more rare is that they are not afraid of death.

In fact, there was no reason left in their jumbled brains.

But the number of 300 people is a bit small.

The seven shelters in the City of Light and Night combined far exceed this number. Let me give you 500 people. Packing and taking away the most dangerous data can be regarded as reducing the burden on the city. "

"Okay, you have chosen to bring the data directly to Judy."

Mason nodded and said:
"She will download the consciousness data from the host server in the Afterlife Bar, and I will prepare prosthetic bodies for them that can be killed. Also, V, I want to ask you a sensitive matter."

He lowered his voice and said to V, who was smoking a cigarette:
"Who owns Adam Hammer's personality data now?"


The name seemed to have brought back some bad memories for V, he exhaled a smoke ring, frowned and said:
"This thing is not at the same level as cyber psychosis, that lunatic advocating self-reform is a leader even in the legendary mercenary business.

His fighting consciousness basically belongs to the most advanced kind of butcher killer that this world can cultivate. After I killed him that year, the personality data of Heavy Hammer was recovered by Rogge.

It is still in the hands of the old aunt, it is her collection at the bottom of the box.

But what do you want this thing for?
Mason, with all due respect, although Heavy Hammer advocates force, he has brains and is not easy to control. "

"I'm trying to transfer the airborne AI I'm currently using to a more advanced power armor. Although she can control Fenrir's heavy armor, some sensitive information in my exclusive AI cannot be disclosed.

Considering that the downgraded version of Fenrir's armor will soon be distributed to elite personnel as slave army equipment, I think it is better to set up a separate combat AI system for these heavy power armors for assault. "

Mason explained:
"But I'm too lazy to spend that effort to re-adjust a combat AI and gradually mature, so I plan to use Adam Heavy Hammer's consciousness data to change it and make a combat program or something.

That guy's rich combat experience is enough for a power armor to deal with most enemies in automatic mode.

Help me ask Rogge, can you give up love?
Anyway, the grievances between her and Heavy Hammer are all because of that idiot Johnny Silverhand. Now Silverhand is living freely, and it is only a matter of minutes for the old aunt to reconnect with him. I even suspect that they may be doing it in private. up.

I am willing to spend money to buy it, please pass me a message. "

"If we talk about money in our relationship, we will see nothing."

V waved his hands, patted his chest in a generous manner and said:
"Don't worry, this matter will be done beautifully for you, but I also know that you, Mason, are a showman, and you definitely don't want to let you take our things for nothing.

So, why don't you make a few more guns for the big guy that you made for Captain Morgan last time?
That thing is very powerful!I like. "

"Okay, I'll help you guys when I'm free."

Mason looked at the time on his watch, and signaled that the floating car descended to the No. [-] Mental Hospital in Night City, and was taken by V to the dangerous and critically ill patient area to pick out his favorite cyberpsychiatric commandos.

It's like fucking supermarket shopping.

Mason didn't know if he didn't look at it. He was really shocked when he saw it. All kinds of cyber lunatics in the second asylum were eye-opening.

There are those who pull out their skins to scare people, those who pretend to be the reincarnation of the data witch Lilith, and those who turn on tactical optical camouflage 24 hours a day and pretend to be thieves. Covered with inductive trigger mines, it is revealed that it is a madman Fan who will come and die.

And the two guys are pompously discussing a mysterious Mr. Blue Eyes and outrageous stories from the Alpha Centauri alien overlord secretly manipulating the world in front of Mason and V.

Everyone is a talent, everyone has unique skills, and finally the captain simply waved his hand and wanted them all.

Anyway, it was taken back and used as cannon fodder waste, Mason didn't think it was shabby.

After finishing these things, Mason returned to the data interaction point and returned to the material world. The white light in front of his eyes was beating and slowly dimming in his retina. He sat up from the hacker chair, and only the computer room in front of him Harley, who was dozing off beside him, and Judy and Barbara, who were busy editing Mewtwo in the computer room.

Mason's elder sister and her best friend sat on a chair very intimately, chatting and discussing the hacking skills she had just learned, the acquaintance looked like a good best friend chatting.

But considering Judy's unusual preferences.
At this moment, Mason really felt a moment of silence for Mr. Grayson. If he didn't work harder, his marriage would be in jeopardy.


The projection of Consus appeared behind Mason's shoulder, and the Isu ghost said to him:
"I'm ready. We can contact Xiao Shan now. I believe Cassandra is also looking forward to the second meeting with you."


Mason nodded, stepped forward to wake up Harry, and deliberately coughed a few times to make the guilty Judy quickly take back the hand on Barbara's waist.

The captain came over and reminded Judy to remember to download the "special awareness data" transmitted by V, and then gave Barbara a bit of a "guilty conscience", and then took Harry out of the computer room.

Little Flash's cosmic treadmill is still in the watchtower. Mason has to notify the master to send a bat-like combat machine to pick him up and Harley. While waiting in the afterlife bar, he decides to give it to the master after deliberation in his office. Less calls to explain the situation.

In less than 10 minutes, the elder and younger came to the bar in a hurry.

Not only did he dress up to look like the most handsome handsome guy, but he also held a bouquet of freshly picked flowers in his hand.

However, when Mason watched the happy elder sister being taken away by the young lady in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows of the office on the top floor, he suddenly realized that he seemed to have been tricked!
Barbara has repeatedly emphasized that the relationship between her and Judy is pure friendship.

So is there such a possibility?
The ambiguous scene just now was just that the two girlfriends joined forces to play a scene for Mason, so that Mason, who likes to worry, can act as a microphone, and remind the young man who came in and is busy practicing martial arts to treat his fiancée with snacks?
The more Mason thought about it, the more it seemed possible.

Especially a few minutes later, when he saw Judy, who was a small bird, and a chic local girl with a peaked cap and long legs in a leather jacket leaving the bar hand in hand, he became more determined.

Oops, I have been used as a gun!How dare you call yourself level 9 wisdom?
"This! This, this, this! One by one, don't worry!"

Mason yelled incompetently and furiously in the office:
"Concentrate on serious things, okay! You bastards, they are all bastards! How can we do a good job in the great cause of doomsday salvation with you bastards?"

"Don't be angry, sweetheart. If you get angry, your health will be bad."

Harry came over with the fruit plate, picked up strawberries and brought them to Mason's mouth.

She tried her best to show that she had nothing to do with this matter at all, hey, it's definitely not that she, a clever little ghost, was bored waiting just now, so she gave an idea to Barbara and Judy!
And so is Barbara!

She doesn't know the technique of grasping a man's heart at all. If the alien princess Xinghuo really pries her buttocks away, there will be times when she will cry!

"Did you reach an agreement with Quinn?"

Mason looked down at his watch. There were still a few minutes before the arrival of the Bat Fighter. While preparing things, he said to Harry who was sitting on the desk shaking his legs:
"I feel that she has appeared more and more frequently recently, which is quite scary."

"Yes, I have."

Harry chewed the apple, tilted his head and said cutely:

"It's very pitiful for Quinn to be cared about in my heart, and she also likes to stay with little sweetheart. I can't ask myself to stay away from you, can I?
So after a few fights with Quinn in her sleep, we agreed that I'd be two-thirds and she'd be one-third, and it was better for everyone.

Ahem, of course it's not because I can't beat Quinn!
It's definitely not because of this that I compromised, I just pity her! "

"Too much trouble."

Mason shook his head.

He suddenly had a flash of inspiration, then he took something out of the bag and hesitated for a moment before handing it to Harry.

Robin looked at the jewelry box in her hand in surprise.

She thought it was Little Sweetheart who was going to give her another gift, but when she opened it, she found a hexagonal gray stone with a stick figure-like tiger pattern on it.

Harry didn't know what it was, so he picked it up.

But at the moment when the fingers were clenched, a black and white light burst out from the Yin-Yang Tiger spell and enveloped Harley, and made her "split in two" in her exclamation.

Do not misunderstand!
It wasn't the horrifying two-half cut from the middle or from the waist, but just like copying magic, a new "Harry" was conjured out of thin air in front of Harley's eyes.

This is the effect of the Yin-Yang Tiger Charm.

It can separate the light and dark sides of the soul to form two individuals, but for a special schizophrenia patient like Harley, the magical effect of the Yin-Yang Tiger Charm can make Harley and Quinn have two personalities. Simultaneously.

The two crazy beautiful girls looked at each other in surprise, and at the same time lowered their heads to look at the spell in their hands.

The originally complete Yin-Yang Tiger Talisman has been divided into two pieces from the center along the curved Tai Chi arc, and they are pinched in the hands of two beautiful girls respectively.

"Wow! That's great sweetie! I love this thing."

Harley cheered. She jumped from the table into Mason's arms, hugged Mr. K's face and gnawed it down.

Relatively speaking, Quinn, who was relatively conservative, was not so excited, but he also grabbed the Tiger Talisman and stepped forward, and pecked Mason's lips fiercely when Harry raised his head.

Shouting and hugging, tsk, awesome, brother!

"You little rascal!"

Quinn, who was more evil and more stable, leaned close to Mason's ear, licked his lips, and said in a bad girl's characteristic hoarse voice:
"Did I like the 'double bad' feeling before, so I deliberately separated Harley and me? You are so greedy!"

"No! I don't like it at all. That kind of thing is a bit too advanced for me who is conservative."

Mason snorted with a straight face.

While the Bat Fighter in the form of optical camouflage hovered slowly outside the window, he coughed, put his hands on the waists of Harley and Quinn at the same time, and said to them:

"I just don't want you two to quarrel because of me. Although it's a bit strange to say this, are all my wings. Only when I have both wings can I fly higher.

Plus, Harley, and Quinn!

I now formally designate you as commanders of the cyberpsychopathic commando unit under K-Squad.

I believe that under the shocking and unique command style of the two of you, this special team will definitely become our deadliest sharp knife to stab the enemy's heart at some point in the future! "

"Follow me! Sweetheart!" X2
(End of this chapter)

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