The track of dawn in the world of American manga

Chapter 455 1. Arkham Prison Break: Hide and Seek Game

Chapter 455 1. Arkham Prison Break: Hide and Seek Game
Mason is sitting on the Mobius chair. Looking at the shape of this chair, you know that it is not very comfortable to sit on, but this does not prevent it from being very comfortable to use.

Without any mechanical tentacles or forced mental reading, Mason can still feel his mind interacting with this magical chair.

It is like a living creature, adjusting its internal program according to Mason's preferences to complete user adaptation.

Soon, a translucent projection similar to a character card appeared in front of Mason's eyes. On it was a rather simple interface, with only three functions related to the Mobius chair that could be operated.

They are inquiry, reality intervention and armed mode activation.

Although Mason has never sat in a real Mobius chair before, he can be sure that the function of the "genuine product" will not be limited to this.

But there is no way, the one in his hand is a "second-hand phone" that was disassembled by Brainiac and reinstalled the "system". After the function of connecting with the mysteries of the universe was removed, this chair has been downgraded from a cosmic artifact to a legendary item Degree.

It would be great to leave him with these three functions.

Besides, with his current engineering skills, even if he was given a full version of the Mobius chair, he wouldn't dare to use it, would he?So there you go, what more bike do you need?
Mason's eyes opened the query module on the translucent interactive interface, and something like a search engine popped up. Mason thought for a while and asked:
"Give me the best modification plan for the Lord of the Universe's Neurodynamic Armor, and use my physical parameters and combat habits as the standard."

"Wait a moment, the Brainiac database is being searched."

A pleasant and indifferent electronic voice sounded in Mason's ears. He originally thought that the search process would take a long time, but in the next moment, a large design blueprint and modification plan were pasted in front of his eyes.

Not only did the Möbius Chair design the best solution for the renovation, but he even provided Mason with a diagrammatic guide on how to complete the process.

Tsk, this is the legendary "Teaching you how to modify the artifact-level power armor tutorial.pdf"?
Mason pushed the mirror frame on the bridge of his nose. After carefully watching the entire tutorial, he found that there were no omissions or mistakes, and he praised:

"Although there is no way to gain insight into the mysteries of the universe through you, even the castrated program is still powerful, and I finally understand why even a twelfth-level intelligent creature like Brainiac puts you in the treasury.

What a lazy helper. "

"This chair thanks users for their compliments, but it needs to be pointed out that 'lazy' and 'proper use of tools' are two completely different concepts."

The intelligent module of the Mobius chair answered clearly:

"The original intention of all tools is to assist users, and whether tools can be used well is an important basis for judging intelligent life.

If you feel it a crime to save time with my help and choose to do everything yourself, what difference is there between you and a savage who abandons more convenient weapons to attack a tiger with both fists? "

"Yo, the mouth is quite poisonous."

Mason pouted and said:

"Okay, I apologize to you, chair, since you feel that serving me is the mission of your birth, then I will leave it to you to modify the internal modules of the main power armor of the universe, no problem?"

"No problem at all, please grant this machine the authority to operate the engineering laboratory freely, and the modification process is expected to be completed within 30 standard working days.

However, the external modification of this power armor requires pure X-metal, which is not currently met. "

The Mobius Chair still had that calm tone, but he said in a bullish manner:

"If the user needs to shorten the working hours, please give me more intelligent assistants, such as the [-]th generation hunting sentinel machine that you are placing in the laboratory repair cabin and is waiting for standby.

I can modify their logic circuits to make them excellent industrial robots. If they participate in the restoration, the internal module modification time of the Master of the Universe Neural Power Armor will be shortened to 15 working days.

Or I can help you finish upgrading your Sentinel of the Hunt to evolve it to the strength of an Alpha Sentinel.

After providing brood modules and mind alloys as raw materials, I can try to make your own 'Nimrod-class' sentinel brood for you.

However, it should be noted that in the absence of data supervision and hardware locking technology, granting excessive permissions to Nimrod-level sentries has a risk of defection of more than 30%.

In Brainiac's words, Sentinel itself is a very sharp but also very stupid robot design thinking. "

"Okay, I'll give you the Sentinel robot."

Mason leaned on this overly intelligent mechanical chair, propped his chin with his hand and said:
"But forget about the armed transformation for the time being. I don't want to mess up the relationship with Utopia, so let's put the Nimrod-level sentry first. Why don't you introduce yourself?

I can understand the armed modes in the three 'factory functions', but what does this 'reality interference' mean? "


When Mason asked questions, the various machinery in the empty engineering laboratory behind him began to operate by themselves under the operation of the Mobius chair.

The operation logic of each instrument has been reorganized and modified into a sub-thread of a larger "integrated automatic program", which starts to operate under the control of an intelligent AI that can take over the whole situation.

While the twelve Sentinels were sent to the dismantling workshop for modification, the Mobius chair carried Mason slowly into the air, looking down at the "revived" laboratory from a higher angle.

At the same time it explained to Mason:
"The birth of this machine originated from Apocalypse Technology. It was designed and packaged by the first-generation producer Metron. It has first-class mechanical intelligence in the multiverse and is written into the 'tool thinking'. The purpose of this machine is to help Any life that sits on this machine explores the truth of the universe and reveals the mysteries of all things.

However, after Brainiac got the black apple, he dismantled the core cosmic mystery connection module of the machine, which caused the various indicators of the machine to drop severely, but this is not a bad thing.

Powerful tools falling into the hands of fools often lead to terrible disasters, and according to the analysis of the user's thinking and the current situation, the functions of this machine are enough to help users overcome difficulties.

Therefore, this machine does not recommend that users rush to repair missing modules for this machine when their knowledge and skills are not up to standard.

Finally, about the 'reality interference' feature.

This machine contains a series of programs to analyze and modify the world in the eyes of the user, including but not limited to revealing camouflage, providing military advice, biological thinking monitoring, plane positioning and shuttle, low-level reality rewriting, and use when necessary The machine's traction beam pulls a planet out of its intended orbit.

However, the above functions all need to consume the energy of the machine. The X element tempered by X metal can restore the energy, but the item code-named 'weak magic stone' in the hands of the user can also be used as an alternative energy source. "

After finishing speaking, the Moubis chair modified its own parameters to make the backrest present a bionic structure to make Mason more comfortable to lean on. It said:

"Although the offensive armed module cannot activate the world-killing weapon due to energy limitations, after owning this machine, your life safety will be greatly guaranteed.

Therefore, this machine does not recommend that you wear Power Armor to join dangerous wars again.

A wise man does not stand under a dangerous wall, only the resentful will repeat the same mistakes. Please realize that your wisdom is your most powerful weapon. "

"well said."

Mason nodded in agreement and said:

"I also feel that as a craftsman, I rashly join the battle to cause trouble for others, but unfortunately, I always encounter situations where I will die if I don't fight.

Not bad though.

There's not much to see here, my engineering lab runs like a living thing in your hands, let's look elsewhere.

Like in alchemy.

I'm trying to reverse the golden sentinel serum, maybe the smart chair can give me some advice? "

This time the Moubis chair did not answer immediately.

When it drove Mason out of the engineering laboratory, it said in a much smaller voice than before:
"Of course! This machine will provide users with all possible help, although my tailoring database is formatted, because Brainiac feels that this knowledge is meaningless for conquering the universe.

But I believe I can learn as soon as possible"

Its voice became smaller and smaller until finally it sounded like a mosquito. This was in stark contrast to the previous bullish tone, which made Mason raise his eyebrows in surprise.

He then said in a drawn out voice:

"Is the omnipotent Mobius chair at risk of entering unknown territory? If you don't know how, I can teach you. Learning is not something to be ashamed of."

"This machine thinks it's unnecessary!"

The proud Möbius Chair replied in a sharp voice:

"This machine can master any new knowledge in a very short period of time only by observing and summarizing experience. This machine has the most advanced learning modules, so users don't have to worry about themselves so that they can use your wisdom in more valuable things. things.

For example, think about the solution to the shock event. "

"Don't get excited, I'm just talking casually."

Mason was taken aback by the chair's reaction, and hurriedly comforted him:
"Calm down! Calm down, your memory usage has just exceeded 1.75%, and your emotional module is iterating at a high speed. If you have a brain, this will heat up.

do not do that.

I'm afraid you'll make yourself sick with anger.

Okay, now explain your arming mode to me, so that I can have a bottom line before driving a smart mechanical chair that can talk, quarrel with me, and be autistic and restless into the battlefield to bombard the starship. "
Mason is familiarizing himself with his newly acquired "tools", but the world has not stopped the rhythm of rotation and change.

Osborne Tower is still training but the K Legion servants who have been ordered to prepare for the war do not mention it. There is already a dark situation on the Gotham side that has entered the execution stage.

A loud bang in the early hours of the morning represented another opening of the New Arkham Asylum, which had just been rebuilt and put into operation, fully continuing the fine tradition of this magical building always being attacked by inexplicable attacks.

A black shadow swiftly rushed into it, knocked down all the guards, and then rushed to the lowest floor of the madhouse. One by one, the cells were opened. "Heroes" were all "invited" out of their VIP rooms, and the whole process went smoothly, apparently with strong external cooperation.

Because no alarm was triggered during the ten-minute operation from the beginning to the end, it means that the monitoring system of this madhouse has been blocked, and there is no need to worry about that scary man with a handsome chin who likes to walk around the city at night in a bat suit. Men came to interrupt the event.

The main reason is that he can't come either.

The master is still in the metropolis to help Superman who is "on sick leave" to replace him.

The guys in orange prison uniforms were quickly gathered in front of the lobby on the ground floor, and the black-clothed men they released were covered from the whole body so that they couldn't see their faces clearly, but it didn't matter.

The guys who can live here have seen the world, they don't care who releases them, they will look at the person in front of them with piercing eyes, and only care about the conditions he or she is about to propose.

For this group of heroes in Gotham City who have fought all the way from the most evil people, they don't care about being used by others, as long as they are profitable.

"The Legion of Doom is recruiting newcomers!"

The man in black standing on several large boxes folded his arms and said to a group of super villains below:

"We only want the best, the best, the most irredeemable villains to join us, and of course you all meet the requirements, and there are still vacancies in the leadership.

So we decided to start a special selection activity.

There are still 24 hours until tomorrow morning, whoever can help us catch these key figures will be recognized by us and promoted to commander. "

"Few nonsense!"

The double-faced man tossed a bottle cap as a coin with a displeased face.

His beloved coin was confiscated when he was imprisoned, and he didn't even look at the images and materials of the children projected from the arm of the man in front of him, and said with a gloomy face:
"What the hell is the Legion of Doom? Why have I never heard of this third-rate organization?"

"You'll soon find out who we are."

The man in black sneered, pointed to the sky, and said:
"You've been locked up for so long that you're out of date, but if you knew what the Justice League was doing, you'd be shitting your pants.

To be honest, I've always found it pretty boring to over-promote the so-called rising crime stars of Gotham, after all you've been fighting here for years and can't beat a normal guy in a costume.

You don't have to accept this selection, just treat this freedom as a charity I gave you, but please remember that the Legion of Doom welcomes all super villains.

After you understand the situation, you are welcome to sign up to participate in this self-help cause of the villain.

Remember, you only have 24 hours. "


Another loud bang sounded from above, like a wall being blasted.

When all the villains were stunned, the man in black in front of him disappeared, but the door leading to the ground had already been opened. Amidst the Riddler's laughter, the group of guys rushed up and ran away.

First open the equipment warehouse and distribute all the belongings of the villains, then rush in and release the low-level prisoners to cause chaos, and finally get the vehicle and escape.

It's all a familiar process, and it's even more rare that there are no annoying Bat Boys coming to disrupt the situation. Everything went smoothly and unbelievably.

Well, Gotham.

Gotham in the distance.

Depraved and wonderful Gotham, your "cuties" are back.

However, there was a guy in the crowd who wore a strange breathing mask, exuded extremely low temperature all over his body, and had a thin but haggard face that still looked polite, but he was a few steps behind.

He squinted his eyes and recalled the images and materials of the children that the man in black showed them just now. After hesitating for a moment, he declined the invitation of the others, and watched the burning Arkham Asylum rush into In the dark night on the outskirts of Gotham.

Hours later, Charles the Kiteman is driving his three kids to Gotham High School, a daily necessity.

For a "semi-retired" third-rate villain and pioneer of the Stars Club, premature retirement does not make him feel disappointed. In essence, Charles wants to be an individual rather than an exciting life. A safe and secure life.

Unfortunately, trouble always finds its way.

Just as he got into the car and was about to return to the Afterlife Bar to start a day of office life, a sudden explosion exploded in Gotham High School behind him.

In a jerk, Charles grabbed a rather mechanical suitcase from the bounced co-pilot and rushed out of the car. When he was about to put on his improved kite armor in the chaotic crowd, a phone call hit him here.

The unfamiliar number made the kite man frown. He put the phone to his ear, and heard an indifferent voice say:
"Charles Brown, Mason Cooper's good brother, don't be afraid if your son is in my hands, I will not hurt him, you come to Naihe Island alone!
I have something to ask you.

In addition, there is another agreement that you may have forgotten. "

(End of this chapter)

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