The track of dawn in the world of American manga

Chapter 456 2. What?Gotham locals stole your rice?

Chapter 456 2. What?Gotham locals stole your rice?
The kiteman's son has been kidnapped.

But that's not the only bad news.

Because the son of Elizabeth Swan and the daughter of Captain Barbossa were also kidnapped together, this was obviously a deliberate situation. The kidnappers carefully planned to fast forward and fast out. The extra casualties speak for themselves.

But everyone in the afterlife bar didn't panic.

On the one hand, the children have locators and life monitoring devices on them, and they are all safe. On the other hand, one of the robbers took the initiative to contact them when the kidnapping happened.

"I have arrived at Naihe Island and I am about to meet the robbers."

The kiteman, flying fast in the air, adjusted his mechanical wings to the micro-sound mode. While he was patrolling around the target building to identify suspicious persons, he said to Judy, who was organizing a commando in the afterlife bar:
"Don't act rashly, these guys are weird, especially when they asked me to meet, he said the name of the boss and said that he has an agreement with us.

Stay on the lookout, Judy, while contacting Nightwing.

He is patrolling Gotham City instead of the master, so he should have some other information. "

"Okay, Charles, you stay safe."

Judy responded to him:
"Elizabeth and Jack are rushing over, Director Gordon has also been dispatched, and Steward Oswald asked me to inform you that he has two teams of gunmen on Naihe Island.

If you need to deal with it afterwards, he is more than willing to do it for you.

But don't make the scene too disgusting, the mental health of the younger brothers is also very important. "

"Sister, you really have to shut down your bad taste sometimes."

The kiteman said helplessly:
"My son has been kidnapped, can you have some sympathy?"

After complaining, the kiteman began to land.

At the same time, six flying-wing drones also popped up from behind his "Kite Battle Armor" and entered the optical stealth mode, and began to cruise around the abandoned building for aiming.

Although he is no longer the main player, Charles's equipment upgrades have always followed the K team's technology tree, and any new gadgets invented by the boss Mason will be shared with him.

In addition to this portable armor on his body, the kiteman also has a set of heavy-duty armed flying wings specially used for combat, which were modified after upgrading the vulture's mechanical flying wings several times.

Its firepower is not inferior to the normal version of the Fenrir armor.

Therefore, it can be said with certainty that this low-key bar logistics manager is actually a "hidden boss" in Gotham City. He is just low-key enough so that his reputation is not obvious.


The kite man's battle armor folded his wings so that he landed lightly on the top floor of the abandoned building, and jumped into his hands with a wave of two black assault smart guns.

He pointed forward, and the structure of the entire building was immediately reflected on the black combat glasses, and the optimal tipping point was calculated. The armed module of the flying wing drone was also activated and ready to assist in the battle.

But the robber didn't play hide-and-seek with the kite man, he just stood in the middle of the top lobby, holding a freezing pistol in his hand, while the kite man's son Brown was tied to the His mouth was sealed with duct tape. After seeing his father appear like a soldier descending from the sky, the panic in Little Brown's eyes immediately became much less.

"Dr. Victor."

The kiteman looked at the expressionless Mr. Freeze in front of him, and said coldly:
"what do you mean?"

"Someone released the prisoners in Arkham and gave us the information of three children, asking us to capture them in order to qualify to join the Legion of Doom."

Due to special personal reasons, Mr. Freeze has always spoken in a ruthless tone, and his gray pupils reflect that this person really seems to be completely indifferent to all life.

He expressed his experience of the past few hours with a blank face, and put the freezing gun in his hand against Little Brown's forehead, and the shattered ice spread on the child's forehead just by touching it.

This action caused the kiteman to step forward. He raised his hands and said:
"Speak well, don't do it, doctor, you said on the phone that you have something to ask me, and you said you have an agreement with us, which means that everything can be discussed, right?"

"What is the Justice League doing?"

Mr. Freeze asked a question. He stared at the gray-black armor on the kite man and said:
"Mason has given you a lot of technological support, it seems that you are not what you used to be, maybe your drone has aimed at my head, but Charles, I advise you not to be impulsive.

There is a bomb in this building, and your son will be in danger if I die.

So, to answer my question. "

"Justice League has done a lot, you have to ask more specifically."

The kiteman pushed his sunglasses, delaying time and said:
"I guess the member of the Legion of Doom who freed you told you something, rumors about the end of the world or something."


The freezing gun in Mr. Freeze's hand has entered the charging mode. Obviously, he has seen through the kite man's trick of delaying time, and the cold air made Little Brown shake his body.

Charles waved his hand, and quickly described the shock incident in concise language, making Mr. Freeze's eyes tighten. The truth was indeed beyond his expectations.

No wonder the mysterious man referred to the establishment of the "Legion of Doom" as the "self-help feat" of the villains.

He is a high IQ criminal.

Therefore, the kite man does not need to tell all the facts, it is enough for him to guess part of the hidden truth, nothing more than a struggle between forces, but he himself does not care about these.

After figuring out the situation, Dr. Victor retracted the freezing gun slightly, and he said to Charles:
"I want to talk to Mason Cooper! Get in touch with him, and you can take your son away while he talks to me. There is no grudge between me and you, Charles, and I am not interested in joining the Legion of Doom.

I just wanted to chat with Mason about the deal I had with him. "

"Boss is someone you can see if you want?"

The kite man snorted unhappily, but considering Mr. Freeze's unequivocal "promise", he hesitated for a moment, turned around with a gesture and activated the cross-world communication module fixed in the ear bone.

After a while, the communication was connected.

"Charles? Little Brown was rescued?"

Mason asked:

"Still need support? Xiao Shan is ready to go, give me a specific coordinate."

"No, boss, the matter has been settled."

Charles saw Mr. Freeze untying his son from behind him through the viewing angle of the flying wing drone. He breathed a sigh of relief and told Mason about Mr. Freeze.

Finally, he whispered:
"I've already targeted him, boss, your time is so precious, there's no reason to entangle with these guys, as long as you say a word, I can make him disappear forever."

"No, let me talk to him."

Mason blocks to:
"I did have an agreement with him, and that was a long time ago."


The kite man turned around and beckoned to his son. Little Brown, who looked like a general, didn't panic, but walked to his father step by step.

He tore off the tape from his mouth and said to Charles:
"Henry and Serena were taken away by Double-Faced Man and the Scarecrow! I recognized them, they said they were going to take my friend to the beach, and there was someone to pick them up."

"Well, I see, don't worry, your friends will be safe and sound, now put this on and leave immediately."

Charles clicked on his chest, disarmed his kite armor and turned it back into a suitcase, let his son put it on, reset the flight target, and watched him being led away from the dangerous area by the armor.

At the same time, a black shadow flew in the air and hit the floor beside Charles with a bang.

It was a black battle armor storage tank, which contained the vulture wings he used for combat.

Charles stepped forward and patted the jar to turn on the wearing mode. He stepped on the two pedals to arm the internal armor, and at the same time threw a wrist communicator to Mr. Freeze in front of him, and warned him:

"Boss wants to talk to you, Dr. Victor, and everyone knows you're not a very vicious guy, so you'd better take this opportunity.

For the sake of 'protecting' my son, let me remind you that the Legion of Doom will not end well when they make trouble at this time.The most benevolent super will no longer show mercy to them. "

"I got it."

Dr. Victor nodded.

He watched the black machinery in front of him arm the limbs of the kite man with his arms outstretched in a very precise and fast manner, and after the black armor storage tank was fully deployed, he covered Charles with two giant metal flying wings with a wingspan of 15 meters .

The arms on its limbs are angular, and there are mysterious geometric patterns on them to absorb energy attacks, and the last V-shaped full-face battle helmet is buckled on the kite man's head with a click.

When the six turbo propellers of different sizes of the mechanical flying wings were turned on, the red line goggles were also turned on on the visor, making him look dangerous and hideous.

As a top thermal scientist, Dr. Victor has enough scientific literacy to understand the technical content, deterrent and destructive power of this set of armor. Is this the equipment that a third-line villain should have?

You said that this is Batman's heavy armor specially designed for fighting with Superman at high altitudes, he believes it.

The kiteman waved "goodbye" to him, and then rushed into the sky amidst a piercing sonic boom.

He still has to look for Henry and Serena who were kidnapped. The boss once said that the children are the weakness of the K team. Now it seems that the hidden villains have finally attacked Mason's weakness.

Thankfully everyone was prepared for this.

In the abandoned high-rise where he was alone, Mr. Freeze clasped the wrist communicator thrown to him by the kite man in his left hand. After activation, a blue beam of light scanned forward and outlined Mason's holographic image.

He is sitting in a strange mechanical flying chair, and the background behind him is the machinery of an ultra-precision laboratory that operates automatically.

There was no change in the face of this young man and myself when I met him last time. He still looked young and handsome, but the aura on his body was completely different.

Despite maintaining a smile, the pressure can still be conveyed to Dr. Victor in a trance, even if he is separated by a world, as if he is not talking about Mason Cooper at this time, but Brainiac or Darksay Guys of that level.

But the more this happened, the more excited Dr. Victor became.

This means that Mason may now have enough technological power to help him achieve his wish.

He didn't hide anything, and he didn't exchange pleasantries, he said straightforwardly:

"Mason! You said last time that you will help me rescue Nora when we meet for the second time! I just want to know, does this agreement still count?"

"of course."

Mason, who was sitting on the Mobius chair, said with a smile:
"My alchemy attainments have reached the point where I can help Nora recover from a terminal illness, but in order to avoid our agreement being discovered, so during your return to Arkham Asylum, I did not Go to your secret base.

Nora is still there.

I will send someone to bring her into my world right now, and I assure you, you will see a healthy and healthy wife soon.

Even your own hypothermia can be cured.

We lack excellent researchers like you, and the knowledge you possess is very precious in this era.Now I will give you a coordinate, go there and wait for my messenger. "


Mason's straightforward answer and generosity made Mr. Freeze a little suspicious. Although he is not a bad scum, he is a villain after all, and he has already developed a qualified villain thinking under the "tempering" of the master.

He asked:
"That's it? It's that simple? Don't you need me to help you do something? For example, sneak into the Legion of Doom as your spy and help you collect information.

I'm ready for that. "


Mason leaned on the Mobius chair, waved his hands and said:

"Just by hearing the name of that organization, I know that it was created by Lex Luthor, and the purpose of its creation is also clear to me, and what they want to do is even more clearly on the table.

The only thing I'm not quite sure about is what they're going to do, but they've already moved on and their methods will soon be revealed.

Trust us, we are prepared for this.

You and your wife don't need to be involved in this mess, even if it's for your love, it deserves a happy ending."

"No! I'm worried!"

Mr. Freeze refused straight away:

"You are so generous but it makes me panic. I have to do something for you before I can trust Nora to you, otherwise I can't convince myself to accept the fact that you are a generous and kind person.

You are from Gotham! "

He said so.

Mason raised his eyebrows in surprise and said:
"I'm from Gotham, so what?"

"Gothamians are born villains!"

Mr. Freeze waved his hands and shouted:

"This city, this cesspit is impossible to produce real good people, and all this is the beginning of another conspiracy of yours, so let us still adopt the classical method of cooperation.

You help me, I help you, show value to each other to take the cooperation to the next level.

Come on, what do you need from me? "

"But I really don't need to."

Mason looked at the bewildered Mr. Freeze in front of him speechlessly.

After realizing that he couldn't persuade the other party to reverse the bad stereotype of Gotham people in his heart, he rubbed his forehead helplessly and thought about it, and said:
"Well, if you really believe that the exchange of benefits can lead to sincere cooperation, then I do have a job for you."

"That's right."

Mr. Freeze nodded in satisfaction.

This statement is just right!
This is what Gotham people should say, such words as free help, love is priceless, etc., are really frighteningly frightening to say from the mouth of a Gotham native who is rooted and black.

Mason gave Mr. Freeze a coordinate and hung up the call.

Mr. Freeze took a deep breath, and when he left the abandoned building, a message on his Freeze Armor was lit up.

That meant moving his wife Nora's cryopod from his secret hideout, but then he lost track of his wife's signal.

Reminiscent of the "another world" that Mason just said, Dr. Victor realized that this was the field where his wife had been transferred to Mason.

Feeling more at ease, he drove the snatched car all the way out of Naihe Island to the vicinity of Crime Lane, and followed the coordinates to a small warehouse.

Pushing open the door of the warehouse, he was surprised to see a green-skinned, pointed-eared alien standing inside wearing a high school uniform, carrying a schoolbag, and holding a takeaway fried noodles for lunch.

The latter saw Mr. Freeze staring at it, raised his hand and waved him friendly, then stuffed the last bite of fried noodles into his mouth and chewed, then changed his shape and twisted into the appearance of Charles' son Brown.

It crossed its hips and said to the staring Mr. Freeze:
"Hurry up, send me to the headquarters of the Legion of Doom to receive the reward immediately, I must complete this sneaking disguise as soon as possible to win the possibility of freedom for my hometown.

Oh, by the way, before I leave, I have to delete this memory of yours to prevent you from revealing.


This will hurt a little, bear with it. "

(End of this chapter)

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