The track of dawn in the world of American manga

Chapter 51 4. Caribbean Idea King

Chapter 51 4. Caribbean Idea King
"Selling hope, what do you mean?"

Zha Kang stared at Mason's eyes, trying to dig out more things hidden in the soul in front of him from those black and white eyes, he said:

"Let me hear your genius idea, I feel like you don't just want to dig out the treasures we need, you are more like using this reason to do some good things.

Like saving lives or something.

Mason, I can't hide the pity you look at them, but I think you're just asking for trouble. "

"I do want to do something good, but I'm also sure we can profit from it."

Mason rubbed his chin, and said in a slow tone after careful consideration:

"I think we have a way to maximize profits other than direct plunder and exchange. We should find a way to save these people.

Not giving them a little food or water, that won't change the root of the problem.

I mean, give them what they really need, the end of the world is indeed unstoppable, but the sea can be the last refuge.

I have seen the post-apocalyptic world firsthand.

Frankly, I don't like it.

If there is an opportunity to step in and change the course of the end, I'd love to do it. "

The pipe in Zha Kang's hand dropped in shock, and the black magician stared at Mason for nearly five seconds before saying:

"Do you fucking know what you're talking about? There are more than [-] survivors gathered on this island alone! The whole world has been taken over by zombies, and they're still expanding!

Have you forgotten what happened last night?

They don't care whether they will die here, why do you deprive them of the right to pursue a happy death?

Most importantly, what do you want the four of us to do to save these people?Are you trying to lure Superman over?Or do you want to find a way to bring all the heroes of the Justice League here like you tricked me?
Are you so stressed out that you're going crazy?

How about that?

You open the door first and send me back to Gotham. After I reunite with my girlfriend, you can continue to do this big thing with my sincere blessings, okay?

And I think the style of the Stars Club is definitely not like this!

Mason Cooper, as the leader of the exploration team, you really have to review your thoughts and thoughts. You can't go far with such a conscience! "

Looking at Zha Kang who had already started to jump, Mason was a little helpless, but he waited until Zha Kang finished complaining, then stretched out his hand and pressed down, and said to him:
"Don't worry, if I dare to say this, there will be a way, and I can convince you."


Zack Kang obviously doubted this.

The quarrel between the two quickly attracted the attention of the other two team members.Catwoman swiftly jumped onto the bamboo building, and the cloak of the invisibility cloak fluttered behind her but couldn't hide her beautiful figure. She jumped to Mason's side and glared at Zha Kang. Kang is up to something.

"Selena, come and judge!"

Constantine didn't care about Catwoman's attitude of helping relatives or not, so he told Catwoman what Mason thought just now.

Catwoman was also shocked after hearing this, but soon the mature big sister approached Mason, slapped him on the shoulder hard, and gave the young man a thumbs up.

"It's an ambitious plan, and it reminds me of Batman when he swore to protect his city in many desperate situations. Although I don't know how you can achieve your bragging even if I pull out my hair, sister Love the idea.

I'm in! "

"Boss, your idea sounds great, reminds me of the Joker's mental state when he planned to shoot Barbara Gordon to anger Batman."

The kiteman expressed his disapproval and worries very tactfully.

But when Mason looked at him quietly, this very sensible and caring boy immediately raised his gun, raised his head and patted Mason's chest to promise:
"But what the boss says is what he says, and I will definitely do my best to help! Besides, even if we fail, we don't lose anything. This world is at the end of the day.

How bad can it go? "

"Your brains are broken! Mason must have drugged you to turn you into obedient puppies who obey him!"

Constantine glared at Catwoman and Kiteman.

With a pipe in his mouth, he exhaled a mouthful of smoke ring, and said:
"Look, this is the good team you picked! I'm so out of tune with your group, like a demon who got into a party held by a group of angels and has to bow down and laugh at Captain Angel!

I want to strangle you more and more now.

You better try to convince me with your goddamn reason before I actually do it. I mean it!Because your evaluation of my strength is really accurate, Mason.

Even in this low-magic world, I can crush the three of you to death if I sell my blood as hard as I can. "

"Don't quarrel, John, calm down, and boss, don't blame John for questioning, we don't have an antidote at hand."

Seeing that Mason and Zack Kang were quarreling, the kite man jumped out to be a peacemaker. He whispered:
"It's almost unsolvable unless you can conjure it up."

"An antidote?"

Mason pouted, pushed open the door of the bamboo building, and said:

"Who said we didn't?"
"For Captain Mason who just threatened me to kill me and proposed the idea of ​​saving everyone, I now have two options for everyone to choose from."

A few minutes later, in the bamboo building with the door closed, Zha Kang stood in front of the table with missing legs, opened his hands with a serious face, and said to the three people sitting in front of him:
"The more feasible one is to summon the gods of this world to descend to earth. Use infinite power to purify the zombie virus that has spread all over the world, and then perform a miracle like Genesis to clean up all the zombies overnight.

Then there is the second option, which is less feasible.

We can rely on our own strength and wisdom to unite this group of guys who have been frightened by the doomsday to counterattack the mainland from the ocean, eliminate the plague of zombies, and return them a beautiful new world.

I personally prefer the first one. "

Constantine looked around, and the black magician stretched out his hand and made a gesture of prayer on his chest. He said in a drawn voice with no expression on his face:

"So, can we start praying now? I happen to know a few spells to communicate with the gods."

Zha Kang's sly words made the catwoman laugh and the kite man also grinned, but Mason was expressionless. The young man glanced at the black magician and said:
"You analyzed very well, don't analyze next time. Sit down and listen to me now."

Constantine snorted, found a chair and sat down.

He stared at Mason unconvinced with a pipe in his mouth, with a cheerful expression of "I'll see how you blow it".

He didn't doubt that when Mason proposed this plan, he really had a resistance to the doomsday in his heart and really wanted to help these poor people, but Zha Kang was just convinced that the K team's strength would not be able to do this at all.

As an egoist who doesn't hide his thoughts at all, Constantine actually occasionally does some good things for entertainment without affecting his own interests.

But the matter at hand is not as simple as helping the old lady cross the road.

"First of all, we don't need to help these survivors fight back against the zombie apocalypse that has spread."

Mason stretched out a finger and said to his team members in a very calm tone:

"When we boarded the ship, even our boatswain knew that the Pirate Kings and the surviving Royal Fleet were going to hold a meeting to discuss the plan, which was obviously fueled by someone with a heart.

It shows that the survivors in this world have not given up resistance.

They can do things like counterattack and recovery, and they have enough motivation to do it. "

The young man held out a second finger and said:
"Secondly, I never thought that we would personally end up helping them resist zombies or something.

Our main goal has always been clear, to scour the world and find what we need to solve the troubles we face.

But the outbreak of the zombie disaster was sudden, which caused most of the valuable resources in this world to actually still exist in the old continent.

I need various magical materials to improve my alchemy and other skills.

Jarcon wants powerful magic items and damned forbidden knowledge, and Catwoman wants all sorts of heirlooms.

Those treasures that you can't steal in our world, such as the Diamond of the Mountain of Light and the Pope's scepter, you can take whatever you want in this world.

So to maximize the benefits, whether we want to or not, we must eventually go deep into the land occupied by zombies.

Compared with the four of us playing unparalleled in the zombie sea, I personally prefer to use the power of survivors. To put it bluntly, we need a lot of cannon fodder. "

"Well, actually, I have something I want too."

Charles, the transparent man of Team K, stretched out his hand cautiously, and whispered:

"Aside from kite-playing, I have other personal hobbies, like collecting some rare wines to bring back for Iceberg's reopening, and getting some gold.

Why are you looking at me like that?
I, who will die in another world at any time, must leave some legacy to my son in advance! "

"Look at what you're doing."

Jagger snorted, staring at the young man with his pipe in his mouth.

He knew that Mason had been evading one of the most critical questions,
Ignoring Constantine's meaningful gaze, Mason raised his third finger and said:
"In the end, it's a matter of resource utilization, folks."

He took out the thin captain's manual and threw it on the table, saying:

"Even in the Star Club, which has information about countless parallel worlds, a world with supernatural power and unique resources that can be rated as C-level is very rare.

What's more, this is not an open public world that allows all members to explore.

This world is exclusively managed by old K. As the successor of the K team, this is our territory!

So this is a very simple truth.

Are we ready to cash in and run?
Or is it here to use a little bit of energy and put some energy into turning it into a big rear that can continue to provide blood transfusions for the K team?If we want to grab more benefits, no one can do it? "

Mason withdrew his three fingers, looked at his three team members, and said:
"This is the premise for me to make this decision, do you have any opinions?"

"Boss's analysis makes sense."

The kiteman spoke first.

He peeked at the expressions of Zha Kang and Catwoman, and whispered with some hesitation:
"But you haven't asked the most important question, Boss, I didn't mean to embarrass you, but how can we help them? We really don't have an antidote for the zombie virus at hand.

Unless you can use your alchemy to create a magic potion that will turn zombies back into people in a few days. "

"Zombies can't turn back into humans!"

Mason shook his head and said:
"Mr. Potter's diary made it very clear that the virus directly changed the form of life rather than poisoning or infection. The moment they were completely transformed into zombies, they were already dead.

Alchemy cannot reverse the process either.

But I still say what I just said, who said we have no antidote? "

The young man stood up and put his hands on the table, looking at the three people in front of him, he said:
"Although I used zombie beasts to attack the Black Gate Prison because of personal grievances.

But to be honest, it wasn't just my desire for a quiet life that made me decide to do this, risking being thrown into Arkham Asylum by Batman.

There's a second reason, too."

Mason shook his head, and finally announced the answer, saying:
"Batman already has enough samples of the zombie virus in his hands, and it has been almost a week since the disaster at the Black Gate Prison. Do you think that with Batman's work efficiency, his vaccine or serum that works against the zombie virus has already been developed So far?

That's up to you, Selena!

After all, of the four of us, you know the most about Batman in every sense of the word. "

Mason's words hit the three people in front of him like a bolt of lightning, Kang Zha stood up from his chair, and looked at the 17-year-old young man in front of him with incredible eyes.

The catwoman who was named by Mason was a little confused by this question. She rubbed her beautiful big eyes and thought for a few seconds before she said with some uncertainty:

"Based on the scientific research capabilities of Batman's secret supporters, seven days is indeed enough time for them to come up with some results when they have complete samples and conduct targeted defense research regardless of cost.

But there is no precedent for something like a zombie virus, maybe it will take longer? "

"Then what if you add the assistance of the entire Justice League group of monsters with all kinds of strange abilities?"

Mason asked again.

Even Catwoman didn't speak anymore.

If you follow Mason's thinking, in the best case, there may be boxes and boxes of complete vaccines that can be effective against zombie viruses in a certain medical box in the Batcave.

After all, Batman’s first reaction to any potential threat is always to formulate countermeasures. After the zombie disaster in Gotham, it is unrealistic for you to say that he was not prepared for this at all!

But all of this is already in Mason's plan.

"Look, now all problems solved!"

Mason looked at the three players who were silent in front of him. He spread his hands and said:

"We have a preliminary plan, we have the full support from Batman, we have also unified our thinking and goals, and what we have to do now is to discuss an action plan.

When we get enough zombie vaccines in Gotham, what method should we use to deliver them to the survivors?
And how to use this 'special resource' to manipulate the future direction of this world, so as to maximize the benefits for us? "

"You wait, I have to stroke."

Zha Kang scolded angrily.

The black mage rubbed his head and sat down smoking his pipe in silence, clearly depressed by the brutal fact that he might not be the smartest guy on the team.

"Boss! Awesome!"

The kite man's thinking is much simpler, and now he looks at Mason with almost admiration in his eyes.

"Wait, Mason, I admit that your plan is very powerful, all aspects are very powerful, but how do you convince Batman to help you produce the vaccine?"

Catwoman stood up at this moment, pointed to Mason's arm and said:

"You can't tell Batman about the Stellaris, that might trigger your curse."

"We don't have to tell him at all."

The young man shook his head and said:

"Gotham has already had a zombie crisis, and a few more times without our intervention, Batman and Gotham City Hall will actively produce those drugs.

All we have to do is to get a part of the drug distribution process.

How many people do you think there are left in this world?Millions of people are invincible!Perhaps only one drug production line is needed to meet all their needs. "

"You want to release zombies to attack civilians?"

Catwoman's face became serious, but at this moment, the kiteman stretched out his hand and pulled Catwoman's arm, and the younger brother who was familiar with Mason's style of work whispered:

"Selena, there are more than just civilians in Gotham. Think about it carefully, what is the most in that city?"

Mason shrugged, gave Catwoman a look to let her understand, then looked back at the kite man, and asked:

"The nasty mafia has been harassing your bar rebuild lately? Do you know where their core stronghold is? And where are all the shady businesses of other gangs in the city?"

The kite man trembled, and he mourned for the gangsters in Gotham for a second, then whispered:

"I'll draw a picture for you later, boss."

"Very well, the last part of the Gotham operation is also done."

Mason moved his shoulders and said:

"Now it's just about the distribution of the drug once it's available, and I think we should"


A loud noise suddenly broke out on the sea outside the bamboo building, like the sound of heavy artillery firing, interrupting Mason's words.

The young man went to the window and looked out.

In the increasingly hot sun, a huge black warship was commanding several ships heading towards Turtle Island. The sound of the guns just now was that those guys were bombing the ships blocked on the sea and unable to dodge.

Such an arrogant behavior caused a fire on the sea, and Mason's boatswain ran in panicked while holding up his pants.

The one-eyed old sailor said to Mason with horror:

"Master Wizard, our ship has been hit"

"The broken boat is gone. Who is it?"

Mason asked.

The old sailor obviously had fear from the bottom of his heart. He looked at the black battleship slowly approaching outside the window, and whispered tremblingly in a low voice:
"That's the Queen Anne's Revenge, the legendary great pirate Barbossa and his fleet, which he snatched from another great pirate, 'Blackbeard' Edward Teach."

"Is this the Queen Anne's Revenge? It's bigger than I remember."

Mason blinked.

He reached out and took out the bag, and he took the voodoo doll that was very similar to Old K, and the voodoo birdcage that had now become a "zombie animal breeding room".

The zombie cat, Miss McGonagall, who was lying in it, seemed to have gotten used to Mason's breath, and when she was held in her hand, she didn't growl anymore.

Mason stroked these two things, then looked at the legendary pirate ship approaching Turtle Island, and another idea jumped into his mind.


He turned back and said:

"Come out with me for a walk later, the two of us urgently need to repair the friendship that has been cracked, and meet our 'new friend' by the way."

(End of this chapter)

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