The track of dawn in the world of American manga

Chapter 52 5. The VIP of the Great Pirate Barbossa

Chapter 52 5. The VIP of the Great Pirate Barbossa

The Caribbean Sea was a "hot land" in the age of great exploration. The pursuit of interests, wealth and hegemony by all parties has made this rich sea a place where all parties compete for power.

Colonists, navies, pirates, natives, and even supernatural powers have taken turns to appear in this sea area in the last twilight of this world. This chaos has lasted for hundreds of years, and it is foreseeable that it will continue until this barbaric And the mysterious era is completely over.

This is how the times should have progressed.

However, a sudden doomsday changed all that.

At the moment when the mild land began to curse mankind, the ocean, the cradle, once again opened its arms to the last survivors.

Like the last drama before the curtain falls on civilization, it may be ugly and hopeless, but it is absolutely wonderful.

Turtle Island is the place where the drama of the ending kicked off.

The former Caspian Pirate King and now the legendary pirate Barbossa who is rampant in the Caribbean is the first important role to appear.

Mason and Constantine stood on the pier after the fire raged last night. They and other islanders who came to see the excitement, pirates and survivors looked at the burning sea in front of them.

The all-black Queen Anne's Revenge is heading towards Turtle Island in a "crushing everything" attitude.

The ships that blocked the port were dodging in a hurry, and it was as if the entire sea gave way to this eerie black ship under the racing sails.

It's not a ship by itself.

Barbossa apparently had his own fleet, with four smaller ships following the flagship, the Revenge.

But they followed the leader with the same skull-and-bones flag, and those cannons and howling pirates seemed to claim the madmen's dominion over the sea in the cold light reflected in the sun.

In the crowd beside Mason, there were drunks cheering loudly and pirates cursing fiercely. The number was about half and half. It seemed that Barbossa's reputation here was not bad.

It can't be said that everyone expected it, but it didn't fall to the point of being cast aside.

"The ship has a magical haunting, black magic, perhaps voodoo spells enhancing it."

Behind Mason, who was looking through the binoculars, Zakkang, who was smoking a pipe, had his hands in his trouser pockets, and his prodigal son's eyes were slightly green, and he was looking at this majestic battleship like a magician.

But at the same time, he complained:
"This is not a ship at all, it's like a coffin floating on the sea full of the smell of death. At least 300 people died tragically on it, and their souls were bound to become part of this coffin.

And the most amazing thing is that this sailing coffin is now 'out of control'. "

"Out of control? Tell me in detail."

Mason put down the binoculars, looked back at Zha Kang, and took out a pack of unopened Sika cigarettes from his luggage under the latter's surprised gaze and handed it to him.

This move made the disgruntled Konstantin snort.

But he did not reject Mason's offer of kindness. After all, the pipe looks cool, but it is not as good as the Sika cigarettes that have become a part of his life.

"Huh, baby, the soul is back."

Slag Kang took apart the cigarette and put one in his mouth, then tilted his head to let Mason light it for him with his burning fingers. When he took a deep breath and filtered out the pure smoke from the tar, the black magician let out an exaggerated and A pleasant moan.

Then, he explained slowly:

"I haven't heard the 'Barbossa' story, but I'm sure the new captain doesn't understand voodoo spells, and he can't control the dark magic of the ship to his advantage.

To put it simply, he and his pirates just lived on it, but they weren't exactly the masters of the ship. "

"'Blackbeard' Teach, former captain of the Queen Anne's Revenge, was a voodoo believer."

Mason picked up Old K's voodoo doll and waved it in front of Zha Kang, explaining:
"This thing was made by Tiqi for Old K. I suspect that Old K's identity in this world is the crew of that ship, and even one of the leaders on the ship.

But this doll became invalid after the death of old K. "

"No, it expires when that Tikki dies."

Zha Kang shook his head and corrected:
"Voodoo spells are very low-level in the magic circle. Those things are 'stitch monsters' based on shamanism, tribal witchcraft, and living sacrifices, etc. that have been eliminated.

Although it looks sinister and evil, it actually means more intimidation.

After the caster dies, most voodoo items created by him become ineffective immediately unless they are 'awakened' again by another caster. "

"Then I'll ask you a question, John."

Mason touched the voodoo doll and whispered:

"If we go to that ship, can you mobilize those uncontrolled dark magic?"

"I can, but why should I?"

Zha Kang threw the burnt cigarette butt on the ground and stomped it hard. He stared at Mason and said:

"Look, Mason, our attitudes and habits of doing things are at odds with each other. You want to help these people, but I don't care if they live or die.

The questioning just now was just the first disagreement between the two of us, and I think there will be many similar disagreements in the future. "

"All differences can disappear if enough is gained. Besides, isn't a pack of rare cigarettes enough to mend the rift between us?"

Mason squinted and said:
"You can even play cards at the same card table with those hell demons who want to kill you, and chat and laugh with them, why can't you forget our little unpleasantness just now?"

"If you don't play with hell creatures who think badly about you, you won't have a single friend in hell."

Zha Kang curled his lips, waved his fingers and shook:

"But you are not a hell creature, Mason, you are a human being, and you should demand yourself with a higher moral standard than hell demons. Let me tell the truth, you are very dissatisfied with the old K forcing you into the Stars Club.

me too.

You wanted to kill old K after joining the team, and I do the same now.

You cast a troublesome curse on me when I had no desire to participate. "

This guy finally spoke out what was in his heart hidden under his sloppy appearance.

This is good.

Opening up your heart is the first step in making friends.

Facing his accusation, Mason blinked and asked:
"Then if I had asked you in advance, would you be willing to join my team with a peaceful smile? John."

"Of course I don't want to! I'll give you a middle finger and then go hide in the dark and laugh at your innocence and stupidity, and look forward to watching you tortured to death by that curse."

The black mage snorted and picked up the second cigarette, brushed his messy hair, and said:
"But the matter has come to this point, there is nothing to say, you have successfully turned your trouble into our trouble, and it is not as easy as you think to solve it.

Mason, it's easy for me to pretend that our little upset didn't happen.

But forget about making friends.

I don't have a single friend in my life.

All the people I call 'friends' are guys that I can use.Of course Xiao Zha doesn’t count, that woman is a fan.”

"I understand what you mean. We cooperate to survive based on common interests, and the identity of the team members is the boundary of our relationship."

Mason nodded.

Seeing the huge wall-like shadow of the Queen Anne's Revenge slowly approaching the shore, he straightened his gray windbreaker, opened the first button of his shirt, and hung out the badge of the Cat School hanging around his neck.

他 说:

"Come on, let's meet Barbossa."

Zha Kang had no objection to this, and was still in a slutty posture with a cigarette in his pocket. When the two walked out of the crowd, Mason suddenly whispered:

"I have a friend in London who I know but who doesn't know me yet."

"and then?"

Zha Kang asked casually, Mason shrugged and said:
"Nothing, I'll just tell you. I have a friend in London. He's a taxi driver. His real name is Chas Chandler."


Zha Kang's hands clenched into fists in an instant.He bit his cigarette, exhaled sparks from his nostrils, and said to Mason:

"Stay away from Chas! This is between the two of us, don't get him involved!"

"For a loner who claims he has no friends, your reaction is unimaginably violent."

Mason looked at the angry magician with shining eyes, and explained:
"I didn't mean to threaten you, just to 'confess' you, John, I know more about you than you think. I could have used Chas to force you to join us from the beginning, I know it is most useful.

But I didn't do that.

I helped you keep this a secret. "

"Then I really want to 'thank you'."

Jarcon watched Mason walking towards the Queen Anne's Revenge moored at the pier under the gaze of the crowd, and heard this young man who was becoming more and more mysterious in his eyes say:
"After this is over, we have to go to Hogwarts, where there is an ancient magic called 'Blood Pact', and all members of the K team must complete this magic.

I believe that being connected by blood will keep us from having such disagreements that are not good for all of us.

As for your dissatisfaction, John, I will try to make up for it.

give me sometime. "

"You! Don't come near! The great Captain Barbossa is about to disembark! He has no interest in talking to third-rate pirates, get out!"

When the two walked onto the pier, the pirates from the Barbossa faction who jumped down from the gangway waved their knives and guns and shouted loudly.

There are also a few tall and strong black buddies who only wear the simplest tribal war skirts and hold huge weapons. They walked out with stiff steps and stood in front of Mason and Zha Kang.

"Voodoo Corpse."

Looking at those black buddies with pale eyes and stiff movements, Zha Kang put his hands in his pockets and said coldly:

"The most famous thing in voodoo is the living dead in the true sense. These few look very advanced, and your bullets may not be able to penetrate their voodoo-enhanced skin."

"But you can control them, right?"

Mason coughed, raised the voodoo doll in his hand, and said to Zha Kang:
"Come on, John, I promise I'll get you something to cheer you up, come on, show 'em.

Zha Kang snorted, and took off the "spell-casting tool" from the corner of his mouth.

With the flick of the fingers, the scattered soot turned into sparks and flew, and the hideous voodoo corpses dropped their weapons, hugged their heads and let out a scream that a living person would never make.

This movement startled the pirates under Barbossa's command.

Since occupying this legendary battleship, this is the first time they have seen such a strong reaction from the voodoo corpse as a "secret weapon".

"Shameful Barbossa stole Teach's boat and shamelessly took it for himself, like a thief who took it without telling! That old sea dog thought no one could punish him when Teach died.

But he didn't know that Blackbeard had many friends! "

Holding the voodoo doll, Mason said coldly to the panicked pirates:
"I'll give you ten seconds, get out! Bastards! This is between me and Barbossa, are you sure you want to participate?"

The superstitious pirates were immediately overwhelmed by the scene before them.

But before they could think about it, Zha Kang, who had seized control of the voodoo corpse, snapped his fingers lightly.

The roaring voodoo corpses regained their composure. They picked up the heavy and hideous weapons from the ground but no longer pointed them at Mason. Instead, they turned around and swung the unsuspecting pirates to the ground.

A few unlucky ones were even thrown directly into the sea by rusty anchors.

This shocking change made the watching islanders and pirates on the rear pier exclaim in unison, and the powerful onlookers immediately began to brag about the identities of these two "Master Wizards" to their companions with the inferior rum.

This group of the most bragging guys made up all kinds of conjectures.

Soon rumors were spreading around the docks that "Blackbeard Edward Teach's pals came to do justice to the dead and reclaim the Queen Anne's Revenge."

Everyone knows that something big will happen today, so no one will leave at this time.

The fun is right in front of you, don't look at it for nothing!


Just as the voodoo corpses on the ship began to lose control one after another and chased down the frightened pirates with stiff steps on the deck, the door of the captain's cabin, which had been locked up all along, was kicked open.

An old guy who was wearing a gorgeous navy uniform but wearing a black pirate tricorne hat, made himself a funny curly wig and sprayed a lot of perfume trying to make himself a "noble and upper-class person" angrily pulled out The strange sword at the waist.

He dragged his wooden legs and looked at the chaotic deck in front of him, and swung the saber fiercely in his hand.

In the next moment, all the cables on the black ship moved like living creatures, and those thick ropes snaked across the deck like poisonous snakes, quickly dragging everyone on board by their legs Suddenly mentioned the mid-air.

In just a few seconds, the chaotic deck returned to calm as the old guy swung his saber.

Several guys who looked like pirate commanders ran over and told the big pirate Barbossa what happened on the pier.

The latter's face turned ugly when he heard the person calling himself "Blackbeard's close friend".But this cunning guy will not admit defeat, let alone give away his boat casually.

He pondered for nearly half a minute with a gloomy face, and then shouted to the dogs beside him:

"What are you doing in a daze? Put the boards on the ship and welcome the distinguished guests aboard! You guys, go get the best rum in the wine cellar and let the chef make some lunch that can be served on the table.


Then go and release the musicians locked in the bilge, put them in good clothes and let them play!
Also, where is my most caring first mate? "

"Uh, Captain, you imprisoned the first officer in the hold because she poisoned you and assassinated you a few days ago, she has been starving for several days and is about to die.

Thank goodness you didn't let the brothers touch her, otherwise she would have done it long ago. "

A dog leg said something in a low voice, embarrassing Barbossa, who is a bit old and has a bad memory, but this guy quickly kicked the dog leg and cursed:
"Then why don't you hurry up and release my first mate and ask the maid to change her into good clothes?"

Barbossa showed a strange smile, a few big gold teeth flashed under the messy golden beard, he put the black saber back into the scabbard, snapped his fingers and said:
"Her father's friend is here, maybe she can help me entertain these 'guests'. By the way, isn't damn Jack and his Black Pearl yet?
What about the fleets of other Pirate Kings?
where are they? "

On the other side, under the awe-inspiring gaze of a group of terrified pirates, Mason, who was escorted by several rebellious voodoo corpses, strode onto the rickety deck.

Constantine behind him looked around at the voodoo warship and whispered:

"I know a guy who's pretty powerful in New York. He'll stop at nothing to get this ship. It's a perfect voodoo spell."

"Be patient, John."

Mason looked at the open captain's cabin in front of him, and responded in a low voice:
"There's always a chance."

(End of this chapter)

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