The track of dawn in the world of American manga

Chapter 6 6. My rebirth is not so simple. The quality of the newcomers this time is really poor

Chapter 6 6. My rebirth is not so simple. The quality of the newcomers this time is really poor

"Master, the positioning signal you left on Mason Cooper has disappeared."

Batman, who was beating up the killer of the man in black, got the news from Ah Fu, and it didn't affect his punching movements. The old butler said in a regretful tone:
"It is very likely that he will be captured by Lei Xiaogu's assassins, or even worse, the tragedy of Master Jason is about to repeat itself. You may be right, these gifted children really have to stay away from you to be safe."

"will not!"

The master punched a killer who was trying to sneak attack with a blank face, and he said in a deep voice:

"Jason once is enough! Keep tracking, Fu.

When I first contacted Mason at the police station, I not only left a location signal on him, but also a special pheromone that can last for seven days.

Send out a drone swarm to search for him throughout Gotham.

Must find him. "


The old butler Alfred was silent for a moment, he said:

"Your behavior of leaving countermeasures when meeting other people for the first time is really too bad, isn't Ms. Diana's incident enough for you to learn a lesson?

That misunderstanding cost you at least $[-] million. "

"Just enough to replace the Bat-fighter with a whole new powertrain."

Batman looked at the direction where Mason disappeared last, and then glanced at the burning wreckage of the fighter a few blocks away. He whispered:

"Ah Fu, you really need to improve your driving skills. You made me lose a lot of money tonight."

"It doesn't matter, master, the stock price of Wayne Industries has been rising recently. The special tracking drone has been released, and besides, master, the assassins have begun to retreat.

If you're going to put trackers on them too, hurry up. "
When Mason woke up again, he found himself lying on a strange bed. When he opened his eyes, he saw an unfamiliar ceiling, and then a familiar translucent light curtain unfolded in front of his eyes, showing his current state:
Name: Mason Cooper
Status: Injury (healing), leg fracture (healing), sedative effect (17-minute countdown)

Identity: Gotham High School Dropout, Penguin Betrayer

"Your physique is really bad enough. Except for a little talent in shooting, you are almost an ordinary person. I am starting to regret bringing you back."

A voice sounded from the bedside, causing Mason to turn his head with difficulty. It was a middle-aged and elderly man wearing a strange windbreaker lined with an old-fashioned suit.

The face was almost featureless, but the star map mask on his hand made Mason recognize his identity.

"Then you should probably leave me there."

Mason said in a feeble hoarse voice:

"Before I passed out, I heard you say 'Glory', what 'Stars', who are you? A member of a mysterious organization in Gotham City?

Like a court of owls? "

"Well, you still know the court of owls? It seems that I have to re-evaluate your knowledge."

The guy sat on the chair beside the bed, took a recording board seriously, wrote and drew on it, and said with a gesture of controlling everything, without raising his head:

"But my organization is much more powerful than the Owl Court. The two concepts are not at the same level. I will tell you the extra things after you complete the entry test. I can only say some things you should know.

for example"

The man knocked on the recording board in his hand, looked up at Mason, and said:

"I know you are confused about the current situation, you can think of this as a kind of 'selection'.

The team I'm in charge of suffered heavy damage during the last exploration operation, and had to recruit several new people to replenish its strength.As you can see, I have healed you in my own way, and brought you back from a state of debilitating near-death.

So, you owe me a favor.

That way, it won't be too abrupt for me to ask you to join my group.I've been watching you since the moment you saved Catwoman. "

Having said that, the guy smiled as if he remembered something funny, and said:
"Actually, my team is already fully recruited. Gotham is a city full of good players with various abilities. We originally planned to start action immediately.

But at this juncture, you successfully made me notice you with a series of brilliant performances, so I temporarily decided to give you a chance. "

"Then I really want to thank you."

Mason replied blankly.

He could already feel that something was not quite right.

Although the guy in front of him behaved politely, the unquestionable taste in his words made people very uncomfortable.

It seems that even pulling Mason into a dangerous-sounding exploration operation is a condescending attitude. From this point of view, this guy must be an arrogant and hypocritical person.

"Can I decline this action?"

Mason asked directly:

"I am very grateful to you for saving me. Maybe I can repay you in other ways. Although I don't have much money now, I have a rich friend."

The guy smiled and said nothing, just looked at Mason with a sarcastic look, like looking at someone who is talking nonsense.The young man curled his lips and asked again:

"What is the content of the action? Where to explore? How long will it take?"

"You'll know then."

The guy took the initiative to end the conversation, got up and straightened his collar, and said to Mason with a fake smile:

"There is still a day and a half before the start of the operation. There are enough firearms and accessories you need in the basement of this house. Try to prepare as much as possible. Your duties are fire support and sniper.

You can call me Old K, of course it is a pseudonym.

You can also try to escape, I will never stop you.

But the secret organizations of your world are really good, and I just happened to get some really interesting stuff from a lady named Amanda Waller. "

He stretched out his finger, maliciously tapped the place where the back of his neck connected to his spine, then turned and left.Mason's complexion changed slightly, and he stretched out his hand to the back of his neck enduring his weakness.

There was a freshly healed wound there.

The moment his fingers touched, a line of prompts jumped in front of Mason's eyes:
"Engineering explosives have been detected, and the item in the analysis is a 'suicide squad special implanted micro-bomb', which has two trigger methods, active and passive, and will form a lethal explosion in the spine after detonation.

The item is so delicate that any unwanted touch will cause it to detonate instantly.

It is recommended to try to dismantle it when engineering has reached Lv2, first aid has reached Lv3, or if you have quick cure drugs.

Drawing analysis. "


Mason clenched his fists, that bastard!

Sure enough, with so many lines, he doesn't look like a good person, does he?

But the young man is not desperate, he has no time to despair and he is not a person who will admit defeat to reality, otherwise he would not have to take the risk of saving Catwoman after rebirth.

The character card has already given the solution, so the next thing to do is very simple, hurry up and upgrade your engineering skills to Lv2 as soon as possible.

First Aid hasn't branched out yet, but Mason knows what to do.

Enduring the numbness all over his body, he tried his best to sit up, opened the bedside table and found a fruit knife and a family first aid kit.

After taking a few deep breaths, the young man grabbed the knife and touched his finger. The moment the blood flowed out, he picked up the alcohol swab and gauze and began to clumsily stop the bleeding and bandage the wound.

One minute later, Mason got his wish and saw the prompt to open the first aid branch.

But that indifferent Lv0 made him extremely dizzy.

Damn old K said that there is still a day and a half to start exploring, and it is possible to rush into engineering in a day and a half, but first aid can't always be like this.

Regardless of whether you want to play your life or not, this efficiency is too low.

Thinking of this, Mason took off the bandage on his finger and tied it again. This time, with some experience, the bandage was obviously better than the last time.

"Successfully complete a standard quick bandage, and the proficiency of first aid skills has improved."

Mason looked at the prompt in front of him, he sighed again, took off the bandage and began to bandage for the third time, but this time he saw other things in the first aid kit, thinking of the process of the field bandaging course he had learned, he tried Came once.

"Successfully complete an excellent craft · fast bandaging, and the proficiency of first aid skills has increased by X5."


The young man's eyes lit up.

Is it necessary to have skills to gain experience with this thing?
You can't just rely on the number of times.

He rubbed his chin again and recalled his experience when he practiced shooting and assembling firearms, and he quickly came to a conclusion.

"This system does not require simple times and time, it requires me to strive for excellence every time I make it, so that I can quickly improve my skill proficiency in a short period of time.

Come to think of it, the shooting was the same before.

There are tips for precise aiming, but not for random shooting.

I think I probably get it. "

After 10 minutes, Mason looked at his fingers that had already been marked due to repeated bandaging, and he decided to stop and go to the basement to see if he could get enough weapon accessories.

Then he realized that he seemed to have underestimated Old K.

In the basement in front of him, there are three large collection cabinets full of various firearms and modified accessories.

From pistols to rifles to heavy machine guns, from classic bolt-action rifles to futuristic modular rifles.

There is also a box in the corner of the basement, which neatly stacks various explosives, micro-drones, and unopened boxes of anti-tank rocket ammunition.

Although the things here are not out of the field of "individual weapons", this large number cannot be called a collection, it should be called an "arsenal".

This terrifying amount made Mason stunned for a moment.

So many explosives are enough to blow up the entire East Side of Gotham overnight. Sure enough, anything can happen in this magical city.

"A large number of engineering components were detected, and the basic weapon blueprint was updated."

When Mason looked around the entire basement, his character card kept flashing new weapon blueprints one after another, like a database update.

As before, these drawings are the product of component enhancement based on the weapons in front of us. Although they have different shapes, they all have a unified name, "Engineer Engineering Gun Series".

Obviously, the high-cold character card obviously has its own set of inductive logic for the creation.

When Mason saw the astonishing number of weapons in front of him, he quickly showed an expectant smile.

"What a collectible, I disassembled and reassembled them all, and then disassembled and reassembled, I had enough materials to flush my engineering skills to Lv2 before sending them to death.

I'm going to be very busy for the next day and a half. "

Mason strode forward, rudely picked up the stool at hand and slammed it hard at Old K's weapon storage cabinet.

Amid the sound of glass breaking, he took down a simple and tough assault rifle filled with minimalist industrial beauty, and turned to the workbench.

A few minutes later, Mason, holding a disassembly tool, looked at the various firearm accessories piled up on the table, and he took off the barrel and trigger.

"Successfully complete the disassembly of a standard craft and engineering item, and the proficiency of engineering skills will be improved."

The young man reached out and touched the disassembled components in front of him, and information labels popped out of each part.

Most of them were evaluated as "standard items", but the evaluation of "excellent items" on the disassembled barrel made Mason's eyes shine.

He took out this high-quality gun barrel and put it aside alone, and chose an ordinary gun barrel from the accessory box to reassemble the parts in front of him.

"Successfully complete a standard craft and engineering item assembly, and the proficiency of engineering skills will be improved."

"That's it!"

Mason let out a sigh of relief, and began to disassemble and reassemble the second time. After repeated several times, he became more and more proficient in this job, and the disassembly speed became faster and faster.

Finally, when the tenth assembly was completed, a reminder that Mason had been looking forward to finally appeared:
"Successfully completed an excellent process, fast and precise assembly, and the proficiency of engineering skills has increased by X5."

"bring it on!"

The young man grinned, and continued to repeat the process until the muscles in his arms were a little sore.

He sat on the chair next to him panting, closed his eyes again and began to disassemble the gun. It was slow at first, but the muscle memory formed by multiple disassembly allowed him to complete the process completely.

Easy to disassemble, but difficult to assemble.

Mason could only feel his way through the job, and this time it took him several minutes to install the last component, but he didn't open his eyes the whole time.

It was worth the effort for him.

"Successfully complete an outstanding process and fast assembly, and the proficiency of engineering skills will increase by X10."

"That's it! I knew it!"

Mason opened his eyes excitedly, hugged the rifle he had assembled with his eyes closed, and kissed it fiercely. It took him almost an hour to finally figure out the secret of improving branching skills.

"The next step is to replicate the process."

The young man closed his eyes again in satisfaction, disassembled and reassembled the gun again, but this time the prompt disappointed him greatly:
"The blueprint has been fully mastered, and the proficiency of engineering skills cannot be improved."

"Well, it seems that card bug swiping experience won't work."

Mason sighed, put the gun in his hand back into the storage cabinet behind him, picked up another pistol and returned to the workbench, and quickly disassembled it.

First, check the parts, and start the disassembly and assembly exercises directly if you don't find any high-quality accessories.

The process is tedious, but young people know they have to hurry.

On the one hand, old K generously provided so many components, and I would be sorry if I didn’t take this opportunity to refresh my engineering experience.

On the other hand, it is also necessary to be fully prepared for the exploration that sounds dangerous.

That hypocritical and arrogant old K himself did not hide the danger.

He generously told Mason that his previous team had been wiped out, and that he had found a "newcomer". In fact, isn't it just one-time cannon fodder that is going to be manipulated with this miniature bomb?

When the other party is holding the bomb switch, and I have no way to dismantle the miniature bomb, in this case, it is better to be pragmatic.

As for waiting for Batman to come to the rescue, it didn't appear in Mason's thinking options at the beginning.

It's not that he doesn't believe in the master's integrity and action ability, the main reason is that the mysterious old K can take himself away from those black-clothed killers when Batman enters the battlefield, which shows that this guy may not be Batman's opponent, But it is probably easy to kill yourself before the master intervenes.

"This time I really have to fight for my own life."

While dismantling the pistol, Mason gently rubbed his forehead. The back of his neck was still slightly numb. Then he narrowed his eyes, and a fierce light burst out in them.

"Less than three days after being reborn, exciting things happened one after another. It is said that a life that is at a loss must have a goal in order to live better."

The young man moved his neck, dismantling the weapon in his hand in a vicious manner.

He whispered:

"Old K, right? Stars, right? Kidnapping me to be cannon fodder for you, right? Pretending to be a boss, right? As the philosopher said, a small goal first can give you peace of mind!

The rest, enjoy the new life or something
Let's talk about it after I kill you! "

(End of this chapter)

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