The track of dawn in the world of American manga

Chapter 7 7. Someone is illegally crossing here!What about the Justice League?You take care of it

Chapter 7 7. Someone is illegally crossing here!What about the Justice League?You take care of it

In the afternoon, Old K walked silently into the basement after finishing his afternoon dessert.

He saw the glass of his smashed collection cabinet at a glance, and suddenly showed a look of anger.But when he turned his head, he saw Mason Cooper, a young man with bandages wrapped around his eyes, moving his hands nimbly and blindly dismantling an anti-material sniper rifle.

Old K suddenly became interested.

The mysterious villain leaned against the wall and watched with interest as Mason spent several minutes reassembling the gun while covering his eyes.

The young man repeated this process mechanically, until the third time, the assembly speed had increased to less than 2 minutes.

"what are you doing?"

Old K asked suddenly, making Mason stop for a moment.

"I wonder if your eyes are decorations? Of course I'm picking a weapon for action."

Mason said something without looking back.

"But you are clearly dismantling my collection."

The big villain said in a bad tone:
"Although your skills are good, I spent a lot of time collecting them from many different places. You'd better not break them."

"Don't worry, Mr. K."

Mason took apart the sniper rifle in his hand again, and said with one mind:
"I love guns and guns love me. I'll find the one that's right for me and help you through this operation and hopefully you'll set me free at the end."

"I will, Mason, I've always been a man of my word."

Old K turned around and walked up the stairs, saying quietly:
"The premise is that you can come back alive to give you a suggestion. Bring more guns. There will be many enemies. As for the issue of bullets, you don't need to think about it, it's enough."


After Old K left, Mason breathed a sigh of relief, dealing with this guy was really very uncomfortable.

But there is good news.

The moment Mason finished assembling the firearm at hand, the translucent light curtain in front of his eyes suddenly flickered, and then two new blueprints jumped in front of him.

"Successfully complete an outstanding craft and quick assembly, the engineering skill proficiency has been improved by X10, currently at Lv1, professional blueprints are open.

Unlock the blueprints of the 'Crit Shotgun' series, unlock the recipes for 'Engineering Dynamite', and unlock the series of blueprints for 'Engineering Bomb'. "

The young man was immediately filled with sudden surprises. He rubbed his already numb arms and fingers, and looked at the newly unlocked equipment production diagram in front of him.

Blueprint Description: Crit shotgun [classic double-barreled shotgun]

Creation quality: determined by the creator's craftsmanship, the upper limit of the creation quality is [Epic]

Creation traits:

The use of different materials will provide different enhanced attributes for the crit shotgun, but the finished product made according to the blueprint must include the [Critical Strike] effect.

The weapon can be equipped with a variety of engineering accessories and ammunition, and has three modification methods: [pump-action critical shotgun], [precisely calibrated critical shotgun] and [short-barreled critical hand cannon]

Item description: I want your titanium dog eyes, the critical shotgun in your hand and the Adi Wang on your feet!
Tip: The entry-level firearm modification blueprint has been unlocked.

"Newbie benefits?"

Mason fell silent for a long time looking at the four gun drawings. To be honest, he couldn't understand how these four guns with completely different styles came from the same blueprint?

But this does not prevent young people from having the joy of getting "new toys".

He looked back at the firearms in Old K's collection cabinet that had been dismantled by him once, and with a sneer, he stepped forward and took down the guns that he had dismantled at least 30 times.

Almost no need to look at them, they can be easily disassembled with a few clicks, and then select the available accessories according to the drawings in front of you.

That smooth and fluid movement is very much like a veteran dealer with black guns who has been in this business for many years.

The box at his hand has already put a lot of "excellent" quality firearm components selected by him. These components of superior quality are all collected from old K's collection, and Mason doesn't feel distressed at all when using them.

While assembling these guns according to the blueprints as his own guns, he looked at the other two unlocked blueprints.

Recipe Description: Engineering Dynamite
Creation traits: By adding different raw materials, the explosion power of explosives can be increased and different effects can be produced.

Currently Unlocked: High Explosive/Fragmentation/Incendiary Explosives Recipe
Item description: In some fantasy worlds, this thing is called "Goblin Sapper Dynamite", so promise me, be careful when handling it, okay?

Seeing this formula, Mason's heart became hot. This is exactly what he needs in his current situation, and the formula of "Engineering Bomb" is a series.

It is not so much a specific explosive, but a "design idea".

Its set of design drawings includes conventional grenades to unconventional simple rockets, and even goblin mines, self-explosive sheep, and 'wind-up self-explosive squirrels', which seem to be very unscientific fantasy things.

Even if Mason equips it with a power system, it can form an intelligent blasting mode similar to a drone swarm.

The moment Mason saw this blueprint, he took off the two batarangs he "collected" from his belt. There happened to be room for explosives inside this thing, and this almost universal engineering bomb was nothing short of Perfect match.

"I can also have my own exploding batarang, just throw it out, and Boom!"

Mason grinned, but then shook his head again.

Just kidding, the cost of one piece of this thing is the same as the last luxury car, he is crazy to throw this thing to throw darts like Bruce Wayne.

Whose money is blown by the wind?

Besides, don't I still have all kinds of smart drones and explosives collected by old Mr. K?
Dismantling all those things will not only get enough engineering accessories, but also more than enough to assemble at least thirty engineering bombs for yourself.

It would be too embarrassing to use such things that were picked up for nothing.

Several hours later, with a light click, the black barrel was put into the slender rifle in Mason's hand.

The shape is very similar to SVD's light sniper. It is equipped with a dark wooden buttstock. It is compact and slender overall. It is assembled with several gun components after modification and polishing.

The built-in box magazine is loaded with standard sniper bullets and has 12 rounds.

However, this weapon for long-range sniper killing does not have a scope. Mason with combat assistance obviously does not need it for shooting within a kilometer.

The moment the gun was assembled, its information label appeared in front of Mason's eyes:

Accurately Calibrated Critical Strike Shotgun · Untitled
Quality: excellent items·excellent workmanship
Traits: Precise calibration (improved precision) Critical strike (increased destructive power, chance to cause double damage) Durable (use a large number of excellent accessories, reduce the consumption of guns, and reduce the chance of bombing)

Producer: Mason Cooper
Item evaluation: From this moment on, you are no longer a simple 17-year-old boy, and as your novice work, you should probably give it a decent name.

Successfully completed the first production of excellent craftsmanship and excellent quality engineering creations, and the proficiency of engineering skills increased by X10.


Mason blinked.

He caressed the gun in his hand that was completely assembled from the materials he chose, just like a craftsman caressing his first work, just as he and his parents caressed their first child.

The young man showed a slightly cold smile, patted the simple body of the gun, and said:

"I'm going to call you 'Old K', I think you understand the meaning of this name. In short, please take care of the rest!"

The young man put his new gun aside and looked at the time again. It was nine o'clock at night, and there were still fifteen hours before the start of Old K's mission.

He was indeed a little sleepy, and then Mason picked up the knife and hit the back of his hand.

A burst of pain jolted him awake.

While skillfully picking up the first aid kit at hand to stop bleeding, disinfect and apply bandages, he went to the explosives piled up in the corner and picked up a piece of standard C4 explosives and an exquisite drone.

Take advantage of the victory to complete the engineering bomb, and try to get a few more 10-fold proficiency improvements.

He still needs to make another shotgun and a hand cannon.

Time is tight and tasks are heavy, Mason doesn't plan to sleep tonight.

He touched the small gash on the back of his neck, where a bomb that could have blown his brains out was stressing him out.

Life is almost gone!
This is still sleeping!

Whether you can push engineering to Lv2 depends on this fight. Once the old K's exploration starts, he probably doesn't have so much time to leisurely assemble these things.

As for the little things like tiredness
Mason glanced at the blood-stained knife and the roll of bandage gauze on the table, shrugged his shoulders, and could practice first aid techniques along the way.

This wave is not bad.

At 11:[-] noon the next day, the door to the basement was pushed open.

Old K, who changed into what looked like a hunter's leather armor and riding boots, walked down.

This guy has a one-handed sword hanging from his waist and a weird crossbow on his back. He wears a mask and wraps his hair into a ponytail. He looks like a knight in battle.

This dress is somewhat weird in this era.

But considering that this is Gotham, there are too many guys in strange clothes walking around the city, so it's okay for old K to go straight to the street in this outfit.

"Your teammates are already gathering, go up and get something to eat and get ready to go."

Old K shouted, Mason yawned, and said without looking back:

"Wait a minute, I'll finish assembling this flying bomb."


Old K walked over in surprise and glanced at it, and was almost so angry that he had a cerebral hemorrhage on the spot.

Those exquisite drones and devices in my collection have been dismantled, and my mother doesn't recognize them anymore.

On the table in front of Mason's eyes, there were more than 30 odd-shaped flying machines neatly placed, and a few of them had "legs", which looked like small mechanical crawling spiders.

The appearance is very strange and there is a trace of knowledge, it doesn't look like a broken thing assembled by a child.

Old K picked up one of them and looked around in his hand. After a few seconds, he looked at Mason with a strange tone and said:
"You still know this? Are you really just a 17-year-old high school dropout?"

"Natives of Gotham generally have a special preference for bombs, and most of them can be called versatile."

Excessive cultivation of immortality caused the young man with a face full of immortality to reply feebly:

"If you give me enough materials, I can even make you a bat suit. What? Don't you believe it? The drawings are all in my head."


Old K let out a characteristic sarcastic laugh.

But he didn't say much, just frowned and glanced at Mason's terrible state, then took a slender glass bottle from his belt filled with strangely colored vials, handed it to Mason, and said:

"Drink it. In order not to affect your state, I will buy this bottle. But you owe me another favor."


Mason took the strange dark purple vial and said:
"Do you really think I'm going to suffocate this thing? Doesn't it look poisonous?"

That's what I said, but in fact, the moment the young people came into contact with this thing, the character card gave the information label:
An unknown alchemical compound has been detected and is being analyzed. This item is "Owl Potion", which can quickly replenish the energy and vitality of the drinker, but it has certain toxicity.

Alchemy skill knowledge is too low to obtain the complete formula.

"Vitality Potion Primary" recipe has been included.

"I just need to press a button to kill you, there is no need to use poison so much trouble."

Old K sneered and showed the young man the exquisite golden controller in his hand, then patted him on the shoulder and said:

"Finish! Pack your things and go upstairs."

After he finished speaking, he turned and left, and Mason threw his head back and killed the thing without hesitation.

The moment the cold liquid flowed into his throat, it was like a ball of fire exploding in Mason's throat and stomach, warming it and making him retch like swallowing a carbon.

But in a few seconds, the weakness caused by Mason's staying up late was dispelled, and he suddenly became energetic.

"Old K is still a pharmacist? No, an alchemist?"

Mason stared at the vitality potion formula analyzed in front of him, blinked and thought:

"It's awesome that colleagues are enemies, and there is another reason to kill him."

A few minutes later, Mason slumped his gun "Old K" on his shoulders, put the pump-action crit shotgun on his back, took a military backpack, and put all the 35 engineering bombs he had made into it. into the backpack.

I also took some components for repairing firearms, and found an armed belt to put the large-caliber blaster gun with a sawed-off barrel on my waist.
Finally, he picked up the Penguin Armed Umbrella on the table, and walked up the stairs humming a little tune in a fully armed posture.

On the light curtain in front of him, his data is clear at a glance:
Name: Mason Cooper
Traits: Handy Engineer (hands are machine-like precise without any interference during crafting or first aid), Self-harm First Aider (increased speed when self-first aid)

Combat Skills: Shooting Lv1, Fighting Lv0
The shining Engineering Lv2 and First Aid Lv1 made him so satisfied.

It's a pity that this upgrade failed to unlock the professional blueprints. It seems that the professional blueprints are just occasional rewards. The really powerful blueprints have to be researched and collected by themselves.

But that’s okay, the future is bright!
When he stepped into the top floor of this house, old K was already waiting for him.

Mason didn't pay attention to the other people in strange clothes, he just stared at Old K, who was busy by a weird wooden door embedded in the wall.

He put a black stone into the cat's eye of this theoretically impossible door.

Then he glanced at everyone behind him, grinned and turned the brass doorknob down three degrees, and then pushed the door forward under the wide-eyed gaze of everyone.

With a swish, the door embedded in the wall was pushed open just like that.

A rotating curtain of starlight appeared in front of their eyes.

Old K is very satisfied with the shocked and ignorant look on his new team member's face. He has a great sense of accomplishment, just like a stage magician, he made a "please" gesture and said to the person in front of him:

"Please, everyone, a new world awaits."

"New world?"

A strange man wearing a strange green tights and carrying a large brown backpack stammered and said:
"what does that mean?"

"It means literally."

Old K was playing with the golden bomb remote control in his hand, the threat was self-evident.

He snorted and said:
"The place we are going to explore is another world. I have told each of you that the Stars Society is not a cat or a dog. All our actions are completed in another world.


Now, who will show you courage? "

Mason shrugged his shoulders, and was the first to step into the light door in front of him without any psychological pressure, showing unusual cooperation.

And almost at the same time, Mr. Bruce, who was feeding his old lover lunch in Wayne Manor, saw his butler walking towards him in a hurry.

The master smiled at Catwoman lying on the hospital bed, then got up and walked towards Ah Fu. The old housekeeper whispered:

"The pheromone signal was captured, master, Mason is on the side of Naihe Island, but there is something wrong with that area."


Batman frowned and said:
"Do you mean?"

"If it wasn't for the sudden appearance of the pheromone signal, we didn't even notice that there was such a building in the slums of Naihe Island.

You've passed by it several times on your night watch and ignored it. "

Alfred said softly:

"It's 'hidden'! Must be some kind of um, magic?

Young Master, it seems that in order to save that young man, you may need to temporarily break your solitary rule and look for your pitifully few friends in the magic circle.

But Mason Cooper, is it worth it? "

(End of this chapter)

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