The track of dawn in the world of American manga

Chapter 8 8. Self-cultivation of qualified cannon fodder

Chapter 8 8. Self-cultivation of qualified cannon fodder

Mason landed on his feet in a ghostly place with terrible smell, and in front of him was a scene like a post-war ruin.

The three-story platform in front of him was obviously attacked by some kind of explosives that fell from the sky, and even the main body of this rather large railway station has been blown up.

Mason felt like he had stepped into the battlefield of World War II.

He looked around, and he couldn't even find a trace of life in the ruins full of wreckage, it was as desolate as if it had been abandoned for decades.


The only woman in the team exclaimed after seeing the miserable situation in front of her. She was chewing gum trying to relax herself, and she completely broke her defense for a moment.

This caucasian girl with short black hair, slender waist and long legs looked aggressively at Old K who was checking the hand crossbow, and she roared angrily:
"That's not what you said when you recruited me! This is a different world full of power? Shit! This is obviously a ruin, a wasteland! This place is worse than the battlefield in Afghanistan. I feel like I'm back in a nightmare. "

"Calm down, Ms. Betty."

Old K ignored her at all, and said in a casual tone:
"Believe me, this place is already quite a peaceful world according to the records and evaluations of the Constellation Club, which is very suitable for novices to explore freely.

In fact, I wouldn't be here with you 'beautiful babies' again if my old team members hadn't all died in another goddamn chaotic world. "

After finishing speaking, the mysterious guy coughed and said loudly to the four people beside him, including Mason:

"I've been here many times, my entry test was done here, I promise you will be fine as long as you listen.

The target of our expedition this time is an abandoned magic academy that has been destroyed in the apocalypse, huh?Why do you show this expression?
Isn't it normal that there is a magic academy in another world? "

Old K showed that disgusting condescending expression as if he was talking to a fool. He took out a quiver to reload his crossbow, and said slowly:
"This world has magic inheritance, but it is very weak.

There used to be a lot of wizarding academies here but most of them have been looted by my colleagues ahem, I mean, 'exploration' clean.

All that remains of us is the last one, and the most dangerous one.

There are many good things in the ruins there, and our task this time is to find one of them and hand it over to the organization, so as to realize the reorganization of the K team.

I promise, everyone, as long as you can survive to the end, everyone can get benefits that you can't even imagine.

The lucky ones will officially join my team and become E-level members of the Stars Club. I will take you to the world I am conquering, and we can do great things together! "

"Does 'doing great things' mean being abandoned by you in another world like your previous team members?"

Another tall and thin man next to the hot-tempered girl Betty asked coldly, making old K's expression suddenly ugly.

The choking guy was wearing a black tights with a red spiral logo on the chest, and a heavy black cape lined with green patterns.

He has blond hair but wears an odd half-face mask that covers the upper half of his face, and speaks in a very sombre tone.

Mason thought the guy was weird.

Because every time he looked at him, he felt dizzy suddenly, as if there was some kind of special force field surrounding this guy.

"Shut up, Lord 'Count'."

Old K sneered and said:
"You didn't talk so much when I got you out of Amanda Waller's prison.

Find the strange object named 'Sorcerer's Stone' in the ruins of the abandoned Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. This is the most rewarding and moderately difficult task that the stars will offer in this C-level world.

Now I will give you some time to get acquainted with each other, and we will set off when I come back from the investigation.

Out of goodwill, let me remind you that the miniature bomb will explode immediately when it leaves the sensing range of the remote control, which is three kilometers.

So if you're going to run, I suggest you go fast. "

After finishing speaking, Old K turned and left.

Presumably to give the players a little deterrence, this guy showed off his "ability" while walking.

After walking three steps, the figure suddenly flashed, and appeared strangely ten meters away. After walking a few steps, it flickered again, and the four cannon fodders who watched it frowned.

"Um, that, hello everyone, my name is Charles, you can call me 'Kite Man'. I'm from Gotham, and I was brought out of Blackgate Prison by Old K.

what about you? "

The most talkative member of the team speaks up.

He wears a green onesie with a special brown backpack on his back and flight goggles.

Although he is tall, he always reaches out and touches his head unconsciously when speaking, which makes this guy feel very unconfident.

"Forget it, I know you, Kiteman, former member of the Clown Gang, after the Clown was captured in Arkham, you guys fell apart.

Those who are capable have gone to seek refuge with other people, only you and no one wants it.

Reduced to robbing the bakery and getting caught by Gordon himself, I actually doubt you did it on purpose to enjoy a big bowl of delicious prison food. "

The fiery girl Betty chews gum and puts her hips on her hips, not caring that the explosives inside her coat are seen by others.

She dismissed the kite man, casually told his embarrassing things, and then looked at the other two people amidst the kite man's awkward laughter. She looked up and down the man who was choking with old K just now, and said:
"You're from Suicide Squad? Not bad, man, what's your power? Please don't tell me you can juggle, we already have a good-for-nothing kite man as a team favourite."

"I know you too, Betty Susie."

The most powerful-looking man glanced at the girl and said:

"I heard that you underwent body modification, which can make everything you touch explode. After retiring from the military, you joined a terrorist organization in Canada. People in the circle call you 'Bomb Girl'.

Amanda Waller has her eyes on you, and that's not a good thing. "

"Bomber, thank you!"

Betty proudly puffed out her chest, corrected the man and stared at him again.

The latter hesitated, and introduced himself:
"My code name in Suicide Squad is 'Vertigo' but people in the industry call me 'Count', just to clarify, they're right, I do have noble blood.

As for my abilities.

I can put all creatures in sight into an uncontrollable stun state, and I can interfere with electronics if necessary. "

"Cool! You'd be a great partner."

Betty the Bomber seems to have established herself as the leader of the four-person gang, and neither Count Vertigo nor the Kiteman have a problem with that.

Then the eyes of the three looked at Mason who had been silent all the time.

Young people don't care about their stares, and they have no interest in introducing themselves.Just kidding, he came here to save himself and not to make friends!
He will be thinking about the information that old K just said.

"Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry? Philosopher's Stone?"

Mason raised his head and looked at the signboard of "King's Cross Station" floating in the wind above the blasted crack in the ruins. He felt that his guess was probably close to ten.

A sense of joy and doubt came to mind at the same time. Fortunately, I knew something about the world, which might become a hidden advantage.

And what is puzzling is, what happened in this world that caused the stations in London to be bombed like this?Could it be that the counterattack that the black wizards have been planning has been successful?

A world war broke out between wizards and humans, which directly led to the fall of London?

No way?
"Hey, boy! Everyone is waiting for you to introduce yourself."

Bomber Betty felt that Mason had despised the "prestige" she was trying to establish, so she became rude when she spoke. Mason glanced back at her, and shrugged when he saw her aggressive appearance.

He pointed to his mouth, waved his hand again, and made a helpless expression.

"Ah, it turned out to be a mute."

Betty was a little embarrassed.

She glared at Mason with some annoyance, and asked again:
"What are your abilities?"


The critical strike shotgun "Old K" used for precise sniping was pulled out from behind by Mason, and he put it in his hand and made an aiming motion.

This action made Betty immediately lose interest in this tall, thin young man with black hair and yellow skin.

Tch, it turned out to be a gun player.

In the circle of super villains, this ability is too weak.

Unless he has super shooting skills and super gun control like Deathshooter or Bloodsport, pure bullets are no threat at all in front of his explosive ability.

Betty lost interest in Mason, and turned to chat with Earl Dizzy, the only one she had a crush on, but the despised kite man came over on his own initiative and patted Mason on the shoulder very familiarly.

The fellow whispered to Mason:

"Don't pay attention to freaks like them, these bastards always think that there is power in ability, but they have no idea what real power is.

I knew all too well about these things when I followed the Joker.

They regard the two of us as a burden, and they will definitely let us go up to the top when encountering problems. I have seen this kind of thing a lot, so we have to help each other. "

Faced with the kite man's initiative, Mason, who pretended to be a mute to avoid too much communication with other people, showed him a polite but distanced smile.

Then Mason took out a flying bomb assembled from drones and engineering bombs and a control panel from his backpack.

After a simple operation, this thing flew up as a scout and flew into the ruins in front of it.

This action made the onlooker kite man blink his eyes. As a villain who has followed the clown and seen the world, he immediately knew that this low-key dumb young man was more powerful than Bomber Girl imagined.

But a few seconds later, the image sent back from the scouting tablet in Mason's hand made the kite man almost scream with wide eyes.

He covered his mouth violently, and looked at the surveillance screen with his heart pounding.

The engineering bomb flew through the dark tunnel below, which was a large pit formed by the collapse of the platform steps leading to the parking lot from the underground platform, where a group of wandering "people" were full.

No, they were hiding in the shadows outside the sunlit area overhead, and some of them didn't even have their lower bodies, just crawled on the ground with their upper bodies.

The ground of that ghostly place was stained with dirty and coagulated blood, making it look like hell on earth.

As the drone approached, the faces of those "people" were truly displayed. Their skin was festered, their eyes protruded, their blood-stained teeth mutated and distorted, and some even had their intestines pierced and dragged their shriveled internal organs. move.

Anyone who has seen a few B-movies knows what this is.


Massive zombies!
Mason was also full of doubts.

He is not afraid of zombies, but he is just entangled in why zombie disasters happen in a world where wizards exist?These two things are obviously different in style!
"The two of them are leaving."

The kiteman suddenly reached out and poked Mason's shoulder, and whispered something.

Looking back, the young man saw that Bomber and Count Vertigo seemed to have discussed a plan of action, and they were talking and laughing as they walked towards the exit of the station, unaware of the hidden dangers around them.

He made a "follow me" look at the kiteman waving his finger, and then walked lightly towards the waiting hall of the train station along a safer route detected by the drone.

The platform nine and three-quarters where you can board the Hogwarts magic train is there, and old K should be there too.

The cunning guy said that leaving time to get to know each other was just an excuse.

That bastard was specifically going to give the four newcomers a "severe blow", and wait until their legs and feet were so weak from the fright of the zombies, and then he would descend from the sky.

Old actors belong to yes.

The funny villain Kiteman in green stood there hesitantly, and Mason left in the opposite direction to Bomber and Count Vertigo.

It seemed as if a choice was presented to him.

Which side to follow?

Is it the duo of men and women who have surpassed Mason's strength on paper?
Or this seemingly ordinary 17-year-old high school student?

The kiteman didn't hesitate long.

He decided to believe in the super intuition he had trained in the clown gang for several years, and followed Mason in two or three steps.

The two were advancing one after the other in the dark and dead silence, with strange roars sounding from time to time. When they entered the waiting hall with the guidance of the drone, there was a violent explosion from behind.

That's Bomb Girl showing off her power.

It seemed that she finally found the zombies in the station and understood their current situation.

Mason didn't stop but accelerated his pace. If the zombies were alarmed, they would soon form a wave of corpses. He had to enter the magic platform immediately.

And as he expected, when he reached the three-quarters platform in September, he saw Old K who was leaning on the stone pillar and smoking a pipe. The latter looked at the silent Mason and the kite following him with admiring eyes. people.

"not bad."

He grinned, exhaled a smoke ring and said slowly:

"I have brought a lot of newcomers, and in every batch there are some idiots who think they are invincible and act recklessly with their abilities, and their fate is often not very good.

The first rule of the Stars Club is to fight with your brains rather than your fists. It seems that you are naturally suitable to join us, Mason, and you are indeed the young man favored by Batman.

But we are a team, so it is not good behavior to abandon your companions. "

The hypocritical old K flicked his fingers, turned around and touched the stone pillar behind him, and said to Mason:

"Those wizards have made an enchantment here, I need some time to open it, your task is to protect me from being disturbed and save those two idiots.

Any question? "


Mason opened the insurance and turned around to make a preparatory shooting action behind him, showing his attitude with practical actions.

He glanced at the nervous kite man beside him, casually threw an engineering pistol made during practice last night to him, and motioned him to take a few steps back.

Don't bother yourself to "brush experience".

After everything was ready, the young man looked at the screen sent back by the engineering bomb monitoring the movement of the corpse tide.

The moment he saw Bomber and Count Vertigo being chased by a large number of zombies, Mason decisively pressed the explosion button.

A loud bang.

The shattered floor above the only road leading to the waiting hall was blown up by the engineering bombs suspended there, blocking the progress of the zombies and at the same time blocking the path of the male and female duo until there was only a narrow space to move forward.

Now, no matter whether the man and woman are willing or not, they have to fight and retreat with the tide of corpses surging behind them before they can escape.

This move made old K look back at Mason, but he didn't say much and started to break the wizard's barrier on the platform.

Mason moved his shoulders and raised the gun in his hand.

Enter the combat state, the combat assistance is online, a large number of free aiming frames appear in the field of vision, the red preset trajectory is also turned on, and the "FPS mode" is activated.

"There are warriors to stop the tide of corpses."

He aimed at the disgusting head of the fastest zombie, and when his fingers touched the trigger, he couldn't help thinking:

"It's rare to have such a good opportunity to practice guns. It seems that being captured here is not all a bad thing. By the way, will my shooting skills break through to Lv3 when I leave here with old K's head?"

(End of this chapter)

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