The track of dawn in the world of American manga

Chapter 62 14. No, don't use offensive words like "cannon fodder", we call him "

Chapter 62 14. No, don't use offensive words like "cannon fodder", we call him "reservist" [seeking monthly ticket]

Mason and Barbosa's "cooperation plan" discussed very smoothly, and the original complicated details plus the entire conversation did not exceed 10 minutes.

This model can basically be summed up as no matter what outrageous request Mason puts forward, the old pirate will fully agree, without bargaining at all, and it does not seem like a competition between the two parties.

It's like the superior is issuing tasks to the subordinate.

This made Mason feel that there was no need to talk about it.

It's not that Barbossa is not sincere, the great pirate is really sincere.But this old bastard is still in a state of ecstasy and bewilderment, he has not yet woken up from the excitement of getting "hope".

And his posture of running the train full of mouth is also in line with the behavior of pirates.

Let’s talk about the cooperation first, but the specific implementation details have to be discussed in detail after they see the promised benefits.

In short, it is not a disadvantage.

"I will bring one hundred thousand potions in a week, which is enough for you to arm an army enough to build a nation. But Barbossa, I have to get a deposit first."

The young man threw the devil's box containing 881 cursed gold coins into the suitcase, and took out fifty vaccines and syringes, as well as a list full of supplies needed by Team K, and handed them to Barbossa as a "gift".

他 说:

"Open your treasury to me, and I will pick from it what I need."

"of course."

Without hesitation, Barbosa took a brass key from his belt and threw it to Mason. He looked at the various lists and said:

"I always carry my most precious treasures with me, right here in the hold of this ship, where my esteemed friend can take them all.

Seven days, right?

no problem!
During these seven days, I will do my best to collect the rewards you need in this sea and my territory. "

Mason nodded.

He left the captain's room with the kiteman, the female pirate, and Captain Jack who was winking at Barbossa in a very gracious manner.

As the hatch closed, the old pirate carefully picked up the vaccine and syringe in his hand.

He instinctively wanted to give himself a needle, but stopped and looked at his daughter Serena.

On that weather-beaten old face, he tried his best to show a touch of his father's kindness, but he has been used to wearing an uncomfortable fake smile after being hypocritical for most of his life.

"Come here, Serena, my good daughter, this is your share with your mentor."

Barbossa took two of the presents he had received and handed them to his daughter. He whispered:
"I know you need time to accept the truth that you have a great pirate father, and I don't expect you to accept me soon, but I really hope you don't leave my side again.

This is not just the father's retention, but also out of safety considerations.

Don't tell anyone else about my deal with Mason until he shows off his 'magic drug' on a large scale, okay?I believe you are smart enough to understand my concerns. "

"Of course I understand."

The young girl in the blue dress did not refuse the medicine offered by her "father".

She held this cold "hope" that was very technological and not like a creation of this era, and her heart was filled with a kind of luck for surviving after the catastrophe.

But a few seconds later, the girl said to her disgusted pirate father while recalling Mason's action to put the test tube into the precision syringe:

"He said the drug was only valid for two months. You know, that means you and all the survivors will be under his control."

"What does it matter? My Serena."

Barbossa pierced the sharp needle into a vein in his arm, injecting the cool liquid into his body, as if some kind of power was born in his old body.

Let him be full of momentum even when he speaks.

The pirate king who was running across the sea put his old hat on his head, pinched the list in his hand, and said with a sneer:
"As long as he wants, he who has the formula of the magic medicine can become the king under the doomsday, or even a god!
But he has no interest in ruling, and that's all Mason wants, my daughter, or he wouldn't have made that ridiculous deal with me.

If he doesn't want to rule, why not me?

Don't look at your father's current appearance, but I have also been a fleet commander with a hero, and I have also been integrated into that hypocritical circle. I have also talked and laughed with that fat stupid king.

I know how a kingdom works.

I know better how much those kings have to pay to maintain their rule, and what I will pay is wealth and some resources. "

Barbossa laughed a few times and looked back at his daughter. The old pirate grinned and showed some big gold teeth. He said confidently:

"My daughter, my Serena, I guarantee that you will become the most powerful princess in the world, and after my death, you will continue to rule the kingdom I established for you."

"But what about the Seagod Trident?"

Serena bit her lip and said to her great pirate father:
"I came to your ship because you promised I would find it. We have to find it, we can't pin all our hopes on this drug."

"Yes, yes, we will find it, we will have enough time to find it, and after the meeting of the Pirate King, I will give you a fleet, my daughter."

Barbossa made some perfunctory promises to his daughter.

He looked at the exquisite test tube in his hand and his eyes sparkled.

Obviously immersed in the fantasy of the bright future he is about to have.

Serena Smith, who had just finished her vaccination, frowned suddenly seeing her short-sighted and greedy pirate father showing such an expression.

She looked at the direction in which Mason and the others left, and she was also lost in thought. She really didn't think it was the right choice for her cheap father to put everything on this drug.

Maybe she should make some preparations in private? ——
"Boss, I feel that one world gate is not enough."

On the way from the Queen Anne's Revenge, the Kite Man, with his bag full of good things and a big bag full of precious things on his shoulder, said to Mason:

"We can get enough human resources here to invest in the development of Hogwarts, but only one world gate can't meet the scheduling needs of the K team.

"Indeed, I feel that way too."

Mason nodded approvingly and said:

"Maybe you can contact Mr. Hunter to see if you can get through the back door or something. How is your new suit? Is there anything that needs to be improved?"

"It's fantastic, it's almost perfect for me."

The kiteman patted his chest with a smile and made a slight impact sound, then touched the jetpack and said to Mason:

"But compared to this functional new suit, the kite we redesigned together seems a bit cheap."

"That's what I'm thinking about too."

Mason thought for a while, and said to his loyal little brother:
"I think we need to take a little time to find a way to redesign your kite. In fact, I have an initial idea.

Charles, are you interested in becoming a full-time engineer for K-Squad in addition to scouting? "

"Eh? Boss, aren't you an engineer?"

The kiteman was not very resistant to this proposal.

He knew that his combat effectiveness was not to mention compared with that of Zha Kang who was playing magic, even the catwoman could almost "kill" him when he was serious.

He sees himself as an investigator.

And he is an aerospace designer by profession, so now Mason wants him to be in charge of logistics, which is also a good career plan for Charles.

But he spent the longest time with Mason.

He knew that this 17-year-old young man was actually a very talented person, and his captain could become the best engineer.

"I am not only an engineer, but also an alchemist."

Mason rolled his eyes, sighed and said:
"In the future, I will become an inscriber, enchanter, blacksmith and jeweler, do you understand what I mean? Charles, I don't have that much time to specialize in one.

The advanced equipment obtained from Batman's laboratory requires an engineer from Banco like you to operate. "

"I understand."

The kite man nodded and said eagerly:

"Then I'll give it a try when I get back. To be honest, it's really exciting to return to my job."

"Jack! Come back, don't run! You fool!"

Charles' words were interrupted by the noise from behind, and Mason and he looked back, only to find that Captain Jack Sparrow, who had just been taken off the Revenge, had jumped into the sea while Team K was not prepared.

That slutty guy was swimming towards the rear of the Black Pearl at super fast speed.

While digging to his heart's content, he turned his head and laughed loudly:

"Remember today! You mysterious wizards, you almost caught the famous Captain Jack! Remember to tell this story to your children.

If you still have children."

Angelina was jumping anxiously by the pier.

She wasn't angry because Jack ran away again, she was just worried that this idiot didn't know the strength of Team K and was trying his best to die.

Mason shrugged, and pouted at Charles who had opened the kite beside him.

The kiteman smiled and ran up a few steps and took off like a circling vulture flying around the low-altitude sea, then swooped down towards Captain Jack in the water, threw out the hook gun equipped with the armor and gloves in mid-air, and caught the pirate.

Lifted Jack out of the water like an osprey grabbing a stupid fish and dropped him on the pier sand in a quick flight.

The wandering captain got up dizzy and cursed a freak and wanted to run, but just as he started, he saw a black gun barrel appearing in front of him.

Angelina, who was wearing a skirt, was holding a black engineering gun with a simple shape that was incompatible with this era. Just pull the trigger and the man's head would explode like a watermelon.

In the past few days, under the guidance of Ms. Selena, she has become very proficient in using this powerful firearm that Mason made casually while practicing engineering.


The female pirate waved her pistol and smashed it fiercely on Jack's forehead, knocking the captain to the ground, kicking him a few times, and pulling him up again with his bleeding head.

She watched Mason approaching and put a pistol on the back of Captain Jack's head, and said in a voice that only the two of them could hear:

"You fool! They're not as gentle as I am to you! Be good, and think of your own life, Jack! I'm not going to be a widow yet.

You are obedient!
We can all survive. "

"Let go of him, Angelina, and remember today for me by the way, I almost let the famous Captain Jack escape from me."

Mason did not draw his weapon.

He walked over with his penguin umbrella and seemed not to care about Jack's escape. He waved to the female pirate and said softly:

"Give me some time and let me have a private talk with Mr. Sparrow. I believe that Captain Jack, who conquered the ocean, is a rational man, and I also believe that he will not cause trouble for himself after he understands his situation .”

The female pirate obediently put down her gun, gave Jack a hard look and told him to keep his mouth shut, and then followed the kite man to the distance.

Mason looked at the embarrassed Captain Jack in front of him.

He took a handkerchief from his pocket and handed it over, motioning for Jack to wipe the blood from his forehead.

Dressed in a very pirate style, he also has the hygienic habits of this era. With smoky makeup, dreadlocks and a lot of decorations on his hair, Captain Jack looked strangely at the young man who was at most 18 years old in front of him. people.

While wiping the blood, he said casually:
"So, you are the leader? Captain?"

"I didn't own a legendary battleship at a young age like you, my dear Jack Spyro. Compared with your magnificent first half of life, I am simply a model of mediocrity."

Mason shook his head and said:
"But I know your story, I know your adventures, I'm a huge fan of yours. So I thought we could have an honest talk and I would like you to join my squad.

We desperately need people like you. "

"Ha, then you'll have to convince me. First of all, what good will joining your forces do me?"

Captain Jack put his hands on his hips and glanced at the Black Pearl on the sea not far away. He stroked his beard and said:

"Wealth? No, I don't lack for that.

status?I was captain in my second year as a pirate.

woman?Tsk tsk, look at Angelina, she is loyal to you but still misses me, I have many, many lovers.

I do thank you for saving me from Barbossa, my dear Mr. Mason, and I can help you find some treasure to repay the favor.

But for a pirate to give up his freedom, you might have to ask a little higher. "

"I won't promise you anything.

As you said, it is almost impossible to buy the freedom of a pirate. Bringing the King of England gave Barbossa the title and power, but didn't he tear up the letter of appointment and return to the sea of ​​plunder?

It is in your nature to pursue unfettered chaos and freedom, something that not even death can take away.

I won't spend that energy doing useless work. "

Mason took a step forward.

Under the squinting eyes of Captain Jack, he grabbed the small black box that Jack hung on his chest, but he did not take away the magical compass, but put it in front of Captain Jack.

The young man looked at the pirate captain and said to him:

"People like you are not persuaded by words and promises, you only trust your own eyes! So see with your own eyes, Mr. Spyro.

Open the compass that was almost lost by you!

I really should be thankful that the upheaval kept you from doing something stupid like that. "

Jack glanced at Mason, stretched out his hand and flicked his orchid fingers to open his compass coquettishly.

The pointed point on that quaint little thing, which should point to the north, is spinning crazily as if entering a chaotic magnetic field.

"It is said that this compass that never points north can show its owner what the heart desires most. For many years in the past, it has occupied a very important space in your story.

You trust it even more than you trust yourself. "

Mason stared at the rotating needle on the small compass, and he said to Captain Jack who was also holding the compass:

"So why don't you ask your magic compass? Jack, ask it, and find out where the only person in this world who can save you from the apocalypse is?
See where is the last way out of your life that has been shrouded in despair, bewildered and exhausted? "

Jack Sparrow didn't answer.

He just stared at the compass in his hand and asked the question that he had asked countless times in the past period of time.

The rotation speed of the pointer on the compass slowed down, and it turned round and round, and finally the red pointer stayed directly in front of Captain Jack under the wide-eyed gaze of Captain Jack.

The pointer pointed at the mysterious young man in front of him like a sword, as if marking a new route for Captain Jack.

Mason smiled as expected.

He patted the dumbfounded Jack Spyro on the shoulder, and whispered:

"Welcome to K-Squad, Spyro, we're throwing a party for you. Well, you'd better take a shower before meeting the rest of my team."

(End of this chapter)

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