The track of dawn in the world of American manga

Chapter 63 15. The Creeping Dream in the Abyss of the Blue Sea

Chapter 63 15. The Creeping Dream in the Abyss of the Blue Sea
"These fool's gold can be used for alchemy to make medicine. The deep-sea blood coral is almost meaningless, and there are curses on it. As for the ruby ​​ghost ring, you have been deceived.

There's no magic to this thing.

Nothing but pretty. "

In the bamboo building at the Turtle Island pier, Constantine was squatting and picking at the piles of magic items that had been dumped on the ground.

These are the things that Mason and the kiteman brought back from Barbossa's treasury, and a master appraiser is urgently needed to sort them out.

Mason is currently busy processing the newly obtained production materials with enchanting techniques. He is not willing to waste time in appraising all the production skills, so this job is handed over to Zhakang, a black wizard.

However, Zha Kang's vision was not perfect.

"Idiot, you don't even know what a real treasure is."

Your Excellency Catwoman rolled up the ring dropped by Zha Kang with a whip, put it in his hand and looked at it obsessively, and then put the gemstone ring the size of a pigeon egg on his finger to look at it.

And her other nine fingers were covered with all kinds of luxurious jewelry, and there were several strings of gemstone necklaces hanging around her neck.

There are even two ladies' crowns, one large and one small, tied in the hair.

It's like a mobile jewelry display stand.

Selena is immersed in the double satisfaction of being a great thief and being a woman. She looked at the gorgeous jewelry on her hands with blurred eyes, and said in a very Versailles voice:

"These cuties remind me of how my suitors feel when they give me gifts of all kinds, and while it's fascinating to see the light reflected in them, the thought of giving them rather than sweating them out with your own hands It makes people somewhat regretful.

I like jewelry like all women.

But I actually enjoy the excitement and pleasure of collecting them with my own hands. "

"This is easy to handle!"

Zha Kang got up and snapped his fingers with a cigarette in his mouth.

Green fluorescent light rushed out and covered the bewildered Selena, but all the jewels on her body disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Lady Catwoman glared at Zha Kang, who blew out a smoke ring and said with a smirk:
"I dumped all the jewelry that made you feel sorry for you all over the world. Now, Selena, you can enjoy the joy of retrieving the 'cuties' from a zombie-infested world with your own hands. gone."


Su Jie's Eagle came out of its sheath and shone with cold light, and slashed at the smirking black magician amid Catwoman's gnashing of teeth and screams.

"Quiet! You interrupted me to process the materials."

Mason, who was busy in front of the workbench, turned back and shouted.

The young man who aspires to become an excellent full-time professional master has developed the habit of being very focused when working. He glanced at the angry Catwoman and comforted him:
"Those jewels are gone, Selena. That's just the tiniest part of all the gains we're going to get. Jack and Angelina have gone to contact the Royal Fleet envoy moored nearby.

The pirate kings will also come to Turtle Island one after another.

You will be responsible for the next contact with them. From Barbosa's reaction, we can see that our vaccine can be exchanged for anything you want in this world!

I think as a jewel thief, you should perhaps have a little more ambitious pursuit.

For example, the mountain of light on the crown of the British king"

Mason shook his head, not paying attention to Selena's frighteningly bright eyes, but continued to be busy with the materials at hand.

With his left hand, he clasped a piece of fine magic ore and smelted it with magic fire, and ordered:

"In addition to the list of materials that the K team must collect, I can allow you to make additional demands on those buyers to satisfy your personal private 'little hobbies'.

In short, negotiate terms with these forces as soon as possible, and then we will go back to Gotham.

Stealing enough of the vaccine from under Batman's nose is no easy feat, and it's a goal that requires the cooperation of Team K to achieve.

We need a minimum of 100 million doses to start the first step of the harvest season.

The first phase of continuing to tap into the potential of this world must be so much. "

"I'm going to get ready."

The catwoman happily took the long sword from Zhakang's neck, and left the bamboo building with the expectation of an imminent harvest, while the black magician curled his lips and opened the devil's box in the corner.

The cursed gold coins stacked there illuminated Constantine's eyes, and he turned to Mason and said:

"It was agreed before that these gold coins belong to me."

"No one will rob you, but you don't need so much."

Your Excellency the captain put the smelted magic metal on hand for backup, and responded without raising his head:

"You can take 300 pieces to strengthen your magic. If you don't have enough, apply again. I plan to use the rest of them to make some cursed bullets and weapons. This is a very rare crafting material."

"300 coins are enough, but Mason, the curses on these gold coins are very troublesome, and you may need some special skills to use them to make items."

Zha Kang picked up a cigarette, covered his fingers with magic power, picked up a handful of yellow and orange gold coins, threw them up and down in his hand, and said:

"Their value lies in the curse attached. If these resentments are purified, then these gold coins will be worthless."

"Thank you for reminding me, I will find a way."

Mason nodded and stopped talking. The black magician looked at the time and it was the pleasant drinking time of the day again.

He hummed a song and went out to hang out in the bar on the island, and looked forward to meeting a sad lady with a complicated past in that medieval tavern today, so that he could have the opportunity to soothe her soul and body.

Constantine is a prodigal son who will please himself very much.

He never misses any possible love encounters, and his learning of magic is all thanks to his talent, and he doesn't have to make things over and over again to master more advanced skills like Mason.

Mason was the only one left in the bamboo building, but the young man enjoyed it.

He hummed a fast-paced local ballad, opened old K's alchemy book in front of him and lit the magic crucible with magic fire, then followed the instructions in the alchemy book, skillfully added the enchanted Material.

Today he plans to try to make a downgraded version of the high-level vitality potion "Brown Owl" used by demon hunters.

The main reason is that Mason has hardly slept during this time due to lack of time. When he is tired, he drinks a bottle of energy potion. Drinking too much in a short period of time makes him seem to have developed some kind of "drug resistance".

Lesser Vitality Potions are getting less and less effective on Masons.

The best way to deal with this situation is to suspend the use of the potion, resume normal work and rest and adjust it, and the potion will take effect again after a period of time.

But Mason didn't want to waste time.

He has too many things to do now, so facing the situation where the low-level potions are gradually becoming ineffective, he chooses a simpler and rude way, using high-level potions to suppress his "drug resistance".

And after unlocking the talent of [Swift eyes and quick hands], Mason rarely made mistakes in the alchemy process, and now that he got enough materials from Turtle Island, he felt that he could challenge the high difficulty.

Everything is going smooth.

With the help of the extrasensory organs that seemed to slow down time, Mason nodded in satisfaction as he watched the yellow spider venom that began to boil and emit a strange smell in the magic cauldron.

While continuing to stir with a special golden stick, he picked up the enchanted verbena and threw it into it, and took out a bottle of strong rum from his hand and bit the cork off.

He is not a heavy drinker.

But spirits are one of the ingredients of this potion. In fact, all witcher medicines need spirits. The higher the alcohol content, the better. I don't know if this is a tradition?
Or are those witchers just trying to get drunk while fighting monsters?

But at this time, Mason yawned strangely, as if a sudden sleepiness enveloped his mind, and he didn't know if it was an illusion, but there was a clear sound of sea water lapping in his ears.

He shook his head to keep himself awake and poured the spirits into the continuously boiling cauldron, and bit his lips to increase the intensity of the magic fire burning on his fingers.

But the sleepiness in the body is getting stronger and stronger.

Ten seconds later, when the liquid in the crucible turned into a yellow-brown sticky substance, Mason couldn't hold on any longer, and his head tilted and hit the workbench with a bang.

Almost instantly he began to snore.

The speed of falling asleep was incredible, but Mason's spirit remained awake after his body fell asleep.

As if his soul had come out of his body, he stared blankly at himself lying on the workbench sound asleep, and tried to reach out to wake up this poor alchemist.

"Hey! The potion is about to be overcooked! You idiot! Get up!"

He patted his head, but the outstretched hand flashed past the head.

"You should know that you are in a lucid dream right now? Mason Cooper, the mysterious foreign visitor."

A deep voice sounded behind Mason, causing the young man to turn around abruptly.Then he saw the door on the second floor of the bamboo building was pushed open, and a tall, handsome black-haired pirate captain striding forward with a sword.

He wore a gray-green pirate hat and a worn cloak from his long voyages.

There are two flintlock guns stuck in the cowhide belt at the waist, standard pirate dress, but Mason noticed the unique badge on his belt.

It was the miniature emblem of a ship entangled in the tentacles of an octopus.

All pirates and sailors who have lived past their first year on this sea know it.

"The Flying Dutchman? That cursed ghost ship?"

Mason looked at the very young man in front of him in surprise, but he revealed a vicissitudes of life. He blinked and said:
"All the pirates are saying that the 'Sea Lord' Davy Jones is dead, so you are the new captain of the ghost ship, Will Turner? I heard that you have been on that ship for more than ten years?"

"It's down."

The captain of the ghost ship bowed to Mason politely and gave a classic hat-off.

"You pulled me into the dream? Why?"

Mason felt that the guy in front of him was not malicious, and he couldn't make an effective counterattack in the dream, so he could only ask a question, and Mr. Will didn't waste time to greet him.

He didn't use the power of the ghost ship to pull Mason into the dream for chatting.

"The Dutchman is near Turtle Island, but I can't go ashore so I can only talk to you in this way, Mason."

Captain Will held his pirate sword and said:

"I 'saw' with my own eyes how you miraculously left and re-entered this world, sir, and that is why I have come to you.

I want you to take my wife and son away from this doomed world forever. "

"The request was as expected."

Mason nodded and said calmly:
"When I guessed your identity, I knew you should come for this, but the question is why? Will, can I call you Will?"

Captain Ghost nodded, motioning for Mason to finish his question.

The young man organized his language and whispered:
"Since you have been using the ability of the ghost ship to observe me, you should know that today I gave Barbossa the medicine that can prevent the Black Death and ghouls.

I don't hide from you either, Will.

I can get a lot of these drugs, enough to distribute to every last survivor in the world.

Although they can't rebuild civilization immediately with these drugs, they can also try to rely on the ocean to regain the occupied continent bit by bit after they are able to resist the ravages of the virus.

This process may last for decades, or even hundreds of years, but I believe that one day, you will be able to return to the place where you were born.

I think you already have hope.

So, why do you still want me to take your wife and children out of this world permanently?

This is not something a responsible husband and father would do.

You don't know what kind of person I am but still entrusted me with such a heavy responsibility, it means that you must be tortured by the curse of the ghost ship and go crazy.

Either you are very close to despair. "

Mason expressed his guess. He looked at Captain Will in front of him and said:
"Do you know something? Will, can you tell me?"

"I can't tell."

Will shook his head, pointed to his heart, and said:
"I signed a contract with the Devil's Prison and the Sea God to walk in the place where the worlds of the living and the dead meet, which allows me to see things that ordinary people cannot see.

Even the silhouette of the future can be seen in occasional glimpses.

I can only tell you, Mason.

Your medicine is amazing but it can't change the ending of this world, everything is preordained.This sudden black death is just a sign before the end.
Even without it, the world wouldn't last long. "

Captain Ghost paused and pointed to his and Mason's eyes, his tone was calm as if he had accepted everything.

他 说:

"If you're lucky, Mason, you'll see that with your own eyes. And then you'll see that there's no point in struggling or submitting.

The end is there.

And it will come. "

"Your tone is like a lunatic with severe depression and world-weariness!"

Mason hated the "Riddler" tone.

He stared at Captain Will, and said emphatically:

"If you want me to take your wife and children and take care of them properly, then you have to tell me what I want to know, Will! Don't fool me with these poetic expressions.

You must at least tell me, who spread the zombie virus in this world?

You are the messenger who walks in the world and the hell, you observe the world, you must know the answer!

tell me! "

Will Turner didn't answer right away.

The cursed man, who was still in human form in the dream, looked at Mason with a rather weird look, until the young man felt uncomfortable under his gaze, Will took a step forward and took Mason's left hand to hold the shirt The sleeves are pulled up.

He looked at the tattoo on Mason's arm, and reached out to hold the badge of the Cat School that Mason hung around his neck.

Will looked at the thing and whispered:
"A man named 'Old K'. You are from the same faction as him, and you have the same tattoos. I also talked to him in my dream, Mason, and he refused my request.

I also questioned him like you questioned me, and what I told you just now are the answers that old K gave me.

It is your organization that spreads poison in this world!
If I still had a choice, when you and your team members entered this world, I should have dragged you to the bottom of the sea and drowned, and made you suffer the most painful torture in this world, begging me to give you a happy life! "

Captain Ghost's cold fingers touched Mason's neck, causing the young man to shudder, but the next moment, Will's tone changed suddenly.

He sighed with a low sadness.

"Unfortunately, I have no choice. I can only beg you like I begged old K to take away my beloved Elizabeth and Henry. For this, I can give you the wealth of the whole world!
But you gotta make a quick decision, Mason.

Every second you hesitate, the creeping doom marches down the abyss.

Actually I knew what you wanted to do from the time you named that drug 'Hope', you do have a warm and kind heart, young man. "

Captain Will patted Mason on the shoulder and said softly:

"Thank you for everything you've done for us, but it's too late."

(End of this chapter)

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