The track of dawn in the world of American manga

Chapter 64 16. What enters the alley with 4 legs and comes out with 2 legs?

Chapter 64 16. What enters the alley on four legs and comes out on two legs?
When Mason woke up, he was not surprised to find that his potion had overcooked and had turned into a ball of black charcoal.

But he's not in the mood to clean up the disgustingly smelly failed product.

Instead, the young man got up abruptly and rushed to the door, and then he saw a rusty box that was still stained with seaweed and barnacles right at the door.

On the steps of the bamboo building in front of you, there are footprints that have not yet dried up, extending all the way to the beach washed by the sea,

It's as chilling as a ghost story.

But the appearance of this iron box with the emblem of the Flying Dutchman means that Mason's dream just now is real, including Will Turner and the "obscure prophecy" about the end of the day that he said.

And the truth that made Mason's heart run like ten thousand grass nimas.

"The zombie virus in this world was actually released by Old K? And according to Will's description, Old K's team hadn't suffered annihilation at that time, and the time coincided more than two months ago."

Mason rubbed his chin, wrapped the rusty box with a cloth and took it back to the house.

Captain Will didn't say much more.

After Mason promised to take his wife and children out of this world, the captain of the ghost ship promised to collect as many rare materials and various items as possible for Mason in the next time.

Although there are legends of ghost ships everywhere in this world, there are not many ships that can really swim on the bottom of the sea, and the treasures buried in the depths of the sea can only be obtained by ghost ships like the Dutchman that are truly cursed by the sea god.

The deal itself is great.

Starting from the interests of Mason is simply a huge profit.

But the young man was really not happy about this meeting. While twisting the weird lock of the rusty box in front of him according to the prompt left by Will, he thought to himself:

"Although I already knew that the stars would be a good thing, but this kind of spreading the virus around the world is a bit too much, the most important question is, why did they do this?

If it's just for plundering resources, there must be a more efficient way.

And there's the 'doom' that Will Turner keeps emphasizing.

He certainly wasn't referring to the zombie apocalypse that was spreading across the world, and from what he said, the arrival of this doomsday didn't even have much to do with the Gathering of the Stars. "

Mason squinted for an answer.

But it's a pity that the information he has now is too little, and he can't piece together the truth at all.


With a crisp sound, the box in front of him was opened.

Its interior is well waterproof, and the things stored inside have not been wet by sea water. On the top is a chart that marks the location of a small island in the Caribbean Sea.

That's where Will Turner's wife and son are now, and according to the agreement, Mason will bring them back and take them away.

Below the chart is a slightly worn sheepskin letter.

The upper half of this thing records all the locations where the cursed guys on the Flying Dutchman buried the treasure, and the lower half is the knowledge recorded at Mason's request.

Will Turner's Forging Codex

Utility: Learn the blacksmith's forging skills, which also records some unique forging skills mastered by the legendary great pirate Will Turner.

Item description: If it weren't for love, the legendary pirate Will Turner might become the world's top blacksmith.

Mason took the notebook in his hand and flipped through a few pages, and found some tips written by Will on it, which taught Mason, a novice blacksmith, how to deal with the special material of cursed gold coins.

There are also many forging techniques and blueprints for weapons and armors recorded in the handbook, so Mason has a sample to learn from the forging technique that Mason has never known how to get started.

This somewhat dispelled the mysteries about the stars meeting and the end of the world that Mason had in his mind at this time.

He is a person who likes to do things according to the plan, and he doesn't like such unplanned emergencies, but considering that he hasn't even figured out the dark truth of the Constellation, it is a bit unreasonable to think about the end of the world.

So after a few minutes, Mason calmed himself down, sat back at the workbench and started to make the brown owl potion again.

He likes this feeling of being unfocused, and it lasted until the evening. When Mason finished making the tenth downgraded version of the weak brown owl potion, the reminder he had been looking forward to finally popped up:
"Successfully complete the production of an excellent craft and alchemy item, and the proficiency of the alchemy branch has increased by X20, and it is currently Lv3."

"Using the magic fire many times to complete the item production, the flame manipulation skills have been improved, and it is currently Lv1."

"Well, double egg yolks, I like it."

The young man stood up and stretched a lot, put the yellow-brown high-level vitality potions he made in front of his eyes and admired them for a few seconds, then put them into a special wooden box and threw them into the suitcase.

He walked outside the bamboo building and glanced at the sunset slowly sinking into the sea in the distance, and heard the unique engine sound of the flying motorcycle. Looking up, Charles was driving the motorcycle with the drunk cat in the car. The lady returns here.

"Hey, cute little Mason, come here and give my sister a hug."

Selena jumped out of the car reeking of alcohol, stepped on the sand with her bare feet, and walked forward wearing a gorgeous court dress unsteadily.

Mason refused her embrace, frowned again and said:
"Why do you drink so much? Didn't you go to discuss business?"

"Yeah, let's talk about business!"

Catwoman smiled and took a stack of documents from the kite man who seemed to have drunk a lot and stuffed them into Mason's hands. She put her hands on her hips and said:

"Bring the envoy of the King of the British Royal Fleet, Captain Chevalle, the Pirate King of the Mediterranean Sea, Captain Armand, the Pirate King of the Black Sea, and Mrs. Qing, the Pirate King of the Pacific Ocean.

There are also the priests of the South American church, the tribal witch doctors hiding in the forest, and the gentlemen and nobles from the thirteen states of North America.
too much.

They all ordered at least 500 bottles of the 'Hope' magic medicine from us, and of course the [-] samples have been divided up by them.

In return
Open the eyes of our little cutie Mason! "

Selena snapped her fingers.

The kiteman behind her immediately took out several large boxes from the luggage and opened them in front of Mason's eyes, and the jewels flooded in for a moment, even lighting up the beach in the evening.

Drunken, Catwoman took out a lady's crown decorated with purple velvet and luxurious pearls and gemstones from the box at hand, put it on her head, and took the platinum scepter from the kiteman and twirled it in her hands.

"The queen's crown of the French court, the Pope's scepter brought out from the Vatican, these are peerless treasures that I can't steal no matter how powerful I am.

But now they are my private collection.

I absolutely love this trip, my sweet little brother Mason. "

Catwoman smiled and rushed forward, leaving several "flaming red lips" on Mason's neck and cheeks under Mason's disgusted resistance. She climbed on the young man's back and said drunkenly:
"Maybe I'm drunk, but do you want to have another French kiss? Little cutie, for the sake of these wonderful harvests, sister can."

"You smell like booze! My God, you look like a booze lunatic."

Mason pushed her off.

Of course, he held hands in a gentlemanly manner to prevent her from falling.

He looked at Selena, who was shaking while walking, and rubbed her forehead with a headache, and said to the kiteman who was wearing a lot of rings and playing with a golden pipe inlaid with gemstones:
"Charles, go to the tavern and call Constantine back. Now that the contract is signed, we'll go back to Gotham tonight."

Mason helped Catwoman, who was holding the crown and scepter, and a large box of top jewelry of various colors, on the edge of the steps, and walked a few steps forward to the beach, and said to the female pirate Angelina who followed:

"We're going to 'go back'. We'll be back in seven days. During this time, you can watch Jack Spyro. These things are for your self-defense."

He handed a bag containing weapons, explosives, and a large number of low-level potions to the female pirate, and stuffed the chart left by Will Turner into her hand, and said:
"Go to this island with Jack to bring back the mother and child there. This matter is very important, Angelina. I hope you and Jack can complete it with heart."

"Elizabeth Swan?"

Seeing the name on the chart, the female pirate frowned and said:

"Isn't this 'Pirate King'? I heard that Jack once had a relationship with her. Could it be the kid?"

"Jack is a chic and flirtatious man, so don't think too much about it. Here, hold this."

Mason pinched his fingers to summon the identity card of the leader of his K team, and let the female pirate reach out to touch it. The latter stretched out her finger and pointed on Mason's card, and a ball of red light quickly wrapped around her arm.

The anxious feeling made Angelina tremble in pain.

Under Mason's gaze, a dull black ghost claw tattoo quickly appeared on her left arm, which represented that she had officially become a reserve member of Team K and the Stars Club.

"Now we're a team."

Mason took out Catwoman's previous tight battle suit and handed it to the pale-faced female pirate with both hands, saying to her softly:
"Welcome to Team K, Angelina, I hope we will have a happy cooperation in the future."

"Thank you for the pain you inflicted on me, Captain."

The female pirate curled her lips, hugged her battle clothes and luggage in her arms, felt her growing strength, then blinked and said:
"So I can use your banner to bluff and deceive. Uh, I mean, did I recruit my men? The Black Pearl and Jack are also under my command?"

"It depends on your ability to control men, girl, after all, Jack is the soul of that ship."

Mason glanced back at Constantine, who was carried back by Charles, who was disheveled and still talking nonsense. He shrugged and said to the new member:

"Anyway, don't forget to collect resources. The more you collect, the better our lives will be in the future."

"See you in seven days."
While Mason and the others were packing up and preparing to "go home" in another world, a scene of "farewell" was also being staged on the Gotham side, but compared to the elation there, this side seemed much more painful.


A black figure fell from the midair of the torrential rain.

The hook that was supposed to hold him back to let him glide was cut off by the flying sharp weapon, causing Batman to make a mistake in his actions and fell headfirst into the dirty night alley.

His bat suit is full of bullet holes and scratches from sharp weapons, and even the bulletproof cloak has traces of being burned by flames.

Lord Batman really is rarely in such a mess in his own city.

But he didn't give up because of the pain coming from all parts of his body, instead, he leaned on the wall and moved forward quickly, trying to hide in the darkness that had been protecting him all along.

"Barbara calling Batnet for support!"

Batman's tone was broken.

It was obvious that he had suffered a heavy blow and had difficulty breathing, and the spinning world in front of him at this time represented that the toxin injected into him by the sneak attack had begun to spread in his body.

He called out his most trusted person in the communication.

It was a member of the Bat Family who had worked with him to maintain order in the city, but tonight when the master needed it most, the always reliable communication fell into a long and strange silence.

No one answered the call for help.

It was like another invisible cold blade piercing into his already shattered heart once again.


A muffled gunshot came from behind.

Batman flicked to avoid the bullet, but the shooter's shooting skills were obviously extremely powerful.

The specially-made bullets whirled and hit the master's back, and penetrated into his body along the cracks in the battle suit that were completely torn there, bringing up handfuls of blood.

The force of the impact knocked the poisoned Batman to the ground.

But he still reacted quickly, grabbing a first aid needle from his combat belt and was about to stick it into his neck, but the flying black combat boots kicked his wrist and sent the needle flying out.

A pair of powerful hands covered in battle armor stretched out, grabbed the master's shoulders and pulled him up from the ground. In the torrential rain that kept falling in the darkness, the two men wrestled together at this moment like two men rushing to eat in the dark. Two beasts.

They see each other as prey.

Cold raindrops flowed down Batman's helmet, mixed with the blood gushing from the nostrils and corners of his mouth, and fell from his chin.

In the eyes of this silent and cold man who was weakened by the toxin, what was reflected was a red streamlined round helmet.

No eyes, no facial features, it should be some kind of high-tech protective material.

The metal armor worn by the opponent is very similar to the bat suit. His movements are quick and deadly, and every time the master tries to counterattack, he detects it in advance and gives a crazier blow.

He's like another young, raging version of Batman.

But he uses a gun!

This makes the attacker even more dangerous.

"I know you, Batman!"

A hoarse voice came from the red helmet under the rainy night, with extreme hatred and madness caused by a touch of pain, he pushed the weak Batman up like a bull and hit the wall hard, causing the bricks to shatter .

He roared:

"Your attacks! Your defenses! Even your armor and your weapons! I know you better than anyone, and I know how to defeat you.

like this! "


The attacker's hands were thrown away, and the black shark-tooth fighting knife popped out of the metal gauntlet, leaving an X-shaped scar on Batman's body, causing blood to burst out in the rain and causing the poisoned man to groan.

He fell to the ground and was picked up again by the assailant's neck. He punched Batman hard in the stomach, followed by another rainstorm of blows, venting his deep hatred.

"I won't kill you, but I will make you feel my pain! In every nightmare that never wakes up, just as I beg you to save me, you also beg someone to pull you out of the darkness redemption
But there won't be.

No one will ever come back to answer your longing, praying is no match for the weakness of despair, remember?You taught me not to be defeated by fear.

I never lost to fear, but you did. "

He looked at the man with blood on his face, and his deep laughter echoed in the helmet, and he said:
"They gave me a name, they called me 'The Scarlet Knight,' and they wanted me to be their deadliest weapon in your place.

I agreed.

This is what they rewarded me.

A chance to end this blood feud with you in your city.

Bruce Wayne!
stand up!
Keep getting beaten! "

"who are you?"

The master, who was about to lose consciousness, immediately burst into anger when he heard the other party call out his real name. He struggled to resist the constant punches, and while receding crookedly, he took out a smoke bomb from his arms and smashed it. on the ground.

Thick smoke billowed in the heavy rain and spread a smoke screen. The attacker could have continued to attack, but he didn't do that and stood in the thick smoke and waited quietly.

By the time the smoke cleared in the rainstorm, there was no sign of Batman around.

"Run away, Batman."

The assailant, calling himself the "Scarlet Knight," lowered his hands, allowing drops of blood to drip from his gauntlets.

He crouched down.

Picking up the torn blood-stained cloak in this dark alley, he thought of the days when he walked through the city under the protection of this cloak.

Those beautiful pasts are like a long-overdream.

How beautiful it is in the dream, how desperate it is after waking up.

The Scarlet Knight held the shattered cloak in his hand and whispered as if to say goodbye:

"The power that made me will destroy you. May pain and despair flow through your veins as poison. Tonight, Batman dies.

Gotham is also dying.

You'll know who I am, Bruce.

You'll know when the city and all your expectations start to burn. "

(End of this chapter)

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