The track of dawn in the world of American manga

Chapter 67 19. The code name of the operation is "Operation Save Batboy"--【250】

Chapter 67 19. The code name of the operation is "Operation Save Batboy"--【250】

(Add more for the "Dark Loss" brothers)
"Give him a blood tonic every three hours. If the wound can't heal, make sure he doesn't become weak due to excessive blood loss."

When the members of the K team were about to leave, Mason handed over two boxes of potions of different colors to the butler Alfred who took care of Bruce Wayne.

他 说:

"He is competing with the water in the Lazarus Pool for control of his body. These potions are for him to replenish his energy. Drinking the blue Vitality Potion every two hours can soothe his spirit.

In addition, I must ask, from your knowledge, do you think there is anyone in the current Bat-family who is credible? "

Faced with Mason's question, the old butler pursed his lips and said:

"Master Dick is credible, I can confirm that."

"Well, that is to say, except for the children brought up by Bruce himself, everyone else has a reason to hate or alienate Batman, right?"

Mason pouted and said:

"It can be seen from this that it is time for Bruce to review his attitude towards the people around him. Ah Fu, I need a mobile phone and access to the bat network."

He emphasized:

"I mean the one without the tracker and bugging software, and the pheromone markers that have expired on me, and I don't want to see it appear again."

"You know it all?"

Alfred glanced at Mason in surprise,

The young man pointed to the magic apartment hidden in the suitcase, and he said to the old housekeeper in front of him:

"Do you think I, who can make these things, don't know what Bruce is doing to me? I'm just pretending I don't know to show my sincerity.

His distrust of others really needs to be corrected.

In short, because we are about to start operations, I must ask you three to leave now. Do you still have a stronghold in Gotham that can guarantee safety? "


The old butler put away the potion, took out an old flip phone and handed it to Mason, saying:
"Put us and the young master at the entrance of Crime Lane, Mason, I will take him to a safe place, and I will use it to contact you when you come back and tell you the exact location."

"Well, Gotham may not be peaceful these days."

Mason said:
"Try to keep a low profile, and don't blindly contact external support when you can't guarantee safety. It will be very troublesome if you are reverse-tracked."

Twenty minutes later, Mason, wearing an invisibility cloak, appeared in the compartment on the top floor of the Iceberg Bar with a suitcase. The other three had already put on their battle suits and were ready for action.

Among them, the always lazy Catwoman is particularly murderous.

That indifferent look made Mason not hesitate to ask her to slay a dragon, and she would rush forward with her sword against the fire without hesitation. Is this probably the great power called love?

"The world of Hogwarts is an open world, folks, where we may meet other members of the Stellaris, so the sooner we act, the better."

While putting the energy stone into the gate of the world, Mason twisted the brass door handle and said to the three people behind him:
"With our weak strength, I really don't want to deal with our 'peers' prematurely. Oh, yes, Charles, have you told our two friends about the possible dangers of this trip?
About that dragon that nearly killed you earlier"


Jarcon, who was playing with a pile of processed cursed gold coins, stared round his eyes, and the black magician exhaled smoke rings and said:
"Let me make sure first. Is the dragon you're talking about a large lizard that breathes fire and can fly?"

"Worse than that, John."

Charles said meanly beside him:
"Not only can that thing breathe fire and fly, it's also a ferocious zombie dragon. Everything in that world is fucking infected by the damn zombie virus.

I suspect that unicorns might also turn out to be something we all have nightmares about. "

"will not."

Mason put on his full-face helmet while pushing the door open, and said:
"The unicorn is pure and invulnerable by nature, it can be infected but it will never be completely zombified like other creatures, which means that the effect of their blood may be weakened.

But it must still be useful.

The more difficult problem now is that we have to find it Selena first, and it's up to you to live. "


Catwoman, who was all about saving her lover, was stunned for a moment. While putting on the cat ear helmet, she said:

"What do I have to do? Attract unicorns?"

"That won't work!"

Zha Kang also chimed in and said:
"Unicorns are only attracted to pure virgins. Although Selena is full of charms, she is definitely not pure. Look at the dirty words she usually says, she is more slippery than a prodigal like me."

"So you're saying we have to figure out how to kidnap a virgin in Gotham before we head off to save Batboy?"

Mason turned around and complained:
"Is there such a thing in Gotham? I'm afraid I have to go to the kindergarten to find it."

K-Squad enters King's Cross Station through the World Gate.

Mason used the key of the world to temporarily put away the location of the gate of the world behind him. He didn't intend to waste time by taking a magic train every time he came here.

He's going to put the Worldgate directly in the Hogwarts ruins.

Then they encountered a "warm welcome" from a group of zombies, but they were surrounded by a kiteman who was not what they used to be.

Under the swarm bombardment of engineering bombs, the four of them quickly entered Station Nine and Three Quarters. Before leaving, Mason asked Zha Kang to repair the magic barrier of the station, and added several additional concealment functions to it. array.

If there are other members of the Society of Stars coming in and out of this world, then Mason doesn't want to hand over to others the good place that Old K spent his life exploring.

After getting on the magic train, Mason went to the locomotive as usual to use the character card to analyze the blueprint of the alchemy engine. With the improvement of both alchemy and engineering, the blueprint analysis speed is much faster.

But when he was busy studying this unscientific thing, Catwoman's voice sounded above his head:

"What are you doing?"

Mason raised his head and saw Selena climbed off the roof of the car and landed beside him like a nimble cat. The young man glanced at her and said:
"Doing research, what are you going to do here if you don't go to rest? Are you worried about Bruce?"

"A little flustered."

Catwoman didn't hide anything. She pulled up the stool at the front of the car and sat by the window. She fidgeted out a pack of ladies' cigarettes but was stopped by Mason with her eyes.

"I'm a minor."

young man said:

"Don't do this kind of thing in front of me, Zhakang is hopeless, but you still are."

"Well, you little guy is getting more and more majestic as a captain."

Catwoman curled her lips. She watched Mason tinkering with the weird silver-gray engine in front of her in silence. After a few minutes of silence, Selina said in a hoarse voice:

"If we don't get the unicorn blood back"

"He'll be fine."

Mason said without raising his head:

"The paradise island where Wonder Woman was born has the knowledge left by the gods of Olympus, and I believe there should also be the medicine that can save Bruce.

The only problem is finding a way to reach her.

Selena, don't worry too much.

You have to believe that your lover is the child of destiny loved by the world. He has escaped death several times, and this time he will not be lost in the hands of a group of guys who hide their heads and show their tails. "

"I wish I was as calm and optimistic as you, Mason."

Catwoman covered her face and said:

"But I've never seen him hurt like this, not just the physical devastation, I could even feel the exhaustion and pain in his soul when I kissed him.

It's just like.
It was as if he himself had admitted failure.

I've never seen him like this. "

"Then you should think about what broke Bruce Wayne?"

Mason's tone remained unchanged.

With the help of his improved engineering skills, he took a weird-looking engineering wrench and finally successfully disassembled the casing of the train engine.

In the harsh metallic voice, the young man waved a wrench and said:

"Is it the unknown attacker, or Batman himself? Have you ever wondered who attacked him? And who betrayed him at a critical moment?"


Catwoman raised her head suddenly, she looked at Mason and said:
"Do you have an answer?"

"I always had the answer, Selena. I even predicted this would happen, I just didn't expect it to happen so quickly."

The young man said playfully:
"Is it possible that Batman will lose so badly tonight not because he is not as powerful as the attacker. It is because the psychological burden caused by some bad things in the past exploded tonight, allowing guilt and pain to take precedence Destroyed his will before his body collapsed?
I'm really not kidding, Selena.

Bruce really had to take a hard look at how he handled certain things after this incident.

He broke the heart of his family but has not noticed the resentment and sadness, maybe because he lost his parents since he was a child, Batman is really slow in this respect.
Deep down in his heart he longed for a home.

But he always destroys it with his own hands.

This may be one of the reasons why I don't want to be Robin. "

"You said you hated the Riddler."

Catwoman accused with a blank face:

"But you're becoming the Riddler! Make it clear, Mason."

"No need."

Mason raised his head from the complex operation of the engine, smiled and said:
"The answer will be revealed soon. Let's focus on the matter at hand. The Forbidden Forest is really dangerous. Although Old K helped us get rid of two dangerous creatures, we still have to trek through it." Be vigilant.

There's something in it that's...well, something that doesn't make sense. "
Mason soon discovered that he actually had the talent of "crow's mouth".

As soon as they entered the Forbidden Forest, they were attacked by a group of zombie centaurs. Those tall guys with a human upper body and a horse lower body galloped in the forest with amazing momentum.

But the good news is that zombification makes them lose the wisdom of hunting and no longer know how to use frightening bows and spears. At most, they are a group of fast-moving and strong-impact alien zombies.

In front of the well-prepared K team, Mason solved it with bullets without causing too much trouble.

The movement of the battle also attracted a Hippogriff.

But it shouldn't be the one Hagrid domesticated.

The flying guy was blown down from the air by the kiteman with shotguns and bombs, and then the catwoman chopped off his head with a sword before he stopped.

"Chop off the centaur's tail and collect as much mane as you can. These are all excellent crafting materials. Jarcon, don't gut them, okay?
The entrails of the zombified creature have dissolved.

Hell, it's disgusting. "

Mason directed his team members to collect the trophies, while he pulled out Hagrid's hunting knife and began to try to skin it.

He inserted the sharp hunting knife into the Hippogriff's abdomen and cut it smoothly, but the first attempt was always a bit hectic, even if he had read the relevant materials before.

"Successfully completed an inferior leather acquisition, the acquisition skill (skinning) branch is opened, currently Lv0"

Mason looked at the prompt, then looked at the messy and dirty leather under his feet, and couldn't help moaning with a headache. This thing is really not as simple as imagined.

But soon, the young man heard some strange sounds.

He looked up at the gloomy sky in the Forbidden Forest, and saw several black shadows flying towards him.

Those guys are the same as Pegasus, but they are dark all over, and their skinny appearance is hideous and ominous, and the influence of zombification makes them look like skeleton warhorses.


Mason breathed a sigh of relief and raised his crit shotgun.

The catwoman beside him looked at the sky in surprise and said:

"What are you aiming at?"

"You who haven't experienced death can't see it, don't bother, Selena. Look around for any unicorns that have shed their manes.

Very recognizable, white or off-white. "

Mason explained, and then pulled the trigger.

Amidst the muffled gunfire, the sky was filled with blood. Four consecutive headshot executions gave Mason a substantial proficiency improvement and gave him four more trophies that he could practice skinning.

"This is for you, John."

Mason took off the Thestral's small horn that looked like a dragon's head, threw it to Zha Kang, and said:

"Learn how to use it."

"I really like this place, Mason."

Constantine held the blood-stained horn with a cigarette in his mouth. With the curiosity of a magician shining in his eyes, he said to Mason:
"I'm not going back to Gotham with you guys, I'm going to stay here and build a stronghold! There must be a lot of things that interest me in this forest.

You know, Batboy will be suspicious when he wakes up and sees me hanging out with you guys.

And I really don't like the guy who might have some mysterious past with my ex-girlfriend. "

"up to you."

While carefully peeling off the light and tough leather of the Thestral, Mason said to Zak Kang without raising his head:

"You can recruit some servants in the Caribbean world. This forest is huge and rich in resources. If you want, I can keep old K's magic apartment here as your 'Mage Tower'.

Charles, come on! "

He called the kiteman who was on guard, picked up the unique wings of thestrals and said to Charles:
"Look at this thing, how about using it as a material for your kite upgrade plan? Look at this material, it is much tougher than ordinary materials, and it can even be bulletproof after treatment with alchemy and enchanting methods."


The kite man also stared at the rather huge wings in his hand. He already had several ideas in his mind and was about to discuss it with Mason when he heard Catwoman shout:

"Come here, guys! Look what I found."

The three of them immediately walked in the direction of Catwoman, and Selena pointed to the broken bush at her feet with a ball of very light and beautiful white mane in her hand and said:

"If this is the unicorn's mane, then we'll find it along the way."

Mason took the soft but very tough mane and checked it in his hands. The character card quickly gave out the information label:
unicorn tail mane
Quality: Epic Tailoring Materials Pollution

Item description: The power of darkness is eroding the pure things, you better find it quickly
"The good news is that the unicorn isn't zombified and Selena doesn't need to be a virgin to attract it."

Mason put away his tail mane, raised his gun and said to the team members:
"The bad news is that it may not be able to hold on anymore. Come on! Jarcon, do something, this is your area of ​​expertise."

"You call me Zha Kang again, and I'll stuff this magic into your mouth!"

Constantine threatened viciously, and dropped a ball of green fluorescent light, and soon after he cast the spell, scattered traces appeared in the dark forest in front of him.

Zha Kang observed for a while, frowned and said:
"No! This footprint is not one, at least two unicorns have wandered here."

"Horse hooves! Boss, those zombie centaurs are here again!"

The kiteman soon heard a large vibration in the forest. Mason frowned and waved his hand, saying:

"Charles, prepare for the swarm bombing! Bat cubs waiting for food are still waiting for us to go back and save them. We don't have time to entangle with these lingering guys now.

Selena, put on the invisibility cloak and respond.

John, keep tracking the magic, let's go ahead and see. "


Get ready to rush! Happy 2023, I wish you all the best this year~
(End of this chapter)

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