The track of dawn in the world of American manga

Chapter 68 20. Quickly use the magic of friendship--adding more to the "Dark Loss" brother

Chapter 68 20. Quickly use the magic of friendship--adding more to the "Dark Loss" brothers [350]


Two small reconnaissance drones quickly passed through the dark jungle, and faithfully transmitted everything around them back to the operator.

Mason walked forward with the tablet holding the tablet, and he could still hear the constant sound of explosions behind him.

That's the Kiteman using engineering bombs to dispel an annoyingly large number of centaur zombies.

Of course, in theory, Team K is the invader of the Forbidden Forest. This dark forest, which no one knows how big it is, is the traditional territory of centaurs.

But in the current situation, is Mason going to talk about human rights with a group of zombie monsters?

"They are very careful. I can hardly find any traces other than footprints. The legendary records about unicorns are all correct. The whole nature is protecting them.

Even if they are infected with the virus. "

Zha Kang maintained his tracking magic with a cigarette in his mouth, and said in a low voice:
"If I can catch a unicorn and give it to Xiao Zha, I think I will be able to repair the embarrassing relationship between us."

"I thought you were a prodigal."

Mason said without raising his head:

"And to be honest, I'm already tired of the relationship between you and Xiao Zha. I don't care about your life at all now. Why don't you find another one?"

"I never would stop for any woman, poor virgin Mason."

Zha Kang pursed his lips, exhaled smoke rings and said:
"But I guess there is a time when every man is obsessed with a woman who is perfect in your eyes, even a dark wizard like me who has been spurned by heaven and hell at the same time.

Just like selena and bruce wayne, there really is such a thing as 'the right girl'. What are you doing?

Do you tie your shoes? "

"No, gather medicine."

Mason squatted down and took out a delicate small shovel, carefully uprooted a horseshoe-shaped herb at hand, carefully observed its shape, and put it into his luggage.

"Successfully complete a standard herb collection, and the proficiency of collection (herb) skills will increase."

The prompt text flashed on the translucent light curtain in front of Mason's eyes, and the young man got up satisfied, and looked at the dark and dead forest around him and said:

"You're right, John, this place is indeed a fertile land, maybe your future stay here can open up a herbal medicine field for us."

"Then you'd better find me some well-behaved, beautiful, obedient, and ingenious servants among the pirates in another world. This job is not something ordinary people can do."

Zha Kang snorted, but did not express his rejection clearly.

The two continued to search forward, and Catwoman wearing an invisibility cloak wandered beside them, but even Zha Kang couldn't find Selena's breath with his heart.

It can only be said that Catwoman is really good at doing this kind of assassin job.

"The footprints are gone."

A few minutes later, Constantine, who had gone deep into the Forbidden Forest, looked at the footprints that disappeared before his eyes. He scratched his head and said:

"We lost track."

"No, they're nearby."

Mason noticed a dried silver spot on a rock at his feet, and he knelt down to touch it. The message tag told him it was dried unicorn blood.

"They are injured, we may be close to their lair. Be careful, the Hogwarts Potions Book records that unicorns are not only pure, but also very dangerous when provoked.

They are wild creatures. "

Mason raised his voice and released more drones to search nearby. He looked at the eight-piece screen in his hand and whispered:

"I feel more and more that I need technological support. Maybe I should copy a batch of bat drones. That is the reconnaissance method I want."

"Down! Mason."

Selina's voice came from the shadows, saying:

"There is a hidden tunnel below that is covered by vines, come down quickly, I heard movement inside."


Mason stepped forward quickly, and Zha Kang cautiously left a teleportation rune in place before following him down the hillside in front of him.

When approaching the hidden tunnel, all three of them heard the sound of war horses trampling on the ground, and a black figure rushed out of the tunnel, raised its front hooves towards Mason and Zack Kang, and neighed loudly.

It was a white unicorn.

It looks like a handsome war horse, with an exaggeratedly beautiful tail mane that is indescribably beautiful, and it also has a white mane similar to cloud mane from the top of its head to its neck.

But some body details are somewhat similar to reindeer.

Of course, the most eye-catching thing is the spiral horn on the forehead of this beautiful creature. This thing is slender and sharp like a horn, and there is a shimmer of light in the dim environment.

"Looking at its hind legs, the virus is infecting it. I really don't know how to describe it, but it seems to be in a semi-transformation state?"

Zha Kang immediately saw something less sacred about this unicorn.

As he said, the entire hind legs and the small half of the body of this elegant thing have shown a gray and decayed posture, as if "withered".

Those abnormal smells came from the wounds of the infected places, and some blood that was no longer silver flowed out of it.

Now Mason knew what the item hint about the unicorn's mane just now meant.

The blood in its body has already begun to be contaminated by viruses!

Mason raised his gun and said to the team:

"Look at its eyes. The scarlet light in the eyes means that the virus is attacking its brain. It is hopeless. Give this sacred thing a relief."

"I want its horn!"

Jarcon's magic appeared almost at the same time as Mason's words.

This guy who has no bottom line has been waiting for this moment for a long time. The hot green firefly was smashed forward by his flaming hand, causing the surrounding temperature to rise rapidly.

While Constantine launched a magic attack, Selena also swung her sword at the violent unicorn under the cover of the invisibility cloak, but did not attack directly.

The cunning Catwoman spun the blade with superb skills, bursting out the dazzling light of Su Jie's eagle, causing the unicorn who was about to charge to lose sight instantly.

It jumped on the spot and was hit by Zha Kang's magic, and instantly fell into weakness under the torment of the flames.

While screaming, he was hit twice by Mason with petrified bullets. The magical animal has high magic resistance, but it was still petrified in place for two full seconds, and then Selena, who was bullying her, leaped over and rode on her vigorously. , The sharp eagle of Sujie pierced the unicorn's brain along its ears.

Selena, who came here to save her old lover, was extremely ruthless. After the blade pierced, she turned her wrist and completely cut off the last life of this sacred thing.

The K team's perfect cooperation allowed them to almost kill the unicorn in seconds.

Of course, this also has a lot to do with the "intelligence decline" caused by the zombie virus infection. Normally, unicorns would not be so close to the enemy stupidly.

People are magical animals, people can do magic!

The speed of the unicorn is said to be as fast as the wind. If it wants to run, there is a high probability that these three people will not be able to catch up.

"Don't touch its blood! Selena, back off!"

Mason put the gun back into the weapon slot behind him, and yelled at Catwoman, and Slag Kang explained next to him:

"However, in any legend, harming a unicorn is an unforgivable sin, and now the three of us are branded with a sense of guilt.

Encountering similar legendary creatures in other places in the future will definitely be disgusted.

It will be even more troublesome if you are still stained with this sinful blood.

It is said that you will age instantly. "

Hearing these eerie words, Catwoman jumped several steps away with a single bounce.

"Don't listen to him, the curse is not so terrible."

Mason took out several containers that had been prepared long ago, put on special gloves and went forward to take blood, and said to the probing Catwoman:
"And only those who drink this sinful blood will be cursed into immortal ghosts. Well, the color is still silver but a little impure.

Subsequent filtering and processing may be required, which will reduce the effect.

But still very strong. "

The young man held the test tube full of blood in front of his eyes, and the information label marked "weakly contaminated unicorn blood" reassured him.

Just when Mason was doing something bad in the eyes of the wizards, the kite man rushed over.

He felt sorry for not being able to participate in the battle against the legendary creature like the unicorn, but soon, when the three of Mason were pointing around the unicorn corpse, Charles was attracted by the cave behind him up.

He glanced at the dead unicorn lying on the ground and was quite puzzled. Logically speaking, shouldn't such a smart creature run away immediately when it is attacked?
Could there be something in the hole that the fantastic animal couldn't give up?

With this thought in mind, the kite man turned on the light beam on the arm of the battle suit, held a gun and walked in through the vines.A few seconds later, the third-line villain of Gotham strode out, waving his hands and screaming at his team members:
"Quick! Come in! There's another end in there! She needs help!"

"Huh? Her?"

The three of Mason immediately looked back at the shocked kite man suspiciously.

After realizing the problem, Team K rushed into the cave immediately, and Zha Kang threw a ball of light to illuminate it, and the four of them quickly saw what was in the deepest part of the dark and damp cave.

"My God, she's totally infected."

Selena said something a little unbearably.

There was another unicorn lying in front of them. Unlike the unicorn outside the cave, which was only in the initial stage of infection, most of the body in front of them had already completed zombie transformation.

Its supposedly holy cheeks became ugly and ferocious, and even the unicorn on its forehead was about to fall off, but Charles said that the reason "she" needed help was in the belly of this unicorn.

It was obviously bulging, in stark contrast to its emaciated body, as if all the nutrients in this body were concentrated in the abdomen.

More like pregnancy in October.

And this polluted unicorn didn't struggle when it saw so many people rushing in, it just let out a burst of mourning, and touched her abdomen with its bloody hoof.

"She's begging us to help her... her baby."

At this moment, even Zha Kang, who longed for the magic horn of the unicorn, couldn't bear it.

After all, this scumbag still has some bottom line.

He lit a cigarette, glanced at Mason, and said:
"Will you deliver horses?"

"will not."

Mason glanced at the hunting knife in his hand, and said with some uncertainty:

"But maybe I can learn now, I'm always a quick learner."

"We killed that kid's father. It bothers me, honestly."

The sensual catwoman big sister turned her face away, as if she really felt that she had done something heinous.Instead, the kiteman took off his gauntlet, rolled up his sleeves and said to his teammates:
"Guys, I grew up on a farm in Montana. It's up to the two of you to play along. But first, boss, we need to make sure this zombie unicorn won't bite us."

"You are afraid of a bird!"

Zha Kang took out the zombie vaccine from his luggage and gave a shot to each member of Team K.

Then the four of them went into battle together, Zha Kang was in charge of the magic abortion and controlled the zombified unicorn mother by the way.Kite Man is the "midwife" and Catwoman is his "midwife".

And Mason is ready to be the "chief surgeon" with a hunting knife at any time.

"I don't know if you can still hear it, but we will help you, don't bite us, just hold on."

Mason knelt beside the unicorn mother's body, looked into the gray eyes and whispered something, and then the kite man began to help.

The whole process was very difficult.

Because zombified creatures will melt fat and shrink muscles, it is impossible for a little unicorn to be born, so Mason had to play a cameo doctor for a caesarean section.

Fortunately, the Lv2 first aid technique is barely enough to deal with this situation.

It took a full 10 minutes to get a little guy covered in weird slime out of the belly of a zombie unicorn mother.

But when the little white horse was taken out, the kite man and catwoman sighed at the same time.

No movement, probably dead.

Mason glanced at the screaming unicorn. He reached out and touched the pony. He glanced at the prompt and immediately took out all the healing potions and energy potions on his body.

"Give it water! There is still salvation!"

The young man shouted:
"It's just born with malnutrition, you have to believe in the magic of unicorn blood. This little guy is probably the last living life in this world.

Jarcon, throw me your fucking magic!I know you're scum but you can do something good with your evil magic now and Zha will forgive you for it, trust me. "

"Why is its horn this color?"

Zha Kang immediately took a small ball of life energy from each of the four of them with evil magic, grabbed them in his hands and ran over to take a look, his eyes suddenly became strange.

According to the records, the horn of the little unicorn should be golden, but this little guy's horn is gray-black.

It seems that there is no spirit at all.

"Probably enriched by toxins?"

Mason came up with an idea, and when he was about to get up, he noticed the umbilical cord that had fallen off the little unicorn, and he rushed to take the thing in his hand with a flash of light.

The info tab immediately pops up:

unicorn cord blood
Quality: Legendary Alchemy Material

Item description:

This is the only way to get the pure blood without harming the unicorn, but considering that the unicorn mother will not choose to ask humans to help deliver the baby, the difficulty of getting it is basically the same as you in Killed a shark while driving in the desert.

Tip: This item is one of the necessary materials for making "Elixir of Life" and "Sorcerer's Stone".

"Make a lot of money!"

Mason grinned, and carefully put this small amount of blood into the container.

It wasn't much, and it was only enough to fill three crystal bottles, but it was definitely enough for Mason to use sparingly for a long time, and each use of this level of material was calculated by drop.

At the same time he finished processing the cord blood, the three guys over there frantically messed around with magic and potions, and managed to make the still little unicorn struggle to make its first cry.

Upon hearing this movement, the unicorn mother who had already closed her eyes and waited to die suddenly raised her head, and she let out a happy neigh with all her strength.

But the movement drained all her strength.


Her slender neck fell to the stone, causing the dull horns to fall from her brow.

Mason couldn't see the emotion in the mother unicorn's eyes, but he could feel that she was thanking them for her husband's murder and begging Mason to give her an end.

"We'll take care of it, I promise."

The young man half-kneeled in front of the mother unicorn holding the giant hunting knife. He said something in a low voice, and casually inserted the hunting knife into the weak unicorn's ear.

"Successfully perform a melee execution · Legendary creature kill, the proficiency of fighting skills has increased by X50, and it is currently Lv1."
"I'm going to call it 'Pola'."

Three and 10 minutes later, after Mason collected the unicorn's blood and necessary materials and finished skinning, outside the burning cave like a tomb, Selena held the little unicorn in her arms like a pet Say something to others.

"He's a stallion!"

Mason whispered:
"And don't think I don't know what you're playing, it's so vulgar."

"We can go, right?"

The kite man said with some uneasiness:
"I always feel that something bad is going to happen, maybe we should leave immediately."

"Look at your cowardice! You really should review why you have been in Gotham for so long before you are a third-tier villain."

Zha Kang made a disdainful comment with a cigarette in his mouth.

He activated the teleportation rune he left behind and sent himself to the hillside to move around, but as soon as he teleported over, he saw a pair of adult-sized gray and white snake eyes looking down at him.

The cigarette at the corner of the black wizard's mouth fell silently.

He stared blankly at the huge monster that raised its head and started brewing dragon's breath. A second later, a mournful cry sounded on the dim hillside:

"Shet! Dragon!"

(End of this chapter)

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