The track of dawn in the world of American manga

Chapter 69 21.17. 1-year-old young people always have to kill a dragon to show their maturity--【450】

Chapter 69 21.17-year-old young people always have to kill a dragon to show their maturity--【450】

(Add more for the "Dark Loss" brothers)
"Fake squid! Zhakang! How did you provoke a dragon? Why is your luck so bad?"

On the flying motorcycle speeding all the way along the sky, Mason wearing goggles hit the accelerator and shouted at Zhakang who was lying on the side of the car:
"There's only one fucking dragon in this forest! Damn it! Why don't you buy a lottery ticket when you're so lucky?"

"Do you think I want to?"

Zha Kang will only be thankful that he came out this time and changed into the K team uniform given to him by Mason. Although this thing is not completely immune to the flames of the level of dragon's breath, the dragon's breath of the zombie dragon has to be weakened a lot after all.

If he had come in ordinary clothes, this would have been burnt to a stick.

"Go to the fucking magical world! I thought you were just scaring me when you said there were dragons here! What the hell is going on in this damn world?

Are dragons still afraid of zombies? "

Zha Kang was complaining like crazy.

Sitting behind Mason, Mrs. Catwoman hugged the young man tightly with both hands, and glanced back at the flying dragon with its wings spread out behind her. Ms. Selena immediately felt that this trip was really exciting.

She hugged Mason tightly and yelled at the two men:

"Stop arguing! That thing has been following us! Think of a way!"

Although there is a mature beauty who is superb in all aspects sticking behind her, Mason is really not in the mood to feel the wonderful touch behind her.

A very bad guess had already floated in his mind.


Mason was grabbing the handlebars and circling quickly, while shouting to the kite man flying behind the flying dragon through the earphones:

"Look at this wyvern, and tell me the color of its back and the shape of its tail."

"Boss, you should stop engaging in these magical knowledge at this time."

The kiteman who followed behind sighed and said:

"All I can see is a black back, covered with barbs, and a tail as smooth as a snake."

"It's over."

Mason's heart sank when he heard Charles' feedback, he gritted his teeth and said:

"It's the Norwegian Ridgeback! The most dangerous of all Hagrid's pets, if I remember correctly, this guy should be called Norbert. But how is it here?

It should have been sent to Romania.

What the hell. "

Zha Kang lay in the back of the car and threw a powerful spell behind him. The sound of howling wind gathered into a dark light and hit the head of the flying dragon behind him, causing the latter to stagger.

The dragon's breath that should have been sprayed on the motorcycle was sprayed to the ground, igniting the dark forbidden forest below.

"You know it? Then please ask why it chased us?"

The black wizard roared, but Mason's roar was louder than him:

"Why are you yelling so loudly! I just know that its name doesn't mean I have friendship with it, but at least I know why this guy locked us.

I have something stained with its owner's blood, and the sense of smell of zombie creatures has been greatly enhanced. "

"Throw that thing away!"

Catwoman also yelled, but Mason shook his head:
"Too late! It's locked on to us, dropping that thing won't change its target, and guess how long this guy has been 'hungry'?
I don't think it will give up the meat that is delivered to its mouth.

But I have an idea. "

The young man glanced at the red accelerator button on the handlebar.

As long as he presses the button, the car can rush out at supersonic speed and take them out of danger, but in this case, it is equivalent to selling Kite Man.

Mason can't do this kind of thing, which violates his bottom line.

"Selena, after I descend in a while, you and Kang Kang jumped out of the car and hid first with the invisibility cloak. Charles and I held the flying dragon in the air, and you supported it on the ground.

John, I don't know if your magic can kill a dragon, but we're really depending on you this time. "

"Do you know what the concept of 'Dragon Scale' is? Falk squid!"

The black wizard cursed:

"Even if the dragon behind me is not a real 'dragon' and has turned into a zombie, I'm sure that the power of a magic spell will be reduced by at least [-]%!
If these legendary creatures were so easy to kill, there wouldn't be only so few dragon slayers in history. "

"We can weaken it, John."

Mason made a sharp turn to avoid the pounce of the flying dragon behind him, and almost threw Kang Zha into the air. The young man shouted:

"Don't you need to keep your 300 devil gold coins for cubs now?"

"Oh, if you didn't tell me, I would have forgotten that I still have such a good thing in my hand."

Zha Kang patted his head, and immediately took out a handful of cursed gold coins from the cart, and after chanting a spell, scattered more than a dozen gold coins into the air.

These little cuties engraved with skeletons were driven by magic power to surround the flying dragon like floating cannons, and when Zha Kang screamed and clasped his five fingers, they whizzed and smashed towards the body of the flying dragon.

The devil's gold coin was temporarily attached to the flying dragon as if it had taken root on the ground. The addition of the curse of weakness reduced the speed of the zombie dragon by half.

"Go down!"

Mason took the opportunity to fly the motorcycle to the ground, and threw Selena to a tree with his hands. Zha Kang also jumped down and was shot by Catwoman in the air.

"Charles! Come join me, the two of us will keep this thing at low altitude, aren't you very good at 'flying a kite'?"

The captain rushed to the sky, grabbed Hagrid's hunting knife and waved it twice, causing the weak zombie dragon to roar and rush towards him.

When approaching the kiteman, he dropped it casually, and the hunting knife flew out and was caught by Charles again.

The kiteman changed direction to face the flying dragon and approached the ground.

Zombie animals are stupid.

The delicious flesh and blood in front of them were all its targets, but whoever held Hagrid's hunting knife was its first target, which gave Mason and Charles room to play "tactics".

Of course, it was impossible for Mason to be passively beaten or try to consume the energy of a zombie dragon. He put the shotgun Old K on the handlebar, replaced it with engineering bullets, and fired at it while Charles was luring the dragon.

There is no need to think about hitting dragon scales.

Unless anti-material sniper bullets or tank armor-piercing bullets are used, even if it hits the dragon scale, it will bounce off, and it can only hit the weak areas such as eyes, nostrils and mouth.

The ground is also very "lively".

The main reason is that the bastard Zha Kang ran as soon as he landed, and he didn't have the slightest idea of ​​casting spells on the spot to support the sky, but he ignored why Mason had to come down with him.


Zha Kang dared to run a few steps, and saw a flash of sword light in front of him.

Catwoman wearing an invisibility cloak wears a cat-ear battle helmet, holds a sword in her left hand and grabs a cat's tail whip in her right. She waved her weapon at Constantine and said sharply:
"John, go back! Do what a man should do, don't make me look down on you!"

"That's a dragon, hell."

The black wizard said a little violently:
"Even if the vitality of that thing is weakened, it would be terrifying, not to mention that it has already turned into a zombie, unless its head is cut off, there is no fatal wound on it.

I don't understand why Mason is fighting it out here, but Selena!You hear me, we've got unicorn blood.

I can ask Xiao Zha to help Bat Boy prepare potions.

do you understand me? "


The cat's tail whip came over and left a bloodstain on Zha Kang's cheek. Selina held Su Jie's eagle in front of her and said in a cold tone:
"Go back! Don't make me say it a third time! Also, before we set off, Mason asked Alfred to send a package to Liverpool using the Wayne family connection."

Catwoman stared at Zha Kang whose complexion changed drastically, and said:
"The recipient's name is Gemma Masters. I have to say, he really got you covered, John, that's your niece and your only relative, right?

Now, do you know what happens if Mason doesn't go back? "

"Fack Mason! All of you, Fack!"

Constantine smoked the cigarette in his mouth violently, but he didn't let the ash fall down. Instead, he stretched out his hand and let the silver-gray ash swirl in front of him, turning into half-burned dust and forming a burning hexagram .

He stared at the zombie flying dragon that was lured by Mason and Charles in the sky and was circling around in a small area. While casting a spell, he said to Selena, who was watching him vigilantly, in a hoarse voice that was under extreme pressure:

"I actually hate magic, Selena. Because every time I use it, bad things happen, and those painful costs have accompanied me for the first half of my life.

My muddy life changed after meeting Xiao Zha, but now you and Mason treat me like a spell-casting machine!I want to tell you that there is a price for the abuse of magic!

And this price, now you have to bear it with me! "

"My love is suffering now, John."

Catwoman responded in a more indifferent tone:
"I'd rather deal with the devil if I could get him back! Go ahead, fool."


Constantine's windbreaker was blown back like wings by the violent wind of magic power at this moment, and the hexagram in front of him became hotter and even radiated a temperature like magma.

Zha Kang's eyes turned into a fiery red burning posture, and he crossed his hands and aimed the floating seal in front of him at the sky.

As the noisy devil language was read like a tape rewinding, the fire of purgatory originating from the Nine Hells was summoned, and in the next moment, a pillar of fire piercing the sky fell from the sky like a meteor under the control of Zha Kang.

His calculations are very precise.

When the pillar of fire fell, it hit the zombie flying dragon.

The speed of the flying dragon weakened by the devil's gold coin was weakened, and it was impossible to rush out of the encirclement of the fire of purgatory. Just a few seconds of incineration made its body lack of water burn up.

Large clouds of black smoke rolled and vibrated in the sky with the sound of wailing, and soon the zombie flying dragon turned into a burning "fire dragon" screaming and falling towards the forest not far away.

"not bad."

Selena looked at the scene in front of her in shock.

After Zhakang summoned flames to "instakill" the zombie flying dragon, Catwoman's impression of this dissolute black wizard changed a lot.

This guy has a lot of problems.

But it doesn't prevent him from being capable. No wonder Mason wants to keep Zhakang in the K team.


Konstantin picked up the Sika cigarette with a hint of weakness, and said:
"The magic power in this world is quite strong, and the concentration of the fire of purgatory is good, but I owe a debt to my friends 'below'. Selena, the debt must be paid.

If they find me, I'll throw you to them.

Such a charming and mature body of yours coupled with such a delicious soul will surely fetch a good price in hell. "


The sound of the engine of the flying motorcycle approached, and Mason fell down and took off the goggles. Looking at the stinky Zack, he said:
"Why are you so stern? My friend, you are today's hero! I think Selena should give you a kiss"

"I'm not in the mood now, I owe you first."

Catwoman sheathed her sword, waved her hand and said:

"Wait until my boyfriend recovers."


Mason threw a small box to Kang Kang, who took it in his hand and opened it, and found two gray stone fragments inside, about the size of a pinky finger.

The thing exuded an extremely ominous aura that made a vulgar guy like Zha Kang frown.

"These are the last two dollars."

The captain who knew how to appease the emotions of the team members stepped forward and said to Constantine:

"I used this thing to restore the undead bodies of Miss McGonagall, Fang Fang and Mao Mao, turning them into zombie beasts that are useful in certain situations.

This is my personal compensation to you.

John, I understand the mechanism of your spellcasting, and I know that every time you use this powerful magic, there is a price, but I will not let you do it for nothing. "

Mason pointed to the forest that was still burning, and said to Constantine:
"Noble the Zombie Flying Dragon is probably dying. Whether you want to use these resurrection stone fragments to 'resuscitate' it depends on your choice. But my suggestion to you is that if you don't want to use this expensive magic often, Then a 'summoned beast' that is enough to bluff people is very necessary.

What do you think? "

"Fuck, you 17-year-old devil!"

Zha Kang looked at the fragments of the resurrection stone in his hand and raised his eyebrows. He reacted and punched Mason hard on the chest, cursing:
"It's all in your plan, right?"

"more or less."

Mason shrugged his shoulders and showed a meaningful smile. He approached Zha Kang and whispered:

"Let me ask you a question. You shouldn't have done anything disgusting to your niece, have you?"

"I'm a scum! But I have a bottom line, you bastard! That's my sister's orphan."

Zha Kang pushed Mason away, jumped on the flying motorcycle, hit the accelerator, and flew towards the direction of the zombie flying dragon. Watching him leave, Mason rubbed his chin and said softly:
"Well, didn't Zhakang in this world line do the thing that both people and gods were angry with? Well, it's okay."

"It's time to go back now, boss."

Charles, who just played a "face-to-face dance" with a flying dragon in the sky, felt extremely excited. While beating his weak legs, he said:

"Beforehand, I'm not scared, but Batboy is waiting to be saved after all, right?"

"One last thing."

Mason pointed to the Forbidden Forest ahead and said:

"I just saw a fallen building on the hillside over there in the air just now, hurry up, let's search there before Zakon comes back.

I'm pretty sure we're going to find something really, really good there. "

The kiteman took off quickly.

With two hook locks below, Mason and Selena were gliding towards the distant hillside, and it didn't take long for them to land at their destination.

There was indeed a rather simple-looking room that fell onto the rock, but it was strange that the disaster that destroyed the entire Hogwarts Castle did not damage this small house.

Mason stepped forward to check the inscription. A few seconds later, he opened the suitcase and took out the golden key left by Mr. Potter.

He stroked his chin and said:
"Hogwarts' headmaster's office actually landed in such a secret place, I should say we were really lucky today, or maybe it wasn't an accident that it fell here.

If we hadn't been chased by flying dragons and flew to a place so deep in the Forbidden Forest, we would never have found it. If this was done on purpose, it means that the wizards seem to want to leave something on purpose?
It's rare.

I felt that I might be close to some secrets that were hidden and covered up when the world was destroyed. "

(End of this chapter)

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