The track of dawn in the world of American manga

Chapter 73 25. Welcome to the next victim of the evil alchemist Mason: Zhou Ke'er! 【1】

Chapter 73 25. Let's welcome the next victim of the evil alchemist Mason: Zhou Ke'er! 【850】

(Add more for the brothers of "Midsummer's Presumptuousness")
Dr. Harley Quizell finally decided to stay in Mason's shop for a while, not just because the owner, who was too young, kindly waived her drug bills.

What's more, she did drink a little too much at the colleague's party, and it's an extraordinary performance to walk here wobbly all the way.

As an intern working at Arkham Asylum, the stress of work is inevitable and generally much greater than for neurologists elsewhere.

It is indeed a good choice to relax with a drink after get off work.

But now, Halle felt that she had found a more effective stress-relieving alternative than alcohol, such as the golden potion that Mason was putting in front of her, just smelling good.

"Come on, give it a try."

Mason took the euphoria potion off the counter, took a dose with a medicine spoon, put it into Harry's water, and made a "please" gesture to her.

Of course, as an excellent psychologist, Ms. Halle was vigilant enough even when she was drunk. She picked up the water glass and sniffed it, then glanced suspiciously at the expectant Mason.

she says:

"There's nothing illegal in here, is there?"

"That's a good question. Girls need to learn how to protect themselves outside."

Mason leaned on his counter, folded his arms and said:
"But let's think about it with the wisdom of Ms. Halle. Would an honest Gotham police chief recommend his colleagues to a place where filth is hidden?
You know Gordon, right?

You know what kind of person he is, and the shops that can be recommended by him should be as strong as his character and integrity. Of course, I won’t be angry if you don’t drink.

This is just a friendly alchemist who wants to show his colleagues in the scientific field the magic of mysticism, so that we can move on to the next topic more smoothly. "

"What you said makes sense."

Harry shook his head, which was a little dazed due to drunkenness, raised his water glass to Mason, and said:
"So, cheers to alchemy or something."

After speaking, she drank the water in the glass in one gulp.

This action has a bit of boldness of a drunkard.

Afterwards, the drunken girl blinked and could feel a surge of excitement rising from the bottom of her heart that she hadn't experienced in a long time.

It felt very much like the joy I felt when I practiced gymnastics since I was a child and went all the way to the national finals, and it also felt like the sense of mission and accomplishment when I stepped into the society when I graduated from medical school.

It was as if all the good things in the past life were awakened at this moment, smashing the haze in my heart and bringing back the simplest and purest happiness to myself.

"I feel like I want to sing and do a dance right now"

Dr. Zequier covered his heart, blushed and said to Mason:

"Is this normal? Or some sort of 'magic side effect'?"

"It's normal."

Mason rubbed his chin and said:
"But to achieve this level of happiness in such a short period of time, it seems that you are really depressed. I heard that many doctors at the Arkham Asylum couldn't stand the working environment and left. Is it really that bad?"

"Aside from being really bad, it's okay."

Driven by the excitement in her heart, she began to complain to Mason:

"You know that the most mildly ill patients in Arkham have the most severe delusions, and schizophrenia and antisocial personality are the norm there, and there are many strange and unique samples.

In the field of psychology and psychiatry, Arkham Asylum is simply a 'holy place' for practitioners.As a doctor working in the Holy Land, what more can I complain about? "

"Sounds really interesting."

Mason looked at Harley Zequier, who seemed to be cheerful all of a sudden, and said:

"Then, based on your professional knowledge, is the drug that can boost your spirits and produce positive happiness that I just provided you useful for your patients?"


The young man's question immediately stopped Dr. Halle.

She stopped where she was and frowned, carefully feeling her current state.

As a professional psychiatrist, she can easily tell the difference between the chaotic pleasure brought by chemical drugs and the positive and uplifting feeling that fills the heart at this time.

But she couldn't easily draw conclusions, so she said:

"I need to make sure this magic potion is not addictive, and why are you asking this question?"

"Because I'm doing my experiment too, Dr. Halle."

Mason took out several potions of different colors and shapes from the counter and placed them in front of the doctor. He introduced them from left to right:
"Stimulants, sedatives, palliatives, refreshers, confusion agents, and the most exaggerated elixir of happiness, these are the same series of potions, and their common feature is that they all work on people's emotions and mental states .

The vitality potion you and Gordon took before also falls into this category, but it takes effect instantly, while the potions I took out are all mid- to long-term effects.

Take, for example, the euphoria you just drank.

I'm only giving you a third of your normal dose, and it's still going to keep you feeling uplifted and happy for four hours. "

The young man said to Dr. Harley Quizell, who was listening in a daze, in a very professional alchemist tone:

"I have tested the effects of these potions on ordinary and normal people, but I still lack some strong arguments that my potions will work on individuals in any situation.

I mean those who are extremely emotionally and mentally disturbed, otherwise known as 'psychopaths'.

And where better than the regular residents of Arkham? "


Harry was completely sober.

She took a few steps back vigilantly, looked at the young Mason with the eyes of a big villain, then grabbed something in the handbag, and said fiercely:

"You want to experiment with my patients? Do you think I will help you? Do you know that this is against the ethics of doctors!"

"I know, I just don't care."

Mason shrugged his shoulders on the counter and said:

"Because Arkham Asylum is a new drug testing site for the medical department of Wayne Industries. The whole Gotham, no, the whole country has long known.

The Metropolitan Daily Planet will publish a few real-time interviews to scold you when there is no news to write.

I also heard from Gordon that you will also cooperate with some government departments to select those hopeless prisoners in the asylum for some 'inhumane' experiments.

If I remember correctly, that project was called 'Suicide Squad'. "

Mason's words darkened Dr. Halle's face. Obviously, she knew something dark about Arkham Asylum.

But she still shook her head and refused:
"That's the behavior of the superior, and I can't control it. But at least I can control my own hands. I will not cooperate with you in using these medicines without production dates, or even specific formulas and precautions, on my patients!
Although I admit it does work quite well. "

"Well, you are a doctor with medical ethics, I admire you very much."

Mason nodded and seemed to give up, but in the next moment, he changed the subject, took out his ID card from Dr. Leslie's clinic, waved it, and said:
"As you can see, I am actually a nursing practitioner. In the clinic, my superiors often tell me that a doctor's bounden duty is to save lives and heal the wounded, and the most basic professional ethics of a doctor is to be able to cure patients.

If you can fail even the most basic operations, then no matter how good your medical ethics are, you are still a quack doctor.

So Dr. Halle, I have to ask you a question.

How many patients have you cured in the long time you worked at Arkham Asylum?Or by extension, how many patients have been released alive since Arkham Asylum was founded?
Although the Arkham Asylum is not the "famous" St. Elizabeth's mental hospital in history, I think there is no difference between the two in terms of treatment efficiency.

They are all offices set up by the devil of hell on earth. "

Harley Quinzel was stumped by this question.

Generally speaking, patients who can be sent to Arkham basically don't expect to be discharged from the hospital. Being sent there means life imprisonment, even her doctor thinks so.

Heal those patients?

What a joke!
On her first day at work the dean told her that her job, and that of all the doctors, was to make sure the patient's condition didn't deteriorate.

There is no mention of treatment at all.

If the patients in Arkham were so easy to cure, that damned place would not be a "sacred place" in the dual fields of criminal psychology and spiritual science.

When she was silent, Mason spoke again:

"I know that in the field of psychiatric science, you 'scientific alchemists' also use chemically synthesized drugs to treat insane conditions in your patients.

So in terms of methodology, there is actually no difference between us.

I can at least guarantee that my potions are all extracted from natural substances and absolutely do not contain any harmful substances.

Of course, if you insist on formula and FDA license, I can't get one for you.But Dr. Halle, do you want to be a quack doctor with medical ethics?
Or do you want to fulfill the oath you made to your patients when you became a doctor?
Anyway, modern medicine has proven that you can't cure the patients of Arkham, so why not take some inspiration from ancient wisdom?

Think of it as giving your patients a chance, and giving yourself a chance too. "

The young man curled his lips and said in a low voice:
"How could it be worse? They couldn't be worse off, and you know that. Or else."

Mason unscrewed the cork of the palliative that he had finally prepared, and dripped a drop into his mouth in front of Dr. Haley.

As the potion flowed into his throat, he quickly felt his thoughts calm down quickly, and his emotions quickly eased to the most peaceful state.

他 说:

"I drank a little of all the medicines before giving them to you to prove that they are harmless. It only takes one trial, just like the way the pharmaceutical department of Wayne Industries uses them to test new medicines.

My apologies if it doesn't work.

If it works, I can offer these drugs to you long-term to help your patients while I finish my trials.

Other than that, I don't take a penny. "


Harley was touched.

She thought of a sick friend of hers whom she had been seeing writhe in an uncontrollable destructive desire ever since she joined Arkham Asylum.

She really wanted to help that girl who was about her own age.

"Well, I can try, but only this time!"

Harley Quizell gritted her teeth. She gave Mason a hard look, then looked at the various potions in front of her, and asked:
"How are these things used?"

"It's a good match."

Mason immediately showed a very friendly and gentle smile. He patiently explained the usage, and then watched the doctor leave with the medicine.

He is very confident in his potion,

Because wizards in the world of Hogwarts have a long history of using these drugs to treat mental illness, it's ancient wisdom that's been tested over time.

"I don't know if Zhou Ke'er can go crazy after drinking a bottle of tranquilizer and palliative every day?"

Mason lay on the counter and thought maliciously:
"Maybe Batman will give me a one-ton solid gold medal if I can get that bastard cured? Of course, there's no loss if I can't, and it's not someone else who is suffering.

For what that bastard has done, using him as a test product for a test drug is cheap for him. "
Dr. Halle soon returned to Arkham Asylum.

The Vitality Potion, a kind gift from Mason, has been very effective in keeping her refreshed even when she stays up late at work.

But she is not a silly white sweet who can be played with by others. Before she actually gave these potions to the patients, she took them to find her "good friend" in Arkham.


Harry walked into a single "VIP" ward, and said to the slender figure sitting with his back facing the green wall:
"How are you doing today?"

"If you think it's normal for me to want to burn down all the chemical plants and nature-destroying bastards in Gotham, then I have to admit, I had a very good day."

A hoarse voice with a hint of mania answered Dr. Halle's question.

The latter sighed, and did not step forward as fearfully as the other doctors. She took out the medicine from her arms and placed it next to the patient who was marked as "extremely dangerous".

She whispered:

"Ivy, I need your ability to perceive toxins to do me a favor and help me see if these drugs are harmful?"

"Another sad compound?"

The woman with long fiery red hair but weird green skin with unique scales said in disgust:
"I said it, Harley, these pathetic industrial artifacts are of no use to anyone in this prison, and everyone here deserves to die!
including me. "

"Just do me a favor, Ivy."

Dr. Halle, who had always been cold and independent in front of outsiders, begged like a baby in front of her good friends.

The dangerous patient sighed and seemed unable to refuse the request, so he casually picked up the medicine bottle containing the palliative, twisted it open and sniffed it under his nostrils.

"Huh? The fragrance of the plant is extracted and boiled with a unique method, and some kind of power that I don't understand is used to strengthen the healing effect of the plant as the material.

Not even a trace of the disgusting chemical products of modern industry.

It comes from nature.

It's a gift of nature, no doubt about it! "

The tone of the green-skinned woman who was disgusted with everything became extremely soft at this moment.

Holding the potion in her hand, she said:
"Harry, it's not only harmless but full of wisdom, just smelling this pure natural and pollution-free fragrance makes me fascinated, tell me!
Where did you find these goodies?
I can feel it, and it works for me.

Yes, the consciousness of the plant remaining in it is telling me that it can appease my anger and mania. "

In the next moment, before Dr. Haley could stop him, he saw his good friend raised his head and drank most of the medicine in the medicine bottle.As if drinking the most mellow wine, he even let out a hoarse and comfortable moan.

Only ten seconds later, this patient with severe mania and terrifying antisocial personality fell silent.

She opened her eyes.

Those green jewel-like pupils had never been so calm.

She looked at the surprised Halle with gratitude, and said:
"Thank you, Halle. I haven't felt this peaceful in a long time, and I think I'll sleep well tonight."

A few minutes later, Dr. Halle gently closed the door of the ward, and took another look into the room.

My good friend, Gotham's top villain known as "Poison Ivy", is lying on the bed and sleeping peacefully like a baby, her coquettish mouth even curled into a smile.

Dr. Harley didn't know what Poison Ivy had dreamed.

But she can be sure that it is definitely not a dream of destroying all the heavy industries in Gotham City and burning the unrespectful nature with fire.

"Is it really that amazing?"

Dr. Harley looked at the medicine bottle in her hand in surprise, she pursed her lips and decided to try again, and then she quickly came to another single VIP ward.

Through the iron door, she said to the thin figure inside who was playing poker with her back turned to her, with a strange and joyful sharp laugh that she didn't even realize:
"Hey, Mr. J, I've brought you something good for your health."

"Ha, my Harley baby, you brought me Batman?"

The guy behind the iron gate made a joke that made Dr. Halle laugh out loud.

But she shook her head solemnly as if flirting, opened the iron door, and said:

"Of course it's not the Batman that only makes people sick, but it's really good for your physical and mental health. Promise me, you must obediently take your medicine tonight."

(End of this chapter)

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