The track of dawn in the world of American manga

Chapter 74 26. Zhou Ke'er: Mr. Mason's medicine is so good that I can't help but want

Chapter 74 26. Zhou Ke'er: Mr. Mason's medicine is so good that I can't help but want to give him a gift——【950】

((Add more for the brothers of "Midsummer's Presumptuousness"))

Mason stayed up for another night, and in the early morning of the next day, he poured himself a bottle of high-level vitality potion to revive himself in situ, and rushed to work at the clinic across the street on time after taking a shower.

Of course Dr. Leslie's nagging was unavoidable.

However, the cold-faced and warm-hearted doctor did not really drive Mason out of the clinic. After all, it is really hard to find such an active employee.

Moreover, the doctor also saw Mason's whole process of curing Batman. Although she is not interested in mysterious alchemy, it is not a bad thing to keep Mason in the clinic.

In the unlikely event that he encounters a patient who cannot be treated by himself, Dr. Leslie, who is pragmatic, does not mind using powers other than science to heal the disease and save the patient.

But today's Gotham is really peaceful, which makes people feel a little at a loss.

After taking care of all the bandaging and dressing changes in the entire clinic, Mason was actually idle. He sat in the nurses' lounge and looked at the city outside the window with some puzzlement.

It shouldn't be!

It's been two days since Batman was attacked.

Why are the guys who attacked Batman still holding their breath?In this case, shouldn't there be a bloodbath in this city immediately?

"Are you free?"

Dr. Leslie, who was about to enter the operating room in the first aid form, suddenly opened the door and saw Mason fishing. She raised her eyebrows and said:

"Go clean up and help out in the emergency room, just delivered a patient who needs surgery. Can you sew?"


Mason immediately got up and followed.

Three and 10 minutes later, he and the doctor walked out of the emergency room and were scolded by the doctor:
"Compared to your perfect bandaging skills, your suturing skills are as bad as an intern! Come with me and I will only teach you once, if you don't learn it again, your salary will be deducted!"

Mason complained in his heart that although the stitching just now did not reach the outstanding craftsmanship, it was still an excellent evaluation, and it could not be worse than the intern.

But when faced with the doctor's offer to teach him something, Mason certainly would not refuse.

I just followed the past and studied for almost an hour, and then I went to the kitchen as a guest chef until I got off work in the afternoon, and the day passed like this.

Mason, who had learned a lot of new skills, was in a good mood and felt that Dr. Leslie was such a good teacher. He left the clinic with a suitcase and crossed the street to return to his hut.

But before he even opened the door, a small car stopped behind him with a screeching sound.

"You almost hit me!"

Mason frowned and scolded, but as the car door opened and a blond girl who apologized repeatedly came out, Mason's anger dissipated.

Not discriminating.

The main reason is that he still has to thank the female driver for not killing her.

"why you?"

The young man opened the shutter door of Cooper's shop, and looked at Dr. Harley Quizell in sportswear in surprise. He said in a strange tone and a little guilty:

"Is there something wrong with the medicine? You came to complain to me?"

"No, it's not! No problem!"

Dr. Harley was very excited, and felt that the street was not the place to talk, so he pushed and pulled Mason into the small shop and closed the door. Then he said with a burst of joy:
"Your medicines are very useful! I tried several of my patients last night. Except for Mr. J who was very resistant, the performance of the other patients was excellent last night.

But I'm in charge of a lot of patients, so I've run out of the potion, so I'll hurry over to you and get some more. "

"Mr. J is very resistant? Joker?"

Mason raised his eyebrows, put the suitcase on the counter, unbuttoned his coat, and asked:
"Why does he resist? Is it because the potion doesn't work for him?"

"No, very useful, even too useful."

Dr. Halle broke down and said:

"I put him on a pacifier first and he said he did feel relieved but the peace of mind made him sick, then he became very manic and I had to give him two doses of tranquilizers.

The effect is very good.

He behaved quickly.

In fact, even the dean said that he had never seen Mr. J so cooperative. I had been observing him last night.

He seemed to resist the idea of ​​relaxing him.

He refused to sleep and told me to get out of his room. In desperation, I could only use the euphoria on him again, trying to make him feel uplifted and happy.

He bangs his head on the toilet in an attempt to kill himself. "

Speaking of this, Dr. Halle was very frustrated, her eyes were even red, and she whispered:

"But I know that's not the problem with your drugs, Mason, Mr. J just doesn't like the kind of positive pleasure that cheers him up. He's a chaotic man, and the things that make people happy are the worst things to him poison.

He hates me.

After he attempted suicide and was rescued, he asked the dean to change the attending doctor, and he yelled at me that he never wanted to see me as a 'witch' again.

Mason, do you think I'm really annoying? "

The girl seemed to be struck.

She would look up at Mason pitifully, like a cat begging to be petted.Mason wanted to say something to comfort the poor woman who was abandoned by the clown.

But in the next moment, Mason's expression became weird.

Last night, because of the darkness and lighting, he didn't pay much attention to Harley Quizell's eyes, but it was still dusk, and under the natural light, Mason quickly discovered some strange places.

Dr. Harley Quizell's pupils were obviously a little abnormally dull, which reminded him of some symptoms about "charm" and "hypnosis" he had seen in the Encyclopedia of Potions.

"Come here, sit here!"

Mason pulled over a chair and let the female doctor in front of him sit down. He bent down and carefully looked into her eyes, and said:

"Take off your glasses."

"Huh? Is there a problem?"

Harley obediently took off her glasses and blinked her beautiful big blue eyes.

Now Mason could see more clearly, the sluggishness in her pupils formed a stark and weird contrast with the expression on her cheeks.

Mason frowned even tighter.

A moment later, he reached out and touched the pin on the collar, injecting a bit of burning magic into it when his fingers flicked sparks faintly.

"John, can you hear me?"

the young man asked.

"This thing is not for you to communicate across the world!"

After several seconds, Zha Kang's intermittent voice sounded from it, and he said:

"Bring your tattoo closer."

Mason rested his left arm on his collar, and Constantine's voice suddenly became smoother, and he said:
"I'm researching this weird curse thing. It should have more uses, such as long-distance magical communication. What's wrong with me? I'm busy feeding that 'Little Pony' that you left here.

If none of you want it, I'll give it to Zha.

This little bastard just ate my magic book! "

"Wow, your tiepin is talking."

Dr. Halle was taken aback, and her scream made Zha Kang instantly "spirited". The unscrupulous guy whistled and said:
"Hey, is there a girl beside Mason? It must be near evening over there, right? This is an ambiguous time, are you in bed?

I didn't bother you, did I?
Contact me in this situation, is it because the little chick doesn't know how to proceed?

It's okay, let Brother John teach you.

First, lick your fingers and put them in"

"Shut up, John!"

Mason scolded, showed an apologetic smile to Dr. Halle who was blushing, and said in a low voice:
"Help me see the situation of the lady in front of me, John, I suspect that she has been hypnotized, and there are obvious signs of sluggishness in her pupils. But the strange thing is that her actions and thinking are not affected."

"Isn't that strange badge around your neck vibrating?"

Zha Kang asked a question, Mason denied it, and then heard the black magician say impatiently:

"That has nothing to do with magic power! It should be the spiritual guidance of a brilliant hypnotist or the long-term effect of some drugs that can affect the mind. The most likely thing is that she took too many drugs.

In short, give her a refreshing drink!
A strong stimulus of five times the dose at once should be enough to break the hypnosis.

Don't bother me with these little things next time, of course, if you have a conscience, remember to open your eyes and let me watch the 'live' when you are with a girl next time.

That's all.

I'm down to 98% of my magic power.

Next chat. "

The eyeballs of the Eye of Hell on Mason's collar closed strangely.

This bizarre scene made Dr. Harley, who was just an ordinary person, widen her eyes. She looked at Mason curiously and wanted to ask.But when he thought that the young man in front of him was an alchemist, everything seemed to make sense.

But Halle disagrees with the claim that she was hypnotized.Putting on her gold-rimmed glasses, she retorted in a very academic tone:
"I have a doctorate in psychology, Mason, I can confirm whether I have been hypnotized, and your suspicion is completely groundless!"

"is it?"

Mason pouted, put five bottles of refreshment on the counter with a bang, and said to Harley Zequier:

"Then drink them all to prove it. I have to make the potion you want, and it will take a few hours, just so you can help me look after the store.

Don't bother me in the basement. "

After finishing speaking, the young man rolled up his sleeves and walked to the basement with his suitcase, closing the door with a bang.

Dr. Harley, who was left in the store, looked at the five bottles of refreshment potions in front of her eyes. She was a little hesitant, but since she confirmed that Mason's potions had no side effects last night, she was just doing nothing right now anyway.

She went to the counter and pretended to be the owner of the shop, then unscrewed the stopper and took a gulp.

Refreshing Potion is a potion specially used to boost the spirit. Its effect is simpler but stronger than the Rejuvenating Vitality Potion. This potion with a strong mint flavor makes Harley Quizel feel swallowed A spiritual bomb was fired, and the spirit-stimulating feeling went straight to the sky, causing her to shudder several times before she realized it.


The female doctor grinned and felt that she was full of energy now, all the fatigue was swept away, and even her mind seemed to be much clearer.

She took another look at the four remaining bottles of potion, then reached for the second bottle.

Three hours later, when Mason walked out of the basement with a small box of potion that he had just made, he saw a man lying on a chair behind the counter staring at the ceiling with blank eyes, even his shoes were kicked off, curled up like It's the Harley Quinzel of "Broken."

The five empty bottles of refreshing medicine were thrown under the feet, the exquisite gold-rimmed glasses were also thrown on the counter, and the hair that was originally coiled up was loosened and draped over the shoulders.

"what happened to you?"

Mason asked.

Dr. Halle didn't speak but curled himself up tighter.

After a few seconds, she buried her head in her arms and said:
"I was hypnotized, man. I was hypnotized by Mr. J. I didn't realize that the villain had been tempting me to think in his crazy way.

What an idiot I am for trying to turn me into a lunatic like him.

Ivy kept reminding me, even Mudface reminded me, but I didn't realize it at all.


I was so close I couldn't turn back.

I also simply thought that it was just because I was tired during this period that I liked to think wildly. I thought that the savage thoughts that burst out from my heart occasionally to smash something were just because of pressure.

Do not!
He is transforming me!

That villain is using his ideas to transform me! "

"But now that you're sober, Furuxin escaped from the dark cage that a lunatic set for you, and you've truly realized how dangerous your patient is.

Perhaps this will help you dream more rationally when choosing your career goals later. "

Mason shrugged, put the box full of potions on the table in front of Dr. Halle, and said:
"These potions should be enough for your patients to use for a week. I hope you can help me record the process of taking effect and how they are effective in different situations.

If you trust me, then I have more magic potions for your patients to use in the future. "

"Why are you helping them?"

Dr. Harley's mood was a little unstable at the moment, she stared back with red eyes and asked:
"You know they are serious criminals! They are not good people!"

"I think your definition of 'help' is a little off. I'm using them for a drug experiment, Harley."

Mason replied quietly.

One sentence blocked all of Dr. Halle's questioning.

"You are a professional psychiatrist. Zhou Ke'er can't just use words to hypnotize you. He must also use some drugs that can interfere with mental thinking."

The young man took a look at Harley Quizell's current state, rubbed his chin and said:
"I'm very interested in those drugs. Can I go around where you work? Maybe you need a personal consultant? The kind who doesn't work but provides medical advice and special treatments."

Harry immediately understood what Mason meant, she rubbed her head and said:
"You're still the first person to take the initiative to work as an assistant in Arkham Asylum, but maybe I really need a friend who is an alchemist to protect me, so that this kind of bad thing doesn't happen again.

I still have to deal with Mr. J in the future.

I wouldn't dare go near him without your help, but Mason, I don't have that much money to pay your salary. "

"It's okay, it's a public welfare action."

The young man smiled.

He stretched out his hand to pull up Dr. Harley Quinzel, who might never become a "Harley Quinn" again in this life. Harley was silent for a while looking at Mason's sunny and gentle smile.

The young man ten years younger than her in front of her was in stark contrast to Mr. J who was baring his teeth like a devil and laughing eeriely in her heart.

She said thank you softly, and went to the bathroom to clean up her face.

A few minutes later, the two drove to the outskirts of the city in Harley's car. The world-famous madhouse was just outside the suburbs. When they arrived at this eerie place, Mason got out of the car and called the kite man.

"Don't wait, midnight tonight, let's gather when I get back from work."

Mason grumbled on the phone:
"Those bastards who attacked Batman couldn't wait to come. Seeing that Batman is about to recover but still hasn't shown up, he probably wants to dove through this destructive operation.

Waiting for those scumbags of the League of Assassins to stir up chaos so that we can fish in troubled waters is hopeless.

Let's do it tonight!
Go to the medical warehouse of Wayne Industries and steal the vaccine. Catwoman will hold Batman and give us enough time and opportunity. "

"Okay, boss, I'm ready now."

The kite man replied confidently, and then asked:
"But you seem to be very busy now? Where are you, boss, do you want me to pick you up?"

"I was visiting Arkham Asylum."

Mason followed Dr. Halle into the dark building in front of him, and said:
"Just snatching back a lost soul from Mr. Zhou Ke'er gives me a sense of accomplishment. I'm going to have a chat with your ex-boss right now.

Charles, do you need me to bring him a word for you? "

"Let that neuropathy go to hell."

The kiteman said with disgust:
"I don't want to have anything to do with him in my life, boss, be careful, Zhou Ke'er is a real lunatic, if he smiles at you, it means he wants to do bad things to you.

Don't talk to him again, shoot him immediately!
Don't miss it.

Believe me, the whole world will thank you for it. "

(End of this chapter)

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