The track of dawn in the world of American manga

Chapter 86 38. Good news!Guys, I fixed the activated slime pipe! --【2150】

Chapter 86 38. Good News!Guys, I fixed the activated slime pipe! ——【2150】

"Quack quack, such a delicious sin! Such a lost soul! Stop struggling and be the nourishment of my little ones."

On a high platform outside the Batcave, the super villain "Three-Headed Dog" wearing a black robe and a mask and waving a strangely shaped wooden staff was roaring sharply.

The guy who suddenly fell from the sky and broke into the battle didn't use any damn magic, but he released three zombie beasts as soon as he appeared.

A small tiger zombie cat like a leopard cat, a black vicious dog with a strong body and a spiked collar, and the largest and most ferocious black three-headed dog.

As soon as these ferocious things appeared, they were attracted by the aroma of flesh and blood, screaming and pounced on the elite members of the Assassin Alliance who were attacking the Bat Family.

The assassin who had just rushed out of the Batcave and was about to hold the line of defense was attacked from the back and the back, and was laid down in a row after a face-to-face encounter.

In the sad and gloomy sneer of His Excellency the Three-Headed Dog, the monsters kicked off the fight, and Bane, the super villain and commander of the League of Assassins, immediately ordered to retreat to the Batcave.

But for the members of the Bat family who rushed in, the appearance of the evil three-headed dog seemed "just right".

Although everyone knows that the guy who destroyed the Black Gate Prison before is also an out-and-out villain, but now witnessing the infighting between evil and evil can give the righteous some time.

"Pour this on yourself quickly."

Catwoman, who came to investigate in advance, landed on a flying motorcycle.

Throwing out a few bottles of primary black blood potion to signal Batboy and Ah Fu to use it quickly. This special potion made by Mason has become one of the "combat supplies" of the Gotham Police Department.

When they fall on the body, they will produce an unpleasant smell to make the zombies avoid them. As long as they don't actively attack, they can safely pass through the battlefield of zombie beasts.

At the same time they slipped past the zombie-ravaged area and rushed into the Batcave, the Batmobile driven by Mason also charged over, starting with a rocket attack that washed the ground, and then the erupting blue freezing laser blasted several unlucky people into the cave. The assassin was frozen and his body was crushed by the rushing zombie beast.

Crunchy like eating a popsicle.

However, the Assassins under Bain's command were elite after all. After losing some people, they reorganized their defenses and released the "secret weapons" they carried.

A large number of flying monsters flew out of the bat cave. Under Mason's gaze, they flew through the low altitude, poured firepower on the ground with their weapons, and dropped large bombs to drive the zombie beasts out.

These guys have bat-like wings, but maintain a weird half-human, half-bat human form, with alienated claws holding weapons and carrying katana swords for fighting on their backs.

It's like a cross between a bat and a ninja.

"Blow them up! Blow up that man in black!"

Wearing a breathing mask, the strong Bane roared at the army of human bats in the sky, and then jumped down from the high platform with a brute force to block the two sons of bats entering the bat cave.

He clenched his fists and grinned grinningly, moving his muscular neck to wrestle with Young Master Ye Yi and Third Young Master Tim.

This tyrannical Assassin mercenary is astonishingly powerful, with one against two, he is not at all inferior.Alfred and Catwoman on the other side were also quickly entangled by a group of black warriors.

But Mason, who was freezing all the way and assaulting all the way, quickly opened a way for them to continue moving forward with precise shooting skills and deadly freezing lasers.

Along the way, Mason got the suitcase dropped by the kite man, but also discovered the biggest shortcoming of the "new toy" freezing gun he just bought.

"This thing doesn't have a kill prompt"

The young man regretfully put the cool freezing gun back into the weapon slot behind him, and took off the precision shotgun Old K with his backhand, and began to advance in the bat cave by hiding in the invisibility cloak while sniping and harvesting heads.


The flying bullets exploded a metal can that hit Alfred in the air, and immediately a large amount of light green gas leaked out.

The "Housekeeper" who was an ace agent when he was young reacted very quickly. He shot down the samurai in front of him, grabbed a bat-shaped gas mask from the tool bag behind his backhand, and put it on his face.

This shot caused another Assassin League commander "Scarecrow" who was standing on a high place to make a sneak attack without success, and the once gentle Doctor Jonathan Klein would have put on his "battle suit".

Not only was he wearing the weird rough linen scarecrow mask, but even his suit was replaced by a hobo-style coarse cloth robe.

In order to match his new image, this heavy COS fundamentalist even found an old scythe in his hand.

"Hahaha, face your fears, sons of the bat! The gates of hell have opened here!"

He led a team of human bat warriors to guard the high platform of the Bat Cave, laughing wildly while throwing the gas tanks in his hand to the ground.

When those jars fall to the ground, they will release the scarecrow's best fear gas, but the Assassin League warriors guarding here have been equipped with special masks in advance and will not be affected.

The Bat Squad's suits are also equipped with breathing masks, but they are slightly less prepared for the nearly saturated nerve gas bombardment dropped by the Scarecrow.

A few seconds later, the young master and the young master who had been able to fight back and forth with Baine in a one-on-two match quickly fell into a disadvantage under the infection of fear gas.

Ah Fu and Catwoman are slightly better.

As a team member of Mason, Catwoman will never lack various professional potions. The combination of two bottles of refreshment and tranquilizer is enough to resist the psychological attack caused by the fear gas in a short time.

Mason held the potion in his hand but didn't drink it right away.

He moved his nose to let himself inhale a bit of fear gas. This thing took effect very quickly and almost instantly made the world in front of the young man's eyes spin.

"The intrusion of an unknown toxin has been detected. The toxin in the analysis is 'Scarecrow's Fear Gas'. The effect is to stimulate the brain to release a special substance in a short period of time, which strengthens the senses and forces the inhaler to enter the state of [fear] and [illusion].

The duration and effect of this state depend on the inhaler's willpower.

The toxin is highly toxic, inhaling too much will permanently damage the brain structure, and low willpower may cause permanent madness.

Recipe analysis in progress.

Tip: Getting the real thing will immediately unlock the fear gas formula. "


Mason immediately poured the potion in his mouth when he felt some strange villains lined up holding hands and dancing in front of his eyes.

The ancient potion took effect so quickly that Mason quickly got out of the state of fear. At this time, the complex terrain at the entrance of the Batcave had become indistinguishable from the poisonous gas thrown around by the Scarecrow.

This is convenient for Mason to continue sneaking in.

He overturned several human bat warriors passing by at low altitude with his gun, took out some blood samples, took out the claw gun and shot into the air, pulled himself to the platform where the bat fighter was stored, then aimed at it in a kneeling position, and locked on Shooting in one go.

Amidst the low detonation, a cursed slug flew out of the gun and shot towards the crazy scarecrow's head.

Seeing that the headshot was about to happen, a cloud of obscure mud suddenly exploded under the scarecrow's feet, turning into a wall of mud between the splashes, blocking the cursed bullet that would blow the scarecrow's headshot.

"Ha, sneak attack is useless!"

After Mudface protected himself, the Scarecrow reacted immediately, grabbed a gun and pulled the trigger in Mason's direction. The human bat warriors behind him also took off and flew towards the attacker.

But Mason, who was rolling and hiding behind the bat fighter, took out three bottles of petrochemical potions and shook them in his hands like a Coke. He heard the figure throw the potions out when the bat warriors approached, pulled out the double-barreled hand cannons and jumped out in [ Quickly draw the gun】Blow up three bottles with one shot.

The mercury-like liquid splashed in all directions and poured on the human bat warrior.

In an instant, a small half screamed and turned into stone statues and fell to the ground, and the rest were forced out by Mason's bullets in assault mode.

The Scarecrow will continue to attack.

But the faint sound like a dragonfly spreading its wings from behind made him turn around in a daze, and then he saw eight gray flight engineering bombs surrounding his place.

In one of the flying bombs with a loudspeaker, Mason's cold "dubbing" came out.



Eight flying bombs that flew around and attacked at the same time detonated at the same time. Even if there is a completely unscientific villain like Mudface who protects his body with a mud wall, the violent explosion at such a short distance still makes the scarecrow scream and fall from the sky to the ground. Mason took the time to take another shot and smashed it into the pool below the Batcave miserably.

Solve another one.

Mason shrugged, and he looked at the battlefield below the Batcave.

After confirming that all members of the Bat-family were fighting or busy resetting the firewall, he put on his invisibility cloak and fired a hook-lock gun, swinging towards the depths of the other side of the Batcave.

The current chaos is the best opportunity to get into the master's treasure house.

"Don't run!"

A deep roar erupted when Mason fell to the ground like a light monkey, and mud-like objects quickly swept over from all directions and turned into "miniature villains" to block Mason's way.

"How is this going?"

Mason raised his eyebrows and looked at the mud-faced avatar that surrounded him. He replaced the freezing gun and held it in his hand, and said in a sarcastic tone:

"When I saw you before, you were very imposing. Those avatars were all three meters high, why are you now a poor 'Little Douding'?
Is it because some big bad guy put a curse on you and made you weak?
I guess that must be tough? "

"Damn wizard!"

Mudface roared.

Under Mason's provocation, it was quite difficult to fuse several villains together to create his own body, which was a group of mud figurines that only had a human shape and could not even fully imitate the facial features.

Although it is still a human being influenced by supernatural forces in essence, its current strange form has nothing to do with human beings.

The not-so-intelligent-looking creature screamed, as it yelled:

"Take your curse away! It's making me weak! The metals, they howl for me to put them back in the chest, they scream in my head!

Do not!


Do not!
Take it, please! "

This guy was shot twice by Mason with cursed bullets in the Arkham Asylum before, and he was shot by a cursed bullet just now to protect the scarecrow. Although six bullets are worth a complete devil's gold coin, but for Mud For an individual like face whose existence is very unstable, the curse effect on the disordered soul will be stronger.

It's really, really painful.

In front of Mason's eyes, he held his muddy head with his muddy hands and screamed, but he didn't attack.Obviously, although the tone was very rude, Muddy Face was actually begging Mason to spare him.

This is probably a typical example of "saying the most embarrassing words in the most ruthless tone".

"You want me to get those bullets back?"

Mason asked.

Mudface nodded sharply.

Two balls of moving mud rose from Mason's feet and turned into palms, in which were three cursed warheads that had penetrated into soft matter and hadn't even deformed.

It has tried throwing them away.

But it didn't work at all!
The spirit-stimulating curse is still in effect, and it is obvious that only the Mason who released them has the ability to truly "take" them.

"Go and help the Bat Family repel the League of Assassins, and then return to Arkham to finish the sentence."

Mason snapped his fingers and said:
"If you can do it, I will help you get rid of the curse."

"What if you don't keep your word?"

Mudface yelled and asked.

Mason shrugged and said:

"Look at this cute monster, who naively thinks that he can still bargain. You have to hurry up, Mudface, the oppression of this curse on the spirit will gradually increase, and if you drag it on, you will completely lose the last of your sanity.

You, who are already unstable, will go crazy forever.

I think this is not what you want to see, is it? "


Mudface angrily turned into many muddy tentacles and wrapped Mason up. It seemed that it wanted to intimidate the young man, but the latter had no fear at all.

He just whispered:

"After all, I'm Batman's friend. Compared with your assassin friends, I think my credibility is higher, what do you think?"

A few seconds later, the mud-like substance "ebbed" quickly.

Under Mason's gaze, it rushed towards the narrow area covered with fear gas, and Mudface roared in displeasure.

Mason glanced at his muddy spoiled battle suit, curled his lips and reached out to touch the smudges and kneaded it into a small ball of mud in his palm, only to find that this thing had a consciousness of its own.

The mud turned into a miniature mud face in his hand and roared at Mason, jumped off his palm and quickly disappeared on the ground. This strange nature made the young man squint his eyes.

He had a genius idea.

"What's the difference between an alchemist who doesn't use oozes and a salted fish?"

Mason rubbed his chin and walked into the passage in front of him wearing an invisibility cloak. As he walked towards Batman's "treasure room", he thought:
"Perhaps Muddy Face can help me realize this long-cherished wish, but it itself is not necessary. This guy has eaten several of his kind, and he is a villain and a lunatic who can't control it at all.

But I might be able to get there another way.

Arrived! "

Mason walked through the passage and saw a heavy closed door.

It seems that the League of Assassins has not completely cracked the multiple defense systems set up by Batman after occupying this place, which means that everything inside is intact and has not been taken away.


Mason whistled and looked at the complicated electronic lock on the front door that used multiple protections of password, voice, iris and fingerprints. It was obvious that he couldn't unlock this thing with his current engineering skills.

It is impossible to blow open the composite material door that is estimated to be able to defend against small nuclear bombs.

The young man took a step back, took out his cell phone, and dialed a number he remembered.A few seconds later, the phone was connected, and there was only unspeakable silence on the other side.

"Barbara, this is Mason."

He took the initiative to say:

"I know you're having a hard time right now, but I need you to do me a favor. Enter the bat network that has been hacked by the League of Assassins and help me unlock a complex lock.

You ask why are you doing this?
Hmm, good question. "

Mason thought for a while, and said softly:

"Greyson is being beaten up by Bane outside, and he's inhaled a fair amount of fear gas, and you know what Bane did to Bruce's spine, right?

I don't think you want to see your boyfriend spend the rest of his life in a wheelchair with you, do you?
Now, I need something 'powerful' to help him.

So please, Barbara. "

(End of this chapter)

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