The track of dawn in the world of American manga

Chapter 87 39. As expected of Bruce Wayne, look at this high-end collection--【2250】

Chapter 87 39. As expected of Bruce Wayne, look at this high-end collection--【2250】


The heavy door of the collection room slowly opened, just like the feeling when the secret bases in anime and movies were opened. Mason stood in front of the door and didn't go in immediately.

Barbara Gordon's hoarse voice sounded through the communicator hidden in his helmet, and said with strong fatigue:

"You can go in."

"What about the internal security system?"

Still without moving, Mason said:
"You don't want to lock me in and wait for Batman to come back to catch me as a thief, do you? Barbara, I find that you are really bad after releasing the shadow in your heart."

There was a few seconds of silence over there, and there was the sound of fingers tapping the keyboard, saying:

"The security system is off. Mason, do you know you are doing something dangerous?"

"Is it more dangerous than when you teamed up with Jason Todd and almost killed Bruce Wayne? I can't see it."

One word lore!

Barbara was so choked that she couldn't say anything, but Mason didn't intend to provoke this big sister who had treated him tenderly.

He smiled and explained:

"I'm just saying, we all have our secrets, Barbara, and maybe we can talk about it after this incident is over. You don't want to have anything to do with the Bat-Family, but I'm not one of them either.

You better not be stupid. "

Mason reminds:
"You've moved beyond death and seen how important you were to Gordon and Grayson. If you choose to take your own life stupidly, then after you've hurt Bruce, you're hurting the rest of your life." The two most important people.

Take a good rest.

If you need emergency hemostasis now, remember that I secretly put a blood-inducing agent on the left hand side of your new wheelchair when we met above.

you are welcome. "

After finishing speaking, Mason cut off the communication and walked into the dark storage room.

Barbara Gordon, who is far away in Batman's secret base, is now sitting in a wheelchair, looking down blankly at her wrist that has been cut open.

The blood coming out of the wound was bright red, and her cheeks were wrinkled from the irritation. She seemed to wake up suddenly and frantically followed Mason's prompt, took out the blood-boosting agent from her new wheelchair and poured it into her mouth.

She really planned to commit suicide just now, but Mason's persuasion came just right.

She had passed death and could no longer be so cowardly.

On the Batcave side, as Mason stepped into the first floor tile, the lights on the top of the huge collection room turned on one after another until the entire additional cave was illuminated.

What catches the eye is the showcase of the two factions.

There are no bat suits and combat equipment inside.

Those things are in the weapon room of the Batcave. As a former "bat fan", Mason knows the structure of the Batcave too well.

The collection room is filled with items that Batman considers "collectible".

Most of them are the equipment and iconic items of some of the villains he defeated.

For example, the clown's blood-stained poker, the Riddler's surprise box, and a coin with a scratched back in a glass case.

That thing belongs to Two-Face.

Harvey Dent was desperate to get it back.

Mason walks past these "bat victims" collectible displays.

Most of them are of no practical significance, perhaps more out of Batman's bad taste in collecting loot, or commemorating his own superhero career.

But soon, Mason found a cutie among these "ordinary collections" that caught his attention.

It was a pure golden scepter.

It looks very simple and atmospheric, with an exaggerated lightning-shaped decoration on the top of the scepter, it looks like a mythical weapon.

Mason approached it, reached out and opened the glass cover to take it out.It is heavy to hold, but it is definitely not the weight that solid gold should be. The inside of this scepter is hollow and some technological products are placed inside.

The young man waved it around a few times in his hand, and the information label immediately popped up:

Maxi Zeus' Lightning Scepter
Quality: excellent items · outstanding workmanship

Effect: Use the scepter to emit high-voltage current to the target within 50 meters. This item adopts a part of the technology from Star Lab, which makes the current emission have multiple modes and sets the form of the current to exaggerated according to the crazy fantasy of Maxi Zeus. Golden lightning.

Maker: Maxi Zeus

Item description: Among all the old enemies of Batman, "Master Zeus" is definitely the most flashy exhibitionist. Of course, he has retired to Greece to enjoy his old age.

Reminder: Drawings have been included.

"Just the right length and the right weight."

Mason stroked the golden scepter in his hand, squinted his eyes and thought:

"It can just be used as the main body of the upgraded penguin umbrella. Outdated things like bullets can be eliminated. An armed umbrella that can shoot lightning is what I need under normal conditions."

He threw this thing back into his bag, ignored the other ordinary collections and strode toward the depths of the collection room, but when he passed by an unremarkable display case, Mason stopped in his tracks.

He looked at the imitation revolver in the glass case in the little display case.

This thing is nothing special, it can be said that it is a pistol with a badly worn rifling, and no criminals with a little pursuit will use it, but it is placed in Batman's collection room majestically.

That speaks for itself.

"The pistol that shot Thomas Wayne and Martha Wayne?"

Mason reached out and touched the glass cover.

He has no intention of taking this thing away.

He can be sure that other things are lost, maybe the master doesn't care, but if this thing is taken away, he will definitely be hunted by Batman to the ends of the earth for the rest of his life.

"Put the murder weapon that killed your parents in the collection room, you are really crazy."

The young man pursed his lips and looked away. He urgently needed to go to the end of the collection room. This was where the real important items were stored. It even had a special hidden wall to conceal the existence of this small room.

However, when Barbara opened the door of the collection room, she also broke through the door's defenses, so Mason only pushed lightly, and the hidden wall was pushed away.

The first thing that catches the eye is a huge silver-gray battle armor.

Its height reached four meters, and its entire body was made of strong special alloys, while the outer armor was covered with various weapon modules.

Some are outside the armor, and some are hidden deep inside the armor.

The most noticeable thing is the shape of the armor's head cockpit.

It is not completely set in the shape of a bat, but some characteristics of bats and owls are mixed, which makes this mechanical giant look full of a deep deterrence in the middle of the night.

The two mechanical fists closed together, and the weapon modules in it were not displayed.

It stands in front of Mason like a giant from ancient times, full of a restrained sense of violence.

Mason admired this masterpiece of bat black technology. He reached out and touched the surface of this huge mecha, and soon an information label popped up:
Fenrir Armor/Anti-Justice League Armor

Quality: Legendary engineering high-precision items·Perfect craftsmanship

Features: Highly Compatible Design Anti-Superman Module Anti-Wonder Woman Module Anti-Flash Man Module Anti-Aquaman Module Emotional Shielding and Weakening Module Fusion Electronic Tactics Module
Producers: Bruce Wayne, Lucius Fox

Item description: Put it on, you are the big daddy of the Justice League (except Batman)!
Tips: This item requires engineering Lv5 to be able to drive, and a comprehensive advanced transformation requires engineering Lv7.

Note: current engineering knowledge cannot resolve this blueprint.


Mason waved his fist in front of him, reached out and threw it into the suitcase without hesitation.

This action immediately triggered the piercing sirens of the entire Batcave, but who can rush over to check the situation in such a chaotic situation outside?
The young man looked at the armor platform next to the empty Fenrir armor, where there stood a heavy black armor full of nicks and flawed wounds.

If Fenrir's armor is a prehistoric beast ready to go, then this black armor is a veteran of many battles.

It's pretty dilapidated, but Batman still has it here.

Mason knew the name of this set of armor without touching it.

This is the "Anti-Superman Armor".

It was the battle suit that the master wore when he and Da Chao faced each other head-on for the first time.

Although the master was brutally abused by Dachao in that battle, but the physical ability of ordinary people to fight the Kryptonians to that point already shows how powerful this thing is.

Most importantly, there was a silver-gray mechanical spear next to the anti-superman armor.

Mason threw the Anti-Superman armor into the suitcase and picked up the heavy war spear. He twisted his hands, and with a click, the kryptonite spear tip that shone with dark green fluorescence bounced out, illuminating Mason's battle helmet and his eyes.

He didn't find any more kryptonite in this collection room, the master probably put it somewhere else, but this one kryptonite spear tip is enough for Mason.

Fenrir's fists should also be able to find a few kryptonite made into fists.

Enough of this kind of thing is enough, but if there is too much, it will bring disaster.

He smiled, and threw the "Anti-Superman War Spear" into the suitcase, and then amidst the more urgent warning sounds, Mason looked at the last empty battle armor platform.

There is nothing there.

But if Mason guessed correctly, what was originally stored here should be the legendary "Hell Bat Armor".

Although I don't really understand how the timeline and storyline of this real world advance, but since Zhenglian exists, then this set of invincible suits given to Batman by other heroes to protect him in desperate situations and turn the tide against the trend must be also exists.

But it was taken away.

Perhaps the master also felt that it was not safe to put it here.

"So, at the watchtower base? Or in the moon batcave?"

Mason reached out to open the last box in the hidden collection room, and there were many things in it.

Several tattered pieces of golden armor, the remnants of a whip torn apart by force, a sword broken down to its hilt, a cracked shield, and a dull pair of bracelets and tiaras.

Finally, a small vial of reagents.

He reached out and placed his hand on the golden metal fragment, a shimmer of light lit up at his fingertips.

Olympus Armor Shattered
Quality: Legendary Blacksmithing/Enchanting/Inscription Items Perfect Crafting
Producer: Hephaestus

Item description: Don't tell Ms. Diana that there is a man secretly collecting the original battle suit she wore in World War I.
Reminder: The battle suit is completely broken and cannot be repaired, but the enchantment and inscription knowledge attached to it can still be fully learned. Completely learning the enchantment and inscription of the Olympian gods requires two skills to reach Lv7.

Tips: The material formula used in this battle suit has been lost in history. When the forging skill reaches Lv7, you can try to remelt it to obtain the complete formula of "Olympus Metal".

Tips: The broken Mantra Lasso, Vulcan Sword, and Guardian Shield still have a certain amount of divine power. You can try to use the wreckage to make new weapons when the tailoring (leathermaking) skills and forging skills reach Lv4.

Reminder: The broken Guardian Silver Bracelet still retains the breath of the god of war. When the jewelry processing reaches Lv4, you can try to smelt it to make new accessories.

Note: This suit fragment will be sensed when approaching any Olympian bloodline.

"It's another pile of treasures that will be useful in the future but are useless now, just like an unscrupulous boss drew another tempting but uneatable pie.
uncomfortable. "

With a wave of his hand, Mason put all the fragments of the battle suit and the wreckage of the weapon into his bag, his face was full of expressions of dissatisfaction after getting the treasure.

He also had to be astounded by these "classic collections" of the master.

That's Batman, what other man would have the guts to hide a set of demigod "original battle suits" in his dark little secret room?

It's so dark!

can even be said to be obscene
He complained fiercely about the extremely sullen man, master, and picked up the last test tube in the box by the way.

There is a small amount of blood samples stored there, which looks ordinary but is actually hidden.

Kryptonian blood sample

Item description: Don't ask how Batman got it, Superman knows nothing about it so far.

This thing has only one label, without any information entry, but Mason knows that this thing is the most valuable trophy of this trip.

He remembered the strange strengthening potion he had obtained in the headmaster's office at Hogwarts.

If you can extract the genetic samples of Kryptonians and add them, will you have the opportunity to become a superman for a short time?
Even a weakened version of Superman is acceptable.

"toot toot"

The phone in Mason's pocket vibrated, and he held it to his ear. Barbara's scream rang out from it:

"What did you do? Mason! The self-destruct program of that collection room has been activated! The countdown is 2 minutes! Get out!"

"I knew it."

The young man looked at the blood sample picked up in his hand, turned around and rushed to the exit, and twitched:

"Sure enough, Catwoman and the like are just lovers, and Da Chao is his true love."

Like a mouse escaping from the Jedi, Mason sprinted out from the last gap after running violently and tugging and rolling with the claw gun.

But before Mason could heave a sigh of relief, a sword light pierced towards the front door.

The gauntlet on the left hand popped out of the shark-tooth fighting knife to block it, and was pressed by the huge force back a few steps before throwing out the paralyzing potion, but the attacker dexterously avoided the bottle before it hit the ground.

Later, Mason saw the real mask of the attacker.

A little man.

Wearing a simple and cumbersome assassin armor with a black cloak, and a mysterious hood covering his head and face.

Holding a straight-edged knife that exudes a faint glow in his hand, the combat belt and breastplate are full of throwing knives, daggers and other strangely shaped weapons.

"What did you get out of it?"

A deliberately hoarse voice came from under the hood. The little killer stared at Mason and said:
"Hand over! I can give you a painless death, Mason Cooper!"


Mason looked at the mysterious and arrogant little man in front of him.

He had no intention of fighting this little lunatic, and said while taking out the freezing gun:

"Your mother really has a big heart. She actually allows you to participate in such a dangerous operation. Why? The grandson of the King of Assassins doesn't even have the courage to step into your father's collection room, and he has to wait here for me to come out before daring to show up." Do you?

That's what Lei Xiaogu taught you? "

He backed up, turned around and confronted Damian, silently counting the time until the collection room self-destructed, and stimulated Damian in front of him with words.

"I prefer to call it 'cautious'. What kind of lunatic dares to enter Batman's treasure cave without protection? Do you think you are living too comfortably?"

But although this little lunatic is arrogant and vicious, he has a lot of combat experience. He was not provoked, but instead said in a calm tone:

"I don't know where you know my identity, but it's impossible for those of you who are being followed by him to leave here today! I will kill you one by one, and then go find that man with your desperate heads .

I will beat him!
I will prove that I am stronger than him! "

Mason just shrugged his shoulders. When he counted down to ten in his heart, he looked at Damian who had turned his back to the direction of the collection room in the confrontation circle.

He whispered:

"You've seen Jason Todd back from the dead, haven't you? Do you like him?"

Damian didn't answer.

Mason continued:

"Did you know that your mother, whom everyone treats as a tool, has slept with him to win him over and appease him? You have two fathers now.

Congratulations, little madman. "

"To shut up!"

Damian is still a teenager no matter how calm he is.

These vicious words completely angered him.

The moment he swung his sword and rushed up, he saw Mason shoot his flying claw gun high into the sky from the sky.

At the same time, a violent explosion erupted from the storage room behind him, and the terrifying impact completely collapsed and buried the surrounding caves in an instant.

A few minutes later, the disheveled Mason crawled out from under a big rock and poured blood tonic into his mouth.In the gravel opposite him, another small figure also crawled out from the other side.

Damian tore off his tattered cloak.

Looking at the terrain that was blown up and formed a closed area here, he grabbed the broken knife in a disheveled face, and screamed at the grim-faced Mason:
"Before I cut your throat, I'll pull out your vicious tongue! Mason Cooper! Die!"

(End of this chapter)

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