Chapter 36 At least 8000!
"Bluefin tuna! It's bluefin tuna!"

At this moment, Li Yang's eyes revealed an incomparably ecstatic look!
Bluefin tuna are mainly found in the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans.From the moment of birth, they need to swim non-stop, otherwise they will suffocate and die.It generally lives in the deep sea, with a body length of about 2 meters. The weight of ordinary bluefin tuna is about 150 kilograms, and the heaviest can reach more than 600 kilograms.

The amount of tuna caught every year in the world is very limited. Ordinary tuna is basically about three or four hundred pounds per catty, while bluefin tuna is more expensive than gold!

A rare bluefin tuna was picked up by five college girls off the coast of Cornwall, England.The tuna was two meters long and weighed about 272 catties, and the price was directly sold for 700 million yuan!

In an auction held at the Toyosu Fisheries Market in Tokyo, a bluefin tuna weighing about 560 catties from Aomori Prefecture was auctioned for a sky-high price of more than 2000 million yuan!
A fish is more than 2000 million, what is this concept?
Before Li Yang caught 2000 catties of large yellow croakers, he only sold them for 500 million!Now a bluefin tuna weighing more than [-] kg can be compared or even exceeded!

It can be said that whoever catches this kind of fish in the ocean can get rich immediately!
At this moment, in the line of sight of the octopus clone, thirteen suddenly appeared!

Li Yang has been learning about expensive creatures in the ocean before, so he is naturally familiar with this bluefin tuna.

"Looking at the size of the bluefin tuna, they are not too small. The smallest is estimated to be more than 200 catties, and the largest is estimated to be nearly [-] catties!"

The octopus clone quickly analyzed it, and its eyes were also full of excitement!
Thirteen bluefin tuna, what price can this be sold for?
He estimated it a little, at least 8000 million!
For a moment, Li Yang was so excited that he wanted to let the octopus avatar grab these immediately, but after thinking about it for a while, he gave up directly.

"The bluefin tuna is extremely fast. Although it is not as fast as the octopus clone, there is only one octopus clone. There are [-] bluefin tunas, and it is impossible to catch them all."

Li Yang said silently in his heart, among the thirteen fish, the smallest one is estimated to be several million, of course he dare not be careless.

"Get ready to go to sea!"

Thinking in his heart, Li Yang started to make a phone call, and the crew began to assemble quickly.



Seeing Li Yang's arrival, the crew all respected him.

For the crew, a good captain is respected, and Li Yang took them to sea once before, and they all earned more than 2 yuan, so they naturally respect Li Yang.

"Brother Li, where do we go to get off the net today?"

Sun Datao stayed beside Li Yang, with a smile on his face.

Going back this time, I always liked to say that his parents would never talk about him again.

His father didn't want him to go to sea before, but he wanted him to work hard on the construction site. After a year or two, he would be able to do everything, and then he would be paid three to four hundred a day.

Although it is a bit bitter, money can still be earned.

"Hmph! Don't go to a good construction site, but go to sea? Do you see how many people earn money from sea? Not many." Sun Datao's father said.

If he hadn't argued hard before, his father would not have let him come out.

But this time when Sun Datao went back, he brought back 2 yuan, and Sun Datao's father stopped talking immediately.

Even if it was him, he would have to work hard for two full months on the construction site to earn it. His son earned it after spending most of the day at sea. What else could he say?
Although this may be temporary, no one knows whether it will be able to make money in the future?

With money in his hand, Sun Datao's confidence at home also came. This time he came out after saying hello to his parents. His mother also said that he should learn how to be a crew member on Li Yang's fishing boat.

Hearing Sun Datao's words, Li Yang smiled and said, "It depends on luck."

The fishing boat started, its speed continued to increase, and it headed for the deep sea.

Soon, more than an hour passed, and the sonar on the fishing boat detected a school of fish.

"Boss, do you want to cast a net?"

Zhang Houqiang, the chief mate of the fishing boat, has been paying attention. Seeing fish schools in the ocean on the sonar video, he couldn't help but suggest.

Li Yang glanced at it. Although he had been paying attention to the three bluefin tunas, he nodded and said, "Let's cast a net."

He has the perspective of God, and he already has his own goals every time he goes to sea.

But the others didn't, and didn't think he did.

"The first time I went out to sea, I encountered large yellow croakers in the first net. This luck is indescribable. If I go out to sea this time and encounter bluefin tuna again in the first net, it will be too eye-catching." Li Yang thought said silently.

Before he thought about it carefully, he went straight to the big yellow croaker school, which was not a good way.

The best way is to keep fishing, and then suddenly catch a school of large yellow croakers, which is perfect.

As the saying goes, if you can predict the rise and fall of stocks 100% in the stock market, how long will it take to become the richest man in the world?

Many people's answer is at most one year.

But in fact, it only takes a month, and he may be locked in a small dark room.

One can't be too sharp, otherwise what awaits one will be a disaster.

So, this time Li Yang is going to plan slowly, and is going to encounter those bluefin tunas by accident!

The net was cast and retrieved, and it was clear that the fish caught was not worth much, but it was promptly received in the cabin.

In the following time, the fishing boats continued to sail, and the number of fish caught continued to increase.

Of course, some recovered fishing nets are empty and nothing is caught.

The faces of the crew have all returned to calm. A day has passed, and the sky is gradually getting dark.

Li Jun burned a lot of food, and the crew members ate and drank beer on board.

Li Yang didn't drink, he ate something, entered the cabin, closed his eyes, and began to practice silently.


The night passed quickly, on the deck of the fishing boat, Li Yang stood silently, looking at the distant sky.

The darkness still enveloped the sky, but at some point, a red sun emerged from the sea and hung in the clouds, shining brightly, and the sea of ​​clouds was dyed bright orange red, like a flame boiling.

At this time, the sea water is also dyed red, the sun rises, and a new day begins!

And Li Yang's heart is like a new rising sun. At this time, the fishing boat is still more than an hour away from those bluefin tuna!

If it succeeds, anti-cancer element will definitely no longer be a problem for Li Yang!

"Today's success or failure depends on one action!"

Li Yang took a deep breath, and the octopus clone continued to follow the school of bluefin tuna.

According to Li Yang's order, the fishing boat soon arrived at the target sea area.

And these thirteen fish also cleverly appeared on the sonar screen under Li Yang's "arrangement".

(Thank you for the 3000 tip from Bansheng Liangliang to Shang, and the 500 tip from E Gray Blue, thank you. Please ask for monthly tickets and recommended tickets!)
(End of this chapter)

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