Chapter 37 Catch All!

"Boss, there are thirteen big fish, do you want to catch them?"

Seeing this, Zhang Houqiang, the first mate, quickly said that he couldn't tell anything from the length of the big fish, and he wasn't sure what it was.

At this time, there are already a lot of fish in the cabin, but they are all worthless.

"Oh? Let me cast a fishing net!"

Li Yang showed interest on his face, and said.

For Li Yang's words, Zhang Houqiang naturally did not have any refutation.

Li Yang is the captain, he can do whatever he wants.

The fishing net was ready, and Li Yang's head was turning rapidly at this time, calculating the position of the ship, the position of the bluefin tuna, and so on.

The first net must be cast well, otherwise the matter may fall short!
On the ship, many messengers were waiting, waiting for Li Yang's order.

The fishing nets of large fishing boats are not as common as they can be cast by one person. That is the simplest. The fishing nets of large fishing boats are very complicated and require the mechanical movement of the ship.

Li Yang was waiting, and under the boat, the octopus clone was also waiting silently.

One on the shore, one in the ocean, looking for the best time!
At this moment, Li Yang felt that the time had slowed down a bit, and more than ten seconds passed extremely long.

Finally, after 15 seconds, Li Yang said directly: "Cast the fishing net!"

The entire ship was in operation immediately, the fishing nets were cast down, and the family of bluefin tuna below was strolling leisurely, but they didn't know that the crisis of death had come!
When the fishing net was cast down, Li Yang also became nervous. Through the octopus clone, he could clearly see the scene on the bottom of the sea, saw thirteen bluefin tuna swimming leisurely, and watched the fishing net enter the ocean.

Soon, a hint of excitement appeared in his eyes!
"It's done!"

In his eyes, [-] of the thirteen bluefin tunas were caged into the fishing net!

"Close the net!" Suppressing the excitement in his heart, Li Yang immediately gave the order.

However, although thirteen bluefin tuna were caught, the two biggest ones were very vigilant and escaped from the fishing net!

These two bluefin tuna are the largest in volume, and needless to say, they are also the highest in price!

"I can escape, but can I escape?"

call out!
In the bottom of the sea, the octopus clone is like an arrow leaving the string, with an astonishing speed, directly chasing the biggest bluefin tuna!
In Li Yang's previous plan, it was very difficult to catch these thirteen bluefin tunas at once, but as long as most of them were caught, the plan would be a success!

Because, the remaining few can be completely solved by octopus clones!
Soon, the octopus clone chased after the largest bluefin tuna. This bluefin tuna wanted to resist, but there was no doubt that there was no chance at all, and it was not an opponent of the octopus clone at all.

On the other side, the fishing nets were put away.


At this time, the crew members were very excited, feeling the heavy fishing net.

In the end, the fishing net was pulled up and fully opened on the boat, and eleven big fish appeared in front of everyone.

Looking at the appearance of these big fish and their streamlined bodies, the crew members were suddenly stunned, their faces full of disbelief.

" this tuna?"

"No, it's not just tuna, it looks a bit like bluefin tuna!"

"What does it seem like! This is bluefin tuna! My God, I saw another eleven bluefin tuna caught at once!"

The crew members' faces were full of shock, and their voices were still a little trembling.

As a veteran and experienced fisherman, how many don't know this extremely precious fish?
"Bluefin tuna? Brother Li, I seem to know something about this fish. It's very valuable."

Beside Li Yang, Sun Datao asked curiously.

He has some understanding of fish in the ocean, but not so comprehensive, not as good as these old crew members.

The chief officer, Zhang Houqiang, had a smile on his face, and said excitedly: "It's more than valuable! A 560-jin bluefin tuna was auctioned for a sky-high price of more than 2000 million! The ones in front of us are not comparable, but the price of each one is at least a few dollars. million!"

With a smile on his face, he lamented Li Yang's luck!

He has been on a fishing boat for decades, and he has never encountered such a thing. The first time he went to sea with eight thousand catties of large yellow croakers, the second time he went to sea, God, eleven huge bluefin tunas!
If this luck is said to be God's illegitimate child, he will probably believe it!

However, Zhang Houqiang was very happy when he sighed, because the fishing boat had a huge harvest, and their red envelopes would be even richer!

The same is true for other crew members, watching excitedly, thinking about how much these bluefin tuna can sell and how much their red envelopes are.

"Xiaoyang is really as lucky as Dad said."

At this time, Li Jun on the boat was also looking at the bluefin tuna with a trace of shock in his eyes.

My cousin is really more and more surprising!
The people on the whole ship were basically immersed in joy, but at this time Li Yang was still paying attention to the situation on the bottom of the sea.

Under the tentacles of the octopus clone, the bluefin tuna, which was estimated to weigh five hundred catties, had no resistance and was easily caught!

Afterwards, the octopus clone took the bluefin tuna and chased the other one.

Although its speed has been greatly affected, it is still very fast.

This happened in a short time, just two seconds, one bluefin tuna was caught, and the other one did not escape, and soon appeared in the sight of the octopus clone.

There was a hint of surprise in his eyes, and then he quickly went to arrest him.

However, when catching it, a huge monster suddenly appeared in the distance, and it also directly attacked the bluefin tuna!
"Damn it, I met a great white shark again!"

Li Yang couldn't help cursing in his heart!
He had encountered a great white shark the last time he was in the big yellow croaker, and now he has encountered it again.

However, the great white sharks that appear now are four to five meters long, and they are fully grown up!

Looking at the target of the great white shark, it was obviously the fleeing bluefin tuna!

If this precious fish is bitten by a great white shark, its value will drop.

"Get out of here!"

The octopus avatar wanted to speak Chinese, but made some gurgling noises in its mouth. It came to the bluefin tuna and slammed its two tentacles on the great white shark.

Now, Li Yang has already started the third stage of the four major stages of body training, his body is at least fifteen times larger than that of ordinary people!
This is an all-round improvement of physical fitness, and the same is true for the octopus clone!
Moreover, because of its larger size, Li Yang's body is probably no match for the octopus clone in real battles!
This tentacle slapped the great white shark fiercely, causing the great white shark to stagger suddenly, and even a welt appeared on its body!
With one attack, the adult great white shark was almost knocked out.

Its ferocious eyes stared at the octopus clone, then turned and fled.

Its intelligence is still quite high, and it can be seen that the octopus clone is not easy to mess with.

Seeing this situation, the octopus clone didn't chase after it either, and now the bluefin tuna is important.

Without the interference of the great white shark, the remaining seven tentacles of the octopus clone are holding two bluefin tuna.

And on the shore, under Li Yang's order, another fishing net was cast down!
After the fishing net was cast down, the octopus clone took the opportunity to put the two bluefin tuna it was holding into the fishing net.

(End of this chapter)

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