LOL: I'm really a professional league player

Chapter 1 Taobo Appointed Master of Responsibility

Chapter 1 Taobo Appointed Master of Responsibility
Top Club.

In the strategy making room, a young man with handsome features was sitting by the water dispenser at the far end. He was very quiet, and seemed a bit out of place in this meeting.

But Luo Sheng, who was sitting on the main seat, blushed and stared at the young man.

Without him, the 2022 spring regular season has already played five games.

Taobo's current record is five consecutive losses!

As Tao Bo, who has two star players in the league, there is no way to accept such a result.

In their opinion, there is Ah Shui, the top three mid laner in China and the strongest ADC in China.

This is the ceiling of the current domestic double C.

Coupled with the stable zoom on the top lane, and the s9fmvp Xiaotian in the jungle, there is no reason to be beaten into a five-game losing streak.

Then these problems must be all about support, because only support does not have any results, and there is no bright spot in the performance in the game, all kinds of problems.

It is said that today's meeting is a replay competition, in fact, it is a pot-sharing meeting!
Luo Sheng, as the head coach, was even more prepared to put the big blame directly on the assistants.

Perhaps it was because of Lin Fan that his team members had problems in training, and their performance on the field was even worse.

Doesn't this just make it clear that he is a starting support, and there is no substitute to look confident.

But under his own management, Taobo is planning to introduce mark, so how can this guy have a chance to play at that time?
"Lin Fan! I told you earlier, you must protect Ah Shui when you are in a team, and you must stand beside him. See what you have done? Why didn't you help him block Morgana's Q?

He went up and exported where are you?What are you doing? "

So just turn on the spray.

The only support in the entire team is Little Transparent, and he doesn't have to worry about being overwhelmed by his fans when he sprays it. As the head coach, there is no pressure.

And Lin Fan's situation is also very bad, as long as he opens a topic related to Taobo, he must be the first to be attacked.

No way, who told him to assist Ah Shui...

As the No.1 domestic adc, a genius boy, his popularity can be described as extremely high.

Especially after uzi retired, jackeylove's popularity reached its peak.

Sitting in this position, Lin Fan never thought that he would be the first to be criticized by name.

In fact, he didn't intend to get involved at all.

After all, he somehow came back through time travel and became a professional player, and he was stupefied because he was still Taobo's starting support.

According to the current timeline, shouldn't the starting support be Zhuo?How did you become yourself?

What's more, Lin Fan is the silver overlord in ten thousand games, isn't it funny to go up and play like this?
Just wait until the meeting is over, and then put down the burden and quit.

As a result, I heard the head coach roll call.

Everyone knows that in the game of League of Legends, supporting the position can be the icing on the cake, but it is difficult to send charcoal in the snow.

In a disadvantaged situation, it is almost impossible to rely on assistance to come back.

And in many cases, the loss of the game is not because of the support, but because the key C position is opened, so that there is no follow-up output, and then the team battle is lost.

As for the five games, Lin Fan recalled them here, and it seemed that they had nothing to do with the original owner.

The two games were lost because the mid laner took the hero of the brush, and then became the ground binding spirit, so he knew how to brush, and felt a little bit safe.

Then Ah Shui went up to send two waves.

As for the others, the opponents are too tough. The 11s champion edg seems to be quite normal. If you go far, the top nine is really not as good as the top eight.

Forget it, I'm going to leave anyway after the meeting, so why talk so much with them?
Therefore, facing the head coach's accusation, Lin Fan did not make any refutation here.

"Coach actually...I regretted it after playing these five games. I really shouldn't be so impulsive and distance myself from the team, so that Brother Fan is not so easy to follow me. If I wait for them to come over and play backhands, those few games No game is lost.

At least the current record should not be a five-game losing streak. "Ah Shui said at this moment.

"How could it be? Your performance is already very good. Every game is the highest output. As a support, he didn't protect you well. It's already a big problem not to let you be cut by the opponent."

"Coach...losing games has never been the responsibility of one person alone."

After listening to Ah Shui's words, Lin Fan nodded silently in his heart.

No wonder there are many people on the Internet who say that Ah Shui has a high EQ, it is indeed high, and it is good to be able to feel others.

No wonder he was able to win the global championship trophy at the age of 17.

That being said, he's only 21 years old now.

Few of his peers could match him, not even some older than him.

Seeing what Ah Shui said like this, Luo Sheng's mouth trembled slightly, but he didn't say anything in the end.

The head raised with the left hand also lowered.

As for Xiaotian, he just came over this season, and he didn't play very well in fpx. He was eliminated in the group stage, and he is not very good at expressing his opinions.

Zoom's situation is similar to Xiaotian's.

Therefore, the boss of Taobo's team is actually Ah Shui.

The coach naturally wants to give Ah Shui face.

"We are now on a five-game losing streak... It may be difficult to lose the playoffs if we continue to lose, at least we can't lose three more games! We must win more than eight games in the regular season!"

Although the number of seats in the playoffs has now expanded to ten, the game still has to win half of the games as before to have a chance.

So Taobo is under great pressure to advance to the playoffs now.

"Brother Fan, wait a minute for our duo to practice and practice. I feel that our cooperation is still a bit lacking." Ah Shui patted Lin Fan on the shoulder.

Lin Fan here is also smiling and ready to agree. It is believed that many people's dreams are to play a rank with Ah Shui.

In addition, I really have a certain liking for this genius ADC.

In any case, flashing forward is indeed a major contributor to ig's victory over kt.

At that time, ig was to some extent let the adc take care of the bottom line.

The upper limit can be raised infinitely, and the lower limit can also be hit.

And right now!
"Ding, the fish-touching system has awakened and is detecting the host."

"The detection is successful, and the fishing system is bound to the host."

Fishing system?

"Issuing the task: daily fishing for two hours."

Reward: Operation increased by 5%, consciousness increased by 5%.

Lin Fan is still in a daze, I want to know what this system is useful for, and the Moyu system has already issued tasks.

After reading the mission, I immediately understood why this system is called the Moyu system.

As long as you do things that have nothing to do with your job during working hours, you have successfully completed a fishing trip and you will be rewarded.

And the profession bound to him by the system is actually a League of Legends professional player!

(End of this chapter)

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