LOL: I'm really a professional league player

Chapter 2 The anchor is not at home, the barrage is frantically brushing

Chapter 2 The anchor is not at home, the barrage is frantically brushing

With the detailed introduction of the system, Lin Fan finally figured out what kind of functions this fishing system has.

Anyway, if you do things that are not related to your job, you will get system rewards.

For example, this time, the released task was fishing for two hours.

If the certified profession is a professional player in the league, then he has to make the transition within these two hours.

"What's the matter, Brother Fan?" Ah Shui was waiting for Ye Fan's response. Now the meeting time is only 09:30 in the evening, and it's not time for professional players to rest. According to the usual practice, they must play a few rounds rank.

Everyone else in the team has gone to the training room and started fighting.

And as a bot lane, I must play with two people in training. Double row training can be effective, so that the tacit understanding between the two sides can be cultivated, and a very tacit cooperation can be played on the field.

Otherwise, if you are in solo queue alone, and the support you are matched with is not from the professional arena, it doesn't make any sense to play well.

So Ah Shui didn't go ahead, but waited for Lin Fan here.

Under normal circumstances, I should have agreed a long time ago and then went to the training room. I haven’t replied to myself yet. Is it possible that I was criticized by the coach during the meeting, and I felt a little uncomfortable?
"Jack, I won't accompany you in duo today." In order to complete this fishing task, Lin Fan had no choice but to reject Ah Shui's invitation.

After hearing these words, Ah Shui also showed the appearance that she really did, feeling uncomfortable in her heart, but the daily training must not be interrupted, not only for herself but also for Lin Fan.

If a professional player stops training for a day, his personal state will be greatly affected.

In private, he also heard from the coach that the club intends to buy Mark and replace Brother Fan.

It seems that everyone has reached a cooperation, coupled with the official cooperation, the progress of this progress is very fast.

There's a good chance it can be done before Game [-] starts next week.

mark is very likely to catch up.

It is understandable for the official to do so, after all, the game god has also returned this spring.

At this time, the traffic and popularity of the league are directly full.

In addition, Tao Bo's lineup in the all-China class is also extremely luxurious, and it is very exciting to collide, but in this case, the Top Fight team is very broken.

Taobo here is willing to strengthen the team lineup, which is something the official is happy to see.

The natural registration process is smooth all the way.

If Mark comes, there is no doubt that Brother Fan will sit on the bench.

After getting along for this period of time, Ah Shui really felt that Lin Fan was very nice.

At least I want to strengthen his competitiveness... At least he is better than Mark in cooperating with himself.

Then it is still possible to make a rotation in this way, so as not to be pushed directly on the bench without any competitiveness.

So Ah Shui still made some more efforts here.

Because he knows that young people can still listen to them if they try to persuade them.

The vast majority of people eat soft but not hard.

"Coach Luo has always been like this. What he said is just to let us play better results in the future, don't take it to heart.

Next, let's work together to change the current situation of Taobo!In fact, it is not difficult to win consecutive victories. Didn’t I also achieve 18 consecutive victories when I was in ig?
You said that we were not as strong as we were at the time, that is to say, we were able to achieve it by uniting our hearts and working together towards one goal.

Losing the game has never been a problem of one person, but the whole team. Winning the game is not the credit of one person, but the credit of the whole team. As long as there is a problem in any link, victory will be far away from us. The line drifts away. "

Lin Fan nodded.

Sure enough, there are so many people spraying Ah Shui, only those who sprayed his food, and those who sprayed him pretending, that is, no one attacked his character, so there is a reason for giving him the nickname Giant Baby.

Seeing Lin Fan nodding, Ah Shui also smiled.

Fortunately, I haven't given up on myself yet.

Few of them are good enough to be able to play professionally, as long as they put in the training, they can still improve in the end.

"You're right, but I really have no idea of ​​training right now."

Hearing this, the smile on Ah Shui's face disappeared instantly.

He said so many things, but he didn't expect that he still couldn't change Brother Fan's mind...

There is no way, not that I can only try my best to persuade and cannot force.

"Since Brother Fan is unwilling, then I can only arrange it myself."

Ah Shui turned her head and prepared to go to the training room by herself.

"Why are you in such a hurry, wait for me to go together, it's not interesting to go back to the dormitory so early, I'll go live broadcast."

Ah Shui's fiery heart was gradually extinguished.

This guy vividly demonstrated the four words of repeated horizontal jump.

He hooked up the fire, but he didn't take responsibility in the next second, put on his clothes and ran away.

Even Ah Shui couldn't help but roll his eyes.

Now that the team's performance is so poor, where did they come to live broadcast.

Forget it, everyone has their own pursuits, in fact, being an anchor is also quite good.

I thought of when I was live broadcasting in Douyu.

The small life is still quite comfortable...and there is no such great pressure as a professional.

Brother Fan is capable, but he is not considered to be the top group at all. It would be nice to be a professional anchor.

Let's do solo row these days, wait for Mark to come over and practice double row with him.

When Lin Fan and Ah Shui came to the training room, they could see that these people in the training room had already devoted themselves to daily training.

After all, to be honest, he was ambitious at the beginning of the competition, aiming for the spring championship, and then won the mid-season championship in one fell swoop.

Although I have won MSC before, many people think that the gold content of this championship is not enough.

But the reality was a slap in the face.

Don't talk about the championship now, whether it can make it to the playoffs is a problem.

Kneeling five times in a row, if you lose three more rounds later, you really have nothing to sing. If you want to participate in the global finals, you have to wait for the summer season to break out, and directly win the summer championship and participate in the competition as the No. [-] seed.

But in this situation, how dare you think about such a thing?
Ah Shui greeted the players here and quickly sat down.

As for the others, it was probably because of Ah Shui's face that they greeted Lin Fan.

The first thing Lin Fan did when he turned on his computer was to directly open the Douyu live broadcast, log in to his account, and enter the live broadcast room.

Seeing this makes people feel numb, the good guy actually has nearly 40 popularity in his live broadcast room.

The Douyu live broadcast room knows everything, and the popularity of 40 is only more than 400 people.

But the densely packed barrage is also exaggerated enough.

Of course, these barrages are not good words.

Anyway, Taobo, as Zhizhen Huazi, has a very impressive number of fans.

But it was such a result, they naturally wanted to find a vent.

In this way, Lin Fan couldn't be more suitable.

But in essence, it is bullying.

"Dine is really the most delicious assistant I've ever seen, and it really is a big meal, meat and eggs to satisfy my hunger!"

"What is tes thinking? Find such an assistant for Ah Shui? It's better to buy Baolan."

"This is embarrassing for you guys. Baolan has tried out but failed."

"What champion is Baolan, what champion is Dine?"

"Does this trash know to hide? Didn't they all come to live broadcast at this time before? If you cheat people, leave a live broadcast room here?"

ps: Please subscribe, please invest.

(End of this chapter)

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