LOL: I'm really a professional league player

Chapter 100 77 is too cute! 2 times double gold!

Chapter 100 Qiqi is so cute!Twenty times double gold! (seeking subscription)

After downloading the installation package of more than 40G, Lin Fan skillfully opened the live broadcast room.In a short time, the popularity in the live broadcast room skyrocketed by 10,000+.

"I knew Brother Sutu would broadcast live tonight."

"Brother Sutu's card is too strong, right? The last card of lpl!"

"Speaking of this, Xiye will be unhappy..."

"It's outrageous if Xiye doesn't retire. What's wrong with him? Isn't it all because of our poor performance that he can find a job?"

"It seems that they won two or three games in the spring game. I'm going to say this based on their performance. We couldn't win a game in the summer game. We went straight to the bottom of the league with a [-]-game losing streak."

"Brother Sutu, what are you playing? A little bit like Yuanshen."

"It's the original god! Brother Sutu has also started the original batch?"

"What is the original batch? Those who play the League of Legends are the batches, right?"

"Fuck... isn't this the same as Brother Yuanshen?"

"Brother Sutu has always been like this. Have you ever seen him train seriously? Anyway, I haven't seen him once."

"I'm just curious about whether the lead Tu brother plays Yuanshen with zero krypton or heavy krypton black batch? Mihayou's piss, I always eat the big guarantee..."

"Crying, crying, who is responsible for not every time the big guarantee and the small guarantee are full, and even he is crooked! This is the most outrageous."

The live broadcast room was noisy, but the club's computer configuration was high enough, even when installing the game and playing the live broadcast, there was no lag at all.

After a while, the game will be installed.

Full of anticipation, he opened the game interface, registered an account and logged in to the game.

Yuanshen had heard it from others all along, but Lin Fanke had never tried it.

It's not that I heard others say that this game is so bad, the main thing is that I understand it. I heard that the mission is very stupid, and the planning is completely disgusting. How come people...

During that period of time, Shutu Zhibin hit the state, and there was really no extra time to be distracted on Yuanshen, so I just registered an account before, and didn't play much afterwards.

But now that Lin Fan has plenty of time, it would be too unreasonable not to come and experience the Tivat Continent.

"It looks okay..."

As soon as they entered, the two brothers began to fight fiercely against the gods. Of course, they had no ability to resist against the gods.

Choose the character you like as the protagonist, and the other one is taken away by the gods.

Immediately afterwards, the screen went black, and with the explanation screen, he began to steadily enter the task process.

Chapter 1 is the prologue, and the stranger who catches the wind starts here.

Lin Fan didn't quite get used to it when he first started playing, and the operation was very good. Everyone looked at a group of stiff ones.

Thinking about playing the screen of Eternal Tribulation before, it seems that even professional players are relatively slow to get started.

Many people also began to teach Lin Fan how to play games in the live broadcast room.

Among other things, the idea of ​​teaching and educating people seems to be engraved in our minds, especially teaching professional players.

The barrage began to frantically brush up.

Not only that, but many people silently downloaded the Yuanshin game at this time.

It's also a pleasure to play along with.

Especially at this time, many local tyrants started to collect gifts.

I just want Lin Fan to be a friend of the original god.

Not to mention that there were hundreds of more planes in one night...

The whole Lin Fan was a little embarrassed, he was numb.

The face is relatively thin, and in this case, I still added a few friends.

It took more than two hours to reach the tenth level and receive twenty draw rewards.

Go straight to the novice card pool and start drawing!
Naturally, two ten companies shot directly.

Everyone thought that nothing good would come out, but at this moment a golden meteor flashed past...

"Fuck? Shipped?"

"Did you make a mistake that something will come out in the first ten companies?"

In the live broadcast room, row after row of question marks were brushed past.

They really couldn't accept this scene.

Everyone originally wanted to watch Twenty Draws and give Noelle a complete gift.

Then look at Brother Soltu's annoyed expression...

This is a scene that everyone loves to see.

If you can't smoke well, you hope that others can't smoke well either.

"What is Di Luke? Is this card powerful?" Lin Fan asked curiously.

"Damn it, when I was in Shutu Zhibin before, I thought this guy was outrageous when he drew a card and went directly to Ma Chao.

The original god is also like this, how can ten shots directly come out of Di Luke?Is this what Ouhuang's world looks like? "

"It won't be the second ten consecutive times, right? If so, I can't accept it."

"With Di Luke here, there is no pressure to open up wasteland in the early stage. Isn't this great?"

Amidst everyone's discussion, Lin Fan started the second draw.

Accompanied by a golden light...

For the first time, they felt that the burst rate of the novice card pool was so ridiculously high.

It's five again!

"Damn it, it's too much for heaven!"

"Can Qiqi be released? I think this is even more outrageous than Keqing."

"I can't accept it. Is it possible to get Qiqi? I've waited so long and I still haven't got it. Brother Sutu just came out at random?"

"The lineup is over, Di Luke and Qiqi, I am really uncomfortable seeing these two cards."

"There is a feeling of brothers running away, I can't accept it."

Lin Fan also knew the mentality of these people in the live broadcast room.

I also deliberately retreated into the role and showed it to everyone.

"Not to mention Mihayou, your role is pretty good."

At this time, Qi Qi began to exercise.

"Seven two seven seven two two seven..."

It's cute.

"Use her to go out and play, to test the strength."

"Don't say that two five-stars are great, I have one for one."

"Damn it, take off!"

"Don't say anything else, I'm sure I can play the game of Yuanshin."

"I've already seen it. This wave is purely about Mihayou's raising pigs. I know Brother Suitu has a lot of money, so let's get into the trap first and then talk about it."

"It makes sense. Let's start the slaughter later in the draw, and let's also do publicity by the way. After all, there are so many people in the live broadcast room. Seeing the explosion rate, they will be on this bandit boat."

"Wait until the card pool is opened later, I want to see Brother Sutu getting dizzy, and the card is crooked and the weapon is crooked."

"Have fun, I'm speeding up the progress now, not to mention that Yuan Shen's game is quite fun." Lin Fan opened the task menu while speaking.

Start scrolling to find quests.

Looking at this scene, other people's teeth are about to bite down.

"I can't accept that my two numbers are forty draws and nothing..."

"Mihayou really depends on the people who order the food, right? Those who can bring traffic will be given five stars."

"Could it be that I'm the only one who has this kind of worry...Brother Shutu will not only want to live with Sutuzhihama, but also play Yuanshen. I'm not optimistic about Taobo's future."

"Aren't you used to everything by this time? Brother Satu is still killing people in the professional league!"

At this point, the lng base.

doinb almost frowned and watched the live broadcast.

"What kind of original god are you playing here? Is it a trick of suspicion? You lied to me first, and then work hard after turning off the live broadcast? Brother Sutu is very powerful... His behavior is unnecessary, it must be 100% Be wary of him."

"Or did you train the hero secretly in order to hide behind?"

Since the end of the regular season and the playoffs, the card master, Fox, who really thinks that Lin Fan's state will decline, is really a fool.

This guy must have practiced an account secretly, but it has not been dug out by everyone, it is too deep to hide!
Behind the scenes, it is estimated that all mainstream heroes are already very strong.

Playing against such a player, Monkey felt a bit of a headache.

I'm not afraid of you doing it with real swords and guns, but I'm afraid of you doing it secretly.

This person hides it so well that there is really no way.

Unless he sneaked into the Taobo base and watched Brother Sutu 24 hours a day, he really didn't know what he was up to all day.

Monkey has a very headache now.

The next game is to play Taobo, but after studying for a long time, I haven't researched anything.

With so much time, it's better to re-watch the games in the afternoon, so that there will be some gains after all, and it won't be the same as watching Brother Satu playing Yuanshen all night like in the evening.

Pure clown!
"How is brother inb's research going?" Ale came to doinb's side at this time.

"He studied the hammer. He beat Yuanshin all night. Looking at the reaction in the live broadcast room, it seemed that he had drawn something incredible."

"I said that these games played by Brother Yishaotu are quite interesting. I will try them when I have the chance."

"No, if you distract yourself to try other games at your age, you will probably be out of shape the next day."

"Go, I'm still in my prime. I'm still fierce. How could the situation you mentioned happen? But Brother Suitu is really perverted. Whether it's pretending or making it, he spent a lot of money on it. The time is indeed a fact in other games, and it can guarantee that my state will not be affected, which is quite an exaggeration.”

doinb expressed his views again.

"Don't talk about researching for a long time and can't figure it out, let's hurry up and make our own preparations. We can only do the best we can."

Li Ning is under pressure to play Taobo, but their pressure is not as great as imagined.

In any case, the lineup system is solid enough.

If it doesn't work, go head-to-head and see which side has more tactical reserves.

After research and analysis during this period, Brother Soltu actually did not have as many choices in the game as he imagined.

The best thing is to hold a group with Xiaotian to help.

Because the success rate of catching one more person will be higher. As long as you pay attention to this, it will be very difficult for the opponent to attack the bottom lane.

This is a point, and Li Ning can use this point to make Taobo do useless work.

Thinking of this, doinb turned off Lin Fan's live broadcast room.

Log in to your Hanbok account, and press to start the game.

In any case, maintaining a good state is particularly important for him.

What Ale said before is correct. He is old. If he doesn't train well to maintain his hand feeling, he will be beaten dizzy by the young players the next day, and he can't find Bei.

Therefore, it is secondary to study what the opponent does. The main task of doinb is to maintain his competitive state.

In fact, it wasn't just him, Rookie also turned off Lin Fan's live broadcast room.

I can't tell... I can't see what he wants to do at all.

How can a professional player start a live broadcast during the playoffs? Even if he starts a live broadcast, he is still playing other games. Under this situation, he has no idea what he wants to do.

However, V5 already has Resurrection Armor. In this case, the pressure on Rookie is not as great as that of Monkey.

Just wait for the winning side to challenge him.

It's just that the regular season fights made him feel that Tao Bo's winning rate was higher.

And Lin Fan just started the live broadcast, so he came in to watch it.

But after looking at a bunch of messes, there was still no gain after all.

"No charge, let me tell you, although this is my first time playing Yuanshen, I still watch a lot of Yuanshen's krypton gold videos. What is our krypton gold philosophy? It's just for fun , so the only one that can be played with krypton gold is Goose Factory, and the others are not allowed!"

Rookie found it hard to understand the words coming from the live broadcast room.

For him, he hesitated for a long time to recharge 100 yuan, but these guys are lavish, and 648 rushes as soon as they say it... He feels that the practice of treating money as money is exaggerated.

"Brother Sutu is quite right. Other kryptonites didn't end well, that is, the goose factory is the most authentic. You will be strong if you krypton money." When Kasa mentioned this, he seemed very experienced.

After all, for many professional players, League of Legends really does not occupy all of their lives, and they will more or less play other games.

But they didn't put it directly on the bright side like Lin Fan, and even played other games except League of Legends.

Rookie nodded after hearing Casa's words.

That's right, but don't even think about asking him to charge up.

"The next time I play against Taobo, I must ask Brother Satu how he maintains his competitive state."

"Could it be that he really doesn't fight?"

"Yes, I heard from Jack that he really doesn't play, and has only played training games for such a long time..." Rookie nodded.

"It's an exaggeration. I'm in such a good state, why don't I believe it." Casa said.

"Indeed, will you train secretly in the back, and Jack will give me false news again?"

"It's possible. After all, it's impossible for the opponent to tell the truth." Kasa nodded.

"It's true, then I can't believe this situation, don't be too careless, let's double row later."

"Okay, I haven't duo with you for a long time, and I don't know if you can do it recently."

Rookie rolled his eyes, can I do it, aren't you the clearest in the game?

Lin Fan didn't know that he was observed by two Koreans in turn.

He is still fighting on the Tivat continent.

By the way, wait for the system task to complete.


A wonderful reminder sounded in my mind.

"The task has been completed and the full-level proficiency has been obtained: Frost Witch."

Undoubtedly, the hero pool in the middle has expanded a lot.

This downstream walk cooperates with the attribute to be directly full.

Lin Fan raised his head and shook his neck, and sat for more than three hours. Not to mention that he was still quite tired, he should get up and move around, and then go back to the dormitory to rest.

But at this moment, the mobile phone placed on the computer table began to vibrate.

Opened WeChat and saw that it was a message from Xiaozao.

"Kill or not? Musto and Shenchao are waiting."

"Yarei, you must kill him!"

(End of this chapter)

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