LOL: I'm really a professional league player

Chapter 99 Relying on Brother Fan to win, the contract is finalized!

Chapter 99 Relying on Brother Fan to win, the contract is finalized! (seeking subscription)

At the scene of the game, even if Tao Bo won the game, it had been a while.

The screams continued one after another.

Taobo not only won the victory for himself, but also avenged the hatred of being played for the vast fan base, which is a strong stroke in history.

So today is a day to remember.

No matter at any time, everyone can say "comfortable".

The feeling of winning the game on Taobo's side is not as exciting as expected.

First of all, the team entered the playoffs with a ten-game winning streak. Although it lost six games in a row at the beginning, it can be adjusted anyway. According to the current state, the goal is to win the championship.

It's normal to easily win the second round of BLG, but if you lose, this will be a big problem.

Let alone the matter of being sprayed and retired, the angry fans will definitely let you know who the three generations of ancestors are.

It's just such an exaggeration, none of it is fictional, so don't look at the many people who support it now, if they really lose the game, they will take action on the official Weibo after the game.

So even if he won the game, Topbo simply hugged him here.

Immediately after walking to the BLG players' bench, you can feel their loss as soon as they pass by.

Although it is normal to say that it is normal to lose the game in the room, as a professional player, there is still the simplest desire to win.

It is normal for e-sports to lose the game and stop the playoffs.

If it was Tao Bo who lost the game, then they were the ones who sat in their seats and waited for their opponents to come and shake their hands.

Therefore, for every loser, you can feel distressed but there is no need to empathize.

As Xu Xiu said, I have to consider whether this is my only chance in this life.

Go all out in every game and don't let yourself regret it.

After all, failure runs through the whole life, not every effort will succeed.

Liu Qingsong quickly adjusted his mood here, and even hugged Lin Fan and Ah Shui behind him.

"It feels like the monkey will be beaten out of the psychological shadow when it encounters you." Liu Qingsong adjusted his mentality, but said gloatingly.

Lin Fan understood what he meant in seconds.

Taobo's opponent in the next third round is lng.

If you win and advance to the next round, you will have a resurrection armor, even if you lose, you can resurrect and come back to play the game.

So there is still a lot of pressure on Taobo to win Li Ning.

"doinb is still pretty good, I feel like I can't beat him."

Fofo next to him rolled his eyes when he heard this.

After these three rounds, the mid laner was completely delirious.

Which mid laner can do this?

Only you add Xiaotian, Yalei and Nakano are bound from beginning to end.

If the linkage between the middle and the field is poor, there is no way to fight Tao Bo.

If you don't pay attention to the opponent, it will be two against one.

Showing the virtue of not talking about martial arts to the fullest...

The combination of doinb and tarzan is not bad, but the linkage is still not as good as these two.

Looking at it like this, Li Ning is probably not much better.

At most one round can be won, and there is a high probability of being taken away by three to one.

After greeting the loser for a while, everyone in Taobo came to the center of the ballroom and bowed to the audience.

With the exit has always been the main theme of competitive games, no one will remember No.2, unless he is ryu, waiting every minute and every second for the game to cool down.

After all, he was the only one who was single-killed by the full blood robbery in the double festival robbery.

It is undeniable that it was Faker's strength at his peak, but Yue Lun did make a mistake.

The last time Lin Fan was interviewed, out of the consideration of rain and dew, the official still invited Taobo's bottom lane duo to come up.

"Hello, audience friends, everyone. I am the host Yu Shuang. Today I invite Jackeylove and Mark, the Taobo bot duo, to say hello to the audience."

At this time, the director also gave the camera from Yu Shuang's screen to Jackeylove and Mark.

The two quickly greeted the audience.

"Hi everyone, I'm Taobo's adc jackeylove."

"I'm Taobo's assistant mark."

This was the first time the two were interviewed together, and they were a little embarrassed to face Aunt Yu Shuang's offense under the camera.

There is no way that Auntie's aggressiveness is still too strong, even if Ah Shui has seen strong winds and waves, she still can't stand it.

"In today's match, you used Zeli to get a pentakill and successfully advanced to the next round. How do you feel now?"

"Hmm... The main reason is that the middle lane is too fierce, I feel like I didn't do anything, and then I was pushed away by the opposite bottom lane for no reason."

"So I basically waited for these three rounds, because I know that Brother Satu can open up the situation in the middle, and when the time is almost up, he will naturally come down and take the rhythm."

"This kind of mid laner is really comfortable. The most comfortable thing is that he gets a rhythmic hero such as a card. At most, he will appear in the bottom lane in 8 minutes. We don't need to think about other things when we are in the lane. "

As soon as Ah Shui said this, the bullet screen in the live broadcast room started to scroll crazily.

"Don't dare to talk nonsense, the fetus is probably going to explode when it hears it."

"The fetal hand is still awesome. He can actually ask someone else's girlfriend to help him..."

"Are you kidding me? This is the pure emperor recognized by everyone. How could he understand this? He can only output minions in the middle, and can't do anything else."

"However, Taobo has indeed picked up a treasure. Brother Sutu's rhythm is definitely the strongest among all the mid laners I know. There is really no pressure to cooperate with him, Ah Shui."

"The one who can put pressure on Ah Shui is now broadcasting live at home. How can a big dog compare with a small dog?"

"makes sense……"

"Ah Shui is not afraid of puppies, it's not two or three years ago, when it was a puppy, BLG lost faster."

"At the end of the day, BLG will do business and not let him play because they are afraid that the value of the contract will drop if they lose the game, so every game is a gamble with money.

But after spending so much money, it would be even more disgusting not to be a player. You shouldn't be looking for such a team for supplies in the first place. "

"It's actually useless for blg to target the middle lane. If you can't get the alignment, you can still swim in the middle lane. The upper line of the double C is too high. This is the dream C."

"Don't blow it up, don't blow it up, if you keep blowing it up, Li Ning won't be able to pass the test, isn't that funny? As far as I know, Brother Suitu hasn't logged on to the client for a long time, so what does the client interface look like? Forgot all."

"Ah Shui is still as humorous as ever. Mark, do you think it will be a lot of pressure to form a bot lane team with Ah Shui?"

"There must be pressure..."

He can't say it directly here, because he is afraid of being rushed by the water ghost if he doesn't fight well.

"After all, Ah Shui is a kind of more flexible AD, and he plays very fiercely. Sometimes he really can't keep up with his rhythm, but the two-player lane has to keep up with each other. Fortunately, when the leader is playing a team If they can keep up, the two of them can directly destroy each other by relying on damage..."

" this a different kind of duo?" Yu Shuang said with a smile.

"Maybe. After all, the two of them have formed a bot lane team before, and they have a good sense of understanding, so when they are in a team, it doesn't need to be said that the two of them charge forward together."

"The opponent you will face in the third round is Li Ning. Do you have any thoughts on their bot lane duo?"

"Well, they are very strong, but it doesn't matter if we can't fight online. Brother Sutu in the middle lane can definitely beat brother Doinb. With the help of the mid laner, no matter how bad the disadvantage is, I believe they can come back."

Ah Shui's interviews have always been relatively modest, which may have something to do with the fact that most of the entire league is his brother.

So it's not easy to speak harshly internally, playing in the global finals or something, don't care about people in other competition regions, so shout louder.

But no matter how you say it, Li Ning's team must be defeated.

After getting the Resurrection A, there is a second life, so the pressure to compete for the spring championship will be less.

More importantly, although he has the championship of the global finals, he does not have the mid-season championship trophy. If possible, he would like to win it.

This is the ambition that Ah Shui ignited after the crazy winning streak during this period.

Don't look at Brother Fan who has nothing to do every day, but he is really training hard.

Otherwise, there is no way to explain how the hero pool can continue to expand.

So now Ah Shui has also found a direction to work hard.

The old ancestors were right, those who are close to the vermilion are red and those who are close to the ink are black. When a team appears in a team who likes to play badly, if he wins the top four, the direction of the team's efforts will also slowly decline.

Maybe the goal ahead is the champion. After hearing this, I feel that the runner-up is not unacceptable, and it is also possible to reach the semi-finals.

In the end, the whole mentality was bad, and it was better to come out than to be at home.

This is the terrifying effect of a mouse dropping in a pot of porridge.

Otherwise, there will not be many schools that will be divided into classes when it is critical.

The purpose is to screen out almost all students.

Backstage, Lin Fan also directly rewarded the two of them for their brains.

"How can I fight against such a strong player as doinb? I suggest that you two go down the lane and directly smash the Emperor of Light, and then go up and liberate the middle lane."

"I think Brother Suitu is perfectly fine. We may be under a bit of pressure in the bottom lane. We are routinely playing against Li Ning. Isn't it easier to win with your hand? Let us really estimate that it is another bladder game. To that Doesn't time affect you to go back to fight Satohama?"

What Ah Shui said is reasonable and well-founded, so everyone can’t help but agree with it. What he said is also true. If the team lets the bot lane take the rhythm, it will be delayed until two or three 10 minutes. By then, it will definitely be a bladder game. Can't tell the difference.

The three games were played in less than two hours.

When Tao Bo packed his things and returned to the club, it was not even eight o'clock.

At this time, someone proposed to have a hot pot meal in the evening to celebrate.

After all, during this period of time eating in the cafeteria all day, everyone is a little bit greedy.

Luo Sheng thought for a while, but nodded in agreement.

After being tense for so long, he should have a good meal.

Of course, eating hot pot belongs to eating hot pot, and wine is still not allowed.

At the same time, Guo Hao, who was in the manager's office, just hung up the phone with the head office.

There are two things he has to do during the transfer period. The first thing is to sell his left hand. It's Brother Rateu.

In this case, if you don't sell your left hand and keep it for use, it will be a pure loss of money.

The second thing is to extend Lin Fan's contract to a higher price.

The previous salary increase is still far from enough, and with his current performance, he is already a mid laner at the forefront of the league.

Then a little liquidated damages is simply not enough.

If some clubs don't pay attention to martial arts ethics and poach people away in private, as long as they pay cheap liquidated damages, wouldn't they just lose money directly?

So Guo Hao planned to make an appointment with Lin Fan when the players came back from dinner.

The head office is still willing to pay, and since it has this value, it directly offered a contract with an annual salary of 500 million.

For Lin Fan who hasn't achieved any results yet, this treatment is actually quite good.

The corresponding liquidated damages were also pulled to 3000 million.

The annual salary of 500 million corresponds to a liquidated damages of 3000 million, which is quite reasonable.

After the team finished their dinner in the evening and returned to the base, Guo Hao directly laid out the contract.

This is already the best contract he has ever fought for.

After hearing what Guo Hao said, Lin Fan also agreed.

To be honest, the change from an annual salary of 18 to the current 500 million is enough to show the sincerity of the club.

And the signing time is only one year, which is the most suitable contract for professional players.

After one year, you can see the status of the club before deciding whether to renew the contract.

The strength to compete for the championship is definitely more inclined to a one-year contract.

Unless it's the kind of person who wants to get a big contract and then make it bad, sign it for three to five years, don't care what the club will do next, and tie it to death from beginning to end.

If you're lucky, you might make it to the global finals, but if you're unlucky, you won't even be able to reach the threshold of the playoffs.

There are examples of this... for a while.

Watching Lin Fan sign the contract, Guo Hao smiled even more.

I got up and patted him on the shoulder, and even got a glass of water.

"Continue to work hard in the next game. We are very optimistic about you. As long as you can play the corresponding value, your salary will continue to rise. 500 million has not reached the line in a year."

"Here I can tell you the number. If you play well, then double or triple will not be a problem."

Lin Fan nodded, painting big cakes is really easy for the management of the club.

Given an annual salary of 500 million, this can be said to be more than 1000 million.

But staying at this club is still beneficial.

First of all, the coach is used to not training himself, and will not come to trouble him specifically, and he gets along well with Ah Shui and the others, so there is no need to make a special hole.

At least not this year.

Lin Fan walked out of the manager's room. Luo Sheng hurried to the manager's room after receiving the news.

"How about it?"

"It lasted for another year." Guo Hao gave a thumbs up.

"Yes!" Luo Sheng was very excited when he thought that his championship lineup could continue.

During this time, I was afraid that the contract could not be renewed, and then other clubs would poach Lin Fan in the next transfer period.

Already experienced Lin Fan's happiness, as for the left hand?I'm really unfamiliar, shit, I'm afraid that Brother Fan will misunderstand you if you're too close.

Hearing such good news, Luo Sheng let out a long sigh of relief, Jenny is nice!

Lin Fan returned to the training room, there is a new game to try today!

(End of this chapter)

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