LOL: I'm really a professional league player

Chapter 110 Skyrocketing!The value brought by Brother Sutu!

Chapter 110 Skyrocketing!The value brought by Brother Sutu! (seeking subscription)

The day after the hot search on Weibo.

Sun Zheng, general manager of Topbo Esports, came to Topbo Esports Club in a low-key manner in a private car.

As for the manager Guo Hao, he was waiting at the door early for the arrival of the leader.

The purpose of coming here is actually very clear.

The contract between the club and the two major live broadcast platforms is handled by Guo Hao, so there is no need to alarm Sun Zheng.

But during this period of time, the flow of the parent company has soared, and the stock has even reached the daily limit.

And it was a player in the club that caused all of this.

This has to be paid attention to by Taobo's top management.

Contracts are small profits for the parent company.

As long as the club can keep itself afloat.

But now it is related to stocks and brand interests, which is a big deal.

I really didn't expect that the investment made seven or eight years ago would pay off in this relatively difficult time.

"Well... the current situation is that Principal Wang has ideas about Lin Fan, we have inquired about it, and IG has indeed made a big move in the glory of the king.

So what President Wang said in the live broadcast room is basically true. "

"However, the kpl seat has been fixed, and the spring split is now being played. During this period, there should not be much change."

"Well, be careful. Lin Fan's salary should be raised appropriately. I learned that his annual salary is considered low even in the mid laner position." Sun Zheng, as the general manager of Taobo Esports, is not that kind Xiaobai who doesn't understand.

The most important thing is the left hand of the former mid laner.

The annual salary offered is the highest in the e-sports circle.

It was enough to give Lin Fan nine years' salary.

However, not only did the left hand not bring positive benefits to the club, but it also became a hot search because of some taints.

It's really blind, and the annual salary of 500 million is offered.

Thinking of this, Sun Zheng glared at Guo Hao.

Last year, Weibo,, and BLG really pushed me too hard.

As a result, the premium was so many times higher.

If it is 2000 million a year, it will be a loss, but the current price is 500 million, and it hurts to think about it.

"I understand, I understand." Guo Hao nodded quickly.

"Sell him immediately after the spring split, I believe Weibo and BLG still have this idea, maybe the summer split can make it to the global finals.

As for Jingdong, the performance of toothpaste is actually not bad, and it may not choose to pay too much. "

After all, the left-handed contract only has half a year left...

It is unlikely to pay too much.

Weibo and blg have money, but they are not taken advantage of.

It is also impossible for Topbo to get back half of the money.

"Well, as long as you know it well, with the platform's live broadcast signing fee, plus the fee for the left-handed transfer, the head office shouldn't need to allocate any more funds this year, right?"

"Enough, enough, there are even profits besides wages." Guo Hao nodded repeatedly.

"Of course, the most important thing I came here today was the issue of the contract with Lin Fan. We agreed that the limit of the contract was too low, the price was too low, and the duration of one year was not enough. We need to discuss it again. Two years is about the same. , and then he can be offered an annual salary of 2000, or [-] if it’s not possible.” As the general manager, Sun Zheng really didn’t have much time, so he quickly stated his purpose.

Guo Hao was not surprised by this.

Everyone is not a fool to open such a big company.

There is no need to offend players for such a small profit.

Such a company is doomed not to go very far, the glory is only temporary, and the final destination is to close down and sell it.

"If he is unwilling to sign an extended contract, let him raise his annual salary to eight figures, and there is no need to add liquidated damages."

In the past two days, it has risen by five points, and the total market value of Taobao has increased by almost [-] billion.

It's all because of one person. It can be said that Taobo Sports has made a lot of money. In this case, it is appropriate to give some rewards. There is no need to be stingy.

Even if the 1000% points are more than [-] million, if you give him a reward and violate the contract, then this face is too embarrassing.

"You did a good job this year." Sun Zheng patted Guo Hao.

"The traffic and so on have been typed out, and the next step is to work on the results, and all the positions that should be reserved will be reserved for you."

Guo Hao was also very excited when he heard this.

When the leader doesn't give you a picture, then you have no value.

At this time, a big cake was drawn, and Guo Hao knew that he had a bright future in the future.


"Come on! Come on! You think I'm afraid of you."

"His numb kiss, isn't this praying mantis too arrogant? He actually wants to kill me right under your nose?"

"Fuck, the mantis' damage is too high." Mark shouted helplessly.

Ah Shui looked at his own black and white screen.

I didn't expect that Mantis didn't just want to kill him, he wanted to kill the bottom lane duo.

Lin Fan couldn't help laughing when he heard the conversation between his bot duo.

I used to think that Ah Shui was very cold, but after more than two months of contact, this is definitely a funny guy, very funny.

When playing games, I like to think about things, and after playing games, I like to teach and educate people.

If it weren't for the live broadcast, Ah Shui's fans would explode.

"Get out!"

Lin Fan still followed the old rules, sneaking a wave of points.

If this is a chicken, it can just touch the threshold of a master.

The scoring efficiency is still very good.


Looking at the gleaming Sanxingxia, Lin Fan really felt that he was full of luck.

It's even more outrageous than watching Shenchao at the beginning.

He follows the law as he speaks, and he himself is a great blessing.

As for the frenzy above, he has already ran to his own chessboard to frantically make question marks.

"It's outrageous, brother Sutu, can you be a three-star star?"

While watching it, I complained in the live broadcast room.

Of course, I am also very happy to see the rising popularity in my live broadcast room.

I didn't expect that there was a row of Soltu brothers today.

It happened that the live broadcast hadn't started yet, so many viewers who wanted to watch Brother Soltu came to his live broadcast room.

So the current popularity has also reached more than 180 million, directly reaching the top of the Genting Game section.

"Brother Sutu is really cunning, he is afraid of being attacked and hides to score points secretly."

"It can be ranked as frenzied, this score is a bit high."

"I'm so numb, shouldn't I really let Brother Shutu go to participate in TOC?"

"gggg, how does Sanxingxia fight?"

Watching the two-star dump truck melt in an instant, he became frantic and speechless.

Even if the opposite three-star mana is four charges, the blood volume is still higher than his own. In this case, there is no need to fight at all.

It is estimated that the blood volume will be tortured for two waves, but he did not choose to surrender.

Didn't all the people who voted to see Brother Rateu run away?
So he endured two waves of torture before being sent away.

Lin Fan shook his neck and took it down.

Eat a handful of chicken and add [-] points directly.

Master 230 seven win points.

The competition conditions of the Douyu platform can be reached immediately.


Lin Fan was ready to make another move, he hit the iron and then scored.

But at this moment, Luo Sheng came in mysteriously and patted him on the shoulder.

"Go, your contract is about to be changed again."

"Ah? Didn't you just change it a while ago?"

"The general manager came down to change it on purpose today. The club still values ​​you very much, and even the senior management of the head office knows about you." Luo Sheng spoke with a sour voice.

He is indeed a little sour today...

There are no conditions, as long as you sign the contract, your annual salary will increase by 500 million, and you will officially enter the ten million club.

If you can still talk, then break through 2000 million.

This is money that many people can't earn after working hard for several lifetimes.

Don't look at him as Tao Bo's coach, but his real annual salary is simply not as good as that of professional players, and those rewards add up to more than 300 million.

But knowing the inside story, he felt that Lin Fan really deserved it.

The market value has directly increased by 15 billion, and it is impossible for him to be stingy if he is the boss.

It's hard to make money.

Next, in the manager's office, after Guo Hao conveyed the meaning of general manager Sun Zheng, Lin Fan did not choose to change his contract and extend it for another year.

To be honest, I haven't achieved any results before, and 500 million is indeed a very good salary.

But Lin Fan felt that he would definitely achieve results this year, because he had such confidence.

And knowing the annual salary of Ah Shui and the left hand, the contract of 2000 million seems too cheap.

The price will definitely not be this price in the future, so Lin Fan did not agree to Taobo Club's first plan.

Guo Hao expressed a pity about this, and then said the second plan. The other conditions have not changed, but the annual salary has increased by 500 million.

He looked at Lin Fan with a grin.

"You deserve it all."

After telling the reason, Lin Fan was dumbfounded.

Ah Lei!
Will it directly increase by 15 billion?
How many zeros are there?
I can't believe I have such energy.

"I had the exact same expression as you when I heard the news."

"However, we haven't had any operations during this period of time. The only hot searches on the market are all because of you, and there is no other capital to enter the market..."

This statement is very clear, the stock can rise by the limit, it must be because of you.

"Hahaha, you deserve everything, sign it."

After figuring out the reason, Lin Fan happily signed his name on the contract again, picking up 500 million for nothing.

Of course, this is not a one-time payment, but it is paid together with the salary, month by month.

"Go back and keep working hard."

"OK OK."


After returning to the training room, Ah Shui kept staring at Lin Fan.

"Going out for a while, the whole person is happy, what good thing did you say?"

"I signed a non-disclosure agreement, even if you ask me, I won't tell you."

As soon as this was said, Ah Shui immediately understood.

"How many?"

"You can save a year from working."

"Damn, it's unreasonable not to treat you to dinner this evening!"

"You numb kiss, you push me for years, are you going to squeeze me?"

"No matter, I haven't been to the manager's office for a long time. It's not like you have been to the manager's office twice this month."

"The hot pot?" Lin Fan asked tentatively.

"Yes." Ah Shui quickly agreed.

"Brother Fan is going to treat everyone to hot pot today."

"Okay! The weather is suitable for eating hot pot." Da Huang leaned over directly, and the situation of the team is now very clear.

There is absolutely no hope for the left hand. Fan Ge sits firmly in the starting position. It is necessary to have a good relationship.

Although Rhubarb is young, he is not stupid.

The left hand listened from the sidelines and did not participate.

Just now Luo Sheng came in and called Lin Fan out, and when he came back, he wanted to treat guests to dinner. Being able to carry out this kind of activity was undoubtedly linked to his salary.

What is the use?

His annual salary should be the highest in the league, and no matter how much he raises, it is impossible to be higher than himself.

As the dinner time was reached in the evening, everyone started to leave.

"Left hand, let's go together." Seeing that his left hand was still in place, Lin Fan shouted.

"I'm not feeling well today and I don't want to go."

"Brother Zhuo, let's go together." Ah Shui wanted to yell in front of him, but today Lin Fan is the one who treats the guests to dinner, and with the mid laner position, the relationship between the two is more sensitive.

Even if he thinks that Brother Fan won't mind, it's not suitable for him to take the initiative to invite the left hand in this situation.

Hearing Lin Fan's initiative to invite him, he only answered at this moment.

According to the current rhythm of the game and the environment of public opinion, Tao Bo will definitely not keep his left hand.

The number of times we can get together to eat is also less and less.

Ah Shui still hopes that everyone can leave a good memory together.

"Yeah, the club has dinner together, the atmosphere is here, everyone is very happy together." Zoom's chubby face, one can see that he is an honest person.

"Yes, let's go together."

"No, I...train...let's go." The left hand shook his head.


The Mandarin of the left hand is already very bad, not to mention it is so intermittent that Ah Shui couldn't hear what he was saying clearly for a while.

"Forget it, the left hand probably wants to train for a while, let's go." Xiaotian said.

Forcibly yelling over like this will make it easy to be awkward when eating, so there is no need for this.

Xiaotian looked quite clearly.

"Brother Zhuo, do you want to bring you some?"

The left hand shook his head.

"Okay, then let's go?" After saying this, Ah Shui felt a little regretful, she shouldn't call Brother Fan for a treat, it's better to help Brother Fan celebrate by herself at this time.

You can call out the whole club.

But it is not difficult to see from here that the club has completed the team.

But it is so realistic, as long as e-sports can win the game, instead of making other messy lace news.

Eating hot pot at night is still a very cool thing, especially if you go with a group of people, the atmosphere will be achieved immediately.

Especially the hot pot restaurants do a good job at night.

When the boss saw it, he greeted everyone.

"Come on, there's still one box No. [-] left."

"Good boss." Ah Shui greeted the boss very familiarly.

Professional players in the e-sports circle are basically socially phobic men. Fortunately, they can't speak a word when communicating with their teammates.

But Ah Shui is different, a proper social cow.

Directly make these restaurant owners near the base into good buddies.

Everywhere you go, someone greets you.

After a while, the dishes were ordered.

Being able to open here, and let the players of the Top Fight team think about it every night, is enough to prove that this hot pot restaurant tastes good.

Lin Fan fell in love with the taste of this place the first time he came here, it is really beautiful.

Then I finished the meal talking and laughing.

Back at the club, everyone quickly put into the state.

There are less than ten days left before the competition, even in the resurrection armor, the pressure is still there!
If you can successfully advance to the next round, you only need to play one game to win the next game. If you lose, you need to play two consecutive games to advance to the final.

It is clear that only winning the game has the highest return.

If you can't use it, don't use it as much as possible.

As for Lin Fan, he started his daily fishing again.

Turn on the live broadcast and directly open the original.

In an instant, a large number of spectators poured in, and many even strongly urged Lin Fan to teach Yu Ji first-hand.

Not to mention, with the blessing of the King of Glory, Lin Fan's popularity in the live broadcast room can easily exceed 500 million...

Those who don't know think they are professional players of Glory of Kings, and they don't think in the direction of League of Legends at all.

At the same time, a piece of financial news quietly rushed into the hot search.

"Tobosports Skyrockets!The reasons behind it are unbelievable, the value of dine players? "

"One Person Brings 15 Billion Value Added!Top fight e-sports player dine! "

The Influence of Electronic Sports!E-sports players bring 15 billion value-added! "

Some people saw that this ID was familiar, so they clicked in and took a look.

After reading it, I was even more dumbfounded.

Ah Lei!
Brother Rateu is a god.

A person actually pried a disk?This is a bit of an exaggeration.

(End of this chapter)

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