LOL: I'm really a professional league player

Chapter 111 Stupid bsyy!Let Brother Tu come on stage!

Chapter 111 Stupid bsyy!Let Brother Tu come on stage! (seeking subscription)
Fast forward to March 4th.

The game between Topsports and v5 will start on time at 04:30 in the afternoon.

During these ten days, all the players trained hard.

Especially for the left hand. Three days before the start of the match, Luo Sheng directly stated that this match is related to his future worth.

Whether it is popular or spicy depends on his own performance in this game.

The left hand is also a smart person, otherwise he wouldn't be able to play around with five or six girls.

Luo Sheng's words made it clear that he will be sold in the summer split.

Before that he has to prove himself.

After all, those games in the spring split were like shit, no matter who the opponent was, they couldn't do it.

After getting the notice, Lin Fan expressed his understanding. Isn't it good to be able to rest?Most importantly, the left hand poses no threat to him.

And don't look like you are fishing for fish in these ten days, in fact, the panel is already very exaggerated.

There are five additional heroes with full proficiency.

They are Akali, Golem, Lucian, Little Murloc and Desert Butcher.

In addition to the further expansion of the hero pool, the glory of the king has reached [-] points, and there is a large group of fans. They even said in the live broadcast room yesterday that they will come to cheer for today's game.

It is the only one among the players in the league that has a large number of fans of Glory of Kings, and they will also choose to come to the scene to cheer and support.

It's a pity that the timing of the choice was not very good. It happened that the left hand started and he came off the bench.

In addition, Yuanshen even reached level 33, and the score of Genting Game increased steadily, reaching 970 points for the king, and ranked 21st. As soon as the goal was achieved, he directly signed up with the platform and participated in the Douyu anchor selection contest .

By the way, the game of apex was amwayed.

It's pretty quick to get started, especially when Mingmai is the nanny in the team.

Not that familiar yet though.

Sitting in the lounge, I watched Aunt Yu Shuang introduce the teams on both sides.

The left hand, which has not appeared in front of the camera for a long time, has a slightly raised mouth corner, which shows that he is very confident today.

When the camera swept over and appeared in the live broadcast room, the barrage was frantically brushed up.



"Ya Lei! Why don't you let Brother Satu start?"

"You can't play like this with the Resurrection Armor, right? How can you play rookie with your left hand?"

"White Crescent is still as stinky as ever, and it still stinks after changing its name. It messed up tactics during the game."

"How can this not be Brother Rateu?"

"Hanging people! Get back!"

As for the scene, a small group of cute girls holding up photos of Lin Fan and Yu Ji couldn't help but curse.

How did the mid laner in the Top Fight team become a short and wretched man?

If it wasn't for the handsome guy next to him, he might have vomited.

When the contestants from both sides sat in the contestant seats, the director silently cut the camera to the waiting room.

Lin Fan sat quietly beside the water dispenser, picked up the water cup and took a sip of water.

"Ya Lei! Brother Sutu sat next to the water dispenser, it's really damn good."

"It still looks good."

"It must be good, don't you even understand what the club means? This is to make the left hand back a little value, and it will be easy to sell at that time."

"Damn it, the master upstairs can see this?"

"However, I think that when the situation is not right, White Crescent should let Brother Shutu play."

"Critics can still find jobs, this year's netizens are not good enough."


Rookie, who was sitting on the player's bench, felt a little pity when he saw that the player was left-handed.

I haven't played in the regular season, and I already feel like I want to get back in the playoffs.

Unexpectedly, Tao Bo actually used his left hand.

Isn't it a little bit of pressure to hit the left hand?
Rookie squinted his eyes and was highly concentrated.

Commentary seat.

Wa Wa said: "The left hand is starting today. Taobo should have a tactical arrangement. I checked it just now. The left hand has a good record in Hanbok and is in a very good state recently."

Gu Gu continued at this time: "That's right, Brother Sutu hasn't had any record during this period..."

"However, Brother Sutu can't understand it with common sense. He also didn't have any ranking records in the regular season, but he won [-] MVPs in the regular season." After saying this, Jiu Wuqi couldn't help laughing come out.

This kind of thing was unimaginable when he was playing professionally.

"Okay, both sides have finished debugging, and the game officially begins!"


In the first game, it was obvious that Xiaotian was separated from his left hand.

The cooperation between the middle and the field is zero.

The main reason is that Xiaotian is used to being commanded by Lin Fan, and has been fighting around the middle.

At about seven or eight minutes, the middle and wild teamed up to catch up and down or go against the wild.

But the left hand is not good. First of all, you can't get the right of line. This is the most deadly, which means that you can't move in the middle.

When active, the left hand will choose to hang up in the middle.

If the rhythm of the middle lane cannot be opened, the conductor can only hang on the mark.

But Mark's command level is so-so, and he didn't command much during this period, and his thinking was not very clear.

So the whole Taobo gives people the feeling that everyone plays in their own way.

The bottom lane is purely laning suppression, but it's a pity that the middle field can't support it.

Instead, it was regarded as a breakthrough.

Rookie's clockwork caught it crazily, cooperated with Casa to cross a wave, took two heads, and took off in the middle.

It is already very difficult to wind the mainspring without a head in front of the left hand.

Now it is pressed under the defense tower and cannot move.

In the early 9 minutes, the Casa team kicked unreasonably in the middle, and cooperated with the clockwork to complete the tower jump.

Turn around and go to control the canyon pioneer.

The v5 Nakano rhythm took off directly.

After 15 minutes of play, the number of kills on the field even reached 14-4.

The economic gap even came to 5000 yuan.

Rookie's clockwork ate up the mid-lane Tapi to the full.

A qw crispy blood is gone...

The huge advantage of v5 directly chooses to open the baron in 10 minutes.

Tao Bo really wanted to defend, but the huge gap became shattered at the first touch.

There's no way to pick up a team fight.

Relying on the big dragon buff, v5 destroyed all the outer towers, and then rushed to the high ground relying on the clockwork of the men and horses, completing the group destruction of Taobao, and ending the game in one wave.

At the end of the game, everyone saw a small camera, and the left hand and Xiaotian squinted at each other.

it is more than words……

As for Luo Sheng in the backstage lounge, he looked at Lin Fan very confused.

Not only did the left hand not get back his worth in this game, he even lost a big quarter...

Can't make it to Lin Fan?
Luo Sheng was a little dizzy.

In the state of Nakano just now, that cooperation is definitely going to be blown away by Rookie Casa.

As for the barrage in the live broadcast room, it didn't stop for a moment.

"Hahaha, clown show."

"Without the thigh in the middle, Taobo won't be able to fight, right?"

"That's right, this is the smell of the regular season, and there is a strange smell in Nakano."

"All I can say is that there are pests."

"Should I change people? Hahaha, I'll ask White Crescent if I want to change people?"


In the second round, Topbo maintained the original lineup, and did not choose to change the left hand, but in this round, the left hand chose the Tsar, and Xiaotian took the Ruined King.

The tactics are very clear, since the middle and field have no rhythm, then choose two players who will fight each other, and fight in the middle and late stages to see if there is a chance.

Will use the late brush mid laner, which is also a plus.

Rookie may have played high in the first game, and in the second game he took out the enchantress. Kasa chose the blind monk, and the middle field was full of strength, making it clear that he would not give the left hand a chance to survive.

At the time point of five and a half minutes, the enchantress reaches level six and cooperates with the blind monk to complete the tower jump!

After being killed once, the Czar in the middle could not stabilize at all.

At this moment, the face of the left hand was swollen and red.

"Why don't you come, Xiaotian? You just like being a dog for Lin Fan, don't you?"

When this sentence came out of the team language, the atmosphere suddenly turned cold, making people feel suffocated.

"What nonsense is this guy with the left hand talking about?" Luo Sheng even cursed.

Lin Fan didn't say anything about it.

After all, he knows everything about the character of the left hand, and he often scolds his teammates behind his back.

Xiaotian couldn't bear it, and the other side still kept silent.

But since he punished the blue buff away, he knew that his mood was not as calm as it seemed.

"Brother Zhuo, don't worry, I have a great advantage and I can still fight." Ah Shui said quickly.

If he didn't stand up in this situation, he was a little afraid that Xiaotian's keyboard would blow his face.

Still complaining silently in my heart, why is my left hand like a child...doesn't matter the occasion?

This wave is the fuse that caused the entire game.

The operation of the left-hand czar with an explosive mentality is even more deformed.

Rookie seized the opportunity to solo two kills, and then read the book!
As for every death of the Tsar, the book turned four pages.

In 12 minutes, the Tsar's record came to an exaggerated 0-6, and a wave of what is called a class-A war criminal was staged.

Enchantress is 7-0-2 and completely took off.

As long as Ah Shui showed his head, it was a corpse.

Not only was his left hand numb, Ah Shui was also numb.

"Your numb kiss, I will be beaten red and warm."

But he knew that spraying people would not change anything.

In 15 minutes, the enchantress completed the super god, and the murder book reached the [-]th floor.

Killing Crazy is the truest portrayal.

Similar to the previous game, Tao Bo even collapsed even worse.

The headcount ratio of the two sides is 3-21, and the economic gap is [-].

It was only 8 minutes, and it was completely slaughtered.

V5 didn't even fight the big dragon, so he pushed all the way to the front tooth tower.

It may be out of consideration of Taobao's face that he did not choose to make a direct wave, but went back to the city to replenish the state and beat the dragon and then advanced again.

Immediately afterwards, Yao Ji killed three in and two out in the crowd, and captured three heads.

V5 ended the game with a clean wave.

Two to zero, v5 holds the advantage of three match points.

The fans shouted out excitedly.

"Rookie! Rookie!"

The chances of winning are really great. In this case, Taobo can only let the second chase the third.

At this time, the Taobo fans holding signs roared loudly.

"Let Bro Tutu play! You idiot White Crescent!"

Since the location was close to the commentary booth, this roar was transmitted to the live broadcast room through the microphone.

At this moment, the barrage of complaints has become uniform:

"Fuck, you idiot White Crescent Moon, let Brother Sutu play!"

Because this roar really yelled out their hearts.

ps: Ask for a monthly pass at midnight.

(End of this chapter)

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