LOL: I'm really a professional league player

Chapter 113 The Familiar Taobao Chapter is Here!

Chapter 113 The familiar Taobao is back! (seeking subscription)
At 30 minute and [-] seconds, the pawn line in the middle lane converged, and the mid laners of the two sides began to play in the middle lane.

Lin Fan controls Akali to stand behind the pawn line, and Rookie is the control position to press forward, looking for opportunities to consume wa.

According to the normal rhythm, the time node for the mid laner to be promoted to the second level is about two minutes and ten seconds.

However, it will be slightly delayed due to the slow push of the pawn line by the control line.

In order to fully suppress Akali, rookie deliberately pushed the line slowly, and pushed a wave of lines at the time when the card river crab was refreshed, so as to help Kasa control the double river crab.

But in this way, Xiaotian was given a chance to catch it.

Especially in the lower half, the pressure was very fierce, which created an illusion for v5 that Xiaotian was on the bottom lane.

And in the previous game, the people and horses drove at the second level and sprinted and grabbed the bottom lane. After suffering a loss, they were naturally very scared.

If the jungler comes to grab it, it's a waste of time.

After Xiaotian hit the red buff, he manipulated the troops to circle around from the direction of Dalongkeng, mainly because he was afraid that v5 would be an eye at f6.

Centaur's action was immediately caught by 957.

According to the normal rhythm of wild farming, this must be learning w skills to farm f6. Renma belongs to the kind of big f6 players, and it is too comfortable to farm with Q and W skills.

And to make such a move, there is no doubt that this is preparing to arrest people.

"Should Xiaotian be caught at the second level? Rookie Ryze is only at the first level."

"It's a bit ruthless. It's a bit unimaginable to be caught in the second level of the horse, but if you can kick Ryze with one kick, you have a chance to cooperate with the blue buff. Even if you can't, you can still play rookie state."

As for the left hand seeing this scene, both eyes are about to pop out, it hurts, it hurts too much.

Although rookie is suppressing, he is also very careful, and is going to go to the upper intersection to insert an eye when the third wave of troops comes.

According to the normal rhythm, the troops should also brush to that position from bottom to top.

But he didn't expect that Tobo Nakano would be so unreasonable!
Lin Fan controlled Akali to press forward, and the Q skill was scraped. The damage was not high, but it slowed down Ryze.

Immediately afterwards, he pulled back, trying to pull out the passive.

Rookie reacted immediately, w walked forward and a wanted to play a phase rush, and prevented Akali from being able to easily pull out the passive.

With such a change of blood, Ryze obviously made a profit.

But what makes Rookie feel dangerous is that Akali is not retreating but advancing here!

has a problem!
The first-level Q skill consumes 130, and it takes six seconds for two hundred yellow bars to hit the second Q.

Counting the pull, there are still more than three seconds...

During this period of time, Ryze has opened up a little distance by relying on acceleration. Even if Akali moves forward and hits the Q skill, the final outcome is still a loss.

From the corner of the eye, a man with a red buff appeared behind him.

Rookie didn't dare to save his skills at all. After hesitating for a long time, he either surrendered the head or was beaten.

Hastily handed over the flash towards the rear.

But Xiaotian is a chicken thief, he didn't activate the e skill when he came from the front, and only opened the sprint when he went around to the back.

Seeing Ryze flashing, he activated the E skill, chased after him very easily, and kicked Ryze back.

Rookie's expression instantly became distorted.

Akali's Q skill deceleration is in place again, and with the big windmill on the horse, Ryze's blood volume is crazy.

West eight.


Xiaotian's detailed qa controlled the people to move forward, and Lin Fan understood what it meant at a glance.

With a basic attack, Ryze's remaining HP was emptied.

First blood.

A blood burst!

"Xiaotian caught this wave very spiritually, the pawn line is stuck in this position, rookie is so uncomfortable!"

"What's more terrible is to help Akali take a head. The v5 lineup is actually quite afraid of Akali."

Jess, Xayah, in the face of an Akali whose growth has exploded, they have no ability to resist.

Once targeted by an assassin, all that awaits him is the disappearance of his health bar.

The pressure on Akali's middle lane has been greatly relieved, so it will be difficult for v5 to have two lanes up and down.

Lin Fan silently blocked the pawn line and began to hoard the pawn line.

Although the rookie sent back didn't lose much experience, he didn't dare to cross the center line easily without flashing.

As for wanting to help Casa control the double river crab at the beginning, it became a dream.

It was lucky that Casa would be able to eat a river crab next.

After hoarding a wave of gun car lines, Lin Fan began to push the lines. The pushing was relatively slow, but it was still very easy without Ryze's interference.

Then Akali disappeared directly from v5's field of vision.

In this situation, it is a bit like taking the first blood and replenishing three waves of soldiers, and preparing to go home and play.

After all, he also has 900 yuan on him.

But this time point is very ambiguous, more like helping the jungler to control the double river crab.

Rookie could only signal to Casa, who was on the road.

V5 couldn't figure out what was going on here, and immediately discovered the action of Taobo Nakano from the perspective of God.

Grab the third level!

"I'm going to grow up in no time."

"Okay, keep an eye on the opponent, don't give Rich a chance to teleport down."

"Don't worry, don't worry, this will never happen!" Zoom fixed his eyes on Jess, this wave of four packs and twos has a good chance, as long as it is a Taobao, it will take off.

Even if one is replaced, it is still a profit.

In fact, after the damage of the defense tower was increased, mark was ready to sacrifice himself.

The middle field is in place, and this wave of troops with artillery soldiers in the bottom lane has just entered the tower.

Actually this is quite safe for v5.

Developing under the tower, you can pass smoothly without any pressure, and then wait for the prince to finish his round and come down to arrest people.

But when seeing Akali appearing in the rear with a team, the v5 bot lane duo felt their scalps tingle and panicked.

It is clear that they are going to jump over the tower to kill!

Hastily signaled to the team for support.

But Casa was in the upper half, Rookie didn't teleport, and Rich was caught by Danal.

In other words, no one can help them in the bottom lane.

The back is because the front was forced to a wave, the blood volume is not full, only 3/4, this kind of blood volume is the kind of level that can take drugs, and there is no need to take drugs.

In order to reduce the number of pill bottles, there is no medicine to drink.

But the four players here in Topball are all in full condition.

In this case, the v5 duo is under a lot of pressure!
Especially when I don't know who will do it first...

But no matter how much he thought about it, he would never have guessed that it was Akali who took the lead!

The q skill slashes down to slow down, and after attracting the hatred of the defensive tower, the e skill pulls it out, turning around and triggering the electrocution with a slash.

Xia's blood volume plummeted to below half blood.

Mark controls Luo W to lift!
Photic's reaction was quick, and he handed over his flash to avoid the lift, but the centaur kicked over immediately afterwards.

Ah Shui made up the output at this time.

The bottom tower of v5 began to turn to Huoluo.

Lin Fan released a W skill and added 5 points of energy by the way, and the second Q skill scratched the two of v[-], and pulled towards the back, cutting out the passive.

Although Xia was lifted by the treatment, she still couldn't carry it, and her head was given to Akali.

It's not that ppgod failed to do something in this wave, but that the direction of his e-skill finger was Akali, but Xiaotian's friend was about to stand behind, so he was pulled out.

Immediately afterwards, seeing that his AD was under siege, he hurried back, but the impact on the situation was minimal.

Mark, who carried the defensive tower twice, handed over the flash and pulled it out.

Immediately after that, reorganize the wave and attack this female tank without w skills!

Xiaotian resisted to the limit and exited the tower, followed by Ah Shui against the tower, and then flashed out of the tower.

This head was given to Lin Fan.

Double kill!

Akali double kill!

"Beautiful! Up to the textbook level, there are no redundant actions from the beginning to the end, and the goal is very clear."

"The most important thing is that Akali has been double-killed in this wave of Taobao. It is obvious that this is giving people all the money and giving Akali all the money to speed up his formation."

Three minutes and 40 seconds, three heads cost 100 yuan, and Akali's economy directly came to 600 yuan after making up the knife and jumping money.

This is to eat people!

However, Akali only carried the tower once, Lin Fan did not choose to return to the city, but returned to the middle lane, just in time for a wave of soldiers pushed by Ryze.

Looking at it this way, he was preparing to return to the city with a big wave.

As for the barrage in the live broadcast room, it was scrolling crazily.

"Well, Yalei, switching to a mid laner will bring immediate results, so I don't need to talk about anyone who has problems."

"That's why I said earlier that the idiot Bai Yueyue should let Brother Suitu come up earlier. It's probably over now."

"This is the game, and this is the real rhythm of Taobao. I watched the two rounds of cowardly players before, but fortunately, I led Brother Tu to play!"

"Have the cowards learned?"

"Look hard and study hard!"

"Let two chase three, let two chase three!"


In 4 minutes, Xiaotian, who went home and updated his status, beat the first blue buff into residual blood and gave it to Lin Fan.

With the level, coupled with the energy recovery of the blue buff, even if there is no equipment in the laning stage, he can turn over and be the master, and complete the suppression of Rookie Ryze.

At this time, Casa seized this opportunity and came to the middle.

Want to help rookie relieve stress.

It's a pity that Lin Fan noticed Ruiz the moment he stepped forward.

Towards the rear e skill distance, the prince's EQ second company also easily dodged with the smoke bomb.

V5 Nakano was teased, but there was nothing he could do.

Casa can only leave from the middle road in despair.

In 5 minutes, Lin Fan ate the ninth wave of pawns, and then chose to go home. As for the economy on his body, it reached 2370 yuan!
Hextech Generator + Demon Codex!

Add a pair of straw sandals and a real eye.

Rookie shied away when he saw Akali's equipment.

As long as it is marked, a set of skills will be full and cut directly.

Facing the equipped Akali, Ryze couldn't talk at all.

But these are completely produced by Taobo one after another, and there is no way to do it.

The second level catches, the third level four packs two...

Xiaotian saw that the big brother in the middle lane came back, and without a word, he entered the v5 wild area.

In the current mid-field collision, there is no way for v5 to fight.

After Akali reached level six, Rookie was more careful and stayed under the defensive tower, feeling that as long as a little blood was consumed, the opponent would jump over the tower and kill him.

But he had to deal with the pawn line entering the tower.

But the place to stand is still far away...

Especially when Akali bullied her.

Rookie didn't even make up the knife and quickly retreated.

He knew very well how exaggerated Akali's level-1000 killing line was, and Ryze's [-]-plus HP was simply not enough.

What's more, the equipment is so outrageous.

But sometimes, it's not something you can dodge if you take the initiative to hide.

The centaur came out from the side and kicked Ryze directly to Akali's face.

With such a large wave of soldiers, Rookie had thought about jumping over the tower and killing them, but he didn't expect the troops to be so proactive.

Rookie still wants to seize the opportunity to struggle.

But Akali's damage was too exaggerated. With qr's consecutive moves, Ryze's blood volume was less than half after a basic attack triggered the electric shock.

Then the smoke bomb opened, and the Q skill that had cooled down came again, and the second stage of the big move was directly slashed.

The current damage of the two small pieces of Akali has long been incomprehensible!Even without using the e skill, Ryze fell under the defense tower again.

As for eating the defensive tower twice and hurting the troops, there is still no danger, and he easily escaped the attack of the defensive tower and disappeared into the wild area.

Akali ate a layer of Tapi, and once the line of soldiers was cleared, they moved to the lower half of the area.

Casa came over to make up for the large wave of soldiers in the middle, and then signaled to the duo in the bottom lane.

Although Akali doesn't have a big move, but the equipment is leading here, as long as she can play more passively, the danger is still full.

As soon as the bottom lane duo heard the signal, they quickly retreated.

There's no way, the other side is too unreasonable.

Maybe it's not just an Akali, but people and horses may also come.

Another wave of four packs and two, the bottom lane duo can dismiss the game.

He could only choose to lose hard and reluctantly gave up this big wave of troops.

In fact, not only the off road, but even the rich on the road ran to the autistic grass.

Akali put too much pressure on her.

If the figure is gone, the other two lines dare not develop at all.

Compare the top and bottom roads.

Ah Shui eats delicious food here, and even the tapi is eaten by himself, and Mark is called by him to stand on the other side.

Zoom also secretly removed a layer of tape.

This situation is an economic gap of more than 300 yuan.

And Akali, who was blocked by v5, is now fighting Xiaolong with Xiaotian.

Originally, I wanted to get off the road and jump over the wave, but the opponent ran too fast.

Now that you are moving, there must be something to gain.

Especially the first small dragon is a water dragon, and it is best to roll the advantage in the lane.

With Xiaolong's wailing, everyone in V5 sank in their hearts and fell directly to the bottom of the valley.

Similarly, the coaching staff in the backstage lounge had extremely distorted faces.

Especially how happy the coach was in the first 10 minutes, and how painful it is now.

How can this treat the opponent as a free game?
Brother Sutu is really exaggerating.

Why did everyone in Taobo seem to be different as soon as they played?

It feels a little impossible to win the game [-]-[-].

But at this time, the rhythm on the field is not over yet. After the team beats Xiaolong, they get another river crab to rise to level six.

Killed another carbine and returned to the middle.

This time, he didn't act at all, and ran into Ryze with his big move.


Kicked out again.

Akali's e-skills are my secrets!Falcon Dance, hooked on Ryze, activated the second stage and a knife a out passively triggered the electrocution.

The full blood of Ryze's blood volume directly bottomed out.

The Q skill cuts out the next second and the Xia array opens, pull it out and cut out the passive to complete the ending.

"Oh my God, Ryze is dead again!"

(End of this chapter)

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