LOL: I'm really a professional league player

Chapter 114 Sneaking in the smoke, killing people invisible!

Chapter 114 Sneaking in the smoke, killing people invisible! (seeking subscription)
Topball backstage.

The whole face of the left hand was swollen and red, and the redness was the truest portrayal of him.

As long as Akali takes a human head, especially when the centaur is still nearby, his face twitches.

Dog thing, don't you just scold me for a few words?

How did you adjust your mentality so quickly in the third game?
Dead gang in the middle?

Why didn't I see you come to the middle in the first two games.

Disgusting me, right?
Blood pressure rises sharply.

If you can think of Rambo's voice next to you, warning will be very vivid.

As for Luo Sheng who was sitting at the front, he burst into laughter.

Lin Fan is really the savior of Taobo, and he has made every effort. From the beginning to now, he has firmly grasped the v5 Nakano. This rhythm is what Taobo wants, it is comfortable.

Everyone knows what they should do, instead of being like headless chickens in the previous round.

The audience couldn't find their own position, and in this situation, they were hoisted up and beaten by v5.

But now, changing to the mid laner, the rhythm took off. This immediate effect undoubtedly made Luo Sheng more sure that Lin Fan was the most correct mid laner for Topball.

At this stage, the economic advantage has been pulled to 5. With the rhythm of the current version, it is almost impossible for v[-] to make a comeback. He even snorted when he was relaxed.

That's how it should have been in the first two rounds.

mmp, you shouldn't be left-handed in the first two rounds. Now that you're done, you'll lose all your worth, and you might be able to force out the team's Resurrection Armor...

Although the situation on the court is very good, it is really not an easy task for the second to chase the third.

Alas, one wrong step and one wrong step.


Ryze was killed by the gank of the horse, and the baby looked at the scene in front of him and shouted: "Xiaotian is so decisive, he can directly choose to catch after upgrading to level [-], and cooperate with Akali's super high damage to instantly melt Ryze. I really didn't give a chance at all, three consecutive deaths, the middle lane completely collapsed!"

Although Ryze has been strengthened a little in this version, the enhanced Q skill damage can only allow Ryze to transition to the wandering stage in a stable manner.

But it's not to the point where it can be stabilized after being killed three times in a row.

And there are no heroes of this level in this version.

Gu Gu was even more excited. After the showdown, she was a fan of Brother Suitu: "This is Brother Suitu. Even if he lost five mid laners, even if he has been playing Genting Game for more than half a month, but he used it. The reverse version of Akali cut a piece of sky in the middle."

"I feel like there should be a night reaper when I go back, 8 minutes and 9 minutes, the night reaper, it's too ruthless.

Akali's winning rate in the middle lane at this stage is 41%, but once it is delayed to 35 minutes, the winning rate has increased significantly.

From this, it can be seen that Akali is a hero who eats a lot of equipment. Next, Brother Shuitu is really unscrupulous. If the big move is good, it is to see whoever is second! 957 shook his head.

With the v5 lineup, he couldn't see who could stop Akali.

"Torbo's move of Akali is really very quintessential. V5 can't deal with Akali at all, so it's a very smart way to invest all resources in the early stage on Brother Sutu."

"That's right, it's time to harvest!"

The barrage in the live broadcast room also scrolled crazily.

"As soon as Brother Sutu came up, I felt that I had found my spiritual support."

"I am a fan of Ah Shui. When I see a trustworthy mid laner, I know that this game has been won."

"I've been in the broadcast room of Brother Sutu for more than half a month. He's a really outrageous player. It's either Yuanshen or Genting Yi. Originally, I came here today with the mood of watching the excitement, but I didn't expect him to be really C Already!"

"Ah Lei, I'm a Jedi fan of Brother Satu, and this is Brother Satu Plaza at this moment! Stand up, everyone!"

"It's back, I feel like they're all back!"

"The top five most correct players are this year's championship lineup."

"The love of five people can't be involved in the sixth person. It is recommended that the left hand find a pit and bury it by himself."

"Now in this situation, I feel that the left hand really can't get in."

"It's a hammer, it's clear that he wants to pack up and leave, he puts on a bad face in the middle, Xiaotian is not willing to come to help him."

"Anyway, Brother Suitu is awesome!"


As Nine Fifty-Seven said, after Lin Fan returned to the city, he directly took out the Night Reaper. He had already reached the point where he could see everyone in seconds. At this stage, he didn't need to think about how to be more passive, just throw his skills when he saw someone.

But the opposite is Rookie, letting his Ryze develop, this is something that shouldn't be done.

So Lin Fan clicked on the middle lane, preparing to continue to compress Rookie's development space.

Xiaotian, who just took down the canyon pioneer, rushed over immediately.

It was Nakano who didn't explain the tower jumping again.

But this time it was more relaxed, the men and horses just made up for it, Lin Fan didn't even use his ultimate move here, directly killing Ryze with most of his blood.

Casa is numb.

Because the middle has been targeted, he is going to counter-squat to defend.

As a result, the EQ went up two times, and only Ryze's body was left.

But Taobo Nakano laughed out loud when he saw the prince.

I didn't expect that there is a buy one get one free deal in the professional arena.

Akali started her big move, and was moved after losing with a single blow.

The prince who was full of blood directly fell to half blood.

The EQ second company was handed over, even if the flash was handed in, it was still within the range of Akali's beheading, struggling weakly.

Casa quickly made a judgment, there is no need to hand in this flash.

In fact, Lin Fan was also waiting. At the moment when the prince's hand flashed, the second stage of the big move was directly cut, but looking at Kasa's choice, it must not be hand in hand.

If this is the case, then raise the knife with your hand and drop it, and cut the prince under the horse!
Akali is close to God!Resounds throughout the canyon!

Everyone in the v5 team froze.

This is really crazy killing, the beginning has been taking the head.

Photic is already imagining himself being walked by a bird...

Akali is the nightmare of all adcs.

In the mid-to-late stage, once you are targeted, the only way to go is death.

The canyon vanguard was summoned in the middle of Jiufen, and with the joint efforts of the two, a tower in the middle was pushed down.

In 10 minutes, the Nakano linkage directly grabbed it.

Akali, who has a development explosion, didn't even wait for the line of troops, and the troops rushed directly to the tower with their ultimate move.

In the chaos, Lin Fan's Akali put on a skill, body QA triggered the electric shock, and poor Xia disappeared on the map.

Poor photic didn't even hand over his ultimate healer.

He thought that Akali's injury was exaggerated, but he didn't expect that he would disappear after touching him.

As for the three commentators in the commentary booth, they didn't know what words to use to describe it. It is more appropriate to return to the basics and yell.

There were excited screams from Taobo fans.

How depressing it was to watch the last two rounds, how enjoyable it was to watch this round.

Naturally, I want to seize this opportunity to vent.

However, this kind of scream was very harsh to many people's ears... They launched attacks one after another.

But now the whole scene really belongs to Taobao!

Rookie originally wanted to send it over, but when he saw the scene in front of him, he silently moved his finger back.

Seize this gap to eat more soldiers and wild monsters to grow and develop.

Although the chances are slim, I still have to try.

Because Akali's damage is too high, it helped V5 avoid the end of buying two and getting one free.

But the loss is still beyond imagination.

The next tower was pushed down.

The economic gap was directly pulled to six thousand.

Topbo began to speed up the pace, not giving v5 a chance to breathe at all.

At ten and a half, Kasa cleaned up wild monsters in the wild.

But one of the towers in the middle and lower lines is gone, this kind of move is undoubtedly very dangerous.

The spirit of Casa is even more vigilant.

But at this time Akali suddenly jumped on him, completely unresponsive, only the prince with blood volume on his body, and the screen was black on the spot!

"Hmph, another one who is overwhelmed."

Then I saw Akali, and an E skill disappeared from sight.

Looking at the dimmed computer screen, Kasa could not help but sigh, how to play?He really has no idea at all right now, and the pressure is really too great.

I don't know how to change the situation on the court.

Rookie quickly retreated to the Highland Tower.

Kasa was killed in the wild area. Needless to say, the centaur must be there. Even if Akali doesn't have a big move, it is still very easy for the centaur to jump over the tower.

Only when you retreat to the Highland Tower will you feel safe.

Rookie's judgment on Xiaotian's route is still very accurate.

Looking at Ryze retreating under the Highland Tower, Xiaotian was still a little ready to move, but Lin Fan felt that this move was too risky, and it was too dangerous to rush to the Highland Tower in just a few minutes.

So I decided to push down the second tower in the middle road more safely.

As for the audience at the scene, they were still immersed in the picture of Akali's instant prince just now.

Sure enough, an assassin who doesn't take orders from anyone is the most terrifying.

Brother Sutu looked like he was going crazy, and he was so ruthless when he came up.

I feel that Kasa is going to be autistic. It's just a wave of wild in the wild area, and people just disappear.

"Based on the performance of the native brother Akali, I feel that there will be one more hero who moves in Taobao."

"I can't move it. In this game, V5 directly removed five mid laners, but Brother Suitu suddenly took out Akali. This hero pool is really a question mark. I don't know where he practiced. from."

The question asked in [-] is indeed the problem of the century.

Well, Yalei, this guy never trains, and he is also the one who broadcasts the most live broadcasts among professional players.

But as soon as he entered, he saw him fighting Jedi and Yuanshen, and the follow-up entertainment was to play goose and duck killing with the hard-mouthed brother.

There is a saying that the effect of the program is indeed full.

And I have also gained a lot of friendship. Now I can hear the roar when I go to Gangzi's live broadcast room.

"Beautiful kill!"

"I had such a mid laner at the time, let me tell you that I was lawless."

"Hehe, wait a moment and the tank smashes your head."

"What are you talking about? I'm talking about you, son. Is there any use for you to go to the Snake Team to beat the mid laner?"

"I smashed your head with a slap, have you ever been a teammate with me?"

"Ya Lei, if it wasn't for those ten BO5 games that knocked me out, we would definitely be teammates."


Tao Bo's game rhythm continues.

After the second tower in the middle lane was removed, the bottom lane duo switched to the top lane, and took down the first tower in the top lane without pressure.

At 14 minutes into the game, only the second top tower and the second bottom tower remained in the outer towers of v5.

The economy is directly behind seven thousand and five.

Their lineup really has no way to face an explosively fat Akali, even if they want to delay the later stage.

Especially when Taobo didn't give him a chance.

Under Lin Fan's command, everyone went out with real eyes, even Ah Shui was no exception.

With five real eyes, v5 will not be able to create more chances if he wants to play more or less.

It is the most desperate for the dominant side to light up all the maps.

The main reason is that Akali put too much pressure on her.

I can't find her location on the map, and I will be instantly killed as soon as I touch it.

The prince just now is the best proof, even if the spirit is highly alert, but as long as he is targeted, he can't even activate his skills and just lie down in seconds.

Fifteen minutes and 37 seconds.

Jace is caught by Akali online.

Although rich pushed Akali away with an E skill, but with the second ult in hand, this approach really doesn't make much sense.

And the moment Akali touched him, his blood volume was only fifty points left.

Still the same sentence, if you touch it, you will die!

The second stage of the big move cut directly!
Rich had a horrified expression, obviously frightened.

After all, he was messing with Gnar on the road before that.

Peaceful development, upgrading from millet plus rifles to planes and cannons.

But it never occurred to me that the plane and the cannon were skipped on the opposite side, and there was a nuclear bomb directly.

While Topbo was blooming on the road, the bottom lane duo was not idle. They caught the female tank who was doing field vision in the wild, and mark took off with a big move without saying a word.

Controlling the female tank tightly, Ashui Aphelios kept up with the output of the explosion.

The female tank only stayed strong for two seconds with the W skill.

After all, Aphelios grew up with his elder brother. Although there are few kills, the team is well-fed, the equipment is luxurious, and the damage is naturally not low.

After being killed by two people in a row, V5 had no choice but to hide under the Highland Tower, and gave up the upper and lower two towers.

Taobo has not yet chosen to push the ground up, it can be said to be steady or return the courtesy.

After all, with such a big advantage in the last v5, you can choose to end the game in 10 minutes.

Taobo waited for 20 minutes here and chose to open the dragon.

It looks like it is going to end the game with a big dragon.

V5 knows that the opponent is going to fight the dragon when he can't see the figure on the map.

I took a photo with the blue jewelry, but after seeing it, I still didn't choose to go in the direction of Longkeng.

It is very difficult for the blue side to grab the baron, and the terrain is here.

And snatching the big dragon is only delaying the time of being pushed, which is equivalent to increasing self-torture. There is no need for that. It is better to let the opponent finish the fight earlier and find some points to end the next move.

At 21 and a half minutes, Taobo advanced with the dragon buff.

The men and horses took the lead in rushing in, breaking up V5's defensive formation.

Lin Fan seized this opportunity to put up a big poster on Jess, and the basic attack followed by the Q skill slash triggered the electrocution of Jess and directly left his blood.

R2 dodged to end Jace's life, and hit Ryze and Xayah with extra damage.

Another untouchable pain of life.

The two little crispy half-bloods are gone.

The rest of Topbo rushed up, kept up with the follow-up output, and wiped out the v5 regiment in front of the Highland Tower.

Lin Fan took the heads of the prince and Ryze again, and the three kills ended perfectly.

In the follow-up, no one stood in the way, and the v5 base was taken away in one wave!

Tao fought back to win a victory, and the two sides fought one to two, leaving the suspense in the fourth game!

(End of this chapter)

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