LOL: I'm really a professional league player

Chapter 116 How Strong is Brother Soltu at His Peak?

Chapter 116 How Strong is Brother Soltu at His Peak? (seeking subscription)
Walking to v5, everyone shook hands one by one. Rookie forced a smile, the game is lost, but everyone is acquaintances, the blessing should be blessed, and they still have a chance to fight back...

"Brother Fan is amazing, you really surprised me in these three rounds, but I believe we will still have a chance to fight against each other later, and by then I will definitely not lose to you again."

Lin Fan waved his hand.

"You put a lot of pressure on me. If it wasn't for Xiao Tian's good chances in the fifth game, it would be really difficult to play later."

The advantage of starting a group is revealed. In the middle and late stages, the initiative is in your own hands, and the impact effect of the team's ultimate move is still very good.


Then the two hugged each other again.

When photic was shaking hands, he looked at Ah Shui enviously. You have a good father in the middle of the road.

Immediately afterwards, there was a kind of embarrassment. He thought that today on Weibo, he specially invited the little Internet celebrity to come over to watch the game, but in the end he was killed by Ah Shui.

He could only lower his head hastily and tidy up the equipment.

I couldn't win Taobao today, my little brother can only suffer... I can't walk the bird.

After shaking hands, everyone from Topbo came to the center of the stage, bowed deeply to the audience under the lights, and thanked them for their support.

There is one thing to say, when the pressure is extremely high, it is really easy to get through with the support of fans.

Fans are sometimes a double-edged sword, with advantages and disadvantages, and overall the advantages outweigh the disadvantages.

Later, as the MVP of the game, Lin Fan, who led the Top Fight team as a substitute to let the second chase the third, was invited by the official to the commentary booth.

In fact, this is also a temporarily changed interview subject. If Tobo can win the game, the official plan is to interview the left hand.

But the two games with the left hand were like shit. If the left hand was called up, needless to say, the water bottle would be thrown on the spot.

The official also knows who everyone wants to listen to and watch, and they must be satisfied after winning the game.

As for the host, it was my aunt Yu Shuang.

She flirts with Guan Zeyuan recently, and now she looks radiant.

With a smile on his face: "After letting the second chase the third, your feelings must be deeper than ours now, right? Can you share it with everyone?"

Lin Fan nodded: "First of all, what I want to say is that v5 is indeed a very strong team, especially Rookie, which put a lot of pressure on me and pushed our team to the edge of a cliff. At that time, everyone was under a lot of pressure.

However, with mutual encouragement and encouragement, they successfully found an opportunity and survived this wave to complete the comeback.

I think it depends more on the cooperation between the teams. Only with the help of Xiaotian can I roam smoothly and gain more and more advantages of the team.

I really appreciate them believing in me. Akali is indeed the first hero I picked up in a game, not even in a training match, but they are willing to invest resources in me, Akali. One game even allowed me to take seven heads in a row, and Xiaotian came to the middle four times in 10 minutes..."

Yu Shuang nodded: "This is indeed a difficult game. The pressure of chasing three rounds in a row is beyond our experience."

At this time, the barrage in the live broadcast room was rolling wildly.

"It's handsome, Brother Suitu doesn't take credit for it, don't look at Brother Suitu's random kills in the third game, Xiaotian is definitely the first support."

"It's been said that Brother Sutu is on the court, and Xiaotian has the rhythm here. He really likes the middle laner, and he can't criticize him."

"I have watched so many interviews and live broadcasts of Brother Suitu. He has absolutely no problem with his emotional intelligence. I feel that he is better than Ah Shui."

"Didn't you hear that you were criticizing the inside? You came to the middle lane four times in 10 minutes, but in the previous two games, Xiaotian Er didn't necessarily go to the middle lane four times in 10 minutes..."

"Then, how did Brother Akali manage to do it? He didn't even pull it out in the training match. White Crescent is really courageous!"

"It's said that White Crescent is an idiot. If he is not courageous, how dare he let cowardly play two games? You should find something wrong in the first game, and replace him quickly."

"What can you do with a rotten crotch? All your thoughts are on his lower body."

"Hahaha, I feel like critics will be pissed off after listening to this interview."


In fact, it was not wrong.

The left hand looked at everyone in the lounge with smiles on their faces, all kinds of excited celebrations were really more uncomfortable than killing him.

Especially looking at Lin Fan who was being interviewed on the monitor, that high-spirited look.

After hearing Lin Fan thank Xiaotian for always helping the middle lane, which allowed him to easily establish an advantage, his whole face became even more gloomy.

I eat lemons, the whole team plays me together, right?
Why didn't you see you being so fierce in the bottom lane in the first two rounds, and why didn't you see various restrictions on the top lane Jess in the first two rounds?Why didn't the coach let me choose Silas in the first two rounds?Do you want me to take the Czar, which has no effect in the early stage?
"These three games are indeed the most impressive in my career. I didn't have any pressure when I played the game before, even if Taobo lost five games in a row at the beginning...

But I believe that there are miracles, and our usual efforts are enough to support the miracle of letting the second chase the third. "

Yu Shuang nodded approvingly.

"Then the next question is not included in the interview card. This is what the baby director specially asked for everyone."

"What?" Lin Fan was puzzled, what question did the doll specifically ask?

"We all know that you have been busy scoring points for half a month... so I am very curious about how the depth of your hero pool came out."

"Ah, this... Everyone knows that I was a mid laner at the beginning. For some reason, I transitioned to a support. These heroes are actually all I practiced before. When I go in and throw two skills in the laning stage, I can change them. Muscle memory, so I'm very thankful for my previous efforts to make it easier for me now."

As soon as this was said, the audience whispered to each other.

"Practice before?"

"Holy shit, the feeling can last for so long, it shouldn't have switched to the bottom lane in the first place, and it should have won the championship if it directly hit last year's Taobao."

"In last year's version, Brother Sutu's hero pool didn't seem to be very suitable...but he must have been the strongest at that time. According to this, I haven't practiced a mid-laner hero for more than a year, and the game is still killing randomly. This is the most outrageous!"

"Thousands of blood, please train well."

"Then you'd better go with the blood book yourself, I support the rate of Tu Ge playing King of Glory!"

"Ya Lei! Get out of the peasant batch, this is Satu Ge Square!"

"Thank you so much for accepting our interview, and I hope you can perform better in the next games."

Yu Shuang ended the interview session with her iconic smile.

Lin Fan finally waved to the audience and walked towards the backstage lounge.


As soon as the interview here was over, everyone in Topbo immediately took the bus back to the base.

After this match, Topbo will have another five days of rest. Tomorrow's match will be between and rng. The side that wins the match will be Topbo's next opponent.

Due to the competition system, even if you win, you can only enter the finals, and then wait for the challenge of the loser group.

Therefore, although there are only four teams left in the playoffs, it will actually take a total of six games to determine the final champion.

For the audience, the games that can be watched are more enjoyable, the loser can be resurrected, and there is a chance to win the championship.

For the team, the pressure is even greater. If you want to win this championship, you must have absolute strength.

Therefore, the gold content of the championship under this competition system is very high.

On the bus, everyone was still very excited.

Completing the second to chase the third is also considered an achievement.

"According to this rhythm, we should represent LPL in this year's mid-season competition."

"No, we've just finished one game. In theory, we still have two games left. They open champagne at half time, and we're even more ruthless and open a third game." Mark said.

"But no matter how you say it, no one wants to miss the mid-season game, right?"

"His numb kiss, I was very annoyed when it came to the mid-season game. That year when I was in ig, we were killed in the group stage. After the game, we felt that the championship was ours, but we fell to the semi-finals...

There is one thing I can't accept, so I really want to participate in the mid-season game this year. "Ah Shui whispered beside Lin Fan.

"Since this is the case, hurry up and train hard. Both and RNG are very strong, and they are both hard nuts to crack. I don't want to fall into the loser's bracket if I don't win."

"Brother Fan, you are not convincing when you say this. I have never seen you train once!"

"Awkward, why are you insulting people's innocence out of thin air? Can professional players be called non-training?"

"Well... Actually, I really want to play in the mid-season game." The little fat man Zoom said in a low voice.

Although he has played in the global finals, his experience is still relatively poor.

Then there was no improvement in the next year, otherwise it would not be listed for sale by

The mid-season game is a mid-term exam, which is a good way to prove one's own strength.

Tell everyone that he can still play on zoom!
"Okay, since everyone is so confident, I'll take the lead in scoring points today! Game of Genting scored [-] points! I'll start scoring as soon as I get back!"

"it is good!"

"Okay, Brother Fan, give me the strength!"

"come on, come on, come on……"

"But why, it's Game of Thrones, why not PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds?"

"Because only Genting is going to be on the League of Legends client, it doesn't seem to give you face to score points in other games."


Luo Sheng couldn't help smiling while listening to the team members' exchange.

The feeling of harmony in the team is really good, come on, boys, continue to move towards your dreams.


At the same time, Taobo successfully completed the fermentation of the second chase and the third.

Not to mention the popularity of Weibo, everyone is not surprised.

As for the e-sports toilet, it is also rare at this time that no one is hacked.

On the contrary, one post after another emerged one after another.

"What kind of strength is S11's Sutu brother in the middle?"

The landlord recounted what Lin Fan said in the interview.

It means that I haven't played in the middle lane for more than a year, and returned to the middle lane to play the game, but the result is a dominant level.

And there are many animations in the post.

These are all classic moves played by Lin Fan in the Spring Split.

Victor's explosion damages the enchantress in seconds.

Syndra single-killed the czar at the first level.

Akali Tianxiu three kills.


"It can only be said that S11's rate soil brother was wasted..."

"But the left hand at that time was actually okay, the main reason is that 369 pulled the hips."

"As for Brother Zhuo, he doesn't like people judging him, so Taobo simply sold him out here."

"One thing to say, according to Brother Shutu's performance in the Spring Split, s11 is definitely a big mid laner, with terrifying strength."

"In the peak period, all the mid laners were easily captured, stomping on Xu Xiu, beating up the juniors."

"It's not so exaggerated, is it?"

"Heh, Brother Soltu, did you play Summoner's Canyon in front of us in the Spring Split? The live broadcast time is so full every day, it is absolutely impossible to secretly practice extra.

It is really hard for me to understand the random killings on the field. When I say this today, I am relying on muscle memory, and the credibility is actually very high.

So s11's rate brother is definitely the pinnacle of his career!The current performance estimates the state at that time, which must be difficult for us to understand. "

"Hey, the left hand at that time was actually pretty good. For a substitute mid laner who has not played in the professional arena, I would not give him a chance."

"I can only say that it's a pity to fight in Taobao. If S11 has the chance to win the championship, you may not be able to win the finals, but you will definitely not lose to Li Ning. If you can play in the global finals, you won't be squatting at home..."

"Top Bo's overall state is very promising to win the championship. After watching the mid-season match against the Korean team, skt relied on the top laner and bottom lane, and Brother Li won the championship again."

The first few floors were still discussing and analyzing how terrifying Lin Fan's previous peak state was, and his buttocks were crooked.

"SKT seems to have regained its form in the past two years. If Li Ge can retire with four championships, it will be a legend."

"Faker's professional attitude is really good, and he is very humble. If you can learn from Faker, why are you so worried?"

"Hehe, I'm boldly predicting here that faker is just pretending. I'm already very anxious if I haven't achieved results in the past two years. If I don't win the mid-season championship this year, I will definitely break my defense."

After reading this, a large number of Faker's fans immediately became upset, and quickly launched an attack on him.

But everyone is a post bar, you respect me a foot, I respect you a foot.

The effect of force is mutual, and it is necessary to fight and fight.

The master of the stratum fights against the Confucianism, and in the blink of an eye, more than 50 floors are hung up...

However, everyone agrees that Lin Fan in s11 is definitely in the peak state, and now he is completely eating his laurels. If he does not train well later, everyone is not optimistic about Lin Fan's state after eating his laurels.

On the other side of the Taobao base, the left hand didn't even eat and went back to the dormitory alone.

But no one cared about him. Everyone came to the cafeteria to eat a little, and then hurried back to the training room to start training.

The time is tight and the tasks are heavy, so we must maintain the best condition in the next competition.

They have come this far, so naturally they don't want to waste all their efforts.

Lin Fan, on the other hand, opened the live broadcast room on time.

Old fans have known for a long time that there will be a live broadcast after the game, so they squatted in the live broadcast room early.

Today's game was really exciting, and the word cool is highlighted, and the joy should be shared together.

"Good fight, Brother Suitu!"

ps: Ask for a monthly ticket, if you can break the thousand today, continue to give it to twelve thousand.

(End of this chapter)

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