LOL: I'm really a professional league player

Chapter 117 Justice Assassin!Kill Lin Big Hammer!

Chapter 117 Justice Assassin!Kill Lin Big Hammer! (seeking subscription)
At 09:30 in the evening, as Lin Fan started the live broadcast, his popularity quickly rushed to the top of the League of Legends section. The official even put up a banner for him to promote it, and he could see it as soon as he opened the Douyu live broadcast.

After all, they paid a lot of money and successfully got the team's live broadcast contract from Taobo. Although the conditions are infinitely relaxed, they think it is worthwhile as long as they keep Brother Shitu.

It can also be seen from the download volume of the platform in the past half month.

Betta earns blood!
Huya could only shake his head silently.

It's the first time I haven't been able to fight a betta...

This treatment also made Douyu's anchors envious and jealous.

But both sides are not the same level of anchors, so they can only silently look red in the back.

There are even a lot of others who follow suit, League of Legends anchors go to play PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds...

However, it was too good to play. At first, everyone was curious to check it out, but it didn't work at all.

In the end, he didn't even have any League fans who supported him. After returning to the League of Legends live broadcast, both his popularity and popularity dropped a lot.

Lost the wife and broke down again.

From this, many people can also see that if they want to develop multiple games in an all-round way, talent is very necessary, and it is impossible to do without talent.

Brother Sutu has already proved from the side how terrifying his talent is.

Has not played mid laner for more than a year, and still dominates the entire league after returning.

When there were more people in the live broadcast room, the barrage began to become dense.

Lin Fan could read one by one at first, but now he can't see anything clearly.

Since this is a specific response to the previous barrage, I will not continue to watch the barrage.

"Okay, okay, good evening everyone, I was really tired from playing today's game, but the result is good."

"Look, I just ate a little for dinner when I came back, and then I started training directly. Ah Shui and the others really worked hard." While talking, Lin Fan manually moved the camera to take pictures of the training room.

"Talking, rushing, regretting last year's fight, this year there will be no regrets!"

"Brother Sutu, you have to watch them and let them train well."

Of course, sharp-eyed spectators looked around and found that there was no left hand in the training room.

"What about the left hand? Shouldn't you be beaten twice by Rookie, your mentality will explode, and even your daily training will be messed up?"

"If I had retired on the spot with my left hand, I would be ashamed."

"Someone posted photos on Weibo, when Taobo won the game with a stinking face on his left hand."

"It's not all the way. Others in Taobo concentrate their energy on the game. Only the left hand is full of the lower body."

"It's very suitable to be on the same team as the seaside boys, and we can communicate..."


"Cough cough cough... Ah Shui Mark is working hard to train, what is Brother Sutu going to play tonight? I remember tomorrow is not the Douyu Cup? Brother Sutu is on the list."

"Fuck, I couldn't believe it at the time, everyone was dizzy when they saw this list."

"Brother Sutu said before that he was going to participate in the Douyu Cup. When he rushed to become the strongest player in four days or three days, I knew that Genting Games would usher in a real professional player."

"After today's game, I have realized my shortcomings. Let's make a good score today."

Lin Fan said to himself, then opened the League of Legends client.

At this moment, some people who never posted barrage couldn't help it.

"Damn it, Brother Sutu wants to get back to his peak state?"

"Hahaha, let's go first!"

You can log in to League of Legends and watch the mouse move continuously.

In one go, I clicked on the ranking of Genting Game, and then clicked to find the game.

"Ha ha……"

"I found out my own shortcomings, and then went directly to open Genting Zhiyi? Yalei, Brother Sutu's pulling is top-notch."

"I'm used to it, I don't have any fluctuations in my mood."

"Is there any entertainment tonight? Let's kill geese and ducks. Xiaozao and God K have started to get dirty with each other."

Although there are more people playing Genting Game, it still takes time to split into a high row.

Especially those with high scores in the past have completed a group.

Then the waiting time will be even longer.

This time it took more than five minutes to enter the game.

"Okay, let's hit [-] points first, the last [-] points shouldn't be too much."

As Lin Fan spoke, he controlled his little hero to rush towards the attack speed.

In this version of s7, attack speed is the first choice.

Although Adventure Xia has been shaved, she is indeed eating a separator.

As long as the lineup is formed, there must be points.

So it is still a popular lineup now, and of course there are relatively strong ones.

For example, the current dragon Nunu, once he has a golden shovel, he will definitely turn in this direction.

The one-star dragon Nunu locks blood, the two-star dragon Nunu eats chicken, the more dragon masters the better.

Even if Xia brought a giant kill, it would not be able to scratch for a long time.

It was rated as a version cancer by everyone!
After all, the skill mechanism is like eating a buffet one bite at a time. With the combination of drinking blood and justice, the blood will not drop from the beginning to the end after the fight.

Everyone is tortured.

But it is undeniable, strong!

The dragon Jess is even worse than the dragon Nunu.

"This version of Shenlong Nunu is too strong, as long as there is a golden shovel, I will be dizzy." Lin Fan said at the same time.

This card didn't go very smoothly, and the equipment was not good enough, so he went on a losing streak, and the wild monster with two bars and seven advances still had 74 blood left.

Generally speaking, there is pressure, but not too much.

Of course, playing Adventure Xia is definitely good for a winning streak, but if you can't win in a row, you can only fight at level seven.

As soon as Lin Fan finished speaking, the wild monster dropped a golden glitter.


Picking it up is a golden shovel.

Without the slightest hesitation, he gave the big stick he just got from the draft, and directly joined the Shenlongzhuan.

At this time, the barrage in the live broadcast room started to scroll crazily, and the screen was full of question marks.



"What the hell?"

"Brother Shutu's mouth is also... the golden shovel burst out in the next second after saying no to play, but the body is very honest, so close!"

"Fuck, I can't accept that wild monsters can explode the shovel!"

"Now it's all about big pieces and tears. With all the equipment, I'm sure I can get this amount of blood."

"Ahem, since we signed up for the shovel, it's destiny. Although we haven't kept the card yet, but 3-2 liters and six direct d, you can lock the blood if you find a Nunu. Game of Genting is relatively simple, as long as you understand What exactly does the system mean."

"You can't go against the system at the top score bar. Sometimes you can't get a card for ten yuan, so you should understand that the system doesn't want you to play the lineup you want to play in this round.

Be smart and change the lineup directly. "

"Remember Brother Sutu's arrogant face!"

"Nunu is hidden!"


But the picture that everyone wanted still didn't appear. Pull Liu, and Nunu appeared after just a tap.

Then it was good and saved a lot of money. As soon as Shenlong changed his job, he locked his blood and started winning streak.

Once you have the great sword in the draft, you have the blood-drinking sword.

This stability is even more exaggerated. Pulling seven directly drives Liushenlong, and there is no pressure to go to eight.

Easily won this game.

The score is directly added to 74 points.

"It's easy, I feel like I'll get [-] points with one more shot, and my speed is not bad."

"It's over, let Brother Shuitu pretend again, is there no one to fix it?"

"The anchor of Dog Luck is still too powerful. You can give him a shovel without a shovel? Nunu, the exclusive dragon, the system can't help him eat it!"

"The Game of Genting really has systemic factors, and the Scourge Bureau can't play it at all."

"There is no such thing as the Scourge Bureau. You don't have to play or not to give you cards. Brother Sutu is right. If the situation is not right, change the lineup quickly."

"According to this speed, Brother Sutu is [-] points very fast, and he will kill the goose and duck directly after the completion."

"Indeed, I don't have any fun with Brother Sutu's high score too fast. It's more interesting to kill geese and ducks."

"Playing Pai Pai, Brother Suitu feels that there is something to play with, so let's just go to the game after practicing."

"Indeed, I played pretty well. The teammates I may encounter are too good. Often DOC revives teammates."

"Is it possible that some people are better off dead than alive?"

"Actually, the gun is accurate. If it is not accurate, there is no way to attract the enemy's firepower."

"There are still very few people playing apex, and there are too few live broadcast anchors, and the popularity is really not good. I finally saw it once in the live broadcast room of a big anchor."

"Brother Sutu still prefers PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds, and the competitiveness of apex is still a lot worse."

Under the noisy audience in the live broadcast room, Lin Fan had already started the second round.

But this round was not as lucky as the last one.

But in the later stage, the blood is still extremely locked, and No. 2 is obtained, and the snacks are a wave of points.

Completed today's goal of thirteen percent.

Looking at the time, more than an hour has passed, and it is already 44:[-].

He took out his phone and saw that Xiaozao had already sent several messages.

During this period of time, the number of geese and ducks killed was a bit small.

It was mainly taken away by PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds and Game of Thrones.

Think about it, really have a game with these friends, relax and relax.

"Come, come, send me the room number, I'm here."

Xiaozao's speed is still very fast, and it was sent immediately in more than 30 seconds.

"Ahem, next is logical time. Not to mention playing three rounds today, plus I just exhausted my full strength, I am still quite tired. Relax and relax for two rounds, and then prepare for tomorrow's game."

First of all, let's talk about turning on the accelerator proficiently, first increase the speed, and then enter the game and enter the room number.

Go in and take a look, it really is a big party, 16 people game!

This kind of game is very messy, but the more people there are, the more interesting it is.

"ng, ng~"

"Brother Shutu is here, today's game is really killing the Quartet, awesome." Erzi, as always, boasted first.

"Brother Sutu, I will directly recognize you as a good person!"

"Get ready, Xiaozao will definitely be a blood mother today!"

Turning around in a square, the voice is naturally very noisy.

As the homeowner pressed the button to start the game, the happy goose and duck killing session came.

The sound of music in the picture reading stage is destined to be an extraordinary game.

"Xiaozao, Masto, General Yu..."

Lin Fan followed up with a professional killer, but this round was an imitation. In this case, a good guy got mixed into the wolf, and he had to consider whether he was one of his own before making a move.

Don't worry, stay on the map for a while, waiting for the CD.

There is no need to rush out so quickly at the first time, and you can still wait for the prey to take the bait here.

But at this time, I met Masto.

"What is your identity?"

"I have a knife, I have a knife."

"Ahem, cough, I also carry a knife."

"What do you say?"

"My CD is not ready yet."

"Then my CD is not good either."

"OK, let me recognize you as a good one."

Through this conversation, it was determined that Masto was a wolf, and the imitation appeared in Xiaozao and General Yu.

"I think it's probably Xiaozao."

"It's hard to say, I'll have a private chat with him later."

"Okay... I'll go alone."

After Musto finished speaking, the black skin Kunkun who controlled him ran away.

Lin Fan walked towards the square.

Find a large army to join.

As soon as I arrived at the square, I heard Xiaozao shouting to everyone that he is a good person.

Lin Fan touched it silently.

"What is your identity, Xiaozao?"

"I'm definitely a good person. Come here and face me. If I die, Lin Dahammer will pay the bill."

"Ok, Ok."

Lin Fan led him all the way to the warehouse.

"What is your identity?"

"I... I have no identity, so I will follow you."

"Okay, follow me, just follow me, you go in." Lin Fan called Xiaozao into the warehouse as he spoke.

And outside is Kunholmos standing.

As soon as Xiaozao entered the warehouse, he saw a chicken leg.

"I see, Lin Dahammer is a wolf, that's fine, I'll go directly and give the knife to Kun Holmos outside."

"Lin Dahammer, I already know your identity."

"Okay..." Actually Lin Fan was also hesitating whether to use the jujube knife.

The main reason is that I didn't expect there to be a chicken leg inside.

I was confronting about my identity with Musto before, but it should be Falcon who hasn't come here yet...

That Kunholmes has a big problem.

Unexpectedly, Xiaozao was confirmed to be a wolf in this way, so it would be easy to handle.

Go out and give Kun Holmes a knife.

So the two almost went out together.

The location is relatively close, and Xiaozao saw that Kun Ermosi pressed the space directly, and as a result, Lin Fan was stabbed with a knife in his hand...

Immediately afterwards, Kun Holmes, who was standing outside the door, rushed over and knifed Xiaozao who had entered the CD.

Looking at the killing screen, Xiaozao couldn't help shouting.

"Ahhh, Brother Fan! Ouch, Brother Fan! I beat the wrong person."


"Ah, ah, I knew you were a wolf when I saw the chicken leg inside, so I wanted to go out and kill Kunholmos directly, but we were too close."

"Brother Fan, I'm so angry! This was originally an invincible start, but it ended up like this."

"I know, I knew you were a wolf when I saw that the chicken legs didn't move. I went out with you and I had the same thought. I gave Kun Holmos a knife..."


Looking at his computer screen, the puppy couldn't help but growl in anger, unable to vent his grief and indignation.

Then he beat himself on the chest three times in a row.

Like an angry gorilla.

"Have fun! Xiaozao is a dumb bird."

"It's numb, the righteous assassin! Just knife your teammates."

"Hahaha, brother Sutu is so uncomfortable."

(End of this chapter)

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