LOL: I'm really a professional league player

Chapter 118 The alliance is not doing business properly, Genting is my profession

Chapter 118 The alliance is not doing business properly, Genting is my profession (for subscription)
"So many people died at once, there must be a group of two wolves, this must be to get people out..."

The puppy had been unable to concentrate for a long time, and killing Lin Fan this time caused a huge shock to his spirit.

Minutes of conference conversation, that's not listening at all.

"Brother Fan, ah Brother Fan, ah ah Brother Fan!"

As for the audience in the live broadcast room, they just went numb from laughter.

This wave can only be said that the effect of the program is full.

The two's fan groups even interacted.

Viewers in Lin Fan's live broadcast room ran to Xiaogou's live broadcast room to leave messages hahaha.

Of course, there were also a lot of hahaha in Lin Fan's studio.

"It just made me laugh out loud, the puppies are really messed up this time."

"I just came back from Masto's live broadcast room, and I kept thinking about it. I feel a little confused."

The reason is very simple. Lin Fan had just finished communicating with him about his identity, and then went to Xiaogoudan to talk about his identity. As a result, both of them belched during the meeting.

In this situation, I really don't know if General Yu will do well.

It's possible that Xiaozao was imitating, Brother Rateu was caught out, and then he chose to exchange one for another...

This possibility is the greatest, then General Yu should be a wolf.

Ma Si dragged it over and over again in the live broadcast room before he felt that this was the most likely possibility.

Others really couldn't imagine how two wolves would die at once.

Unless both justice and the sheriff are caught and killed directly.

But the chances of that are next to zero.

Lin Fan's empathy was also the first time he thought of this.

"It's over, Xiaozao, Gangzi knows that I am a wolf, and in this situation I am leaving with you, will he think that you are leaving as a wolf?"

"No..." Xiaozao was just a little dazed, but he wasn't stupid, and he understood what it meant when he heard Lin Fan say that.

Next he will treat General Yu as the third batch of wolves.

If you find it in a while, it will directly explode...

"Ah, God K, don't go to General Yu!"

Watching the black skin Kunkun approaching General Yu continuously on the monitor, the puppy shouted frantically in the live broadcast room.

"Stop yelling, stop yelling, your ears will be deafened by you, that's fine, it will end sooner, and it will be time for the falcon show as soon as the werewolf leaves, but I don't know if Kunholmos will dare Dare to kill, the police chief is still there, and the messenger of justice doesn't know if he has a knife."

"This wave of my blood pot... I shouldn't be playing like that. I want to be too excited for the knife man."

"Understood, understood, you cowardly wolf can't beat people with swords."


Afterwards, Ma Situo had a face-to-face meeting with General Yu, directly exposing his identity as a werewolf.

"Then you go up and down."

"Okay!" Musto (Gangzi, God K) did not doubt that he was there, and General Yu walked up and down.

Seeing the crowd, General Yu (icon) opened his voice and shouted: "God K is a wolf, God K is a wolf, I am an imitation, I am an imitation, no one has come to me before, and then God K touched me just now, I Just one trial, and he was fooled!"

"God K is a wolf, I am imitating..."

"GG, the werewolf capitalizes a G!" Xiaozao (uzi) shouted loudly in the voice.

Although Musto has a good tongue, he really can't understand it in this situation.

After all, he has no way to explain the content of the chat, he can only forcefully say that he is imitating, and General Yu is the wolf.

But in this way, the two of them will be a wolf, and it will be very troublesome for him to do it next.

And he didn't survive to the third round and was voted out directly.

"Oh, it's numb, why did the two of you die together?"

"It's a long story, so it's better not to say it." Xiao Zao heard Masto's question, and started to chatter.

It's too embarrassing to say that.

He killed his teammate with a knife, and then was killed by Falcon, and the whole person was dizzy.

In the end, without the interference of the werewolves in this round, Falcon couldn't fish in troubled waters...

The game ends immediately after being thrown.

"Hey, why don't wolves kill people? It makes neutral hard to play."

"Stop talking, I gave the big hammer to the knife, and then I was given the knife by Kun Holmos..."

"Under that situation, I can't help it. I can only think that Xiaozao is an imitation, so he sent all of us wolves away in this wave."

"Xiaozao~" Masto complained extremely.

"Forget it, who told him to be Xiaozao? It's too normal to play like this, and he can play as Canada if he can bring it."

"ng, ng."

The hero does not replay, and starts the next round directly.

Not to mention that Goose and Duck Killing is indeed a good game for family and friends to get together for entertainment. In the blink of an eye, it was twelve o'clock in the morning.

"Get off the plane, get off the plane."

Seeing that the time was up, Lin Fan greeted everyone and prepared to retire.

They also expressed their understanding. After all, today's game was indeed a bit tiring. After three high-quality games, if there was a slight mistake, the Resurrection A was played.

"Ah Shui, don't practice too late, you should rest."

"Okay, Brother Fan, I'm around two o'clock, and it's enough to get up at 08:30 and rest for six hours."

"it is good."


When I got up together the next morning, I saw a notification from the Douyu official.

The game of Genting Game will start at six o'clock in the evening.

Points system, the top four of eight people advance to the next round.

The top three players who reach the final will represent Douyu in the qualifiers of the toc China Division.

The World Championship players are determined through the qualifiers.

Layers of selection, the gold content is still very high.

So in the past two years, the toc champions are all Chinese players.

It can be seen from this that this kind of multi-platform competition is still very important.

After brushing my teeth and washing my face, I came to the cafeteria and had a hearty breakfast.

Then head to the training room.

Since it was early, no one else had come yet.

The old rule is to reward yourself with PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds first thing in the morning.

Because he chose to die alone in four rows, he was chased and beaten like a dog by the opponent.

Although the marksmanship is very good now, no matter how strong it is, there is no way to hit four by one person. I haven't experienced the happiness, but the pain is indeed full.

"The intensity of a four-player row is still a bit high..."

Just killed 17 of them.

Next time it will be more interesting to eat chicken alone.

That situation can be a total of 27 kills, after all, heads-up.

"Brother Fan, I feel that your PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds is getting better and stronger, and your marksmanship is so accurate." Ah Shui also poked his head over and said when he saw the settlement.

"It's okay, we mainly look at people. If we can see people in the first place, we will know how to fight."

"Why is it so early today? Remember you said to go to bed at two o'clock? If you don't get enough sleep, you won't grow taller."

"Hmm... Can I still grow taller at my age? Now I'm disabled at the third level, let alone." Ah Shui shook his head.

Not even 1 meters, even though he is a world champion, he has no confidence in standing out.

"Fortunately, I'm not yet 24 years old, so I can do more exercise."

"Ahem, cough, Brother Shuizi, I was wrong. If you want to shoot, I can take you flying."

Lin Fan quickly changed the subject.

"It's okay, I didn't worry about it, and the pressure of the game is so high, I don't have the mood to shoot. When I win the global finals this year, I will fight with you every day."

"Okay, according to what you say, this championship must be won, and I must take you to fight hard."

"Then I'll wait for that time." Said Ah Shui returned to his seat and turned on the computer.

"Ah Lei, why hasn't Mark woke up yet?"

"It's okay, I'll come with you for two rounds, the auxiliary package C is fine."

"Okay, Brother Fan, shit, I haven't played games with you for a long time."

After hearing this, Ah Shui immediately became interested.

The last time he was assisted was two months ago, and he was astonished when he took a big shot at that time.

Too fierce.

In the end, I found out that the support position is not the most powerful position of Brother Sutu, but in the middle, leading everyone to win the game in various ways.

Really trustworthy big brother.

He feels like the rookie of s8, with him sitting in the middle, it is really worthwhile.

"Okay, I just don't know how many points I have... If it's too big, I can't be ranked."

"Take Mark's account. Anyway, the club's account is the same."

"Okay, that's fine."

Open the document, find the mark account, quickly type on the keyboard, and start the live broadcast by the way.

"Morning Brother Suitu..."

"Something wrong? Is the title wrong?"

"Double row with Ah Shui Hanbok?"

"Is this Ah Shui's plan to transform into a jungler, or is Brother Sutu going to play support again?"

"Damn it, Master Tian led Brother Tu to wake up early in the morning to live broadcast lol?"

"Not to mention that today's program is very interesting..."

"Ahem, mark is still sleeping. I guess Ah Shui was too hard on him yesterday. In this case, I will fight with Ah Shui. Anyway, I have practiced support and watched my performance."

The two gathered quickly, chose a position and watched the fight immediately.

Many people started sending messages in the QQ group and WeChat group.

"Dream back to the first five rounds of the spring game, the original bot lane duo."

"Brother Sutu really made an exception because of Ah Shui, the first match in two months."

In a short while, Lin Fan's live broadcast broke through 300 million views.

During the waiting period, it continued to rise continuously.

"playing what?"

"Um... If you want to attack a little bit, I can choose a robot, and you can go directly to Draven to end the battle in 15 minutes."

"Yes, I believe in your robot." The big-headed robot conquered him in the training match.

"Then go directly to Oita this morning."

After entering, Ah Shui directly selected Delevingne, and Lin Fan immediately took down the robot.

The two cooperate to suppress the force to the full.

The first hook pulled Verus over and knocked out half of the blood and forced a dodge.

In the second level, the hook flashes and hits a blood directly.

"Fuck, brother Sutu, your robot is too accurate, you and Draven are going to be invincible, just be invincible directly."

"Just kidding, our combination kills randomly in the professional arena, let alone this kind of ranking, what a joke."

While speaking, Lin Fan controlled the robot to move forward. As soon as the Q skill cooled down, he raised his hand and pulled Lulu out from under the defense tower.

Like to use soft assistants to overwhelm robots?

Then you come out!

Ah Shui's eyes lit up.

Cut and cut, come out, you don't kill me, do you still want to leave?
Seize the opportunity of control and kill it directly with four slashes.

Delevingne just needs this kind of support, which can control and let him deal more damage.

It's so delicious when the robot pulls it out of the hook.

The pawn line is cleaned up, go home and update the equipment, and the pressure on the bottom lane is full.

In less than 8 minutes, Delevingne was already superb.

There is no one to see on the way down.

In the end, it was obvious that the opposite side gave up.

Delevingne is super godly in 8 minutes and has a head in 1 minute. Who can stand it?

Do not surrender and wait to be tortured?

A qualifying match is really not enough.

In this case, there are also very rare middle pushes.

With the canyon pioneer, he bumped all the way, and the first game ended in 13 minutes.

"Damn it, I'm unfamiliar, Brother Sutu is so supportive?"

"I've never seen Brother Sutu support so ruthlessly before in a game, mainly because he hasn't used a robot before..."

"Sure, Thresh won't choose a robot in the competition. This hero is too dumb, and it's useless if he can't hook someone."

"If you have an advantage, you can choose to suppress it, but if you have a disadvantage, it's useless..."

The end time is too early, and Ah Shui is still unfinished.

"Come on, come on, come on, come on, let's have another game."

After speaking, he joined the team and started ranking.

And at this time mark came to the training room.

Seeing this scene, he stood silently behind Lin Fan.

When he first came to the team to play training matches, Lin Fan was still a support. After watching him support from beginning to end, both rhythm and awareness were particularly strong.

From this, it can be seen that Brother Fan has an understanding of support, and the degree of understanding is very deep.

Facing such a master, it is necessary to learn.

In this round, Lin Fan directly took out his big head.

Ah Shui had the experience of being assisted before and was not in a hurry when he saw the big head.

Seeing clearly that the first-level line rights are directly in hand, then this round is suppressed from beginning to end.

Sure enough, once the three turrets of the big head were released, apart from the fact that it was not easy to make up the knife, the opponent had no chance to come up to fight.

When the bottom lane gets the lane right, it is crazy suppression. With the help of the E skill to trigger the turret to fight, the opposite bottom lane duo screams and can't move.

In more than three minutes, the big head E skill made a precise hit, and cooperated with Ah Shui's Kai'Sa to get the first blood.

The bottom lane is another advantageous start.


In this round, the opponent did not choose to hang up for 8 minutes.

But chose to surrender at 7 minutes.

Kai'Sa and Datou, the bot lane duo, can kill anyone at will in 4 minutes.

Two waves of frontal team battles directly knocked them down.

There is no choice but to surrender in the future.

"Fighting, these two cooperate with the league, can anyone fight against them?"

"That's what I said, but I still hope that the rate of brother hits, so there are two c's in such a fight."

"You're right, it would be a waste if Brother Sutu's strength is used as a support."

"Although it's not in the middle, but today I saw that Satu brother played in the league, and I feel that something good has happened."

"Hahaha, your focus is the same as mine..."

What a topic to bring up for the first time in over two months!

Seeing Mark coming, Lin Fan decisively signed off, don't forget that today he came with a mission, how could he waste his time on ranking?

Let's start with two games of Genting, and let's talk about hot hands.

After all, his opponents in this group had a lot of hard bones.

It is really not that simple to get the top four points to advance.

"Okay, now it's time to get down to business. Play a few more games to figure out the lineup. Don't miss the lineup when the game comes."


"You're a league player, not a Genting player?"

"Ah Lei, brother Sutu is playing for real?"

ps: The third update will be sent, thanks for voting.

(End of this chapter)

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