LOL: I'm really a professional league player

Chapter 119 I Want To Relax, Not To Raise Blood Pressure

Chapter 119 I Want To Relax, Not To Raise Blood Pressure (Subscribe)
Lin Fan's live broadcast room.

"Go on, Brother Sutu and Ah Shui are abusing food from the beginning to the end."

"My mentality has collapsed. Brother Sutu hasn't played live in the league for more than two months. He just managed to play two rounds, but it turned out to be a support."

"Hey, Brother Fan! I want to see Brother Fan Akali teaching, isn't he so handsome?"

Although it happened after [-] o'clock last night, after a night of fermentation, it has been widely circulated on various short videos, and it has already gained a lot of popularity.

Together with the professional player Goose and Duck to kill the game, it directly rushed to the Weibo hot search.

Goose and Duck Kill became even more popular all of a sudden, and a large number of players flooded in.

"I also think that the hero Akali is very handsome. It would be great if Brother Shutu could teach him a little bit."

"You people are too greedy. I don't have any ideas. I just hope Brother Sutu can play more League of Legends."

"Yes, I think so too. As long as you can train more, you will be a good comrade."

"Headache, the dog barking was so magical yesterday, Brother Fan is still lingering in my ears..."

Before the cloud top opened, the barrage in the live broadcast room expressed concern.

When Lin Fan entered the game, a large number of question marks appeared.

"It's the first time I've seen something even more outrageous than Shenchao in Genting."

"Shen Chao is no longer good. If you want to really learn skills, you have to look at brother Xun. If you want to look at fairy arts, you only have brother Sutu, and the others are not in class."

"Ya Lei, the three-star leopard girl came here uninvited. It's the first time I've seen two bars and four stars get three stars."

"Outrageous, three bars and one d made me think it was stupid, but two bars and four were all prostitutes for nothing. Brother Suitu ate it."

"This version of the shape-changing leopard girl is not very strong, and it is difficult to eat chicken without the dragon girl."

"Cerebral palsy, it's more economical if you come out early, plus the strength of the three-star leopard girl is not bad, the blood lock goes straight to nine, wouldn't you just eat a dragon girl? Especially such outrageous prostitutes, it is simply impossible There is no need to feed the economy."

Because of this, others ran to Lin Fan's chessboard to ask questions.

The main reason is that the money is too much, and if you don’t do anything, you can eat 40 yuan in interest on wild monsters!
This is the charm of the winning streak and prostitution of three-star leopard girls.

But Leopard Girl really relies too much on Dragon Girl to come to c.

In the later stage, there was only one piece of Dragon Girl that didn't become two stars, so it was directly eyebrow penciled.

In this case, Tianhu only took second place.

"Unfortunately, I have a bad feeling that the system is going to target me today! In addition, today's day is relatively sensitive, and the pressure is very high all of a sudden. As a professional player, I can't bear it."

"That's right, I am a Genting professional player, this game is very important to me..."

"Hurry up and watch two more rounds to see the luck of the cards."

It's the end of another round, and this luck is still very good. If a Shenlong Lieyan is transferred, it will definitely go to Firework Diejia.

Then, along the way, eight people assembled the lineup, and after the ninth grade, there was only one nanny, and the strength was full.

Faced with the dragon Nunu, he successfully completed the sanction and got a big score.

After three games, the time has come to eleven o'clock.

According to the usual rhythm, Luo Sheng came to the training room to observe.

Seeing that everyone who was still struggling nodded, but when he glanced at the position of the left hand, but saw no figure, his brows frowned suddenly.

"What about left-handed people?"

"I don't know, he didn't come to practice yesterday, and when I woke up in the morning, I didn't see my left hand." Da Huang saw Luo Sheng staring at him, and said hastily.

After all, their dormitories are relatively close, and they learned many things about the club from him.

"Okay, I got it." Luo Sheng walked out of the training room with a dark face, it seemed that his dissatisfaction with his left hand had reached the limit.

After all, e-sports is based on strength, and the game against V5 completely shows that the left hand is useless and cannot carry the banner.

Coupled with some negative news, as well as Lin Fan who emerged during this period, Topbo kicked his left hand out of the lineup long ago.

Originally, I wanted to get together and get away, but isn't the left hand thinking about tearing the face?
It's understandable that I didn't come to training yesterday, but if no one is at the club today, that would be too much.

Luo Sheng was going to send a message to Guo Hao to see how the management made the decision.

"Hey, you should play dump trucks. Why are there so many dump trucks?"

Just as he was about to open the training room, Luo Sheng heard Lin Fan's regret.

"Ahem... Lin Fan's guy is also a talented player. Why didn't S11 discover his potential? His eyes are full of left hands? If he finds out and really lets him play in the mid laner, he won't even win the bubbling match If you fight, you will be eliminated directly."

Thinking of this, Luo Sheng regretted it very much.

After all, through everyone's analysis, s11's Lin Fan is definitely at the peak of his professional stage.

If you don't train in the future, you will fall down little by little.

I haven't said that being a coach is still quite stressful.

I almost wanted to take out my phone and go directly to Zhihu to ask questions.

What should a professional player who has a rebellious period do not go to training?

After training for three hours in the morning, I scored more than 200 points silently.

Lin Fan's score has reached 540 points, ranking among the top ten in the national server.

As for the attention in the live broadcast room, this is the first time I have seen such a shocking top score.

After all, in order to avoid being sniped in the front, they are secretly scoring points.

During the live broadcast, we only played one or two rounds, and it ended in an hour.

It is really rare to rush with such high intensity as today.

"Brother Sutu is so good, I didn't know for a while whether he was a league player or a Genting player."

"Can't you see it? This must be a Genting player. He trains intensively here every day."

"There will be a game in the afternoon, and training hard in the morning is not what a professional player should do?"

The barrage in the live broadcast room is also very engaging.

The whole Lin Fan didn't know what to say.

"Hey hey hey~"

"The training is almost done in the morning. Let's start the party in the afternoon? Don't say that I haven't played for more than five or six days. I feel a little rusty."

The apex hero fans who have been hiding in the live broadcast room are excited at this time.

"Damn it, I've waited for so long and finally it's you!"

"Brother Sutu's lifeblood, I really like it."

"Get on the number, get on the number, let me snipe and rate Brother Tu."

"Watching other anchors play, it's really not as good as Brother Shutu."

"Learn about technology."

"What's so interesting about not being a nanny, isn't the evil spirit handsome? A batch of all kinds of operation shows."

"Wild row evil spirits, retreat when you fall to the ground."

"It's still simple and rude Gibraltar. Missile attack is not good for bombing? Solo C is fine. What is the teammate? It doesn't matter. In this environment, I will kill them all with one shot and save teammates? Save Hammer!"

"It is also said that the popularity of the game is not high, and the environment is still so bad, isn't it a death?"

While there was a lot of noise in the live broadcast room, Lin Fan had silently boarded the Apex Hero.

To be honest, the competitiveness of this game is still a lot worse in China, and even Eternal Calamity is still catching up...

It is still too slow to seize the market. In addition, League of Legends has attracted a large number of people. These players do not play other games except League of Legends.

Even if I hear about the big fire, I won’t go there. At most, I will look for casual games on Steam, such as Space Werewolf Killing and the current Goose and Duck Killing.

So as for other messes, after all, I really don't know how to play.

In this case, promotion becomes very difficult.

The follow-up environment is not very good, mainly for newcomers.

Mengxin's experience is too bad, so naturally he will not choose to continue playing.

Without newcomers joining, old players retreat one by one, which is a vicious circle.

Of course this is a trend in the game development industry.

This requires the designer to make changes to the version and slow down the speed.

But everyone plays games for entertainment, who cares how long the game can last.

However, the matching speed is relatively fast, and the sixty players are matched in the blink of an eye.

"...It's okay, the two teammates in the match are a bit messed up."

Seeing that neither kda had a relationship, Lin Fan directly regarded them as transparent people.

This round can only be c by yourself.

"Jiajia protects the nanny, Jiajia protects the nanny." In the game voice came the voice of the smoke girl player, which was actually a female voice, and the ID didn't look like a voice changer.

The most important thing is that the kda has never exceeded 1, which adds a bit of authenticity to her identity.

"Nurse seems to be a great god, his record is a bit exaggerated... we two should be honest and don't make trouble."

Listening to the conversation between these two people, the audience in the live broadcast room couldn't take it anymore.

"G, it is suggested that you should kill each brother and send them away. The male and female sisters are really disgusting."

"A rare online princess who can recognize her identity?"

"With so many words added together, I don't know whether you should praise her or criticize her."

Listening to the conversation between the two of them, Lin Fan didn't respond.

This is my own C, so there is definitely no need to spend so much time with my teammates.

It's a pity that I chose to play lifeline at the beginning, and just go straight to the whole hunk, and it would be nice to give the kid crazy C for nothing.

But nurses are also very fun, and it is still a lot of fun to meet masters, and you can experience the long-lost cooperation.

In Eternal Calamity, Lin Fan tends to play with walnuts more than Canaan.

Group blood recovery has always occupied a major position in the battle royale game.

When Eternal Tribulation was in the nanny version, walnuts were a must in every game.

It's such an exaggeration to be able to search for supplies in the drug circle by relying on the blood recovery of walnuts.

However, the balance of the lifeline is well done, the robot cannot continue to recover blood in the poisonous circle, and will be destroyed by the poisonous circle.

It's also very reasonable...

"Oh my god, Yalei, what the hell is that? Brother Suitu, you have a problem. Can the hydroelectric dam be magically installed so quickly?"

"The blue helmet is fine, but what is the purple armor?"

"Assault rifles are available, and auxiliary shotguns are also available. With so many bullets, I need a few big batteries to eat them!"

"One thing to say, Brother Sutu's European spirit is a bit exaggerated. It is definitely favored by Goddess of Luck. With such good equipment? Who can beat you at this stage?"

Many people hadn't finished their barrage, and a white kid came over to the front.

Lin Fan raised the knife and dropped it, and the close-faced nurse took two shots from the shotgun to kill him, and stepped forward to make up for it again.

"Brother is so strong!"

"It's killing people so quickly."

"I want to lick the bag..."

"With that kind of skill, you might as well look for it yourself, he has no armor."

"The purple armor on your body is so handsome."

"Well, I think so too."

"Hahahaha, brother Sutu is really interesting, I know what you mean but I won't say it."

"What's there to say? If you want Zijia, you can find it yourself, right?"

After killing Boy Bai, his nearby teammates also rushed this way.

I want to take the hero's banner away and revive my teammates.

But this behavior is undoubtedly very dangerous.

In particular, Lin Fan deliberately guarded the corpse here, and immediately found the dog rushing over.

However, the hound's reaction was quite quick, and he used his skills to find Lin Fan who was hiding on the side.

However, due to the difference in firefighting equipment between the two sides and the difference in gun skills, the team was wiped out immediately!
The guns trained in PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds are no joke, coupled with their super reflexes, it is no problem at all to practice professionally.

Next is show time.

Run from the hydroelectric dam all the way to the direction of the bridge, and head towards the direction of the bunker.

This area belongs to the first-level resource area. Although Lin Fan has a purple armor, the helmet is still not interesting.

On the way, two teams were killed.

The two teammates who were matched were taken aback.

After all, when Lin Fan first heard that he wanted to go to the first-level resources, he didn't want to go. He wanted to stay in the outer circle and go in when the time was almost up.

What the two of them mean is that they can stay longer this way and rank higher.

But the nanny took the lead in the charge, the two heroes Yanmei and Hermes don't need to hide further, right?

The dishes return to the dishes, but the first essentials of pies must be remembered!Protect nanny!You can lose in a team battle, and the nanny must die last!

This is the last dignity of apex players.

Protect every team nanny!

It was indeed a quick death. He rushed to the front and fired two shots casually, and was instantly killed by concentrated fire.

Lin Fan took a deep breath and started to operate.

The gun pressure was very steady, and they all hit the head. One person was knocked down first, and the pressure was reduced a lot at once, and one hit and two swept.

"Come on, come on, come on!"

"Handsome, handsome~"

Even if the two sisters fell to the ground, they kept walking towards Lin Fan's lifeline, and they kept shouting in their voices as they walked.

Hit the last one with one jump.

"Ah, ah, Wuhu, this gun is so handsome."

"Save me, save me..."

"Save me first! I think they are so fat, lick the bag, lick the bag."


Lin Fan deployed the only DOC robot to save people.

Through this battle, everyone changed their guns.

"Of course this one can be eaten."

"Brother Big Hammer, I really feel so safe. Can I add a friend after the fight?" But she didn't care about her friend, but wanted to get closer to Lin Fan.

Isn't it cool to be licked by such a master?

Before the game is over, quickly ask for a friend slot.

Once it's over and you quit, you won't have a chance.

It's not that she didn't double row with the masters before, but the experience is completely different now, she can do a job with ease.

"Arguing and having a headache, I can't bear to beat me, and want to beat me more? No, refuse!"

"Brother~sister, please..."

"Fuck, hurry up and kill it, and slip away after killing it, it will be even more disgusting if it's a male sister." Lin Fan said this.

The other people in the live broadcast room instantly had a sense of the picture.

"Retire, Brother Rate Tu..."

"Ya Lei, I don't like female sex in professional players, so don't do it."

Under the pressure of his teammates, Lin Fan searched for people to kill him all over the map.

Battle Nanny, today!
"You are the new kill leader!"

But the ones you meet in the back are all masters.

With two oil bottles, the pressure is indeed too great.

After falling down, he was even besieged by the left and right sides.

One hit three can still be operated, but one hit six is ​​definitely impossible.

In the end, I failed to eat chicken and took No.3.

"His numb kiss, I want to relax before the game, not to raise my blood pressure!"

(End of this chapter)

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