LOL: I'm really a professional league player

Chapter 125 The match of the winner group! rng vs tes

Chapter 125 The match of the winner group! rng vs tes (for subscription)

On April [-]th, the loser's bracket of the LPL Spring Championship kicked off.

"V5 come on!"


"JD Come on!"


Amid the cheers from fans on both sides, the two teams fought desperately to advance to the next round!
If you lose a game in the loser group, you will be eliminated directly.

The two sides battled for 35 minutes in the first game. With the perfect performance of toothpaste Victor, won the first game.

Under the leadership of rookie, the adjusted v5 quickly won its first victory.

The third game was a match point battle, and the state of both sides was full.

There was a bladder game, but someone always stood up at key points in v5, even if the economy was a little behind, but did not widen the gap.

In 35 minutes, Casafoego successfully caught Hope's Jinx and successfully created a chance.

Take Baron in this situation and flip the situation.

V5 followed every step of the way, without giving any chances.

In the end, at 39 minutes, Jingdong's base was pushed away and the key match point was obtained.

Perhaps because of the loss in the third round, failed to withstand the pressure of v5 in the fourth round, and was at a huge disadvantage in the early stage. In 10 minutes, the economy fell behind by [-]. Coupled with the disadvantage of the lineup, the possibility of a comeback has changed. to zero.

With v522 taking Dalong in [-] minutes, Jingdong was taken away in a wave, and successfully advanced to the next round

The head-to-head ratio between the two sides was 24 to four.

It is enough to see that v5 has not been affected too much by Taobao to make the second chasing the third, and the state is still very good.

After the game, many people voted for v5. With their current performance, the possibility of winning the championship is very high.

If Topsports is the No. 5 favorite, v[-] can be ranked No. [-].

As for rng, it is also very difficult to win against

The current strength of the three teams should be the weakest.

But some people think that the little tiger in spring has a chance to create miracles.

If it breaks out, rng is very likely to win the championship.

The most important point is that Brother Soltu also participated in a cloud top competition during the rest period. Without proper training, he could only maintain that state.

Therefore, the strength will only decrease but not increase. In this case, the upper limit of Taobao is easy to judge.

April [-]th.

The winner's bracket game officially started.

Taobo only had a simple warm-up in the morning. After finishing lunch in the cafeteria at noon, everyone took a short rest before boarding the bus to the stadium.

The game time is 45:[-] in the afternoon.

Team Top Fight arrived at the scene at 03:30, and Luo Sheng called the team members to tidy up their equipment at four o'clock, and took all the things to be brought to the battle seats.

Soldiers and horses go ahead without moving food and grass, and if they are fully prepared, there will be no accidents, and even if they happen, they will not panic.

"Brother Fan, I poured the water just now. It's lukewarm after it's adjusted. You can drink it directly when you go up." Xiaotian smiled and handed over Lin Fan's thermos.

"Okay, thank you."

"Forget it, Brother Fan, I'll help you get it. I'll rely on you to beat Xiaohu today."

"Don't say that I'm under a lot of pressure. I still need your help in the middle. If you come in a few more waves, then my pressure will be much less."

"Hahaha, Brother Fan, I can enter the jungle with the advantage in the middle, so helping me is helping me."

Xiaotian touched his lid, feeling a little embarrassed.

"Winning the game has never been dependent on one person. It is a team effort. Similarly, losing the game is not the fault of one person."

The left hand in the corner, of course, saw the scene of harmony between the middle and the wild, so he could only grit his teeth, but there was no way he was a substitute, and whether he could play or not was entirely up to the coach.

However, when Lin Fan said that losing the game was not the fault of one person, he nodded in agreement.

How could they attribute all their losses in Taobao to him?

Doesn't everyone have problems?
Why did he become the substitute?

Especially this Xiaotian, the biggest problem, but how to put him on the bench?

Thinking of this, the left hand is dizzy all over.

It's not fair, it's really unfair.

When he was feeling sorry for himself by the water cooler.

All members of Topsports have entered the competition scene after being introduced by Aunt Yu Shuang.

Not to mention that the fans on both sides are evenly matched.

After all, rng, the sword refers to the team.

After ten years of operation, apart from the bad reputation of the management team, the number of fans of the team has been on the rise.

As the two teams entered the preparation seats and adjusted the equipment, the camera was shown again to the commentary seats.

The doll in a black shirt said excitedly: "Today's round is a match between two winners' groups. On one side is Team Taobo who defeated V5, and on the other side is rng who won against Jingdong."

Hitomi Xizi next to her said: "These two teams are in very good condition, especially Taobo, after letting the second chasing the third win v5, the spirit of the whole team has undergone a huge change.

I feel that their hard work is full, and their toughness is even higher, which is a bit outrageous.

In terms of rng, the veteran team is strong. Xiaohu has returned to the middle lane this season, and with the addition of Binge on the top lane, his strength on paper has become stronger.

So today's game must be a fight between dragons and tigers, full of highlights. "

"Yes." Maomao next to him nodded in agreement.

"And Taobo is so strong now. I think it has a lot to do with Brother Sutu. Although he was temporarily transferred to the middle lane, his performance is really surprising."

"But the opponent they met today was rng. Taobo was swept away at the beginning of the spring split. I wonder if we can get this field back in the playoffs?" Wawa finished talking and the director gave him a reminder, and continued Come down to enter the bp link.

"Okay, both teams have finished debugging, and the first match between Topball and rng is about to begin!"

As soon as the voice fell, the big screen switched from the commentary seat to the bp interface.

Tabe walked back and forth behind the players with a small notebook.

"I think the Taobao team is a bit strange. The opponent's mid laner has to pay attention. Wei, you should focus on the middle lane in this game. Xiao Ming will swim up if he has the opportunity to put pressure on the opponent's mid laner. I have watched Taobo a lot. In the game video, they won the game by relying on the rhythm machine in the middle.

It is best to limit the performance of the middle lane, so you have to cooperate well and press dine to death in the middle lane, so that we can rely on our top lane laning ability to expand our advantage. "

****, the sword girl with five kills in one hand, and the captain with explosive output in the other hand, has confirmed his status as the number one top laner in China.

As for A Le, when will he change to only give a big rhythm, then he will have the opportunity to challenge A Bin.

"No problem, as long as the opponent's hero is not strong in the lane, I can stabilize the lane, and when Wei comes over for a two-on-one, I can definitely push him in the middle."

Although the words are a bit cowardly, the tone is not false at all.

"Well, yes." Tabe nodded, and he didn't plan to release strong heroes.

This kind of professional player who is famous for laning has reached this stage, so he should be careful.

After all, the eighteen MVPs in the regular season are no joke.

"Then I will remove the two heroes Syndra and Enchantress, and the remaining laners are not very strong, and he is more inclined to development... By the way, do you think they will be robbed?" Tabe said.

"It's hard to say. I watched that video. His Zed is still very powerful. Even if I play it, he may not be better than his left hand. However, Zed is a hero with a relatively low fault tolerance, and there is a high probability that he will not appear. It can be One-hand defense but no need to ban.

I can take the words of the enchantress, and we, the blue side, can take it first. " Xiaohu said.

"Okay, since you have this confidence, then don't move."

"The enchantress' words can indeed be taken. If you can follow the rhythm and establish an advantage, you can directly dominate the game." Tabe said.

The most critical point is that it is easy for the enchantress to help her teammates after gaining the advantage.

With so much investment in the middle, the advantage must be with them.

The better the lineup is, the faster the snowball will roll.

"If Xiaohu is single Yaoji, I can take a blind monk in the jungle." Wei said.

"Okay." Tabe thought for a moment and nodded in agreement.

As for Taobo, Zeli, Qinggangying and Viego were banned.

Wei didn't have the hero Fiego, so he cut half the level directly.

It is very easy to deal with rng without letting go of Foyego, and his other junglers are average.

So the bp of both sides ended soon, and the blue party rng directly locked the enchantress.

"The first floor of the blue square rng directly locks the enchantress? Xiaohu is very confident."

"It's not a problem to replace the enchantress with a grab, and Xiaohu's enchantress is really good, but I think there is still a certain pressure in the face of Brother Suitu." Tong Xi said.

"A few days ago there were a lot of solo videos of Bro Tutu and Zuo Shou on the Internet. The left hand took out the Enchantress in a round, and ended up being solo-killed by cards at the second level..."

"That's right, I also watched that video, and I thought it was exaggerated, the card master can kill the enchantress solo!"

"From here, it's not difficult to see that because Brother Sutu knows the enchantress so well, he can even kill solo with cards."

"So in this game, I'm still looking forward to the rate that Brother Tu will take the card."

The left hand in the backstage lounge frowns every time he hears a word of the card, and begins to twist.

This is a public execution.

Don't you have anything to say in these explanations?
Why do you keep talking about being single-killed!

The barrage in the live broadcast room is also constantly scrolling.

Haha did not stop brushing.

Just for a while, everyone was mobilized.

Even if there are no people on the board, there are still jokes about you in the commentary.

Taobo chose the heroes on the first and second floors, and then the commentary brought the topic to the lineup.

"Lock Nami and Lucian on the first and second floors of Top Fight."

"rng chose Blind Monk and Sword Fairy. RNG's lineup is so fierce. It seems that the first one didn't intend to simply test it out, but directly used the big move to put pressure on Taobao."

"That's right, let's see what Taobao's third move is going to be. The jungler is still the mid laner. If you want to fight the enchantress, I think there are many heroes who can fight, and these heroes are all good at Brother Sutu... Ice Girl? Taobo is locked!"

It's not that Ice Maiden can't fight the Enchantress, she can take out the hero when there is no aftershock version, and the middle lane will be more comfortable after the aftershock.

It's a good Conte, but the problem is that the hero Ice Girl is too mediocre.

It's not surprising that Xiaohu took it, but it felt a little strange to let Brother Shutu take it.

The bullet screens were also brushed up one after another.

To put it very simply, White Crescent began to be inappropriate again.

Brother Sutu is so strong in the middle, what is wrong with taking it, why take the ice girl?
To paraphrase a sentence that a famous jungler said, am I weaker than him?Take care of the weak mid laners!
But in fact, Lin Fan took this hero on his own initiative.

It mainly depends on the selection of the opposing lineup.

The blind monk and the demon girl are very strong in the lane, which shows that they are going to mess with themselves.

It is not impossible to choose other heroes to fight, but it is clear that it will not be easy to fight without the game.

If this is the case, then don't fight in the middle, even if the enchantress gives him two skills in the early stage, she can't beat the ice girl.

Anyway, Ice Girl is all AOE.

After pushing the line, go to trouble, there is nothing rng can do.

And Ah Shui chose Lucian in this round, he can c.

In order to cooperate with the ice girl in the middle lane, the jungler even selected a bear, and the middle field's ability to cross towers was fully maximized.

Of course, this lineup is under a lot of pressure in the early stage, and the rhythm must be full.

As for going up the road, he took a weapon, and this move was mainly to restrain Jian Ji.

The lineup of both sides is determined.

Blue square rng: top laner sword girl, jungle blind monk, mid laner enchantress, bottom lane duo Verus with fan mom.

Red Fang Tao fights: top laner weapon, wild bear, mid laner Ice Girl, bottom lane duo Lucian and Nami.

Not surprisingly, the ice girl still chose Aftershock.

Although it has been shaved, it is still very suitable for playing the aftershock of the demon girl, especially the bone coating, which can block a set of explosions, so that the damage of the demon girl cannot be fully hit.

Smooth transition to team battles, able to perfectly restrain the enchantress.

However, it takes a lot of reflexes, but at this stage, is there any professional player whose reflexes can compare with Lin Fan's?
Both sides want to win this game.

After all, if you win once, you will directly advance to the finals, and if you lose, you will have to fight v5.

This is still a troublesome thing, so we are more cautious in the early stage.

Take a good position at the first level and dance with each other across the river.

At 1 minute and 30 seconds, the soldiers of both sides came to the middle.

Lin Fan immediately controlled the ice girl to press her up.

Of course, they are still standing in the corners, Yao Ji's ability to clear troops is very poor.

This position is to force Xiaohu to make a choice.

Whether to come up to consume blood, or push the line to grab the second.

But no matter how much the Enchantress robs, she can't beat the Ice Girl.

Be careful though.

If the opponent chooses blood consumption, it is still more troublesome.

The main reason is that Ice Girl can't learn W at the first level. In this case, the aftershock will be abolished, and it will suffer a lot in the face of electric shock.

Xiaohu looked at the ice girl and wanted to go up to fight consumption and lower the blood line.

But the opposite side does not give the opportunity to push the line and consume blood.

Enchantress still has an advantage against Aftershock Ice Girl at the first level.

Because it is impossible for the ice girl to learn the W skill at the first level, so the passive cannot be triggered. In this case, even if there is a skeleton on the opposite side, it is still very profitable to use the electrocution.

So looking at the ice girl standing to the side, Xiaohu was evaluating the gains and losses.

If you want to maximize it, it is best to use basic attacks to destroy the bones first, and then look for opportunities to step on and hit the electric shock.


Lin Fan didn't take this into consideration, seeing that he had entered the attack range, he raised his Q skill and sputtered one hand!
(End of this chapter)

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