LOL: I'm really a professional league player

Chapter 126 Mid gap!Chapter play engine ice girl!

Chapter 126 Mid gap!Rhythm Engine Ice Girl! (seeking subscription)
Xiaohu was still thinking about how to take advantage of the first level, but he was directly splashed by the Ice Girl's Q skill, not only that, but also cleared the HP of a wave of soldiers on the opposite side.

There's no other way, I can only choose to keep up with Lin Fan's pace.

One of the most uncomfortable things about playing Yao Ji is that the soldiers keep pressing into the defensive towers, especially in the early stage. Don't look at the W skill, which can take too long to cool down, and the damage is too touching.

Xiaohu's laning details are still very good.

At least Lin Fan can indeed rank in the forefront among so many mid laners, and his ability to preserve blood volume is too strong!

Several times, he had accurately predicted that Lin Fan was about to release his Q skill, and then he manipulated the enchantress to retreat.

After all, if the blue-striped hero has no skills in the early stage, the pressure will be great, and he can't fight at all if he can't use his skills.

Xiaohu just wanted to find an advantage in mana, and asked the ice girl to throw all her skills on the minions, so that he could forcibly block the minions.

But if you can do it once, but if you do these small tricks continuously, it's too easy to think about the game.

Not to mention eighteen MVP winners in the regular season and five consecutive MVPs in the playoffs, the fully proficient Ice Girl is no joke with Xiaohu.

You twist up, I just don't hand in the skills, I attack with the finishing knife, and push the pawn line slowly.

The rhythm of the middle lane was once again in Lin Fan's hands.

This kind of behavior clearly shows that the third level intends to push the line and then support the jungler.

It is very difficult for the blind monk to encounter a bear in the wild area. Not to mention that he can't beat it at all. If his Q skill is empty, he can only run.

But the role of the blind monk in the group is still overwhelming.

Xiong only has a very good rhythm in the early stage, relying on his ultimate move to block the defensive tower to build an advantage frantically, the more time goes on, the more cumbersome it becomes.

So Xiaohu has to stabilize Wei's wild area, at least not to suffer.

Seeing the ice girl's move, I became anxious, stepped on the W skill, and quickly caught the E skill in the shot.

But Lin Fan's speed is also very fast here, the W skill freezes, triggering aftershocks, and the Q skill hits the normal attack.

The dry little tiger was dizzy.

This resistance is combined with the skeleton, and the damage of the enchantress will be weak.

But the ice girl hit him with a heavy punch.

With two skills and a common attack combined with the damage of the aftershock, coupled with the siege of the minions, the enchantress directly lost two and a half blood blocks, while the ice girl only lost more than one block.

After more than a minute of the game, Lin Fan had gained an advantage in terms of pawn line and blood volume.

"Xiaotian, wait for me to level three and we'll catch it directly."

"You go to apply the red buff after brushing it."

Although the bottom lane is a combination of Luna, the lineup between the sword girl and the weapon is equally important.

And zoom played steadily, in this case, Abin held the line.

Because of this, wei actually didn't intend to let go of the river crabs on the road.

But at this moment, Xiaohu said: "Let's fight steadily, he will directly push the pawn line in at the third level, I can't make it through."

"Then what if I hit blue and catch it directly?"

"You have to be chained to have a chance, but the opposite side has E skills."

"Well, then I'll control the river crab."

After communicating with rng Nakano, he felt that it would be better to play it safe.

Zoom was also very excited when he heard Lin Fan's words.

On the road, there is finally a father to help!
So moved.

"Zoom, don't worry, there's no need to go up and exchange blood with him, the damage will be enough if the three of us catch him."

As long as Jian Ji can be kept, it can be done immediately.

What's more important is that the three heroes have control, even if they block a follow-up sword girl W and stop in place at the first time, they can keep up with other controls.

So level three is the best choice.

"Okay." Zoom originally wanted to go up for a change of blood, but he didn't move anymore after hearing this.

The time to push the pawn line in the middle is also just right.

Of course, when going up, Lin Fan didn't forget to tell the way down: "Don't press forward so much, if you go up the way, you will retreat to the defensive tower."

"No problem, I know." Ah Shui responded.

Because of this, he was hanged by Luo Sheng every day.

Every time the video is played back, it is the first to be scolded.

The most classic saying is that Naka Ueno is doing things in the top lane, why are you playing so fiercely in the bottom lane?
The line of soldiers advanced under the defensive tower, and the ice girl disappeared in the middle.

At this point in time, it is normal for the right of the lane to help the jungler control the river crabs.

rng didn't plan to fight, and the ice girl should come back soon.

But several seconds passed and the ice girl still hadn't appeared, Xiaohu frowned, something was wrong.

Then he looked at Jian Ji.

Jian Ji's position is on the center line... the weapon master stands at the back.

Ordinary mid laners go up and cooperate with the jungler at this time, but they can't catch Jian Ji.

But the situation is different for the ice girl who went up here.

"Abin, let's go!" Xiaohu shouted in the team voice.

Although it has been said quickly, it is still too late.

Gouxiong arrived on the road first, stepped forward and slapped forcibly the sword girl's w skill.

The zoom flash actively triggers the e skill.

He stunned Jian Ji in place, and the control offset Xiaotian continued to chase after Jian Ji as soon as he recovered.

The red buff deceleration effect, plus the e skill to block the road.

Jian Ji's movement speed dropped suddenly.

Abin's desire to survive is still very strong, even though his blood volume has dropped a lot, he still surrenders his flash and runs down the defense tower.

Xiaotian looked at the position of the ice girl, and continued to flash to follow without any hesitation.

As soon as he entered the corner of the defense tower, Abin saw the ice girl's claws protruding from the corner.

Then the ice girl appeared on his monitor.

Ah ~
With the panting of the ice girl, the Q skill followed by the W perfect control of Jian Ji.

Xiaotian tapped W and pressed S to stop.

Lin Fan's general attack combined with the aftershock to take away Jian Ji's head.

First blood.

Abin is quite desperate, the three people on the opposite side are catching and are willing to hand in their skills, so what can we do?There is simply no way.

The most disgusting thing is this pawn line, which is stuck in front of the opposite defensive tower.

I was afraid of being trained by the military when I just sent it up, and the loss of not handing in the transfer is too great.

Fortunately, the head was not given to the weapon master, but it was still a bit broken.


"Tobo's mid-field combination has one thing to say - I think it is the best in the league. They planned it very well. They appeared on other roads at the wrong time, and the opponents were caught off guard!
Before, four guarantees and two off the road, now three guarantees and one on the road. "

"The combination of a bear and an ice girl, I can only say something."

"Actually, the most exaggerated thing is that when you look at the bot lane combination, they retreated directly in front of the defensive tower."

This is Ah Shui.

"I feel that Ah Shui must have been talked about by White Crescent before."

"That's right... Hahaha, you can't give Naka Ueno a chance when he's doing something, so here he retreats directly to the defense tower."

"In that case, rng will have no chance to get back from the bottom lane. It is impossible for their lineup to be lower than the third level."

Wei took a look at the situation on the next road, turned around and left after shooting the river crab.

I wanted to try it, but the other side never gave me a chance.

As for jumping towers, the damage of defensive towers is so high now, if the lineup is not suitable, you should try one more.

After taking the first blood, Lin Fan chose to go back to the city to update his equipment, taking out the killing ring and magic resistance.

The damage is not weak enough, the most important thing is enough flesh, Xiaohu has nothing to do with the ice girl directly.

This back and forth exchange of blood is a huge loss.

After thinking about it for a while, returning to the city also added a small magic resistance and a real eye.

Seeing this equipment, Lin Fan froze for a moment.

Good guy, the enchantress has a little magic resistance?You are planning to use magic resistance shoes, right?

The ice-playing girl's anti-magic shoes are really suitable.

Reduce the control time of W and the big move, relying on its own mobility, a set of skills may be able to run with residual blood.

But this game is not a mid laner game...

Lin Fan mainly focused on the sidelines of rng.

Relying on the skill mechanism, the ice girl has always occupied the right of the middle lane.

So as soon as the line of soldiers advances to the defensive tower, people disappear in the middle.

With the lesson from the last wave of blood, Xiaohu immediately signaled.

In this case, the two sidelines can only keep retreating, especially Abin, who has not flashed, and the gap between the last hits is getting wider and wider.

In addition, Xiaotian's bear played very strongly with the advantage of the middle.

Wei was pressed in the wild for a while, and there was no way to relieve the pressure on the line.

Rng has been like a headless chicken for such a long time, completely ignorant of what to do.

Therefore, even if there is no outbreak of headcount, Topsports' economy is constantly leading and its advantages are expanding.

The more rng fought, the more uncomfortable it became.

Fans are also constantly anxious.

"Why is Hu Daluo forced to be so cowardly? The ice girl uses magic resistance, and your enchantress uses magic resistance?"

"Where is the harm here? The enchantress can't even play with people in seconds."

"What is a tabe? It can help Hu Daluo force him to choose a demon girl? There is no force at all, right?"

"I can't understand, I really can't understand."

"Brother Sutu is doing crazy things on the map, why is Xiaohu an earth-bound spirit? What's the difference between this and the left hand?"

"This old man should give up his position earlier, maybe finding a substitute will be just like Brother Sutu, who is ridiculously strong."

"Xiaohu's environment in rng is great, how can it be possible without a substitute to put pressure on him!"

"Laughing to death, rng is getting anxious again, isn't it just one head ahead now? Why is the economy behind by a thousand?"

From the big screen, it can be seen that after the ice girl pushed the line of soldiers under the defense tower, she joined the bear.

rng retreated up and down.

The pressure given by Nakano is too great.

However, the goal of Tobo Nakano was very clear, and he ran directly in the direction of the blue buff.

Obviously this is to invade the wild area and counter this blue buff.

Because of the pressure of the pawn line, the enchantress frequently releases her skills, and her mana can't be kept at all.

If the mana is reversed, Xiaohu will not be able to stay in the center line, let alone support his teammates. If he does not have enough mana, he will go home.

Wei just wanted to come over to help Xiaohu fight blue, but when he saw the strong invasion of the middle and wild, he had to give up.

At 47 minutes and [-] seconds, Little Tiger Demon Ji's blue volume has bottomed out, and this wave of soldiers even has to be eaten by Ping A, and in this case, he has to go home.

A bewitching girl without blue is like a tiger whose teeth have been pulled out, without any deterrent power.

At this time, the weapons on the road control line began to force the line of troops.

The purpose of this is obvious, and he intends to continue to attack Jian Ji.

Wei hurried up the road and squatted under the defense tower.

Xiaohu saw that this wave might be an opportunity for them, so he didn't even accept the minions under the defensive tower, and went home to make up his condition. According to the speed of pushing the line on the road, he could catch up with the teleportation support.

They can seize this opportunity to come back.

"Fuck, Ice Girl!" Gala Ba yelled, attracting the team's attention.

The line push of the bottom lane was pushed earlier, the time card was just right, and the ice girl was in place as soon as the line of soldiers entered.

e skills enter the arena!

The lightning was too fast to cover one's ears, and with the ice girl's roar, Verus was frozen in place.

Lucian raised his double guns and fired wildly. The bullets hit his ass brightly, and his blood volume dropped crazily.

Lin Fan raised his hand with a Q skill to finish killing Verus.

Xiao Ming wanted to chain the ice girl to see if he could change it.

It's a pity that he was lifted up by Nami's big move, and he couldn't move at all in the follow-up, and was taken away by Lucian with a qa.

Not only the head, Lin Fan also rubbed two layers of tape afterwards.

Of course, Mark is still very self-aware, and retreated to the back to give the money to the two elder brothers.

Seeing what happened in the bottom lane, Xiaohu breathed a sigh of relief, handed over the teleportation and returned to the middle lane.

He teleports down now and has no other purpose other than collecting corpses, so it's better to go back to the middle to develop.

"The other side is so cunning!" Wei Wang saw that he squatted on the road for so long, but it turned out that his efforts were wasted.

"It's the strongest team in the league right now, could it be that everyone made it up?" Xiao Ming was also helpless.

When the opposite bottom duo pushes the pawn line, it feels a bit wrong.

But he was still deceived by the opponent's jungler. Seeing the jungler walking up the road, he subconsciously felt that he was going to go up.

When Lin Fan returned to the middle lane, the pawn line just entered the tower, and as soon as Xiaotian was cleared, he moved the canyon vanguard.

The rhythm of the middle and wild linkage is full.

In 11 minutes, the old trick was repeated, but this time it was really caught.

Because Yao Ji didn't teleport, even if there was a blind monk squatting behind, she would jump over the tower and forcefully kill her, and her ultimate move would directly freeze the blind monk.

Under the explosive output of the three people, the blood volume was instantly emptied.

It's really not difficult to have a bear jumping the tower.

Next, we will deal with Jian Ji.

Not even the canyon pioneer was used, and the three of them worked together to push down a tower on the road.

The following rhythm is even more exaggerated.

The ice girl didn't even deal with the middle lane, and directly sent the bottom defense tower, along with weapons.

Obviously this is going to be another wave of four packs and two packs.

rng didn't expect at all that Taobo would fight like this.

This practice and behavior is really outrageous.

However, there are too many controls, and when the weapon master and the ice girl appear in the rear, they can't run away.

With the cooperation of the four of them, they easily completed the tower jumping and killing.

Then they started to push the tower, and the four of them easily took down the next tower.

The director handed over the camera to the middle.

It can be seen that the enchantress is happily eating Tapi.

"Gap in the middle, gap in the middle."

"mid gap!"

"I'm convinced, Brother Suitu roams wildly with rhythm, what is Hu Da Lao Bi doing?"

"As a Topball fan, I can only say that this scene is too familiar. Isn't this the left hand?"

"It's true that it's the same as the left hand and doesn't do anything, and then kills soldiers in the middle. Although the enchantress is still zero-barrelled, but he is the big one!"

But he only ate two layers in the middle, and then the bear rushed to the middle, so Xiaohu could only give up the third tapi.

Not only that, the one who pushed the bottom lane came to the middle, and the canyon pioneer called out to hit it, and easily won the first tower in the middle lane.

In less than 4 and [-] minutes, Taobo ate up the coating!The economy is [-] ahead!

ps: If you ask for a monthly pass of more than [-], it will be updated, and the old rule will be updated at [-].

(End of this chapter)

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